예제 #1
파일: config.c 프로젝트: Airblader/i3
 * Start parsing the received bar configuration json-string
void parse_config_json(char *json) {
    yajl_handle handle;
    yajl_status state;
#if YAJL_MAJOR < 2
    yajl_parser_config parse_conf = { 0, 0 };

    handle = yajl_alloc(&outputs_callbacks, &parse_conf, NULL, NULL);
    handle = yajl_alloc(&outputs_callbacks, NULL, NULL);

    state = yajl_parse(handle, (const unsigned char*) json, strlen(json));

    /* FIXME: Proper errorhandling for JSON-parsing */
    switch (state) {
        case yajl_status_ok:
        case yajl_status_client_canceled:
#if YAJL_MAJOR < 2
        case yajl_status_insufficient_data:
        case yajl_status_error:
            ELOG("Could not parse config-reply!\n");

예제 #2
파일: virjson.c 프로젝트: cardoe/libvirt
/* XXX add an incremental streaming parser - yajl trivially supports it */
virJSONValuePtr virJSONValueFromString(const char *jsonstring)
    yajl_handle hand;
    virJSONParser parser = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
    virJSONValuePtr ret = NULL;
# ifndef WITH_YAJL2
    yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };
# endif

    VIR_DEBUG("string=%s", jsonstring);

# ifdef WITH_YAJL2
    hand = yajl_alloc(&parserCallbacks, NULL, &parser);
    if (hand) {
        yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_comments, 1);
        yajl_config(hand, yajl_dont_validate_strings, 0);
# else
    hand = yajl_alloc(&parserCallbacks, &cfg, NULL, &parser);
# endif
    if (!hand) {
        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
                       _("Unable to create JSON parser"));
        goto cleanup;

    if (yajl_parse(hand,
                   (const unsigned char *)jsonstring,
                   strlen(jsonstring)) != yajl_status_ok) {
        unsigned char *errstr = yajl_get_error(hand, 1,
                                               (const unsigned char*)jsonstring,

                       _("cannot parse json %s: %s"),
                       jsonstring, (const char*) errstr);
        goto cleanup;

    ret = parser.head;


    if (parser.nstate) {
        size_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < parser.nstate; i++) {

    VIR_DEBUG("result=%p", parser.head);

    return ret;
예제 #3
inline bool __JSONParseWithString(__JSONRef json, CFStringRef string, CFErrorRef *error) {
  bool success = 1;
  json->yajlParser = yajl_alloc(&json->yajlParserCallbacks, &json->yajlAllocFuncs, (void *)json);
  if (json->yajlParser) {
//  yajl_config(json->yajlParser, yajl_allow_comments, kJSONReadOptionAllowComments | options ? 1 : 0);
//  yajl_config(json->yajlParser, yajl_dont_validate_strings, kJSONReadOptionCheckUTF8 | options ? 1 : 0);
    CFDataRef data = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(json->allocator, string, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0);
    if (data) {
      if ((json->yajlParserStatus = yajl_parse(json->yajlParser, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data))) != yajl_status_ok) {
        if (error) {
          success = 0;
          unsigned char * str = yajl_get_error(json->yajlParser, 1, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data));
          fprintf(stderr, "%s", (const char *) str);
          yajl_free_error(json->yajlParser, str);
          *error = CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(json->allocator, CFSTR("com.github.mirek.CoreJSON"), (CFIndex)json->yajlParserStatus, (const void *) { kCFErrorDescriptionKey }, (const void *) { CFSTR("Test") }, 1);
        // TODO: Error stuff
        //printf("ERROR: %s\n", yajl_get_error(json->yajlParser, 1, __JSONUTF8StringGetBuffer(utf8), __JSONUTF8StringGetMaximumSize(utf8)));
      json->yajlParserStatus = yajl_complete_parse(json->yajlParser);
    } else {
예제 #4
static int js_parser(lua_State *L) {
    yajl_handle* handle;

    luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);

    handle = (yajl_handle*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(yajl_handle));

    *handle = yajl_alloc(&js_parser_callbacks, NULL, (void*)L);
    luaL_getmetatable(L, "yajl.parser.meta");
    lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

    lua_getfield(L, 1, "allow_comments");
    if ( ! lua_isnil(L, -1) ) {
        yajl_config(*handle, yajl_allow_comments, lua_toboolean(L, -1));
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    lua_getfield(L, 1, "check_utf8");
    if ( ! lua_isnil(L, -1) ) {
        yajl_config(*handle, yajl_dont_validate_strings, !lua_toboolean(L, -1));
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    lua_getfield(L, 1, "events");

    /* Create callback function that calls yajl_parse[_complete]()
      upvalue(1) = yajl_handle*
      upvalue(2) = events table */
    lua_pushcclosure(L, &js_parser_parse, 2);

    return 1;
예제 #5
파일: output.c 프로젝트: sardemff7/j4status
static J4statusPluginContext *
_j4status_i3bar_output_init(J4statusCoreInterface *core)
    J4statusPluginContext *context;

    context = g_new0(J4statusPluginContext, 1);
    context->core = core;

    context->colours.no_state    = NULL;
    context->colours.unavailable = g_strdup("#0000FF");
    context->colours.bad         = g_strdup("#FF0000");
    context->colours.average     = g_strdup("#FFFF00");
    context->colours.good        = g_strdup("#00FF00");

    GKeyFile *key_file;
    key_file = j4status_config_get_key_file("i3bar");
    if ( key_file != NULL )
        _j4status_i3bar_output_update_colour(&context->colours.no_state, key_file, "NoStateColour");
        _j4status_i3bar_output_update_colour(&context->colours.unavailable, key_file, "UnavailableColour");
        _j4status_i3bar_output_update_colour(&context->colours.bad, key_file, "BadColour");
        _j4status_i3bar_output_update_colour(&context->colours.average, key_file, "AverageColour");
        _j4status_i3bar_output_update_colour(&context->colours.good, key_file, "GoodColour");
        context->align = g_key_file_get_boolean(key_file, "i3bar", "Align", NULL);
        context->no_click_events = g_key_file_get_boolean(key_file, "i3bar", "NoClickEvents", NULL);

    context->json_handle = yajl_alloc(&_j4status_i3bar_output_click_events_callbacks, NULL, context);

    return context;
static const char *parse_json(state_t *st, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
  yajl_parser_config cfg = {
    1, /* allow comments */
    0  /* don't check UTF-8 */
  yajl_handle yh;
  yajl_status ys;
  const char *err=NULL;

  alloc_funcs.ctx = st->env; /* will be passed to alloc funcs */
  yh = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, &alloc_funcs, st);
  ys = yajl_parse(yh, buf, len);
  if (ys == yajl_status_insufficient_data) {
    ys = yajl_parse_complete(yh);
  if (ys == yajl_status_insufficient_data) {
    err = "unexpected end of document";
  } else if (ys != yajl_status_ok) {
    unsigned char *msg = yajl_get_error(yh, 0, NULL, 0);
    strncpy(st->errmsg, (char *)msg, sizeof(st->errmsg)-1);
    yajl_free_error(yh, msg);
    st->errmsg[sizeof(st->errmsg)] = 0;
    err = st->errmsg;
  return err;
예제 #7
 * Document-method: new
 * call-seq: new([:symbolize_keys => true, [:allow_comments => false[, :check_utf8 => false]]])
 * :symbolize_keys will turn hash keys into Ruby symbols, defaults to false.
 * :allow_comments will turn on/off the check for comments inside the JSON stream, defaults to true.
 * :check_utf8 will validate UTF8 characters found in the JSON stream, defaults to true.
static VALUE rb_yajl_parser_new(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE klass) {
    yajl_parser_wrapper * wrapper;
    yajl_parser_config cfg;
    VALUE opts, obj;
    int allowComments = 1, checkUTF8 = 1, symbolizeKeys = 0;

    /* Scan off config vars */
    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts) == 1) {
        Check_Type(opts, T_HASH);

        if (rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_allow_comments) == Qfalse) {
            allowComments = 0;
        if (rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_check_utf8) == Qfalse) {
            checkUTF8 = 0;
        if (rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_symbolize_keys) == Qtrue) {
            symbolizeKeys = 1;
    cfg = (yajl_parser_config){allowComments, checkUTF8};

    obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass, yajl_parser_wrapper, yajl_parser_wrapper_mark, yajl_parser_wrapper_free, wrapper);
    wrapper->parser = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, (void *)obj);
    wrapper->nestedArrayLevel = 0;
    wrapper->nestedHashLevel = 0;
    wrapper->objectsFound = 0;
    wrapper->symbolizeKeys = symbolizeKeys;
    wrapper->builderStack = rb_ary_new();
    wrapper->parse_complete_callback = Qnil;
    rb_obj_call_init(obj, 0, 0);
    return obj;
예제 #8
파일: curl_json.c 프로젝트: gnosek/collectd
static int cj_curl_perform (cj_t *db, CURL *curl) /* {{{ */
  int status;
  long rc;
  char *url;
  yajl_handle yprev = db->yajl;

  db->yajl = yajl_alloc (&ycallbacks, NULL, NULL, (void *)db);
  if (db->yajl == NULL)
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: yajl_alloc failed.");
    db->yajl = yprev;
    return (-1);

  url = NULL;
  curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &url);

  status = curl_easy_perform (curl);
  if (status != 0)
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: curl_easy_perform failed with status %i: %s (%s)",
           status, db->curl_errbuf, (url != NULL) ? url : "<null>");
    yajl_free (db->yajl);
    db->yajl = yprev;
    return (-1);

  curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &rc);

  /* The response code is zero if a non-HTTP transport was used. */
  if ((rc != 0) && (rc != 200))
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: curl_easy_perform failed with "
        "response code %ld (%s)", rc, url);
    yajl_free (db->yajl);
    db->yajl = yprev;
    return (-1);

  status = yajl_parse_complete (db->yajl);
  if (status != yajl_status_ok)
    unsigned char *errmsg;

    errmsg = yajl_get_error (db->yajl, /* verbose = */ 0,
        /* jsonText = */ NULL, /* jsonTextLen = */ 0);
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: yajl_parse_complete failed: %s",
        (char *) errmsg);
    yajl_free_error (db->yajl, errmsg);
    yajl_free (db->yajl);
    db->yajl = yprev;
    return (-1);

  yajl_free (db->yajl);
  db->yajl = yprev;
  return (0);
} /* }}} int cj_curl_perform */
예제 #9
static yajl_status jp_parse(JsonParserCtx *ctx, const unsigned char *s, unsigned len)
	if (!ctx->yajl_handle) {
		ctx->yajl_handle = yajl_alloc(&yp_yajl_callbacks, NULL, static_cast<void*>(ctx));
	yajl_status status = yajl_parse(ctx->yajl_handle, s, len);
	return status;
예제 #10
struct aws_dynamo_put_item_response * aws_dynamo_parse_put_item_response(const char *response, int response_len, struct aws_dynamo_attribute *attributes, int num_attributes)
	yajl_handle hand;
	yajl_status stat;
	struct put_item_ctx _ctx = { 0 };

	_ctx.r = calloc(sizeof(*(_ctx.r)), 1);
	if (_ctx.r == NULL) {
		Warnx("aws_dynamo_parse_put_item_response: response alloc failed.");
		return NULL;

	if (num_attributes > 0) {
		_ctx.r->attributes = malloc(sizeof(*(_ctx.r->attributes)) * num_attributes);
		if (_ctx.r->attributes == NULL) {
			Warnx("aws_dynamo_parse_put_item_response: attribute alloc failed.");
			return NULL;
		memcpy(_ctx.r->attributes, attributes, sizeof(*(attributes)) * num_attributes);
		_ctx.r->num_attributes = num_attributes;

#if YAJL_MAJOR == 2
	hand = yajl_alloc(&put_item_callbacks, NULL, &_ctx);
	yajl_parse(hand, response, response_len);
	stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand);
	hand = yajl_alloc(&put_item_callbacks, NULL, NULL, &_ctx);
	yajl_parse(hand, response, response_len);
	stat = yajl_parse_complete(hand);

	if (stat != yajl_status_ok) {
		unsigned char *str =
		    yajl_get_error(hand, 1, response, response_len);
		Warnx("aws_dynamo_parse_put_item_response: json parse failed, '%s'", (const char *)str);
		yajl_free_error(hand, str);
		return NULL;

	return _ctx.r;
예제 #11
CJSONVariantParser::CJSONVariantParser(IParseCallback *callback)
  m_callback = callback;

#if YAJL_MAJOR == 2
  m_handler = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, NULL, this);

  yajl_config(m_handler, yajl_allow_comments, 1);
  yajl_config(m_handler, yajl_dont_validate_strings, 0);
  yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };

  m_handler = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, this);

  m_status = ParseVariable;
예제 #12
파일: yajl_tree.c 프로젝트: ludocode/yajl
yajl_val yajl_tree_parse_options (const char *input,
                                   char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size,
                                   yajl_tree_option options)
    static const yajl_callbacks callbacks =
            /* null        = */ handle_null,
            /* boolean     = */ handle_boolean,
            /* integer     = */ NULL,
            /* double      = */ NULL,
            /* number      = */ handle_number,
            /* string      = */ handle_string,
            /* start map   = */ handle_start_map,
            /* map key     = */ handle_string,
            /* end map     = */ handle_end_map,
            /* start array = */ handle_start_array,
            /* end array   = */ handle_end_array

    yajl_handle handle;
    yajl_status status;
    char * internal_err_str;
	context_t ctx = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 };

	ctx.errbuf = error_buffer;
	ctx.errbuf_size = error_buffer_size;

    if (error_buffer != NULL)
        memset (error_buffer, 0, error_buffer_size);

    handle = yajl_alloc (&callbacks, NULL, &ctx);
    yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_comments,
            (options & yajl_tree_option_dont_allow_comments) ? 0 : 1);
    yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_trailing_separator,
            (options & yajl_tree_option_allow_trailing_separator) ? 1 : 0);

    status = yajl_parse(handle,
                        (unsigned char *) input,
                        strlen (input));
    status = yajl_complete_parse (handle);
    if (status != yajl_status_ok) {
        if (error_buffer != NULL && error_buffer_size > 0) {
               internal_err_str = (char *) yajl_get_error(handle, 1,
                     (const unsigned char *) input,
             snprintf(error_buffer, error_buffer_size, "%s", internal_err_str);
             YA_FREE(&(handle->alloc), internal_err_str);
        while (ctx.stack) {
        yajl_free (handle);
        return NULL;

    yajl_free (handle);
    return (ctx.root);
예제 #13
void* json_init(shttp_connection_t* conn, const yajl_callbacks * callbacks, void *ctx) {
  yajl_alloc_funcs funcs;
  funcs.malloc = &json_malloc;
  funcs.realloc = &json_realloc;
  funcs.free = &json_free;
  funcs.ctx = conn;

  return yajl_alloc(callbacks, &funcs, ctx);
int SLNJSONFilterParserCreate(SLNSessionRef const session, SLNJSONFilterParserRef *const out) {
	if(!SLNSessionHasPermission(session, SLN_RDONLY)) return DB_EACCES;
	SLNJSONFilterParserRef parser = calloc(1, sizeof(struct SLNJSONFilterParser));
	if(!parser) return DB_ENOMEM;
	parser->session = session;
	parser->JSONParser = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, NULL, parser);
	parser->depth = -1;
	*out = parser;
	return 0;
CJSONVariantParser::CJSONVariantParser(IParseCallback *callback)
  m_callback = callback;

  yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };

  m_handler = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, this);

  m_status = ParseVariable;
예제 #16
파일: lyajl.c 프로젝트: AndrewTsao/luvit
static int lyajl_new_parser (lua_State *L) {
  int r = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
  luvit_parser_t *parser = parser_new(L);
  parser->ref = malloc(sizeof(luv_ref_t));
  parser->ref->L = L;
  parser->ref->r = r;
  parser->handle = yajl_alloc(&lyajl_callbacks, NULL, (void*)parser->ref);
  luaL_getmetatable(L, JSON_PARSER_HANDLE);
  lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
  return 1;
int parseSampleFromFile(Sample *sample, FILE *inputFile) {
    yajl_handle hand;
    static unsigned char fileData[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
    ParseContext g;
    g.sample = sample;

    yajl_status stat;
    size_t rd;
    /* allow comments */
    yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };
    int retval = 1, done = 0;

    /* ok.  open file.  let's read and parse */
    hand = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, (void *) &g);
    while (!done) {
        rd = fread((void *) fileData, 1, sizeof(fileData) - 1, inputFile);
        if (rd == 0) {
            if (!feof(inputFile)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error on file read.\n");
                retval = 0;
            done = 1;
        fileData[rd] = 0;
        if (done)
            /* parse any remaining buffered data */
            stat = yajl_parse_complete(hand);
            /* read file data, pass to parser */
            stat = yajl_parse(hand, fileData, rd);

        if (stat != yajl_status_ok &&
            stat != yajl_status_insufficient_data)
            unsigned char * str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, fileData, rd);
            fprintf(stderr, "%s", (const char *) str);
            yajl_free_error(hand, str);
            retval = 0;
            if( stat == yajl_status_client_canceled) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", g.lastError);

    return retval;
예제 #18
파일: curl_json.c 프로젝트: karcaw/collectd
static int cj_perform (cj_t *db) /* {{{ */
    int status;
    yajl_handle yprev = db->yajl;

    db->yajl = yajl_alloc (&ycallbacks,
                           /* alloc funcs = */ NULL,
                           /* alloc funcs = */ NULL, NULL,
                           /* context = */ (void *)db);
    if (db->yajl == NULL)
        ERROR ("curl_json plugin: yajl_alloc failed.");
        db->yajl = yprev;
        return (-1);

    if (db->url)
        status = cj_curl_perform (db);
        status = cj_sock_perform (db);
    if (status < 0)
        yajl_free (db->yajl);
        db->yajl = yprev;
        return (-1);

    status = yajl_complete_parse(db->yajl);
    status = yajl_parse_complete(db->yajl);
    if (status != yajl_status_ok)
        unsigned char *errmsg;

        errmsg = yajl_get_error (db->yajl, /* verbose = */ 0,
                                 /* jsonText = */ NULL, /* jsonTextLen = */ 0);
        ERROR ("curl_json plugin: yajl_parse_complete failed: %s",
               (char *) errmsg);
        yajl_free_error (db->yajl, errmsg);
        yajl_free (db->yajl);
        db->yajl = yprev;
        return (-1);

    yajl_free (db->yajl);
    db->yajl = yprev;
    return (0);
} /* }}} int cj_perform */
예제 #19
void reformat(ErlDrvPort port, char* buf, int len)
    yajl_handle hand;
    /* generator config */
    yajl_gen_config conf = { 1, "  " };
	yajl_gen g;
    yajl_status stat;
    /* allow comments */
    yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };

    g = yajl_gen_alloc(&conf, NULL);

    /* ok.  open file.  let's read and parse */
    hand = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, (void *) g);
    /* read file data, pass to parser */
    stat = yajl_parse(hand, (unsigned char*) buf, len);

    if (stat != yajl_status_ok &&
        stat != yajl_status_insufficient_data)
        char* err = (char*) yajl_get_error(hand, 1, (unsigned char*) buf, len);
        int len = strlen(err);

        ErlDrvTermData msg[] = {
            ERL_DRV_ATOM, driver_mk_atom("error"), 
            ERL_DRV_BUF2BINARY, (ErlDrvTermData) err, (ErlDrvUInt) len,
            ERL_DRV_TUPLE, 2

        driver_send_term(port, driver_caller(port), msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]));
    } else {
        const unsigned char* json;
        unsigned int len;
        yajl_gen_get_buf(g, &json, &len);

        ErlDrvTermData msg[] = {
            ERL_DRV_ATOM, driver_mk_atom("ok"),
            ERL_DRV_BUF2BINARY, (ErlDrvTermData) json, (ErlDrvUInt) len,
            ERL_DRV_TUPLE, 2

        driver_send_term(port, driver_caller(port), msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]));


예제 #20
TEST_F(Yajl, yajl_parse_nullcallbacks) {
	for (size_t i = 0; i < kTrialCount; i++) {
		yajl_handle hand = yajl_alloc(&nullcallbacks, NULL, NULL);
		yajl_status stat = yajl_parse(hand, (unsigned char*)json_, length_ - 1);
		//ASSERT_EQ(yajl_status_ok, stat);
		if (stat != yajl_status_ok) {
			unsigned char * str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, (unsigned char*)json_, length_ + 1);
			fprintf(stderr, "%s", (const char *) str);
		stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand);
		ASSERT_EQ(yajl_status_ok, stat);
예제 #21
 * Public functions
yajl_val yajl_tree_parse (const char *input,
                          char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size)
    static const yajl_callbacks callbacks =
        /* null        = */ handle_null,
        /* boolean     = */ handle_boolean,
        /* integer     = */ NULL,
        /* double      = */ NULL,
        /* number      = */ handle_number,
        /* string      = */ handle_string,
        /* start map   = */ handle_start_map,
        /* map key     = */ handle_string,
        /* end map     = */ handle_end_map,
        /* start array = */ handle_start_array,
        /* end array   = */ handle_end_array

    yajl_handle handle;
    yajl_status status;
    context_t ctx = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 };

    ctx.errbuf = error_buffer;
    ctx.errbuf_size = error_buffer_size;

    if (error_buffer != NULL)
        memset (error_buffer, 0, error_buffer_size);

    handle = yajl_alloc (&callbacks, NULL, &ctx);
    yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_comments, 1);

    status = yajl_parse(handle,
                        (unsigned char *) input,
                        strlen (input));
    status = yajl_complete_parse (handle);
    if (status != yajl_status_ok) {
        if (error_buffer != NULL && error_buffer_size > 0) {
                error_buffer, error_buffer_size, "%s",
                (char *) yajl_get_error(handle, 1,
                                        (const unsigned char *) input,
        yajl_free (handle);
        return NULL;

    yajl_free (handle);
    return (ctx.root);
예제 #22
파일: test.c 프로젝트: bryanyuan2/citc
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    yajl_handle hand;
    yajl_status stat;
    yajl_parser_config cfg = { 1, 1 };

    int done = 0;

    hand = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &cfg, NULL, (void *) g);
    while (!done) {
        rd = fread((void *) fileData, 1, sizeof(fileData) - 1, stdin);
        if (rd == 0) {
            if (!feof(stdin)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error on file read.\n");
            done = 1;
        fileData[rd] = 0;
        if (done)
            /* parse any remaining buffered data */
            stat = yajl_parse_complete(hand);
            /* read file data, pass to parser */
            stat = yajl_parse(hand, fileData, rd);

        if (stat != yajl_status_ok &&
            stat != yajl_status_insufficient_data)
            unsigned char * str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, fileData, rd);
            fprintf(stderr, (const char *) str);
            yajl_free_error(hand, str);
        } else {
            const unsigned char * buf;
            unsigned int len;
            yajl_gen_get_buf(g, &buf, &len);
            fwrite(buf, 1, len, stdout);

    return 0;
예제 #23
static VALUE mParser_do_yajl_parse(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE yajl_opts) {
  yajl_handle hand;
  yajl_status stat;
  unsigned char *err;
  volatile CTX ctx;

  rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("key"), Qnil);
  rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("stack"), rb_ary_new());
  rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("key_stack"), rb_ary_new());

  ctx.self = self;
  ctx.symbolizeKeys = get_opts_key(self, "symbolize_keys");
  ctx.uniqueKeyChecking = get_opts_key(self, "unique_key_checking");

  hand = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, NULL, (void *)&ctx);

  if (rb_hash_aref(yajl_opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("yajl_allow_comments"))) == Qtrue) {
    yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_comments, 1);
  if (rb_hash_aref(yajl_opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("yajl_dont_validate_strings"))) == Qtrue) {
    yajl_config(hand, yajl_dont_validate_strings, 1);
  if (rb_hash_aref(yajl_opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("yajl_allow_trailing_garbage"))) == Qtrue) {
    yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_trailing_garbage, 1);
  if (rb_hash_aref(yajl_opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("yajl_allow_multiple_values"))) == Qtrue) {
    yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_multiple_values, 1);
  if (rb_hash_aref(yajl_opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("yajl_allow_partial_values"))) == Qtrue) {
    yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_partial_values, 1);

  if ((stat = yajl_parse(hand, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str))) != yajl_status_ok) {
    err = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str));
    goto raise;
  if ((stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand)) != yajl_status_ok) {
    err = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str));
    goto raise;
  return rb_ary_pop(rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("stack")));

  if (hand) {
  rb_raise(cParseError, "%s", err);
예제 #24
파일: util.cpp 프로젝트: Lalaland/Asteroids
void jsonfill(const char *filename,int *array)
   std::ifstream fin(filename);
   int length = fin.tellg();
   unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char  [length];
   fin.read ((char *) buffer,length);

   yajl_handle handl = yajl_alloc(&call,&conf,NULL,&array);

예제 #25
 * Initialise JSON parser.
int json_init(modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg) {
     * yajl configuration and callbacks
    static yajl_callbacks callbacks = {
        NULL /* yajl_integer  */,
        NULL /* yajl_double */,
        NULL /* yajl_start_array */,
        NULL /* yajl_end_array  */

    if (error_msg == NULL) return -1;
    *error_msg = NULL;

    msr_log(msr, 4, "JSON parser initialization");
    msr->json = apr_pcalloc(msr->mp, sizeof(json_data));
    if (msr->json == NULL) return -1;

     * Prefix and current key are initially empty
    msr->json->prefix = (unsigned char *) NULL;
    msr->json->current_key = (unsigned char *) NULL;

     * yajl initialization
     * yajl_parser_config definition:
     * http://lloyd.github.io/yajl/yajl-2.0.1/yajl__parse_8h.html#aec816c5518264d2ac41c05469a0f986c
     * TODO: make UTF8 validation optional, as it depends on Content-Encoding
    if (msr->txcfg->debuglog_level >= 9) {
        msr_log(msr, 9, "yajl JSON parsing callback initialization");
    msr->json->handle = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, NULL, msr);
    yajl_config(msr->json->handle, yajl_allow_partial_values, 0);

    return 1;
예제 #26
 * Parse the JSON protocol header to determine protocol version and features.
 * In case the buffer does not contain a valid header (invalid JSON, or no
 * version field found), the 'correct' field of the returned header is set to
 * false. The amount of bytes consumed by parsing the header is returned in
 * *consumed (if non-NULL).
void parse_json_header(i3bar_child *child, const unsigned char *buffer, int length, unsigned int *consumed) {
    static yajl_callbacks version_callbacks = {
        .yajl_boolean = header_boolean,
        .yajl_integer = header_integer,
        .yajl_map_key = &header_map_key,


    current_key = NO_KEY;

    yajl_handle handle = yajl_alloc(&version_callbacks, NULL, child);
    /* Allow trailing garbage. yajl 1 always behaves that way anyways, but for
     * yajl 2, we need to be explicit. */
    yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_trailing_garbage, 1);

    yajl_status state = yajl_parse(handle, buffer, length);
    if (state != yajl_status_ok) {
        if (consumed != NULL)
            *consumed = 0;
    } else {
        if (consumed != NULL)
            *consumed = yajl_get_bytes_consumed(handle);

struct aws_dynamo_create_table_response
*aws_dynamo_parse_create_table_response(const char *response, int response_len)
	yajl_handle hand;
	yajl_status stat;
	struct ctx _ctx = { 0 };

	_ctx.r = calloc(sizeof(*(_ctx.r)), 1);
	if (_ctx.r == NULL) {
		Warnx("aws_dynamo_parse_create_table_response: response alloc failed.");
		return NULL;

#if YAJL_MAJOR == 2
	hand = yajl_alloc(&handle_callbacks, NULL, &_ctx);
	yajl_parse(hand, response, response_len);
	stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand);
	hand = yajl_alloc(&handle_callbacks, NULL, NULL, &_ctx);
	yajl_parse(hand, response, response_len);
	stat = yajl_parse_complete(hand);

	if (stat != yajl_status_ok) {
		unsigned char *str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, response, response_len);
		Warnx("aws_dynamo_parse_create_table_response: json parse failed, '%s'", (const char *)str);
		yajl_free_error(hand, str);
		return NULL;

	return _ctx.r;
예제 #28
 * Start parsing the received JSON string
void parse_outputs_json(char *json) {
    struct outputs_json_params params;
    params.outputs_walk = NULL;
    params.cur_key = NULL;
    params.json = json;
    params.in_rect = false;

    yajl_handle handle;
    yajl_status state;
    handle = yajl_alloc(&outputs_callbacks, NULL, (void *)&params);

    state = yajl_parse(handle, (const unsigned char *)json, strlen(json));

    /* FIXME: Proper errorhandling for JSON-parsing */
    switch (state) {
        case yajl_status_ok:
        case yajl_status_client_canceled:
        case yajl_status_error:
            ELOG("Could not parse outputs reply!\n");

예제 #29
void json_parse_to_ei(ErlDrvData session, const unsigned char* s, int len, int opts) {
  int parseValue = opts & EEP0018_PARSE_VALUE;
  unsigned char* yajl_msg = 0;
  unsigned char* msg = 0;
  ErlDrvPort port = (ErlDrvPort) session;

   * initialize yajl parser
  State state;
  init(&state, opts);
  yajl_parser_config conf = { YAJL_ALLOW_COMMENTS }; // , YAJL_CHECK_UTF8 };
  yajl_handle handle = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &conf, &state);

  /* start parser */
  yajl_status stat;
  if(parseValue) stat = yajl_parse(handle, (const unsigned char*) "[ ", 2);
  stat = yajl_parse(handle, s, len);
  if(parseValue) stat = yajl_parse(handle, (const unsigned char*) " ]", 2);

   * sometimes the parser is still stuck inside a JSON token. This finishs
   * the token no matter what.
  if(stat == yajl_status_insufficient_data)
    stat = yajl_parse(handle, (const unsigned char*) " ", 1);

   * get an error message on errors
  switch(stat) {
    case yajl_status_ok: break;
    case yajl_status_insufficient_data: 
      msg = (unsigned char*)"Insufficient data"; 
      msg = yajl_msg = yajl_get_error(handle, 0, s, len);

   * if result is not ok: we write {error, "reason"} instead. This is 
   * something that will never be encoded from any JSON data.
  if(msg) {

    ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&state.ei_buf, 2);
    ei_x_encode_atom_len(&state.ei_buf, "error", 5);
    ei_x_encode_string_len(&state.ei_buf, (const char*) msg, strlen((const char*) msg));

    if(yajl_msg) yajl_free_error(yajl_msg);

  send_data(port, EEP0018_EI, state.ei_buf.buff, state.ei_buf.index);
예제 #30
파일: json.c 프로젝트: Hmaal/slash
static SLVAL
sl_json_parse(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, size_t argc, SLVAL* argv)
    sl_string_t* str = sl_get_string(vm, argv[0]);
    json_parse_t json;
    yajl_alloc_funcs alloc_funcs = {
    alloc_funcs.ctx = vm->arena;
    json.vm = vm;
    json.max_depth = 32;
    json.stack_len = 0;
    json.stack_cap = 32;
    json.stack = sl_alloc(vm->arena, sizeof(SLVAL) * json.stack_cap);
    json.type_stack = sl_alloc(vm->arena, json.stack_cap);
    if(argc > 1) {
        json.max_depth = sl_get_int(sl_expect(vm, argv[1], vm->lib.Int));
    json.yajl = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, &alloc_funcs, &json);
    sl_json_parse_check_error(vm, str, &json, yajl_parse(json.yajl, str->buff, str->buff_len));
    sl_json_parse_check_error(vm, str, &json, yajl_complete_parse(json.yajl));

    /* must've been OK! */
    return json.stack[0];