double Angle(Star * A, Star * B, Star *C) { double angle = AlKashi(A->distance(B), C->distance(A), B->distance(C)); if (C->x()>A->x() && B->x()>A->x()) { if (C->y()>yc(A, B, C)) angle*=-1; } if (C->x()<A->x() && B->x()<A->x()) { if (C->y()<yc(A, B, C)) angle*=-1; } if (C->x()<A->x() && B->x()>A->x()) { if (C->y()>yc(A, B, C)) angle=(2*M_PI-angle); } if (C->x()>A->x() && B->x()<A->x()) { if (C->y()<yc(A, B, C)) angle=(2*M_PI-angle); } return angle; }
ExecStatus LqView<VX,VY,VZ,shr>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta&) { count(home); GECODE_ME_CHECK(,atleast())); if (z.max() == atleast()) { GECODE_ES_CHECK(post_false(home,x,y)); return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } if (x.size() == 0) return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); if (z.assigned()) { VY yc(y); GECODE_REWRITE(*this,(LqInt<VX,VY>::post(home(*this),x,yc,z.val()+c))); } return shr ? ES_NOFIX : ES_FIX; }
ExecStatus EqView<VX,VY,VZ,shr,dom>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta&) { count(home); GECODE_ME_CHECK(,atleast())); GECODE_ME_CHECK(z.lq(home,atmost())); if (z.assigned()) { if (z.val() == atleast()) { GECODE_ES_CHECK(post_false(home,x,y)); return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } if (z.val() == atmost()) { GECODE_ES_CHECK(post_true(home,x,y)); return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } if (!dom || (vtd(y) != VTD_VARVIEW)) { VY yc(y); GECODE_REWRITE(*this,(EqInt<VX,VY> ::post(home(*this),x,yc,z.val()+c))); } } if (dom && (vtd(y) == VTD_VARVIEW) && (z.min() > 0)) { /* * Only if the propagator is at fixpoint here, continue * when things are shared: the reason is that prune * requires that the views in x overlap with y! */ if (shr && (VX::me(Propagator::modeventdelta()) != ME_INT_NONE)) return ES_NOFIX; GECODE_ES_CHECK(prune(home,x,y)); return ES_NOFIX; } return shr ? ES_NOFIX : ES_FIX; }
void BinaryStar::set_refine_flags() { double refine_adjustment = 1; ChildIndex c; if (get_level() < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < OCT_NCHILD; i++) { set_refine_flag(i, true); } } else if (get_level() < get_max_level_allowed()) { Real mass_min, dxmin, vmin, this_mass; dxmin = dynamic_cast<BinaryStar*>(get_root())->get_dx() / Real(1 << OctNode::get_max_level_allowed()); vmin = dxmin * dxmin * dxmin; mass_min = refine_floor * vmin * refine_adjustment; for (int k = BW; k < GNX - BW; k++) { c.set_z(2 * k / GNX); for (int j = BW; j < GNX - BW; j++) { c.set_y(2 * j / GNX); for (int i = BW; i < GNX - BW; i++) { c.set_x(2 * i / GNX); #ifdef REFINE_ACC_MORE if ((get_level() == get_max_level_allowed() - 1 && (*this)(i, j, k).frac(0) > refine_floor * refine_adjustment) || get_level() < get_max_level_allowed() - 1) { #else if (get_level() < get_max_level_allowed()) { #endif if (!get_refine_flag(c)) { // set_refine_flag(c, true); Real ra = (X(i, j, k) - bparam.x1).mag(); Real rd = (X(i, j, k) - bparam.x2).mag(); if ((*this)(i, j, k).rho() > refine_floor * refine_adjustment) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } else if (get_time() == 0.0 && (ra < get_dx() || rd < get_dx())) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } else/* if (get_time() != 0.0)*/{ this_mass = pow(get_dx(), 3) * (*this)(i, j, k).rho(); if (this_mass > mass_min) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } } } } } } } } } /* void BinaryStar::set_refine_flags() { ChildIndex c; if (get_level() < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < OCT_NCHILD; i++) { set_refine_flag(i, true); } } else if (get_level() < get_max_level_allowed()) { Real mass_min, dxmin, vmin, this_mass; dxmin = dynamic_cast<BinaryStar*>(get_root())->get_dx() / Real(1 << OctNode::get_max_level_allowed()); vmin = dxmin * dxmin * dxmin; mass_min = refine_floor * vmin; for (int k = BW; k < GNX - BW; k++) { c.set_z(2 * k / GNX); for (int j = BW; j < GNX - BW; j++) { c.set_y(2 * j / GNX); for (int i = BW; i < GNX - BW; i++) { c.set_x(2 * i / GNX); if ((get_level() == get_max_level_allowed() - 1 && (*this)(i, j, k).frac(0) > refine_floor) || get_level() < get_max_level_allowed() - 1) { if (!get_refine_flag(c)) { // set_refine_flag(c, true); Real ra = (X(i, j, k) - a0).mag(); Real rd = (X(i, j, k) - d0).mag(); if ((*this)(i, j, k).rho() > refine_floor) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } else if (get_time() == 0.0 && (ra < get_dx() || rd < get_dx())) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } else{ this_mass = pow(get_dx(), 3) * (*this)(i, j, k).rho(); if (this_mass > mass_min) { set_refine_flag(c, true); } } } } } } } } } */ void BinaryStar::initialize() { if (!bparam_init) { bparam_init = true; bparam.fill_factor = 0.97; binary_parameters_compute(&bparam); State::rho_floor = 1.0e-12 * bparam.rho1; refine_floor = 1.0e-4 * bparam.rho1; dynamic_cast<HydroGrid*>(get_root())->HydroGrid::mult_dx(bparam.a * 5.0); #ifndef USE_FMM dynamic_cast<MultiGrid*>(get_root())->MultiGrid::mult_dx(bparam.a * 5.0); #endif State::set_omega(; } for (int k = BW - 1; k < GNX - BW + 1; k++) { for (int j = BW - 1; j < GNX - BW + 1; j++) { for (int i = BW - 1; i < GNX - BW + 1; i++) { int id; State U = Vector<Real, STATE_NF>(0.0); Real R2 = (xc(i) * xc(i) + yc(j) * yc(j)); Real rho = density_at(&bparam, xc(i), yc(j), zc(k), &id); rho = max(rho, State::rho_floor); Real tau = pow(State::ei_floor, 1.0 / State::gamma); U.set_rho(rho); U.set_et(U.ed()); U.set_tau(tau); U.set_sx(0.0); U.set_sy( * R2 * U.rho()); U.set_sz(0.0); if (id == 1) { U.set_frac(0, U.rho()); U.set_frac(1, 0.0); } else if (id == -1) { U.set_frac(1, U.rho()); U.set_frac(0, 0.0); } else { U.set_frac(1, 0.0); U.set_frac(0, 0.0); } (*this)(i, j, k) = U; } } } /*Real K, E1, E2, period, rho_c1, rho_c2; a0 = d0 = 0.0; if (scf_code) { const Real a = 0.075; const Real R2 = 0.0075; const Real n = 1.5; rho_c2 = q_ratio * M1 * (pow(3.65375 / R2, 3.0) / (2.71406 * 4.0 * M_PI)); rho_c1 = rho_c2 / pow(q_ratio, 2.0 * n / (3.0 - n)); a0[0] = a * q_ratio / (q_ratio + 1.0); d0[0] = -a / (q_ratio + 1.0); K = pow(R2 / 3.65375, 2) * 4.0 * M_PI / (2.5) * pow(rho_c2, 1.0 / 3.0); Ka = Kd = (5.0 / 8.0) * K; polyK = K; E1 = 1.0 / (sqrt((4.0 * M_PI * pow(rho_c1, 1.0 - 1.0 / n)) / ((n + 1.0) * K))); E2 = 1.0 / (sqrt((4.0 * M_PI * pow(rho_c2, 1.0 - 1.0 / n)) / ((n + 1.0) * K))); // printf("%e %e %e %e\n", rho_c1, rho_c2, E1, E2); period = sqrt(pow(a, 3) / (q_ratio + 1.0) / M1) * 2.0 * M_PI; } else { rho_c1 = rho_c2 = 1.0; a0[0] = 0.025; d0[0] = -0.025; E1 = E2 = 0.0015; K = pow(E1, 2) * 4.0 * M_PI / (2.5); period = sqrt(pow((a0 - d0).mag(), 3) / 2.303394e-07) * 2.0 * M_PI; } State U; Real d, e, gamma, tau; gamma = 5.0 / 3.0; Real ra, rd, r0, ek; _3Vec v; const Real Omega = 2.0 * M_PI / period; State::set_omega(Omega); Real f1, f2; if (get_level() == 0) { printf("Period = %e Omega = %e\n", period, Omega); } Real d_floor = 10.0 * State::rho_floor; for (int k = BW - 1; k < GNX - BW + 1; k++) { for (int j = BW - 1; j < GNX - BW + 1; j++) { for (int i = BW - 1; i < GNX - BW + 1; i++) { U = Vector<Real, STATE_NF>(0.0); ra = (X(i, j, k) - a0).mag(); rd = (X(i, j, k) - d0).mag(); d = +rho_c1 * pow(lane_emden(ra / E1), 1.5); d += rho_c2 * pow(lane_emden(rd / E2), 1.5); d = max(d, d_floor); if (ra < rd) { f1 = d - d_floor / 2.0; f2 = d_floor / 2.0; } else { f2 = d - d_floor / 2.0; f1 = d_floor / 2.0; } if (State::cylindrical) { Real R2 = (HydroGrid::xc(i) * HydroGrid::xc(i) + HydroGrid::yc(j) * HydroGrid::yc(j)); v[0] = 0.0; v[1] = R2 * State::get_omega(); } else { v[0] = -HydroGrid::yc(j) * State::get_omega(); v[1] = +HydroGrid::xc(i) * State::get_omega(); } v[2] = 0.0; e = K * pow(d, gamma) / (gamma - 1.0); tau = pow(e, 1.0 / gamma); U.set_rho(d); U.set_frac(0, f1); U.set_frac(1, f2); U.set_et(e); U.set_tau(tau); U.set_sx(d * v[0]); U.set_sy(d * v[1]); U.set_sz(d * v[2]); (*this)(i, j, k) = U; } } } */ }
Real BinaryStar::radius(int i, int j, int k) { return sqrt(xc(i) * xc(i) + yc(j) * yc(j) + zc(k) * zc(k)); }
void process_file(png_bytep * row_pointers, png_bytep *row_pointers2) { if (png_get_color_type(png_ptr,info_ptr) != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) abort_("[process_file] color_type of input file must be PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA (is %d)", png_get_color_type(png_ptr,info_ptr)); int bytes_per_component = 3; YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG src; src.y_height = height; src.y_width = width; src.y_stride = width; src.uv_height = height; src.uv_width = width; src.uv_stride = width; src.y_buffer = malloc(height*width); src.y_buffer = malloc(height*width); src.u_buffer = malloc(height*width); src.v_buffer = malloc(height*width); YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG dest; dest.y_buffer = malloc(height*width); dest.u_buffer = malloc(height*width); dest.v_buffer = malloc(height*width); dest.y_height = height; dest.y_width = width; dest.y_stride = width; dest.uv_height = height; dest.uv_width = width; dest.uv_stride = width; for (y=0; y<height; y++) { png_byte* row1 = row_pointers[y]; png_byte* row2 = row_pointers2[y]; for (x=0; x<width; x++) { int src_r = row1[x*3 + 0]; int src_g = row1[x*3 + 1]; int src_b = row1[x*3 + 2]; //int src_a = row1[x*3 + 3]; src.y_buffer[y*width + x] = yc(src_r, src_g, src_b); src.u_buffer[y*width + x] = uc(src_r, src_g, src_b); src.v_buffer[y*width + x] = vc(src_r, src_g, src_b); int dst_r = row2[x*3 + 0]; int dst_g = row2[x*3 + 1]; int dst_b = row2[x*3 + 2]; //int dst_a = row2[x*4 + 3]; dest.y_buffer[y*width + x] = yc(dst_r, dst_g, dst_b); dest.u_buffer[y*width + x] = uc(dst_r, dst_g, dst_b); dest.v_buffer[y*width + x] = vc(dst_r, dst_g, dst_b); } } double ssim_y; double ssim_u; double ssim_v; double ssim = vp8_calc_ssimg ( &src, &dest, &ssim_y, &ssim_u, &ssim_v ); printf("ssimg: %f\n\ty: %f\n\tu: %f\n\tv: %f\n", ssim, 1/(1-ssim_y), 1/(1-ssim_u), 1/(1-ssim_v)); double weight; double p = vp8_calc_ssim ( &src, &dest, 1, &weight ); printf("ssim: %f\n", p); }
void historicalForwardRatesAnalysis( SequenceStatistics& statistics, std::vector<Date>& skippedDates, std::vector<std::string>& skippedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector<Date>& failedDates, std::vector<std::string>& failedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector<Period>& fixingPeriods, const Date& startDate, const Date& endDate, const Period& step, const boost::shared_ptr<InterestRateIndex>& fwdIndex, const Period& initialGap, const Period& horizon, const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IborIndex> >& iborIndexes, const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> >& swapIndexes, const DayCounter& yieldCurveDayCounter, Real yieldCurveAccuracy = 1.0e-12, const Interpolator& i = Interpolator()) { statistics.reset(); skippedDates.clear(); skippedDatesErrorMessage.clear(); failedDates.clear(); failedDatesErrorMessage.clear(); fixingPeriods.clear(); SavedSettings backup; Settings::instance().enforcesTodaysHistoricFixings() = true; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<RateHelper> > rateHelpers; // Create DepositRateHelper std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SimpleQuote> > iborQuotes; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IborIndex> >::const_iterator ibor; for (ibor=iborIndexes.begin(); ibor!=iborIndexes.end(); ++ibor) { boost::shared_ptr<SimpleQuote> quote(new SimpleQuote); iborQuotes.push_back(quote); Handle<Quote> quoteHandle(quote); rateHelpers.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<RateHelper> (new DepositRateHelper(quoteHandle, (*ibor)->tenor(), (*ibor)->fixingDays(), (*ibor)->fixingCalendar(), (*ibor)->businessDayConvention(), (*ibor)->endOfMonth(), (*ibor)->dayCounter()))); } // Create SwapRateHelper std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SimpleQuote> > swapQuotes; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> >::const_iterator swap; for (swap=swapIndexes.begin(); swap!=swapIndexes.end(); ++swap) { boost::shared_ptr<SimpleQuote> quote(new SimpleQuote); swapQuotes.push_back(quote); Handle<Quote> quoteHandle(quote); rateHelpers.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<RateHelper> (new SwapRateHelper(quoteHandle, (*swap)->tenor(), (*swap)->fixingCalendar(), (*swap)->fixedLegTenor().frequency(), (*swap)->fixedLegConvention(), (*swap)->dayCounter(), (*swap)->iborIndex()))); } // Set up the forward rates time grid Period indexTenor = fwdIndex->tenor(); Period fixingPeriod = initialGap; while (fixingPeriod<=horizon) { fixingPeriods.push_back(fixingPeriod); fixingPeriod += indexTenor; } Size nRates = fixingPeriods.size(); statistics.reset(nRates); std::vector<Rate> fwdRates(nRates); std::vector<Rate> prevFwdRates(nRates); std::vector<Rate> fwdRatesDiff(nRates); DayCounter indexDayCounter = fwdIndex->dayCounter(); Calendar cal = fwdIndex->fixingCalendar(); // Bootstrap the yield curve at the currentDate Natural settlementDays = 0; PiecewiseYieldCurve<Traits, Interpolator> yc(settlementDays, cal, rateHelpers, yieldCurveDayCounter, std::vector<Handle<Quote> >(), std::vector<Date>(), yieldCurveAccuracy, i); // start with a valid business date Date currentDate = cal.advance(startDate, 1*Days, Following); bool isFirst = true; // Loop over the historical dataset for (; currentDate<=endDate; currentDate = cal.advance(currentDate, step, Following)) { // move the evaluationDate to currentDate // and update ratehelpers dates... Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = currentDate; try { // update the quotes... for (Size i=0; i<iborIndexes.size(); ++i) { Rate fixing = iborIndexes[i]->fixing(currentDate, false); iborQuotes[i]->setValue(fixing); } for (Size i=0; i<swapIndexes.size(); ++i) { Rate fixing = swapIndexes[i]->fixing(currentDate, false); swapQuotes[i]->setValue(fixing); } } catch (std::exception& e) { skippedDates.push_back(currentDate); skippedDatesErrorMessage.push_back(e.what()); continue; } try { for (Size i=0; i<nRates; ++i) { // Time-to-go forwards Date d = currentDate + fixingPeriods[i]; fwdRates[i] = yc.forwardRate(d, indexTenor, indexDayCounter, Simple); } } catch (std::exception& e) { failedDates.push_back(currentDate); failedDatesErrorMessage.push_back(e.what()); continue; } // From 2nd step onwards, calculate forward rate // relative differences if (!isFirst){ for (Size i=0; i<nRates; ++i) fwdRatesDiff[i] = fwdRates[i]/prevFwdRates[i] -1.0; // add observation statistics.add(fwdRatesDiff.begin(), fwdRatesDiff.end()); } else isFirst = false; // Store last calculated forward rates std::swap(prevFwdRates, fwdRates); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ap::real_1d_array x; ap::real_1d_array y; ap::real_1d_array w; ap::real_1d_array xc; ap::real_1d_array yc; ap::integer_1d_array dc; int n; int i; int info; spline1dinterpolant s; double t; spline1dfitreport rep; // // Fitting by constrained Hermite spline // printf("FITTING BY CONSTRAINED HERMITE SPLINE\n\n"); printf("F(x)=sin(x) function being fitted\n"); printf("[0, pi] interval\n"); printf("M=6 number of basis functions to use\n"); printf("S(0)=0 first constraint\n"); printf("S(pi)=0 second constraint\n"); printf("N=100 number of points to fit\n"); // // Create and fit: // * X contains points // * Y contains values // * W contains weights // * XC contains constraints locations // * YC contains constraints values // * DC contains derivative indexes (0 = constrained function value) // n = 100; x.setlength(n); y.setlength(n); w.setlength(n); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { x(i) = ap::pi()*i/(n-1); y(i) = sin(x(i)); w(i) = 1; } xc.setlength(2); yc.setlength(2); dc.setlength(2); xc(0) = 0; yc(0) = 0; dc(0) = 0; xc(0) = ap::pi(); yc(0) = 0; dc(0) = 0; spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 2, 6, info, s, rep); // // Output results // if( info>0 ) { printf("\nOK, we have finished\n\n"); printf(" x F(x) S(x) Error\n"); t = 0; while(ap::fp_less(t,0.999999*ap::pi())) { printf("%6.3lf %6.3lf %6.3lf %6.3lf\n", double(t), double(sin(t)), double(spline1dcalc(s, t)), double(fabs(spline1dcalc(s, t)-sin(t)))); t = ap::minreal(ap::pi(), t+0.25); } printf("%6.3lf %6.3lf %6.3lf %6.3lf\n\n", double(t), double(sin(t)), double(spline1dcalc(s, t)), double(fabs(spline1dcalc(s, t)-sin(t)))); printf("rms error is %6.3lf\n", double(rep.rmserror)); printf("max error is %6.3lf\n", double(rep.maxerror)); printf("S(0) = S(pi) = 0 (exactly)\n\n"); } else { printf("\nSomething wrong, Info=%0ld", long(info)); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int m; int n; int d; ap::real_1d_array x; ap::real_1d_array y; ap::real_1d_array w; ap::real_1d_array xc; ap::real_1d_array yc; ap::integer_1d_array dc; barycentricfitreport rep; int info; barycentricinterpolant r; int i; int j; double a; double b; double v; double dv; printf("\n\nFitting exp(2*x) at [-1,+1] by:\n1. constrained/unconstrained Floater-Hormann functions\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Fit type rms.err max.err p(0) dp(0) DBest\n"); // // Prepare points // m = 5; a = -1; b = +1; n = 10000; x.setlength(n); y.setlength(n); w.setlength(n); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { x(i) = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1); y(i) = exp(2*x(i)); w(i) = 1.0; } // // Fitting: // a) f(x)=exp(2*x) at [-1,+1] // b) by 5 Floater-Hormann functions // c) without constraints // barycentricfitfloaterhormann(x, y, n, m, info, r, rep); barycentricdiff1(r, 0.0, v, dv); printf("Unconstrained FH %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %0ld\n", double(rep.rmserror), double(rep.maxerror), double(v), double(dv), long(rep.dbest)); // // Fitting: // a) f(x)=exp(2*x) at [-1,+1] // b) by 5 Floater-Hormann functions // c) constrained: p(0)=1 // xc.setlength(1); yc.setlength(1); dc.setlength(1); xc(0) = 0; yc(0) = 1; dc(0) = 0; barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, info, r, rep); barycentricdiff1(r, 0.0, v, dv); printf("Constrained FH, p(0)=1 %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %0ld\n", double(rep.rmserror), double(rep.maxerror), double(v), double(dv), long(rep.dbest)); // // Fitting: // a) f(x)=exp(2*x) at [-1,+1] // b) by 5 Floater-Hormann functions // c) constrained: dp(0)=2 // xc.setlength(1); yc.setlength(1); dc.setlength(1); xc(0) = 0; yc(0) = 2; dc(0) = 1; barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, info, r, rep); barycentricdiff1(r, 0.0, v, dv); printf("Constrained FH, dp(0)=2 %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %0ld\n", double(rep.rmserror), double(rep.maxerror), double(v), double(dv), long(rep.dbest)); // // Fitting: // a) f(x)=exp(2*x) at [-1,+1] // b) by 5 Floater-Hormann functions // c) constrained: p(0)=1, dp(0)=2 // xc.setlength(2); yc.setlength(2); dc.setlength(2); xc(0) = 0; yc(0) = 1; dc(0) = 0; xc(1) = 0; yc(1) = 2; dc(1) = 1; barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 2, m, info, r, rep); barycentricdiff1(r, 0.0, v, dv); printf("Constrained FH, both %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %7.4lf %0ld\n", double(rep.rmserror), double(rep.maxerror), double(v), double(dv), long(rep.dbest)); printf("\n\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { // ros::init(argc, argv, "extract_sec"); // ros::NodeHandle node_handle; // pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer result_viewer("planar_segmentation"); boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> result_viewer (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer ("planar_segmentation")); result_viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.3, "reference", 0); result_viewer->setCameraPosition(-0.499437, 0.111597, -0.758007, -0.443141, 0.0788583, -0.502855, -0.034703, -0.992209, -0.119654); result_viewer->setCameraClipDistances(0.739005, 2.81526); // result_viewer->setCameraPosition(Position, Focal point, View up); // result_viewer->setCameraClipDistances(Clipping plane); /*************************************** * parse arguments ***************************************/ if(argc<5) { pcl::console::print_info("Usage: extract_sec DATA_PATH/PCD_FILE_FORMAT START_INDEX END_INDEX DEMO_NAME (opt)STEP_SIZE(1)"); exit(1); } int view_id=0; int step=1; std::string basename_cloud=argv[1]; unsigned int index_start = std::atoi(argv[2]); unsigned int index_end = std::atoi(argv[3]); std::string demo_name=argv[4]; if(argc>5) step=std::atoi(argv[5]); /*************************************** * set up result directory ***************************************/ mkdir("/home/zhen/Documents/Dataset/human_result", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); char result_folder[50]; std::snprintf(result_folder, sizeof(result_folder), "/home/zhen/Documents/Dataset/human_result/%s", demo_name.c_str()); mkdir(result_folder, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); std::string basename_pcd = (basename_cloud.find(".pcd") == std::string::npos) ? (basename_cloud + ".pcd") : basename_cloud; std::string filename_pcd; std::string mainGraph_file; mainGraph_file = std::string(result_folder) + "/mainGraph.txt"; // write video config char video_file[100]; std::snprintf(video_file, sizeof(video_file), "%s/video.txt", result_folder); std::ofstream video_config(video_file); if (video_config.is_open()) { video_config << index_start << " " << index_end << " " << demo_name << " " << step; video_config.close(); } /*************************************** * set up cloud, segmentation, tracker, detectors, graph, features ***************************************/ TableObject::Segmentation tableObjSeg; TableObject::Segmentation initialSeg; TableObject::track3D tracker(false); TableObject::colorDetector finger1Detector(0,100,0,100,100,200); //right TableObject::colorDetector finger2Detector(150,250,0,100,0,100); //left TableObject::touchDetector touchDetector(0.01); TableObject::bottleDetector bottleDetector; TableObject::mainGraph mainGraph((int)index_start); std::vector<manipulation_features> record_features; manipulation_features cur_features; TableObject::pcdCloud pcdSceneCloud; CloudPtr sceneCloud; CloudPtr planeCloud(new Cloud); CloudPtr cloud_objects(new Cloud); CloudPtr cloud_finger1(new Cloud); CloudPtr cloud_finger2(new Cloud); CloudPtr cloud_hull(new Cloud); CloudPtr track_target(new Cloud); CloudPtr tracked_cloud(new Cloud); std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> clusters; pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients; pcl::PointIndices f1_indices; pcl::PointIndices f2_indices; Eigen::Affine3f toBottleCoordinate; Eigen::Affine3f transformation; Eigen::Vector3f bottle_init_ori; // set threshold of size of clustered cloud tableObjSeg.setThreshold(30); initialSeg.setThreshold(500); // downsampler pcl::ApproximateVoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> grid; float leaf_size=0.005; grid.setLeafSize (leaf_size, leaf_size, leaf_size); /*************************************** * start processing ***************************************/ unsigned int idx = index_start; int video_id=0; bool change = false; while( idx <= index_end && !result_viewer->wasStopped()) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "frame id=" << idx << std::endl; filename_pcd = cv::format(basename_cloud.c_str(), idx); if(idx==index_start) { /*************************************** * Intialization: * -plane localization * -object cluster extraction * -bottle cluster localization ***************************************/ initialSeg.resetCloud(filename_pcd, false); initialSeg.seg(false); initialSeg.getObjects(cloud_objects, clusters); initialSeg.getCloudHull(cloud_hull); initialSeg.getPlaneCoefficients(coefficients); initialSeg.getsceneCloud(pcdSceneCloud); initialSeg.getTableTopCloud(planeCloud); sceneCloud=pcdSceneCloud.getCloud(); /*************************************** * fingertip, hand_arm removal ***************************************/ //opencv color filtering for fingertip_1 { pcl::ScopeTime t_finger1("Finger 1(blue) detection"); finger1Detector.setInputCloud(cloud_objects, clusters); finger1Detector.filter(f1_indices,cloud_finger1); } finger1Detector.showDetectedCloud(result_viewer, "finger1"); //opencv color filtering for fingertip_2 { pcl::ScopeTime t_finger2("Finger 2(orange) detection"); finger2Detector.setInputCloud(cloud_objects, clusters); finger2Detector.filter(f2_indices,cloud_finger2); } finger2Detector.showDetectedCloud(result_viewer, "finger2"); // remove hand (include cluster that contains the detected fingertips and also the other clusters that are touching the cluster) std::vector<int> hand_arm1=TableObject::findHand(cloud_objects, clusters, f1_indices); for(int i=hand_arm1.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { clusters.erase(clusters.begin()+hand_arm1[i]); std::cout << "removing hand_arm : cluster index = " << hand_arm1[i] << std::endl; } std::vector<int> hand_arm2=TableObject::findHand(cloud_objects, clusters, f2_indices); for(int i=hand_arm2.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { clusters.erase(clusters.begin()+hand_arm2[i]); std::cout << "removing hand_arm : cluster index = " << hand_arm2[i] << std::endl; } // DEBUG // pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> plane(planeCloud); // result_viewer->addPointCloud<RefPointType>(planeCloud, plane, "tabletop"); // CloudPtr debug(new Cloud); // initialSeg.getOutPlaneCloud(debug); // pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> out_plane(debug); // result_viewer->addPointCloud<RefPointType>(debug, out_plane, "out_plane"); // choose bottle_id at 1st frame & confirm fitted model is correct TableObject::view3D::drawClusters(result_viewer, cloud_objects, clusters, true); while (!result_viewer->wasStopped ()) { result_viewer->spinOnce (100); boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000)); } std::cout << "cluster size = " << clusters.size() << std::endl; /*************************************** * Localizing cylinder ***************************************/ CloudPtr cluster_bottle (new Cloud); int bottle_id = 0; pcl::copyPointCloud (*cloud_objects, clusters[bottle_id], *cluster_bottle); bottleDetector.setInputCloud(cluster_bottle);; bottleDetector.getTransformation(toBottleCoordinate); bottle_init_ori= bottleDetector.getOrientation(); float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw; pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(toBottleCoordinate.inverse(), x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw); result_viewer->removeCoordinateSystem("reference", 0); result_viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.3, toBottleCoordinate.inverse(), "reference", 0); bottleDetector.drawOrientation(result_viewer); /*************************************** * Record features ***************************************/ bottle_features cur_bottle_features; cur_bottle_features.loc[0] = x; cur_bottle_features.loc[1] = y; cur_bottle_features.loc[2] = z; cur_bottle_features.ori[0] = roll; cur_bottle_features.ori[1] = pitch; cur_bottle_features.ori[2] = yaw; cur_bottle_features.color[0] = bottleDetector.getCenter().r; cur_bottle_features.color[1] = bottleDetector.getCenter().g; cur_bottle_features.color[2] = bottleDetector.getCenter().b; cur_bottle_features.size[0] = bottleDetector.getHeight(); cur_bottle_features.size[1] = bottleDetector.getRadius(); cur_features.bottle = cur_bottle_features; pcl::PointXYZ center_finger1 = TableObject::computeObjCentroid(cloud_finger1); pcl::PointXYZ center_finger2 = TableObject::computeObjCentroid(cloud_finger2); center_finger1 = pcl::transformPoint<pcl::PointXYZ>(center_finger1, toBottleCoordinate); center_finger2 = pcl::transformPoint<pcl::PointXYZ>(center_finger2, toBottleCoordinate); cur_features.gripper_1.loc[0] = center_finger1.x; cur_features.gripper_1.loc[1] = center_finger1.y; cur_features.gripper_1.loc[2] = center_finger1.z; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[0] = center_finger2.x; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[1] = center_finger2.y; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[2] = center_finger2.z; record_features.push_back(cur_features); /*************************************** * Tracking initialization ***************************************/ { pcl::ScopeTime t_track("Tracker initialization"); tracker.setTarget(cluster_bottle, bottleDetector.getCenter()); tracker.initialize(); } /*************************************** * Touch detection ***************************************/ std::vector<CloudPtr> touch_clouds; touch_clouds.push_back(cluster_bottle); touch_clouds.push_back(cloud_finger1); touch_clouds.push_back(cloud_finger2); // touch detection between each pair of objects (including fingertips, tabletop objects and tabletop) for(int i=0; i<touch_clouds.size(); i++) { int j; bool touch; for(j=i+1; j<touch_clouds.size(); j++) { // touch detection between object_i and object_j char relation [50]; std::sprintf(relation, "object%d_object%d", i, j); std::cout << relation << std::endl; { pcl::ScopeTime t("Touch detection"); touch=touchDetector.detect(touch_clouds[i], touch_clouds[j]); } // touchDetector.showTouch(result_viewer, relation, 100+250*(j-i-1), 40+20*i); // relational scene graph -> main graph if(touch) { mainGraph.addInitialRelationalGraph(2); } else { mainGraph.addInitialRelationalGraph(0); } } // touch detection between each objects and tabletop char relation [50]; std::sprintf (relation, "object%d_object%d", i, (int)touch_clouds.size()); std::cout << relation << std::endl; { pcl::ScopeTime t("Touch detection"); touch=touchDetector.detectTableTouch(touch_clouds[i], coefficients); } // touchDetector.showTouch(result_viewer, relation, 100+250*(j-i-1), 40+20*i); // relational scene graph -> main graph if(touch) { mainGraph.addInitialRelationalGraph(2); } else { mainGraph.addInitialRelationalGraph(0); } } /*************************************** * Visualization ***************************************/ // draw extracted object clusters // TableObject::view3D::drawClusters(result_viewer, cloud_objects, touch_clusters); // draw extracted plane points // pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> plane(planeCloud); // result_viewer->addPointCloud<RefPointType>(planeCloud, plane, "tabletop"); // std::stringstream ss; // ss << (int)touch_clusters.size(); // result_viewer->addText3D(ss.str(), planeCloud->*640+78),0.1); // draw extracted plane contour polygon result_viewer->addPolygon<RefPointType>(cloud_hull, 0, 255, 0, "polygon"); change = true; } else { /*************************************** * object cloud extraction ***************************************/ tableObjSeg.resetCloud(filename_pcd, false); tableObjSeg.seg(cloud_hull,false); tableObjSeg.getObjects(cloud_objects, clusters); tableObjSeg.getsceneCloud(pcdSceneCloud); sceneCloud=pcdSceneCloud.getCloud(); /*************************************** * fingertip extraction ***************************************/ //opencv color filtering for fingertip_1 { pcl::ScopeTime t_finger1("Finger 1(blue) detection"); finger1Detector.setInputCloud(cloud_objects, clusters); finger1Detector.filter(f1_indices,cloud_finger1); } finger1Detector.showDetectedCloud(result_viewer, "finger1"); //opencv color filtering for fingertip_2 { pcl::ScopeTime t_finger1("Finger 2(orange) detection"); finger2Detector.setInputCloud(cloud_objects, clusters); finger2Detector.filter(f2_indices,cloud_finger2); } finger2Detector.showDetectedCloud(result_viewer, "finger2"); /*************************************** * filter out black glove cluster & gray sleeve, also update cloud_objects with removed cluster indices ***************************************/ for(int i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { pcl::CentroidPoint<RefPointType> color_points; for(int j=0; j<clusters[i].indices.size(); j++) { color_points.add(cloud_objects->at(clusters[i].indices[j])); } RefPointType mean_color; color_points.get(mean_color); if(mean_color.r>30 & mean_color.r<70 & mean_color.g>30 & mean_color.g<70 & mean_color.b>30 & mean_color.b<70) { clusters.erase(clusters.begin()+ i); i=i-1; } } /*************************************** * Tracking objects ***************************************/ { pcl::ScopeTime t_track("Tracking"); grid.setInputCloud (sceneCloud); grid.filter (*track_target); tracker.track(track_target, transformation); tracker.getTrackedCloud(tracked_cloud); } tracker.viewTrackedCloud(result_viewer); // tracker.drawParticles(result_viewer); /*************************************** * compute tracked <center, orientation> ***************************************/ pcl::PointXYZ bottle_loc_point(0,0,0); bottle_loc_point = pcl::transformPoint<pcl::PointXYZ>(bottle_loc_point, transformation); result_viewer->removeShape("bottle_center"); // result_viewer->addSphere<pcl::PointXYZ>(bottle_loc_point, 0.05, "bottle_center"); Eigen::Vector3f bottle_ori; pcl::transformVector(bottle_init_ori,bottle_ori,transformation); TableObject::view3D::drawArrow(result_viewer, bottle_loc_point, bottle_ori, "bottle_arrow"); /*************************************** * calculate toTrackedBottleCoordinate ***************************************/ Eigen::Affine3f toTrackedBottleCoordinate; Eigen::Vector3f p( bottle_loc_point.x, bottle_loc_point.y, bottle_loc_point.z ); // position // get a vector that is orthogonal to _orientation ( yc = _orientation x [1,0,0]' ) Eigen::Vector3f yc( 0, bottle_ori[2], -bottle_ori[1] ); yc.normalize(); // get a transform that rotates _orientation into z and moves cloud into origin. pcl::getTransformationFromTwoUnitVectorsAndOrigin(yc, bottle_ori, p, toTrackedBottleCoordinate); result_viewer->removeCoordinateSystem("reference"); result_viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.3, toTrackedBottleCoordinate.inverse(), "reference", 0); float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw; pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(toTrackedBottleCoordinate.inverse(), x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw); /*************************************** * setup bottle feature ***************************************/ cur_features = record_features[video_id-1]; cur_features.bottle.loc[0] = x; cur_features.bottle.loc[1] = y; cur_features.bottle.loc[2] = z; cur_features.bottle.ori[0] = roll; cur_features.bottle.ori[1] = pitch; cur_features.bottle.ori[2] = yaw; pcl::PointXYZ center_finger1 = TableObject::computeObjCentroid(cloud_finger1); pcl::PointXYZ center_finger2 = TableObject::computeObjCentroid(cloud_finger2); center_finger1 = pcl::transformPoint<pcl::PointXYZ>(center_finger1, toTrackedBottleCoordinate); center_finger2 = pcl::transformPoint<pcl::PointXYZ>(center_finger2, toTrackedBottleCoordinate); cur_features.gripper_1.loc[0] = center_finger1.x; cur_features.gripper_1.loc[1] = center_finger1.y; cur_features.gripper_1.loc[2] = center_finger1.z; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[0] = center_finger2.x; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[1] = center_finger2.y; cur_features.gripper_2.loc[2] = center_finger2.z; record_features.push_back(cur_features); /*************************************** * Touch detection ***************************************/ std::vector<CloudPtr> touch_clouds; touch_clouds.push_back(tracked_cloud); touch_clouds.push_back(cloud_finger1); touch_clouds.push_back(cloud_finger2); // touch detection between each pair of objects (including fingertips, tabletop objects and tabletop) for(int i=0; i<touch_clouds.size(); i++) { int j; bool touch; for(j=i+1; j<touch_clouds.size(); j++) { // touch detection between object_i and object_j char relation [50]; std::sprintf(relation, "object%d_object%d", i, j); std::cout << relation << std::endl; { pcl::ScopeTime t("Touch detection"); touch=touchDetector.detect(touch_clouds[i], touch_clouds[j]); } // touchDetector.showTouch(result_viewer, relation, 100+250*(j-i-1), 40+20*i); // relational scene graph -> main graph if(touch) { mainGraph.addRelationalGraph(2); } else { mainGraph.addRelationalGraph(0); } } // touch detection between each objects and tabletop char relation [50]; std::sprintf (relation, "object%d_object%d", i, (int)touch_clouds.size()); std::cout << relation << std::endl; { pcl::ScopeTime t("Touch detection"); touch=touchDetector.detectTableTouch(touch_clouds[i], coefficients); } // touchDetector.showTouch(result_viewer, relation, 100+250*(j-i-1), 40+20*i); // relational scene graph -> main graph if(touch) { mainGraph.addRelationalGraph(2); } else { mainGraph.addRelationalGraph(0); } } /*************************************** * Visualization ***************************************/ // draw extracted point clusters // TableObject::view3D::drawText(result_viewer, cloud_objects, touch_clusters); /*************************************** * Main Graph ***************************************/ change = mainGraph.compareRelationGraph((int)idx); } // darw original cloud pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> rgb(sceneCloud); if(!result_viewer->updatePointCloud<RefPointType>(sceneCloud, rgb, "new frame")) result_viewer->addPointCloud<RefPointType>(sceneCloud, rgb, "new frame"); result_viewer->spinOnce (100); boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000)); //debug std::cout << cur_features.bottle.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.loc[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.size[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.size[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[2] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[2] << std::endl; if(change) { char screenshot[100]; // make sure it's big enough std::snprintf(screenshot, sizeof(screenshot), "%s/sec_%d.png", result_folder, (int)idx); std::cout << screenshot << std::endl; result_viewer->saveScreenshot(screenshot); //record features char feature_file[100]; // make sure it's big enough std::snprintf(feature_file, sizeof(feature_file), "%s/features_original.txt", result_folder); std::ofstream feature_writer(feature_file, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app); feature_writer << cur_features.bottle.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.loc[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.ori[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[1] << " " << cur_features.bottle.color[2] << " " << cur_features.bottle.size[0] << " " << cur_features.bottle.size[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_1.loc[2] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[0] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[1] << " " << cur_features.gripper_2.loc[2] << std::endl; feature_writer.close(); std::cout << "features saved at " << feature_file << std::endl; } char screenshot[200]; // make sure it's big enough std::snprintf(screenshot, sizeof(screenshot), "%s/video/sec_%d.png", result_folder, (int)video_id); std::cout << screenshot << std::endl; result_viewer->saveScreenshot(screenshot); idx=idx+step; video_id=video_id+1; } mainGraph.displayMainGraph(); mainGraph.recordMainGraph(mainGraph_file); while (!result_viewer->wasStopped ()) { result_viewer->spinOnce (100); boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000)); } }