예제 #1
void testApp::update(){
	ofBackground(100, 100, 100);
	// Pull in new frame
	grayImage.setFromPixels(kinect.getDepthPixels(), kinect.width, kinect.height);
	colorImg.setFromPixels(kinect.getCalibratedRGBPixels(), kinect.width, kinect.height);
	// Quick and dirty noise filter on the depth map. Needs work
	// If the user pressed spacebar, capture the depth iamge and save for later
    if (bLearnBakground == true){
        grayBg = grayImage;
        bLearnBakground = false;
	// The next few steps mask the depthmap so that only pixels 
	// that have changed since background was captured are considered
    // Subtract the saved background from the current one
	grayDiff = grayImage;
	grayDiff -= grayBg;
	// anything that is > 1 has changed, so keep it
	// multiply in the current depth values, to mask it 
	grayDiff *= grayImage;
    // cut off anything that is too far away
	// Find blobs (should be hands) in the filtered depthmap
    contourFinder.findContours(grayDiff, 1000, (kinect.width*kinect.height)/2, 5, false);
	// if at least 2 blobs were detected (presumably 2 hands), figure out
	// their locations and calculate the new size and rotation of the teapot
	if (contourFinder.blobs.size() >= 2) {
		// Find the x,y, and z of the center of the first 2 blobs
		float x1 = contourFinder.blobs[0].centroid.x;
		float y1 = contourFinder.blobs[0].centroid.y;
		float x2 = contourFinder.blobs[1].centroid.x;
		float y2 = contourFinder.blobs[1].centroid.y;
		float z1 = kinect.getDistanceAt(x1,y1);
		float z2 = kinect.getDistanceAt(x2,y2);
		// zp# are used to rotate about the z axis
		// the x1<x2 check is to ensure that p1 is always the leftmost blob (right hand)
		ofPoint zp1(x1<x2 ? x1 : x2,x1<x2 ? y1 : y2, 0);
		ofPoint zp2(x2<x1 ? x1 : x2,x2<x1 ? y1 : y2, 0);
		ofxVec3f zVec = zp1-zp2; // Vector connecting both hands excluding z direction
		// yp# about the y
		ofPoint yp1(x1<x2 ? x1 : x2, 0, x1<x2 ? z1 : z2);
		ofPoint yp2(x2<x1 ? x1 : x2, 0, x1>x2 ? z1 : z2);
		ofxVec3f yVec = yp1-yp2; // Vector connecting both hands excluding y direction
		// flat vector to base angle offsets on
		ofxVec3f horizonVec(zp1.x+1,0,0);
		// calculate the rotation angle about the z axis by finding the 
		// the anlge between the horizon and the respective hand vectors
		potZangle = (zp1.y > zp2.y ? -1 : 1 ) * horizonVec.angle(zVec);
		potYangle = (yp1.z > yp2.z ? -10 : 10 ) * horizonVec.angle(yVec);
		// calculate scale based on the distance of the hands from eachother
		potSize = zVec.length();
예제 #2
void SetEdgeDataGL_Unst(const mesh& Mesh, 
			int NumQuadPoints, 
			int NumBasisOrder, 
			edge_data_Unst* EdgeData)
  // Quick error check
  if (NumQuadPoints<2 || NumQuadPoints>6 || NumBasisOrder<1 || NumBasisOrder>5)
      printf(" \n");
      printf(" Error in SetEdgeData_Unst.cpp \n");
      printf("   NumQuadPoints must be 2,3,4,5, or 6.\n");
      printf("   NumBasisOrder must be 1,2,3,4, or 5.\n");
      printf("     NumQuadPoints = %i\n",NumQuadPoints);
      printf("     NumBasisOrder = %i\n",NumBasisOrder);

  // ---------------------------------
  // Set quadrature weights and points
  // ---------------------------------
  switch( NumQuadPoints )
    case 2:
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(1,  1.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(2,  1.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(1,  1.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(2, -1.0 );
    case 3:
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(1,  onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(2,  4.0*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(3,  onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(1,  1.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(2,  0.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(3, -1.0 );
    case 4:
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(1,  0.5*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(2,  2.5*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(3,  2.5*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(4,  0.5*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(1,  1.0  );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(2,  osq5 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(3, -osq5 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(4, -1.0  );
    case 5:
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(1,  0.1  );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(2,  49.0/90.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(3,  32.0/45.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(4,  49.0/90.0 );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(5,  0.1 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(1,  1.0      );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(2,  sq3*osq7 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(3,  0.0      );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(4, -sq3*osq7 );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(5, -1.0      );        
    case 6:      
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(1,  0.2*onethird  );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(2,  (1.4 - 0.1*sq7)*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(3,  (1.4 + 0.1*sq7)*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(4,  (1.4 + 0.1*sq7)*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(5,  (1.4 - 0.1*sq7)*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_wgts1d->set(6,  0.2*onethird );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(1,  1.0                           );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(2,  (1/21.0)*sqrt(147.0+42.0*sq7) );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(3,  (1/21.0)*sqrt(147.0-42.0*sq7) );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(4, -(1/21.0)*sqrt(147.0-42.0*sq7) );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(5, -(1/21.0)*sqrt(147.0+42.0*sq7) );
      EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->set(6, -1.0                           );

  // ---------------------------------
  // Legendre basis functions on the 
  // left and right of each edge
  // ---------------------------------
  const int NumEdges = Mesh.get_NumEdges();
  const int NumBasisComps = (NumBasisOrder*(NumBasisOrder+1))/2;
  dTensor1 xp1(3);
  dTensor1 yp1(3);
  dTensor1 xp2(3);
  dTensor1 yp2(3);
  dTensor1 xy1(2);
  dTensor1 xy2(2);
  dTensor1 mu1(NumBasisComps);
  dTensor1 mu2(NumBasisComps);

  for (int i=1; i<=NumEdges; i++)
      // Get edge information
      const double x1 = Mesh.get_edge(i,1);
      const double y1 = Mesh.get_edge(i,2);
      const double x2 = Mesh.get_edge(i,3);
      const double y2 = Mesh.get_edge(i,4);
      const int e1 = Mesh.get_eelem(i,1);
      const int e2 = Mesh.get_eelem(i,2);

      // Get element information about
      // the two elements that meet at
      // the current edge
      const double Area1 = Mesh.get_area_prim(e1);
      const double Area2 = Mesh.get_area_prim(e2);

      for (int k=1; k<=3; k++)
	  xp1.set(k, Mesh.get_node(Mesh.get_tnode(e1,k),1) );
	  yp1.set(k, Mesh.get_node(Mesh.get_tnode(e1,k),2) );

	  xp2.set(k, Mesh.get_node(Mesh.get_tnode(e2,k),1) );
	  yp2.set(k, Mesh.get_node(Mesh.get_tnode(e2,k),2) );

      const double xc1 = (xp1.get(1) + xp1.get(2) + xp1.get(3))/3.0;
      const double yc1 = (yp1.get(1) + yp1.get(2) + yp1.get(3))/3.0;
      const double xc2 = (xp2.get(1) + xp2.get(2) + xp2.get(3))/3.0;
      const double yc2 = (yp2.get(1) + yp2.get(2) + yp2.get(3))/3.0;

      // quadrature points on the edge
      for (int m=1; m<=NumQuadPoints; m++)
	  // Take integration point s (in [-1,1])
	  // and map to physical domain
	  const double s = EdgeData->GL_xpts1d->get(m);
	  const double x = x1 + 0.5*(s+1.0)*(x2-x1);
	  const double y = y1 + 0.5*(s+1.0)*(y2-y1);

	  // Take physical point (x,y)
	  // and map into the coordinates
	  // of the two triangles that are
	  // adjacent to the current edge
	  xy1.set(1, ((yp1.get(3)-yp1.get(1))*(x-xc1) 
		    + (xp1.get(1)-xp1.get(3))*(y-yc1))/(2.0*Area1) );
	  xy1.set(2, ((yp1.get(1)-yp1.get(2))*(x-xc1) 
		    + (xp1.get(2)-xp1.get(1))*(y-yc1))/(2.0*Area1) );
	  xy2.set(1, ((yp2.get(3)-yp2.get(1))*(x-xc2) 
		    + (xp2.get(1)-xp2.get(3))*(y-yc2))/(2.0*Area2) );
	  xy2.set(2, ((yp2.get(1)-yp2.get(2))*(x-xc2) 
		    + (xp2.get(2)-xp2.get(1))*(y-yc2))/(2.0*Area2) );

	  // Evaluate monomials at locations xy1
	  double xi = xy1.get(1);
	  double xi2 = xi*xi;
	  double xi3 = xi*xi2;
	  double xi4 = xi*xi3;

	  double eta = xy1.get(2);
	  double eta2 = eta*eta;
	  double eta3 = eta*eta2;
	  double eta4 = eta*eta3;

	  switch( NumBasisOrder )
	    case 5:  // fifth order		    		    
	      mu1.set(15, eta4     );
	      mu1.set(14, xi4      );
	      mu1.set(13, xi2*eta2 );
	      mu1.set(12, eta3*xi  );
	      mu1.set(11, xi3*eta  );
	    case 4:  // fourth order
	      mu1.set(10, eta3     );
	      mu1.set(9,  xi3      );
	      mu1.set(8,  xi*eta2  );
	      mu1.set(7,  eta*xi2  );
	    case 3:  // third order
	      mu1.set(6,  eta2     );
	      mu1.set(5,  xi2      );
	      mu1.set(4,  xi*eta   );		    
	    case 2:  // second order		    
	      mu1.set(3, eta       );
	      mu1.set(2, xi        );
	    case 1:  // first order
	      mu1.set(1, 1.0       );
	  // Evaluate monomials at locations xy2
	  xi = xy2.get(1);
	  xi2 = xi*xi;
	  xi3 = xi*xi2;
	  xi4 = xi*xi3;
	  eta = xy2.get(2);
	  eta2 = eta*eta;
	  eta3 = eta*eta2;
	  eta4 = eta*eta3;

	  switch( NumBasisOrder )
	    case 5:  // fifth order		    		    
	      mu2.set(15, eta4     );
	      mu2.set(14, xi4      );
	      mu2.set(13, xi2*eta2 );
	      mu2.set(12, eta3*xi  );
	      mu2.set(11, xi3*eta  );
	    case 4:  // fourth order
	      mu2.set(10, eta3     );
	      mu2.set(9,  xi3      );
	      mu2.set(8,  xi*eta2  );
	      mu2.set(7,  eta*xi2  );
	    case 3:  // third order
	      mu2.set(6,  eta2     );
	      mu2.set(5,  xi2      );
	      mu2.set(4,  xi*eta   );		    
	    case 2:  // second order		    
	      mu2.set(3, eta       );
	      mu2.set(2, xi        );
	    case 1:  // first order
	      mu2.set(1, 1.0       );
	  // Finally, convert monomials to Legendre Polys
	  // on the two adjacent triangle
	  for (int k=1; k<=NumBasisComps; k++)
	      double tmp1 = 0.0;
	      double tmp2 = 0.0;
	      for (int j=1; j<=k; j++)
		  tmp1 = tmp1 + Mmat[k-1][j-1]*mu1.get(j);
		  tmp2 = tmp2 + Mmat[k-1][j-1]*mu2.get(j);
	      EdgeData->GL_phi_left->set(i,m,k,  tmp1 );
	      EdgeData->GL_phi_right->set(i,m,k, tmp2 );