int main(){ V3f x(0,0,1); V3f xr(rot_x(x, 0.87)); same("x rotation",, cos(0.87)); V3f y(0,0,1); V3f yr(rot_y(y, 0.23)); same("y rotation",, cos(0.23)); V3f z(1,0,0); V3f zr(rot_z(z, 0.19)); same("z rotation",, cos(0.19)); V3f nx(3,2,5); V3f ny(-2,3,4); V3f nz(-4,4,3.8); V3f nnx(3,2,5); V3f nny(-2,3,4); V3f nnz(-4,4,3.8); ortoNormalize(nnx, nny, nnz); same("x unit", nnx.length(), 1.0); same("y unit", nny.length(), 1.0); same("z unit", nnz.length(), 1.0); V3f tmp; tmp.cross(nnx, nx); same("x colinear", tmp.length(), 0.0); tmp.cross(nnx, nny); tmp-=nnz; same("x orto", tmp.length(), 0); tmp.cross(nny, nnz); tmp-=nnx; same("y orto", tmp.length(), 0); tmp.cross(nnz, nnx); tmp-=nny; same("z orto", tmp.length(), 0); };
/** * Calculate the self-attenutation factor for the given mur value * @param muR Single mu*r slice value * @return The self-attenuation factor for this sample */ double MayersSampleCorrectionStrategy::calculateSelfAttenuation(const double muR) { // Integrate over the cylindrical coordinates // Constants for calculation const double dyr = muR / to<double>(N_RAD - 1); const double dyth = TWOPI / to<double>(N_THETA - 1); const double muRSq = muR * muR; const double cosaz = cos(m_pars.azimuth); // Store values at each point std::vector<double> yr(N_RAD), yth(N_THETA); for (size_t i = 0; i < N_RAD; ++i) { const double r0 = to<double>(i) * dyr; for (size_t j = 0; j < N_THETA; ++j) { const double theta = to<double>(j) * dyth; // distance to vertical axis double fact1 = muRSq - std::pow(r0 * sin(theta), 2); if (fact1 < 0.0) fact1 = 0.0; // + final distance to scatter point const double mul1 = sqrt(fact1) + r0 * cos(theta); // exit distance after scatter double fact2 = muRSq - std::pow(r0 * sin(m_pars.twoTheta - theta), 2); if (fact2 < 0.0) fact2 = 0.0; const double mul2 = (sqrt(fact2) - r0 * cos(m_pars.twoTheta - theta)) / cosaz; yth[j] = exp(-mul1 - mul2); } yr[i] = r0 * integrate(yth, dyth); } return integrate(yr, dyr); }
inline std::string Comparator::compare(std::string x_n, IntVar x, IntVar y) { IntVarRanges xr(x), yr(y); if (!Iter::Ranges::equal(xr,yr)) { std::ostringstream ret; ret << x_n << "=" << x << " -> " << y; return ret.str(); } return ""; }
osg::Quat KeyframeController::getXYZRotation(float time) const { float xrot = 0, yrot = 0, zrot = 0; if (!mXRotations.empty()) xrot = mXRotations.interpKey(time); if (!mYRotations.empty()) yrot = mYRotations.interpKey(time); if (!mZRotations.empty()) zrot = mZRotations.interpKey(time); osg::Quat xr(xrot, osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)); osg::Quat yr(yrot, osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)); osg::Quat zr(zrot, osg::Vec3f(0,0,1)); return (xr*yr*zr); }
ExecStatus Distinct<View0,View1>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta&) { assert(x0.assigned()||x1.assigned()); if (x0.assigned()) { GlbRanges<View0> xr(x0); IntSet xs(xr); ConstSetView cv(home, xs); GECODE_REWRITE(*this,(DistinctDoit<View1>::post(home(*this),x1,cv))); } else { GlbRanges<View1> yr(x1); IntSet ys(yr); ConstSetView cv(home, ys); GECODE_REWRITE(*this,(DistinctDoit<View0>::post(home(*this),x0,cv))); } }
ExecStatus Distinct<View0,View1>::post(Home home, View0 x, View1 y) { if (x.assigned()) { GlbRanges<View0> xr(x); IntSet xs(xr); ConstSetView cv(home, xs); GECODE_ES_CHECK((DistinctDoit<View1>::post(home,y,cv))); } if (y.assigned()) { GlbRanges<View1> yr(y); IntSet ys(yr); ConstSetView cv(home, ys); GECODE_ES_CHECK((DistinctDoit<View0>::post(home,x,cv))); } (void) new (home) Distinct<View0,View1>(home,x,y); return ES_OK; }
void Player::setRot(float x, float y, float z) { Ogre::SceneNode *sceneNode = mNode; Ogre::Node* yawNode = sceneNode->getChildIterator().getNext(); Ogre::Node* pitchNode = yawNode->getChildIterator().getNext(); // we are only interested in X and Y rotation // Rotate around X axis Ogre::Quaternion xr(Ogre::Radian(x), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X); // Rotate around Y axis Ogre::Quaternion yr(Ogre::Radian(-z), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y); pitchNode->setOrientation(xr); yawNode->setOrientation(yr); }
void CSVRender::Object::adjustTransform() { if (mReferenceId.empty()) return; const CSMWorld::CellRef& reference = getReference(); // position mBaseNode->setPosition(mForceBaseToZero ? osg::Vec3() : osg::Vec3f(reference.mPos.pos[0], reference.mPos.pos[1], reference.mPos.pos[2])); // orientation osg::Quat xr (-reference.mPos.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)); osg::Quat yr (-reference.mPos.rot[1], osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)); osg::Quat zr (-reference.mPos.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,1)); mBaseNode->setAttitude(zr*yr*xr); mBaseNode->setScale(osg::Vec3(reference.mScale, reference.mScale, reference.mScale)); }
void fmsBitShiftGain_db(char* opt="", char* year="15ofl", char* filename="bitshift/fmsBitShiftGain_all0.txt"){ TString option(opt), yr(year), f1(filename); TString storeTime; // storetime is begin time for validity range for WRITING DB time_t starttime=0; //unix time for writing, if reading from file int date=0,time=0; // time for READING DB int flag=0; std::cout << "Opt =" << opt << "\n"; std::cout << "write = " << option.Contains("writedb") << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("loadlib.C"); const Int_t MAX_DB_INDEX = 1732; fmsBitShiftGain_st table[MAX_DB_INDEX]; memset(table,0,sizeof(table)); int idx=f1.Index("run"); TString f2=f1(idx+3,8); int run=f2.Atoi(); printf("%s idx=%d f2=%s run=%d\n",f1.Data(),idx,f2.Data(),run); if(run>0){ char *onlserver="onldb",*bakserver="dbbak",*server=0; int port; int y=run/1000000 -1; if(y == 17){ server=onlserver; port=3501; }else{ server=bakserver; port=3400+y-1; } char cmd[300]=Form("mysql -h --port=%d -N -s -e \"SELECT startRunTime FROM RunLog.runDescriptor WHERE runNumber=%d LIMIT 1\"", server,port,run); TString st=gSystem->GetFromPipe(cmd); starttime=st.Atoi(); date=gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("date -u -d \@%d +%%Y%%m%%d",starttime)).Atoi(); time=gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("date -u -d \@%d +%%H%%M%%S",starttime)).Atoi(); cout << cmd << endl; cout << "start time="<<starttime<<" date="<<date<<" time="<<time<< endl; }
void CSVRender::Object::adjustTransform() { if (mReferenceId.empty()) return; ESM::Position position = getPosition(); // position mRootNode->setPosition(mForceBaseToZero ? osg::Vec3() : osg::Vec3f(position.pos[0], position.pos[1], position.pos[2])); // orientation osg::Quat xr (-position.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)); osg::Quat yr (-position.rot[1], osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)); osg::Quat zr (-position.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,1)); mBaseNode->setAttitude(zr*yr*xr); float scale = getScale(); mBaseNode->setScale(osg::Vec3(scale, scale, scale)); }
forceinline void IntTraceView::prune(Space& home, IntView y, const Delta& d) { if (y.range() && (dom->next() == NULL)) { dom->min(y.min()); dom->max(y.max()); } else if (!y.any(d) && (y.max(d)+1 == y.min())) { // The lower bound has been adjusted if (y.min() > dom->max()) { RangeList* p = dom; RangeList* l = p->next(); while ((l != NULL) && (l->max() < y.min())) { p=l; l=l->next(); } dom->dispose(home,p); dom = l; } dom->min(y.min()); } else if (!y.any(d) && (y.max()+1 == y.min(d))) { // upper bound has been adjusted if ((y.max() <= dom->max()) && (dom->next() == NULL)) { dom->max(y.max()); } else { RangeList* p = dom; RangeList* l = p->next(); while ((l != NULL) && (l->min() <= y.max())) { p=l; l=l->next(); } p->max(y.max()); if (p->next() != NULL) p->next()->dispose(home); p->next(NULL); } } else { // Just copy the domain ViewRanges<IntView> yr(y); RangeList::overwrite(home,dom,yr); } }
void initialize_new_objects(mpi::communicator& world, parameter_t const& P, directory_structure_t const& ds, geometric_info_t const& gi, object_info_t& oi, vector<std::vector<std::string> > const &seq, int tt, vector<CImg<unsigned char> > const& images, vector<matrix<float> > const& grd, vector<matrix<float> >& detected_rects) { int Ncam = seq.size(); vector<object_trj_t> & trlet_list=oi.trlet_list; int nobj = trlet_list.size(); int num_new_obj = detected_rects(0).size1(); int T = seq[0].size(); int np = oi.model.size(); int num_scales = P.scales.size(); //std::cout<<"detected_rects="<<detected_rects<<std::endl; for(int oo=0; oo<num_new_obj; ++oo) { int nn = oi.curr_num_obj + oo; trlet_list(nn).startt = tt; trlet_list(nn).endt = tt; trlet_list(nn).state = 1; trlet_list(nn).trj = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { trlet_list(nn).trj(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 4, 0); } trlet_list(nn).trj_3d = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 2, 0); trlet_list(nn).hist_p = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).hist_q = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).fscores = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).scores = scalar_matrix<float>(Ncam, T, 0); vector<candidate_array<Float> > cand_array(Ncam); for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(np*2, T, 0); float w = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 2)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0); float h = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 3)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1); row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = row(detected_rects(cam), oo); matrix<float> rects; compute_part_rects(detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0), detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1), w, h, oi.model, rects); pmodel_t pmodel; vector<float> br(row(detected_rects(cam), oo)); rects_to_pmodel_geom(br, gi.horiz_mean, pmodel); oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn) = pmodel; //collect_sift(grd(cam), ); matrix<float> hist_p, hist_q; collect_hist(images(cam), rects, hist_p, hist_q); trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam) = hist_p; trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam) = hist_q; matrix<Float> cand_rects; vector<Float> cand_scale; matrix<int> cand_ijs; if(0==world.rank()) { std::vector<float> sxr, syr; for(float v=-P.xrange/2; v<=P.xrange/2; v+=P.xstep) { sxr.push_back(v); } for(float v=-P.yrange/2; v<=P.yrange/2; v+=P.ystep) { syr.push_back(v); } vector<float> xr(sxr.size()), yr(syr.size()); std::copy(sxr.begin(), sxr.end(), xr.begin()); std::copy(syr.begin(), syr.end(), yr.begin()); float feetx = (trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 0) +trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 2))/2; float feety = trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 3); enumerate_rects_inpoly(images(cam), oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn), feetx, feety, xr, yr, P.scales, gi.horiz_mean, gi.horiz_sig, gi.polys_im(tt, cam), cand_rects, cand_scale, cand_ijs, cand_array(cam)); } mpi::broadcast(world, cand_rects, 0); real_timer_t timer; vector<Float> cand_hist_score(cand_rects.size1()); matrix<Float> hist_fscores; range rrank(world.rank()*cand_rects.size1()/world.size(), (world.rank()+1)*cand_rects.size1()/world.size()); matrix<Float> cand_rects_rank(project(cand_rects, rrank, range(0, 4))); vector<Float> cand_hist_score_rank; matrix<Float> hist_fscores_rank; get_cand_hist_score(images(cam), oi.model, P.logp1, P.logp2, trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam), trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam), cand_rects_rank, cand_hist_score_rank, hist_fscores_rank); if(world.rank()==0) { std::vector<vector<Float> > v1; std::vector<matrix<Float> > v2; mpi::gather(world, cand_hist_score_rank, v1, 0); mpi::gather(world, hist_fscores_rank, v2, 0); hist_fscores = matrix<Float>(cand_rects.size1(), hist_fscores_rank.size2()); for(int r=0; r<world.size(); ++r) { int start = r*cand_rects.size1()/world.size(); for(int vv=0; vv<v1[r].size(); ++vv) { cand_hist_score(start+vv) = v1[r](vv); } for(int vv=0; vv<v2[r].size1(); ++vv) { row(hist_fscores, start+vv) = row(v2[r], vv); } } } else { mpi::gather(world, cand_hist_score_rank, 0); mpi::gather(world, hist_fscores_rank, 0); } mpi::broadcast(world, cand_hist_score, 0); mpi::broadcast(world, hist_fscores, 0); vector<Float> cand_score=cand_hist_score; if(0==world.rank()) std::cout<<"\t\t"<<cand_rects.size1()<<" rects, \tget_cand_hist_score time:" <<timer.elapsed()/1000.0f<<"s."<<std::endl; if(0==world.rank()) { int idx_max = std::max_element(cand_score.begin(), cand_score.end()) - cand_score.begin(); column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = row(hist_fscores, idx_max); trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt) = cand_score(idx_max); cand_array(cam).fill_score(cand_score, cand_ijs); } mpi::broadcast(world, cand_array(cam), 0); mpi::broadcast(world, trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt), 0); vector<Float> fscore_col; if(0==world.rank()) { fscore_col = column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt); } mpi::broadcast(world, fscore_col, 0); if(0!=world.rank()) { column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = fscore_col; } }//end for cam int best_y, best_x, best_s; if(0==world.rank()) { ground_scoremap_t<Float> grd_scoremap; combine_ground_score(tt, cand_array, grd_scoremap, gi); grd_scoremap.peak(best_y, best_x, best_s); } mpi::broadcast(world, best_y, 0); mpi::broadcast(world, best_x, 0); trlet_list(nn).trj_3d(tt, 0) = best_x; trlet_list(nn).trj_3d(tt, 1) = best_y; for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { vector<Float> trj_row(4); if(0==world.rank()) { vector<double> bx(1), by(1), ix, iy; bx <<= best_x; by <<= best_y; apply_homography(gi.grd2img(tt, cam), bx, by, ix, iy); float hpre = oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).hpre; float cur_fy = iy(0); float cur_fx = ix(0); float cur_hy = gi.horiz_mean+hpre*(cur_fy-gi.horiz_mean); float ds = P.scales(best_s)*(cur_fy-cur_hy)/oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bh; float ww = ds*oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bw; float hh = cur_fy - cur_hy; trj_row <<= (cur_fx-ww/2), cur_hy, (cur_fx+ww/2), cur_fy; } mpi::broadcast(world, trj_row, 0); row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = trj_row; }//endfor cam }//endfor oo oi.curr_num_obj += num_new_obj; }
void fpsGain_db(char* opt="", char* year="15sim") { TString option(opt), yr(year); TString storeTime; // storetime is begin time for validity range for WRITING DB int date,time; // time for READING DB std::cout << "year = " << year << "\n"; if(yr.Contains("15ofl")){ storeTime="2014-12-20 00:00:01"; date = 20141225; time = 0; }else if(yr.Contains("15sim")){ storeTime="2014-12-10 00:00:02"; date = 20141215; time = 0; }else{ std::cout << "Please specify valid year tag\n"; exit; } std::cout << "Opt =" << opt << "\n"; std::cout << "write = " << option.Contains("writedb") << "\n"; std::cout << "storetime =" << storeTime << "\n"; std::cout << "date,time =" << date <<" "<< time << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("loadlib.C"); const Int_t MAX_DB_INDEX = 252; fpsGain_st table[MAX_DB_INDEX]; if(option.Contains("writedb")) { gSystem->Setenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE","write"); StDbManager* mgr = StDbManager::Instance(); StDbConfigNode* node = mgr->initConfig("Calibrations_fps"); StDbTable* dbtable = node->addDbTable("fpsGain"); mgr->setStoreTime(storeTime.Data()); int id=0; for (Int_t q = 1; q <= 4; q++) { for (Int_t l = 1; l <= 3; l++) { for (Int_t s = 1; s <= 21; s++) { table[id].slatid = id; int flag=0; if(q==2 || q==4){ if(s>=20) flag=1; } float mip=100.0; if(l==3) mip=50.0; if(flag==0){table[id].slatid = id; table[id].MIP=mip;} else {table[id].slatid = id; table[id].MIP=0;} printf("id=%3d Q%1dL%1dS%2d mip=%f\n",id,q,l,s,table[id].MIP); id++; } } } dbtable->SetTable((char*)&table, MAX_DB_INDEX); if(yr.Contains("sim")) dbtable->setFlavor("sim"); mgr->storeDbTable(dbtable); std::cout << "INFO: table saved to database" << std::endl; } std::cout << "INFO: Reading database" << std::endl; gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE"); //gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG"); St_db_Maker *dbMk=new St_db_Maker("db", "MySQL:StarDb", "$STAR/StarDb"); dbMk->SetDebug(); dbMk->SetDateTime(date,time); // event or run start time, set to your liking if(yr.Contains("ofl")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("ofl");} else if(yr.Contains("sim")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("sim");} dbMk->Init(); dbMk->Make(); TDataSet *DB = 0; DB = dbMk->GetDataBase("Calibrations/fps/fpsGain"); if (!DB) std::cout << "ERROR: no table found in db, or malformed local db config" << std::endl; St_fpsGain *dataset = 0; dataset = (St_fpsGain*) DB->Find("fpsGain"); if (!dataset) { td::cout << "ERROR: dataset does not contain requested table" << std::endl; return; } Int_t rows = dataset->GetNRows(); if (rows > 1) { std::cout << "INFO: found INDEXED table with " << rows << " rows" << std::endl; } TDatime val[2]; dbMk->GetValidity((TTable*)dataset,val); std::cout << "Dataset validity range: [ " << val[0].GetDate() << "." << val[0].GetTime() << " - " << val[1].GetDate() << "." << val[1].GetTime() << " ] " << std::endl; fpsGain_st *tbl = dataset->GetTable(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < rows; i++) { std::cout << Form("Row=%4d slatid=%3d MIP=%8.4f\n",i, tbl[i].slatid,tbl[i].MIP); } }
forceinline IntTraceView::IntTraceView(Space& home, IntView y) { ViewRanges<IntView> yr(y); RangeList::copy(home, dom, yr); }
void fpsChannelGeometry_db(char* opt="", char* year="15sim") { TString option(opt), yr(year); TString storeTime; // storetime is begin time for validity range for WRITING DB int date,time; // time for READING DB std::cout << "year = " << year << "\n"; if(yr.Contains("15ofl")){ storeTime="2014-12-20 00:00:01"; date = 20141220; time = 1; }else if(yr.Contains("15sim")){ storeTime="2014-12-10 00:00:01"; date = 20141210; time = 1; }else if (yr.Contains("17ofl")){ storeTime="2016-12-20 00:00:00"; date = 20161220; time = 0; }else if(yr.Contains("17sim")){ storeTime="2016-12-10 00:00:00"; date = 20161210; time = 0; }else{ std::cout << "Please specify valid year tag\n"; exit; } std::cout << "Opt =" << opt << "\n"; std::cout << "write = " << option.Contains("writedb") << "\n"; std::cout << "storetime =" << storeTime << "\n"; std::cout << "date,time =" << date <<" "<< time << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("loadlib.C"); const Int_t MAX_DB_INDEX = 12; fpsChannelGeometry_st table[MAX_DB_INDEX]; if(option.Contains("writedb")) { gSystem->Setenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE","write"); StDbManager* mgr = StDbManager::Instance(); StDbConfigNode* node = mgr->initConfig("Geometry_fps"); StDbTable* dbtable = node->addDbTable("fpsChannelGeometry"); mgr->setStoreTime(storeTime.Data()); table[ 0].quad = 1; table[ 0].layer = 1; table[ 0].nslat = 21; table[ 1].quad = 1; table[ 1].layer = 2; table[ 1].nslat = 21; table[ 2].quad = 1; table[ 2].layer = 3; table[ 2].nslat = 21; table[ 3].quad = 2; table[ 3].layer = 1; table[ 3].nslat = 19; table[ 4].quad = 2; table[ 4].layer = 2; table[ 4].nslat = 19; table[ 5].quad = 2; table[ 5].layer = 3; table[ 5].nslat = 19; table[ 6].quad = 3; table[ 6].layer = 1; table[ 6].nslat = 21; table[ 7].quad = 3; table[ 7].layer = 2; table[ 7].nslat = 21; table[ 8].quad = 3; table[ 8].layer = 3; table[ 8].nslat = 21; table[ 9].quad = 4; table[ 9].layer = 1; table[ 9].nslat = 19; table[10].quad = 4; table[10].layer = 2; table[10].nslat = 19; table[11].quad = 4; table[11].layer = 3; table[11].nslat = 19; dbtable->SetTable((char*)&table, MAX_DB_INDEX); if(yr.Contains("sim")) dbtable->setFlavor("sim"); mgr->storeDbTable(dbtable); std::cout << "INFO: table saved to database" << std::endl; } std::cout << "INFO: Reading database" << std::endl; gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE"); //gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG"); St_db_Maker *dbMk=new St_db_Maker("db", "MySQL:StarDb", "$STAR/StarDb"); dbMk->SetDebug(); dbMk->SetDateTime(date,time); // event or run start time, set to your liking if(yr.Contains("ofl")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("ofl");} else if(yr.Contains("sim")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("sim");} dbMk->Init(); dbMk->Make(); TDataSet *DB = 0; DB = dbMk->GetDataBase("Geometry/fps/fpsChannelGeometry"); if (!DB) std::cout << "ERROR: no table found in db, or malformed local db config" << std::endl; St_fpsChannelGeometry *dataset = 0; dataset = (St_fpsChannelGeometry*) DB->Find("fpsChannelGeometry"); if (!dataset) { td::cout << "ERROR: dataset does not contain requested table" << std::endl; return; } Int_t rows = dataset->GetNRows(); if (rows > 1) { std::cout << "INFO: found INDEXED table with " << rows << " rows" << std::endl; } TDatime val[2]; dbMk->GetValidity((TTable*)dataset,val); std::cout << "Dataset validity range: [ " << val[0].GetDate() << "." << val[0].GetTime() << " - " << val[1].GetDate() << "." << val[1].GetTime() << " ] " << std::endl; fpsChannelGeometry_st *tbl = dataset->GetTable(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < rows; i++) { std::cout << Form("Row=%4d quad=%1d layer=%1d nslat=%2d\n",i, tbl[i].quad,tbl[i].layer,tbl[i].nslat); } }
double runGraphicHistos(TString ifile = "tmpfitdirc.root", bool verbose_out=true, double ienergy = 5, int iupdown = 0) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("myc1","myc1",1000,1200); if (verbose_out == false) { //supresses canvas message //gErrorIgnoreLevl=kInfo; gROOT->ProcessLine( "gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;"); } double hmin = -100; double hmax = 100; hmin = -25; hmax = 25; double energy = ienergy; double pi_mass = .13957; double k_mass = .49367; double pi_beta = sqrt(1-pi_mass*pi_mass/(energy*energy)); double k_beta = sqrt(1-k_mass*k_mass/(energy*energy)); double quartz_index = 1.47; double pi_mrad = 1000*acos(1/(pi_beta*quartz_index)); double k_mrad = 1000*acos(1/(k_beta*quartz_index)); //double seperation = 5.2; double seperation = pi_mrad - k_mrad; double mean_pion = 0; double mean_kaon = mean_pion + seperation; if (verbose_out == true) { printf("Energy: %4.02f\n",energy); printf("Mrad Seperation: %8.03f\n",seperation); } //denominator pf spread TRandom3* randgen = new TRandom3(); TFile *f1 = new TFile(ifile); TH1F *hpion; TH1F *hkaon; TH1F *phots_pion; if (iupdown == 0) { hpion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_pion"); hkaon = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_kaon"); phots_pion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("phot_found_pion"); } else if (iupdown == 1) { hpion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_pion_up"); hkaon = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_kaon_up"); phots_pion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("phot_found_pion_up"); } else if (iupdown == -1) { hpion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_pion_down"); hkaon = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_kaon_down"); phots_pion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("phot_found_pion_down"); } else { printf("Unrecognize updown arguement: %d \nFailing....\n",iupdown); return -1; } if (verbose_out == true) { printf("pion_ll mean, spread: %12.04f, %12.04f\n",hpion->GetMean(),hpion->GetRMS()); printf("kaon_ll mean, spread: %12.04f, %12.04f\n",hkaon->GetMean(),hkaon->GetRMS()); } double spread = seperation/2; double spreadsq2 = 2*spread*spread; //Swap kaon and pion numbers for (int i = 1; i < hpion->GetNbinsX()/2; i++) { double t_swap = hpion->GetBinContent(i); hpion->SetBinContent(i,hpion->GetBinContent(hpion->GetNbinsX() - i + 1)); hpion->SetBinContent(hpion->GetNbinsX() - i + 1, t_swap); } for (int i = 1; i < hkaon->GetNbinsX()/2; i++) { double t_swap = hkaon->GetBinContent(i); hkaon->SetBinContent(i,hkaon->GetBinContent(hkaon->GetNbinsX() - i + 1)); hkaon->SetBinContent(hkaon->GetNbinsX() - i + 1, t_swap); } double titlesize=1.2*.04; int rebin = 20; rebin = 160; hpion->Rebin(rebin); hkaon->Rebin(rebin); hpion->SetAxisRange(hmin,hmax); hkaon->SetAxisRange(hmin,hmax); hkaon->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Loglikelihood difference"); hkaon->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("A.U."); hkaon->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); hkaon->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); hpion->SetStats(false); hkaon->SetStats(false); hpion->SetLineColor(kCyan); //hpion->SetFillColorAlpha(kRed,.5); hkaon->SetLineColor(kBlue); //hkaon->SetFillColorAlpha(kBlue,.5); TLegend *leg_ll = new TLegend(.6,.6,.8,.8); leg_ll->AddEntry(hpion,"Pion"); leg_ll->AddEntry(hkaon,"Kaon"); leg_ll->SetBorderSize(0); hkaon->SetTitle("log(P(Pi)/P(K)) for actual Pi (red) and K (blue) at 5 GeV"); TH1F *pion_veto_eff = new TH1F(*hpion); TH1F *kaon_missid = new TH1F(*hkaon); pion_veto_eff->SetName("pion_veto_eff"); pion_veto_eff->SetTitle(""); kaon_missid->SetName("kaon_missid"); kaon_missid->SetTitle(""); for (int i = 0; i < pion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { pion_veto_eff->SetBinContent(i,hpion->Integral(0,i)); kaon_missid->SetBinContent(i,hkaon->Integral(i,kaon_missid->GetNbinsX())); // printf("%12.04f %12.04f %d\n",1,1,i); } pion_veto_eff->SetAxisRange(0,10000,"Y"); double scale_int = 1/hpion->Integral(0,pion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX()); pion_veto_eff->Scale(scale_int); scale_int = 1/hkaon->Integral(0,kaon_missid->GetNbinsX()); kaon_missid->Scale(scale_int); hkaon->SetTitle(""); hpion->SetTitle(""); if (verbose_out == true) { hkaon->Draw(); hpion->Draw("SAME H"); leg_ll->Draw("SAME"); c1->SetWindowSize(1000,800); c1->Print("overlap.pdf"); } if (verbose_out == true) { pion_veto_eff->Draw(""); kaon_missid->Draw("SAME H"); c1->SetWindowSize(1000,800); c1->Print("overlap_integral.pdf"); } double linewidth=6; TGraph* roc_graph; int roc_n = pion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); TVectorF xr(roc_n);//gross TVectorF yr(roc_n); double ival = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { xr[i] = pion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(i); yr[i] = kaon_missid->GetBinContent(i); // printf("%8.04f %8.04f\n",xr[i],yr[i]); } double y1,y2,x1,x2; x1 = pion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(0); double last_x = pion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(0); double last_y = kaon_missid->GetBinContent(0); for (int i = 0; i < pion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX()-1; i++) { ival += (yr[i]+last_y)*(xr[i] - last_x)/2; //printf("%6d %12.09f %12.04f %12.04f %12.04f %12.04f\n",i,ival,xr[i],yr[i],last_x,last_y); last_x = xr[i]; last_y = yr[i]; } if (verbose_out == true) { printf("ROC integral: %12.04f\n",ival); } roc_graph = new TGraph(xr,yr); roc_graph->SetLineColor(2); roc_graph->SetLineWidth(4); //roc_graph->SetMarkerColor(4); //roc_graph->SetMarkerStyle(21); roc_graph->SetTitle(""); roc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Kaon Efficiency"); roc_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pion Rejection"); roc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); roc_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); roc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,1.01); roc_graph->SetMinimum(0); roc_graph->SetMaximum(1.01); roc_graph->SetLineWidth(linewidth); if (verbose_out == true) { roc_graph->Draw("ACP"); c1->Print("roc_curve.gif"); } spread = find_sig_val(seperation,ival,spread); //FAKE version stuff below /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TH1F *fhpion = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_pion"); TH1F *fhkaon = (TH1F*) f1->Get("ll_diff_kaon"); fhpion->Reset(); fhkaon->Reset(); fhpion->SetBins(1000,hmin,hmax); fhkaon->SetBins(1000,hmin,hmax); double pion_obs, kaon_obs; double pion_ll_diff, kaon_ll_diff; for (int ii = 0; ii < 10000; ii++) { pion_obs = randgen->Gaus(mean_pion,spread); kaon_obs = randgen->Gaus(mean_kaon,spread); pion_ll_diff = -1*(pion_obs - mean_pion)*(pion_obs - mean_pion); pion_ll_diff += (pion_obs - mean_kaon)*(pion_obs - mean_kaon); pion_ll_diff /= spreadsq2; kaon_ll_diff = - (kaon_obs - mean_pion)*(kaon_obs - mean_pion); kaon_ll_diff += (kaon_obs - mean_kaon)*(kaon_obs - mean_kaon); kaon_ll_diff /= spreadsq2; fhpion->Fill(pion_ll_diff); fhkaon->Fill(kaon_ll_diff); } fhpion->SetAxisRange(hmin,hmax); fhkaon->SetAxisRange(hmin,hmax); fhpion->SetLineColor(kRed); //hpion->SetFillColorAlpha(kRed,.5); fhkaon->SetLineColor(kBlue); //hkaon->SetFillColorAlpha(kBlue,.5); fhkaon->SetTitle(""); TH1F *fpion_veto_eff = new TH1F(*fhpion); TH1F *fkaon_missid = new TH1F(*fhkaon); fpion_veto_eff->SetName("pion_veto_eff"); fpion_veto_eff->SetTitle(""); fkaon_missid->SetName("kaon_missid"); fkaon_missid->SetTitle(""); for (int i = 0; i < fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { fpion_veto_eff->SetBinContent(i,fhpion->Integral(i,fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX())); fkaon_missid->SetBinContent(i,fhkaon->Integral(0,i)); } fpion_veto_eff->SetAxisRange(0,10000,"Y"); double fscale_int = 1/fhpion->Integral(0,fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX()); fpion_veto_eff->Scale(fscale_int); fscale_int = 1/fhkaon->Integral(0,fkaon_missid->GetNbinsX()); fkaon_missid->Scale(fscale_int); TGraph* froc_graph; int froc_n = fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); TVectorF fxr(froc_n); TVectorF fyr(froc_n); double fival = 0; double flast_x = fpion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(0); double flast_y = fkaon_missid->GetBinContent(0); for (int i = 0; i < fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { fxr[i] = fpion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(i); fyr[i] = fkaon_missid->GetBinContent(i); fival -= (fyr[i]+flast_y)*(fxr[i] - flast_x)/2; flast_x = fxr[i]; flast_y = fyr[i]; } ival = 0; flast_x = fpion_veto_eff->GetBinContent(0); flast_y = fkaon_missid->GetBinContent(0); for (int i = 0; i < fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { //Why oh why is Erf not the standard definition double t = hmin + i*(hmax-hmin)/fpion_veto_eff->GetNbinsX(); fxr[i] = .5 + TMath::Erf(t/(sqrt(2)*spread))/2; fyr[i] = .5 - TMath::Erf((t-seperation)/(sqrt(2)*spread))/2; fival -= (fyr[i]+flast_y)*(fxr[i] - flast_x)/2; flast_x = fxr[i]; flast_y = fyr[i]; } //printf("Fake ROC integral: %12.04f\n",fival); froc_graph = new TGraph(fxr,fyr); if (verbose_out == true) { froc_graph->SetLineColor(4); froc_graph->SetLineWidth(linewidth); froc_graph->SetLineStyle(2); froc_graph->SetTitle(""); froc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("\"Kaon Efficiency\""); froc_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("\"Pion Rejection\""); froc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); froc_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); froc_graph->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,1.01); froc_graph->SetMinimum(0); froc_graph->SetMaximum(1.01); roc_graph->SetFillColorAlpha(kWhite,1); froc_graph->SetFillColorAlpha(kWhite,1); TLegend *leg_roc = new TLegend(.3,.5,.7,.7); leg_roc->AddEntry(roc_graph,"ROC Curve"); leg_roc->AddEntry(froc_graph,"Matched Gaussian ROC Curve"); leg_roc->SetBorderSize(0); leg_roc->SetTextSize(0.04*1.1); froc_graph->Draw("SAME"); leg_roc->Draw("SAME"); c1->Print("roc_curve_overlay.pdf"); } if (verbose_out == true) { printf("Matching resolution: %6.03f\n",spread); printf("Matching resolution per photon: %6.03f\n",spread*sqrt(phots_pion->GetMean())); } else { printf("%6.04f\n",spread); } return spread; }
Transformation Boonas:: parseParams(int start, int argc, char** argv, Transformation matrix) { QString currIn; for(int i = start; i < (argc - 1); i += 2) // iterate through parameters skiping every other { if(strcmp(argv[i], "XT") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = xt(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "YT") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = yt(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "ZT") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = zt(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "XS") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = xs(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "YS") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = ys(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "ZS") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = zs(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "US") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = us(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "XD") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = xd(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "YD") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = yd(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "ZD") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = zd(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "XR") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = xr(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "YR") == 0) { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = yr(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } else // MUST BE ZR { currIn = argv[i + 1]; matrix = zr(currIn.toFloat(), matrix); } } return matrix; }
void fpsMap_db(char* opt="", char* year="15sim", char* input="fpsmap.txt") { TString option(opt), yr(year); TString storeTime; // storetime is begin time for validity range for WRITING DB int date,time; // time for READING DB std::cout << "year = " << year << "\n"; if(yr.Contains("15ofl")){ storeTime="2014-12-20 00:00:3"; date = 20141221; time = 0; }else if(yr.Contains("15sim")){ storeTime="2014-12-10 00:00:01"; date = 20141210; time = 1; }else if(yr.Contains("17ofl")){ storeTime="2016-12-20 00:00:00"; date = 20161220; time = 0; }else if(yr.Contains("17sim")){ storeTime="2016-12-10 00:00:00"; date = 20161210; time = 0; }else{ std::cout << "Please specify valid year tag\n"; exit; } std::cout << "Opt =" << opt << "\n"; std::cout << "write = " << option.Contains("writedb") << "\n"; std::cout << "storetime =" << storeTime << "\n"; std::cout << "date,time =" << date <<" "<< time << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("./loadlib.C"); const Int_t MAX_DB_INDEX = 252; fpsMap_st in[MAX_DB_INDEX]; for(int i=0; i<MAX_DB_INDEX; i++){ in[i].slatid=i; in[i].QTaddr=-1; in[i].QTch=-1; } FILE *FP = fopen(input,"r"); if(!FP) { printf("Could not open %s\n",input); exit;} printf("Reading %s\n",input); char line[1000], nw[10], dc[10], posi[10]; int id,q,l,s,sipm,sipmbd,feebd,tbox,tgrp,qtaddr,qtch,cbl; int n=0; while(fgets(line,1000,FP)!=NULL){ sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d", &id,&q,&l,&s, &sipm,nw, &tbox,&tgrp, &qtaddr,&qtch); //printf("Id=%3d Q=%3d L=%3d S=%3d QTaddr=%1d QTch=%2d\n",id,q,l,s,qtaddr,qtch); in[id].QTaddr=qtaddr; in[id].QTch=qtch; n++; } for(int i=0; i<MAX_DB_INDEX; i++){ printf("Id=%3d QTaddr=%1d QTch=%2d\n",in[i].slatid,in[i].QTaddr,in[i].QTch); } printf("Found %d entries\n",n); if(option.Contains("writedb")) { gSystem->Setenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE","write"); StDbManager* mgr = StDbManager::Instance(); StDbConfigNode* node = mgr->initConfig("Geometry_fps"); StDbTable* dbtable = node->addDbTable("fpsMap"); mgr->setStoreTime(storeTime.Data()); dbtable->SetTable((char*)&in, MAX_DB_INDEX); if(yr.Contains("sim")) dbtable->setFlavor("sim"); mgr->storeDbTable(dbtable); std::cout << "INFO: table saved to database" << std::endl; } std::cout << "INFO: Reading database" << std::endl; gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE"); //gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG"); St_db_Maker *dbMk=new St_db_Maker("db", "MySQL:StarDb", "$STAR/StarDb"); dbMk->SetDebug(); dbMk->SetDateTime(date,time); // event or run start time, set to your liking if(yr.Contains("ofl")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("ofl");} else if(yr.Contains("sim")) {dbMk->SetFlavor("sim");} dbMk->Init(); dbMk->Make(); TDataSet *DB = 0; DB = dbMk->GetDataBase("Geometry/fps/fpsMap"); if (!DB) std::cout << "ERROR: no table found in db, or malformed local db config" << std::endl; St_fpsMap *dataset = 0; dataset = (St_fpsMap*) DB->Find("fpsMap"); if (!dataset) { td::cout << "ERROR: dataset does not contain requested table" << std::endl; return; } Int_t rows = dataset->GetNRows(); if (rows > 1) { std::cout << "INFO: found INDEXED table with " << rows << " rows" << std::endl; } TDatime val[2]; dbMk->GetValidity((TTable*)dataset,val); std::cout << "Dataset validity range: [ " << val[0].GetDate() << "." << val[0].GetTime() << " - " << val[1].GetDate() << "." << val[1].GetTime() << " ] " << std::endl; fpsMap_st *table = dataset->GetTable(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < rows; i++) { std::cout << Form("Row=%4d slatid=%3d QTaddr=%2d QTch=%2d\n",i, table[i].slatid, table[i].QTaddr,table[i].QTch); } }
ExecStatus ReProp<View,rm>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) { // Add assigned views to value set if (View::me(med) == ME_INT_VAL) add(home,vs,x); if ( { if (rm == RM_PMI) return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); ValSet vsc(vs); vs.flush(); GECODE_REWRITE(*this,Prop<View>::post(home,vsc,x,y)); } if ( { if (rm != RM_IMP) { ValSet::Ranges vsr(vs); GECODE_ME_CHECK(y.minus_r(home,vsr,false)); for (int i=x.size(); i--; ) GECODE_ES_CHECK(Rel::Nq<View>::post(home,x[i],y)); } return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } // Eliminate views from x eliminate(home); switch ( { case Iter::Ranges::CS_SUBSET: if (rm != RM_IMP) GECODE_ME_CHECK(; return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); case Iter::Ranges::CS_DISJOINT: if (x.size() == 0) { if (rm != RM_PMI) GECODE_ME_CHECK(; return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } break; case Iter::Ranges::CS_NONE: break; default: GECODE_NEVER; } // Check whether y is in union of x and value set if (x.size() > 0) { Region r(home); ValSet::Ranges vsr(vs); ViewRanges<View> xsr(x[x.size()-1]); Iter::Ranges::NaryUnion u(r,vsr,xsr); for (int i=x.size()-1; i--; ) { ViewRanges<View> xir(x[i]); u |= xir; } ViewRanges<View> yr(y); if (Iter::Ranges::disjoint(u,yr)) { if (rm != RM_PMI) GECODE_ME_CHECK(; return home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this); } } return ES_FIX; }
void Tri2dFCBlockSolver::gradSetupQuadratic() { // form quadratic sub elements int nElemQ = 3*nElem; int nneQ = 6; //quadratic elements int nngQ = 4; //quadratic elements Array2D<int> elemQ(nElemQ,nneQ),gNode(nElemQ,nngQ); int m=0; for (int n=0; n<nElem; n++){ elemQ(m ,0) = elem(n,0); elemQ(m ,1) = elem(n,4); elemQ(m ,2) = elem(n,7); elemQ(m ,3) = elem(n,3); elemQ(m ,4) = elem(n,9); elemQ(m ,5) = elem(n,8); gNode(m ,0) = 0; gNode(m ,1) = 3; gNode(m ,2) = 4; gNode(m++,3) = 5; elemQ(m ,0) = elem(n,3); elemQ(m ,1) = elem(n,1); elemQ(m ,2) = elem(n,6); elemQ(m ,3) = elem(n,4); elemQ(m ,4) = elem(n,5); elemQ(m ,5) = elem(n,9); gNode(m ,0) = 1; gNode(m ,1) = 4; gNode(m ,2) = 5; gNode(m++,3) = 3; elemQ(m ,0) = elem(n,8); elemQ(m ,1) = elem(n,5); elemQ(m ,2) = elem(n,2); elemQ(m ,3) = elem(n,9); elemQ(m ,4) = elem(n,6); elemQ(m ,5) = elem(n,7); gNode(m ,0) = 2; gNode(m ,1) = 5; gNode(m ,2) = 3; gNode(m++,3) = 4; } /* for (int n=0; n<nElemQ; n++){ cout << n << " "; for (int j=0; j<nneQ; j++) cout << elemQ(n,j) << " "; cout << endl; } exit(0); */ // Jacobian terms Array2D <double> xr(nElemQ,nngQ),yr(nElemQ,nngQ),xs(nElemQ,nngQ), ys(nElemQ,nngQ),jac(nElemQ,nngQ),rs(nneQ,3),lc(nneQ,nneQ); xr.set(0.); yr.set(0.); xs.set(0.); ys.set(0.); jac.set(0.); int orderE=2; //quadratic elements solutionPoints(orderE, spacing, &rs(0,0)); bool test=true; lagrangePoly(test, orderE, &rs(0,0), &lc(0,0)); int j,km,lm; double lrm,lsm,ri,si; for (int n=0; n<nElemQ; n++){ // evaluate the Jacobian terms at the mesh points for (int i=0; i<nngQ; i++){ //ith mesh point ri = rs(gNode(n,i),0); si = rs(gNode(n,i),1); for (int m=0; m<nneQ; m++){ //mth Lagrange polynomial j = 0; lrm = 0.; lsm = 0.; for (int k=0; k<=orderE; k++) for (int l=0; l<=orderE-k; l++){ km = max(0,k-1); lm = max(0,l-1); lrm +=((double)k)*pow(ri,km)*pow(si,l )*lc(m,j ); lsm +=((double)l)*pow(ri,k )*pow(si,lm)*lc(m,j++); } xr(n,i) += lrm*x(elemQ(n,m),0); yr(n,i) += lrm*x(elemQ(n,m),1); xs(n,i) += lsm*x(elemQ(n,m),0); ys(n,i) += lsm*x(elemQ(n,m),1); } jac(n,i) = xr(n,i)*ys(n,i)-yr(n,i)*xs(n,i); }} // lr(i,j) = (dl_j/dr)_i (a row is all Lagrange polynomials (derivatives) // evaluated at a single mesh point i, same with the other derivatives) Array2D<double> lr(nneQ,nneQ),ls(nneQ,nneQ),lrr(nneQ,nneQ), lss(nneQ,nneQ),lrs(nneQ,nneQ); lr.set(0.); ls.set(0.); lrr.set(0.); lss.set(0.); lrs.set(0.); int kmm,lmm; for (int n=0; n<nneQ; n++) // nth Lagrange polynomial for (int i=0; i<nneQ; i++){ // ith mesh point j = 0; ri = rs(i,0); si = rs(i,1); for (int k=0; k<=orderE; k++) for (int l=0; l<=orderE-k; l++){ km = max(0,k-1); lm = max(0,l-1); kmm = max(0,k-2); lmm = max(0,l-2); lr (i,n) +=((double)k)*pow(ri,km)*pow(si,l )*lc(n,j); ls (i,n) +=((double)l)*pow(ri,k )*pow(si,lm)*lc(n,j); lrr(i,n) +=((double)(k*km))*pow(ri,kmm)*pow(si,l )*lc(n,j ); lss(i,n) +=((double)(l*lm))*pow(ri,k )*pow(si,lmm)*lc(n,j ); lrs(i,n) +=((double)(k*l ))*pow(ri,km )*pow(si,lm )*lc(n,j++); }} // compute averaged quadratic FEM gradient coefficients Array1D<double> sumj(nNode); sumj.set(0.); for (int n=0; n<nElemQ; n++) for (int i=0; i<nngQ; i++){ m = gNode(n,i); sumj(elemQ(n,m)) += jac(n,i); } for (int n=0; n<nNode; n++) sumj(n) = 1./sumj(n); int k1,k2; double xri,yri,xsi,ysi; Array2D<double> ax(nNode,2); ax.set(0.); gxQ.set(0.); for (int n=0; n<nElemQ; n++) for (int i=0; i<nngQ; i++){ m = gNode(n,i); k1 = elemQ(n,m); xri = xr(n,i); yri = yr(n,i); xsi = xs(n,i); ysi = ys(n,i); for (int j=0; j<nneQ; j++){ k2 = elemQ(n,j); ax(k2,0) = lr(m,j)*ysi-ls(m,j)*yri; ax(k2,1) =-lr(m,j)*xsi+ls(m,j)*xri; } for(int j=psp2(k1); j<psp2(k1+1); j++){ k2 = psp1(j); gxQ(j,0) += ax(k2,0); gxQ(j,1) += ax(k2,1); } for (int j=0; j<nneQ; j++){ k2 = elemQ(n,j); ax(k2,0) = 0.; ax(k2,1) = 0.; }} for (int n=0; n<nNode; n++) for (int i=psp2(n); i<psp2(n+1); i++){ gxQ(i,0) *= sumj(n); gxQ(i,1) *= sumj(n); } // deallocate work arrays elemQ.deallocate(); gNode.deallocate(); xr.deallocate(); yr.deallocate(); xs.deallocate(); ys.deallocate(); jac.deallocate(); rs.deallocate(); lc.deallocate(); lr.deallocate(); ls.deallocate(); lrr.deallocate(); lss.deallocate(); lrs.deallocate(); sumj.deallocate(); ax.deallocate(); }
void initialize_new_objects(parameter_t const& P, directory_structure_t const& ds, geometric_info_t const& gi, object_info_t& oi, vector<std::vector<std::string> > const &seq, int tt, vector<CImg<unsigned char> > const& images, vector<matrix<float> > const& grd, vector<matrix<float> >& detected_rects) { int Ncam = seq.size(); vector<object_trj_t> & trlet_list=oi.trlet_list; int nobj = trlet_list.size(); int num_new_obj = detected_rects(0).size1(); int T = seq[0].size(); int np = oi.model.size(); int num_scales = P.scales.size(); for(int oo=0; oo<num_new_obj; ++oo) { int nn = oi.curr_num_obj + oo; trlet_list(nn).startt = tt; trlet_list(nn).endt = tt; trlet_list(nn).state = 1; trlet_list(nn).trj = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { trlet_list(nn).trj(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 4, 0); } trlet_list(nn).trj_3d = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 2, 0); trlet_list(nn).hist_p = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).hist_q = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).fscores = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam); trlet_list(nn).scores = scalar_matrix<float>(Ncam, T, 0); vector<candidate_array<Float> > cand_array(Ncam); for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(np*2, T, 0); float w = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 2)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0); float h = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 3)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1); row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = row(detected_rects(cam), oo); matrix<float> rects; compute_part_rects(detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0), detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1), w, h, oi.model, rects); pmodel_t pmodel; vector<float> br(row(detected_rects(cam), oo)); rects_to_pmodel_geom(br, gi.horiz_mean, pmodel); oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn) = pmodel; //collect_sift(grd(cam), ); matrix<float> hist_p, hist_q; collect_hist(images(cam), rects, hist_p, hist_q); trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam) = hist_p; trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam) = hist_q; std::vector<float> sxr, syr; for(float v=-P.xrange/2; v<=P.xrange/2; v+=P.xstep) { sxr.push_back(v); } for(float v=-P.yrange/2; v<=P.yrange/2; v+=P.ystep) { syr.push_back(v); } vector<float> xr(sxr.size()), yr(syr.size()); std::copy(sxr.begin(), sxr.end(), xr.begin()); std::copy(syr.begin(), syr.end(), yr.begin()); float feetx = (trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 0) +trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 2))/2; float feety = trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 3); matrix<Float> cand_rects; vector<Float> cand_scale; matrix<int> cand_ijs; enumerate_rects_inpoly(images(cam), oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn), feetx, feety, xr, yr, P.scales, gi.horiz_mean, gi.horiz_sig, gi.polys_im(cam), cand_rects, cand_scale, cand_ijs, cand_array(cam)); vector<Float> cand_hist_score; matrix<Float> hist_fscores; real_timer_t timer; get_cand_hist_score(images(cam), oi.model, P.logp1, P.logp2, trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam), trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam), cand_rects, cand_hist_score, hist_fscores); vector<Float> cand_score=cand_hist_score; std::cout<<"\t\t"<<cand_rects.size1()<<" rects, \tget_cand_hist_score time:" <<timer.elapsed()/1000.0f<<"s."<<std::endl; int idx_max = std::max_element(cand_score.begin(), cand_score.end()) - cand_score.begin(); column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = row(hist_fscores, idx_max); trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt) = cand_score(idx_max); cand_array(cam).fill_score(cand_score, cand_ijs); }//end for cam real_timer_t timer; ground_scoremap_t<Float> grd_scoremap; combine_ground_score(cand_array, grd_scoremap, gi); int best_y, best_x, best_s; grd_scoremap.peak(best_y, best_x, best_s); for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam) { vector<double> bx(1), by(1), ix, iy; bx <<= best_x; by <<= best_y; apply_homography(gi.grd2img(cam), bx, by, ix, iy); float hpre = oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).hpre; float cur_fy = iy(0); float cur_fx = ix(0); float cur_hy = gi.horiz_mean+hpre*(cur_fy-gi.horiz_mean); float ds = P.scales(best_s)*(cur_fy-cur_hy)/oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bh; float ww = ds*oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bw; float hh = cur_fy - cur_hy; vector<Float> tmp(4); tmp <<= (cur_fx-ww/2), cur_hy, (cur_fx+ww/2), cur_fy; row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = tmp; //std::cout<<"trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, :)=" // <<row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt)<<std::endl; }//endfor cam }//endfor oo oi.curr_num_obj += num_new_obj; }
static void test_quant_solve1() { ast_manager m; arith_util ar(m); reg_decl_plugins(m); sort* i = ar.mk_int(); app_ref xr(m.mk_const(symbol("x"),i), m); app_ref yr(m.mk_const(symbol("y"),i), m); app* x = xr.get(); app* y = yr.get(); app* xy[2] = { x, y }; test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= x y) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 x) y) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (>= x y) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (>= (* 2 x) y) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 x) y) (>= x z) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 x) y) (>= (* 3 x) z) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(>= (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(<= (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(= (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(> (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= a x) (<= (* 2 x) b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= a x) (<= x b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 a) x) (<= x b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 a) x) (<= (* 2 x) b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= a x) (<= (* 3 x) b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 3 a) x) (<= x b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 3 a) x) (<= (* 3 x) b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (< a (* 3 x)) (< (* 3 x) b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(= (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(> (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(<= (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(>= (* 3 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(<= (* 2 x) a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(or (= (* 2 x) y) (= (+ (* 2 x) 1) y))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(= x a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< x a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(> x a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (> x a) (< x b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (> x a) (< x b))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(<= x a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(>= x a)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (* 2 x) y) (= (mod x 2) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(= (* 2 x) y)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(or (< x 0) (> x 1))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(or (< x y) (> x y))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(= x y)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(<= x y)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(>= x y)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (+ x y) 0) (<= (+ x z) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (+ x y) 0) (<= (+ (* 2 x) z) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (<= (+ (* 3 x) y) 0) (<= (+ (* 2 x) z) 0))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(and (>= x y) (>= x z))"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(< x y)"); test_quant_solver(m, x, "(> x y)"); test_quant_solver(m, 2, xy, "(and (<= (- (* 2 y) b) (+ (* 3 x) a)) (<= (- (* 2 x) a) (+ (* 4 y) b)))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((c Cell)) (= c null))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((c Cell)) (= c (cell null c1)))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((c Cell)) (not (= c null)))", false); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((c Cell)) (= (cell c c) c1))", false); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((c Cell)) (= (cell c (cdr c1)) c1))", false); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (= (tuple a P r1) t))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (= a (first t)))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (= P (second t)))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (= r2 (third t)))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (not (= a (first t))))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (not (= P (second t))))"); test_quant_solver(m, "(exists ((t Tuple)) (not (= r2 (third t))))"); }
void fPostStatus_db( const char* opt = "", const char* year = "17sim", const char* input = "fPostStatus.txt", int readdate = 0, int readtime = 0) { // storeTime is beginning time for validity range in case of WRITING DB TString option(opt), yr(year), storeTime; int date, time; // time for READING DB std::cout <<"year = " <<year <<std::endl; if (yr.Contains("17sim")) { storeTime = "2016-12-10 00:00:00"; date = 20161210; time = 0; } else if (yr.Contains("17ofl")) { storeTime = "2016-12-20 00:00:00"; date = 20161220; time = 0; } else { std::cout << "Please specify valid year tag\n"; exit; } if (readdate > 0) date = readdate; if (readtime > 0) time = readtime; std::cout << "Opt =" << opt << "\n"; std::cout << "write = " << option.Contains("writedb") << "\n"; std::cout << "storetime = " << storeTime << "\n"; std::cout << "date, time = " << date <<" "<< time << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("./loadlib.C"); //------------------------------------------- const Int_t MAX_DB_INDEX = 241; fpostStatus_st in[MAX_DB_INDEX]; FILE *FP = fopen(input, "r"); if (!FP) { printf("Could not open %s\n", input); exit; } printf("\nReading %s\n", input); char line[1000]; int n = 0; while (fgets(line, 1000, FP) != NULL) { sscanf(line,"%hu %hu", &in[n].slatid, &in[n].status); printf("slatId=%3d status=%1d\n", in[n].slatid, in[n].status); n++; } printf("Found %d entries\n", n); fclose(FP); printf("File Closed\n", n); //------------------------------------------- #if 1 if (option.Contains("writedb")) { gSystem->Setenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE", "write"); StDbManager* mgr = StDbManager::Instance(); StDbConfigNode* node = mgr->initConfig("Calibrations_fps"); StDbTable* dbtable = node->addDbTable("fpostStatus"); mgr->setStoreTime(storeTime.Data()); dbtable->SetTable((char*)&in, MAX_DB_INDEX); if (yr.Contains("sim")) dbtable->setFlavor("sim"); mgr->storeDbTable(dbtable); std::cout << "INFO: table saved to database" << std::endl; } //------------------------------------------- if (option.Contains("readdb")) { std::cout << "INFO: Reading database" << std::endl; gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_ACCESS_MODE"); //gSystem->Unsetenv("DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG"); St_db_Maker* dbMk = new St_db_Maker("db", "MySQL:StarDb", "$STAR/StarDb"); dbMk->SetDebug(); dbMk->SetDateTime(date, time); // event or run start time, set to your liking if (yr.Contains("ofl")) { dbMk->SetFlavor("ofl"); } else if (yr.Contains("sim")) { dbMk->SetFlavor("sim"); } dbMk->Init(); dbMk->Make(); TDataSet *DB = 0; DB = dbMk->GetDataBase("Calibrations/fps/fpostStatus"); if (!DB) std::cout << "ERROR: no table found in db, or malformed local db config" << std::endl; St_fpostStatus *dataset = 0; dataset = (St_fpostStatus*) DB->Find("fpostStatus"); if (!dataset) { std::cout << "ERROR: dataset does not contain requested table" << std::endl; return; } Int_t rows = dataset->GetNRows(); if (rows > 1) std::cout << "INFO: found INDEXED table with " << rows << " rows" << std::endl; TDatime val[2]; dbMk->GetValidity((TTable*)dataset, val); std::cout << "Dataset validity range: [ " << val[0].GetDate() << "." << val[0].GetTime() << " - " << val[1].GetDate() << "." << val[1].GetTime() << " ] " << std::endl; fpostStatus_st *table = (fpostStatus_st*)dataset->GetTable(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < rows; i++) { std::cout << Form("Row=%3d slatid=%3d status=%1d\n", i, table[i].slatid, table[i].status); } } #endif return; }//Main
void Boonas::doRotate(QString outfile, QString vectx, QString vecty, QString vectz, QString px, QString py, QString pz, QString divisions, QString degrees) { Point centerP(px.toFloat(), py.toFloat(), pz.toFloat()); Vector centerV(vectx.toFloat(), vecty.toFloat(), vectz.toFloat()); Transformation matrix; float theta; float phi; float angleOfRot = degrees.toFloat() / divisions.toFloat(); // translate to x matrix = xt(-px.toFloat(), matrix); matrix = yt(-py.toFloat(), matrix); matrix = zt(-pz.toFloat(), matrix); if(vectz.toFloat() == 0) { if((vectx.toFloat() == 1) && (vectz.toFloat() == 0)) { theta = 1.57079633; } else { theta = 0.0; } } else { theta = atan(vectx.toFloat() / vectz.toFloat()); } matrix = yr(-theta, matrix); phi = atan(vecty.toFloat() / (sqrt((vectx.toFloat() * vectx.toFloat()) + (vectz.toFloat() * vectz.toFloat())))); matrix = xr(phi, matrix); // apply matrix doMult(matrix); // do rotates and divisions along Z doZrm(outfile, angleOfRot, divisions.toFloat()); // have to re-read from a temp file after this delete orig; orig = new LNHHolder(); readTfile(outfile); //unrotate matrix = Transformation(); matrix = xr(-phi, matrix); matrix = yr(theta, matrix); // untranslate matrix = xt(px.toFloat(), matrix); matrix = yt(py.toFloat(), matrix); matrix = zt(pz.toFloat(), matrix); // apply matrix doMult(matrix); return; }
forceinline void IntTraceView::update(Space& home, bool, IntTraceView y) { Iter::Ranges::RangeList yr(y.dom); RangeList::copy(home,dom,yr); }