예제 #1
/* Calculate geometric position of the Moon and apply
 * approximate corrections to find apparent position,
 * phase of the Moon, etc. for AA.ARC.
int domoon()
int i, prtsav;
double ra0, dec0, r;
double x, y, z, lon0;
double c, s, temp;
double pp[3], qq[3];
double acos();

/* Compute obliquity of the ecliptic, coseps, and sineps

/* Run the orbit calculation twice, at two different times,
 * in order to find the rate of change of R.A. and Dec.

/* Calculate for 0.001 day ago
prtsav = prtflg;
prtflg = 0; /* disable display */
moonll(TDT-0.001, moonpp, moonpol);
lonlat( rearth, TDT, eapolar ); // precess earth to date
// lonlat( rearth, TDT, eapolar, 1 );
ra0 = ra;
dec0 = dec;
lon0 = l;
prtflg = prtsav;

/* Calculate for present instant.
moonll(TDT, moonpp, moonpol);

/* The rates of change.  These are used by altaz() to
 * correct the time of rising, transit, and setting.
 dradt = ra - ra0;
 if (dradt >= PI)
   dradt = dradt - 2.0 * PI;
 if (dradt <= -PI)
   dradt = dradt + 2.0 * PI;
 dradt = 1000.0 * dradt;
 ddecdt = 1000.0*(dec-dec0);

/* Post the ecliptic longitude and latitude, in radians,
 * and the radius in au.
obpolar[0] = l;
obpolar[1] = B;
r = 1.0/sin(p); /* distance in earth-radii */
ra0 = Rearth*r; /* factor is radius of earth in au */
obpolar[2] = ra0;

/* Rate of change in longitude, degrees per day
 * used for phase of the moon
lon0 = 1000.0*RTD*(l - lon0);

/* convert to ecliptic rectangular coordinates */

z = ra0 * cos(B);
x = z * cos(l);
y = z * sin(l);
z = ra0 * sin(B);
/* convert to equatorial coordinates */
pp[0] = x;
pp[1] = y * coseps - z * sineps;
pp[2] = y * sineps + z * coseps;

/* Find sun-moon-earth angles */
precess( rearth, TDT, -1 );
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
	qq[i] = rearth[i] + pp[i];
angles( pp, qq, rearth );

/* Display answers
if( prtflg )
	  /* Apparent ecliptic coordinates.
	     The nutation in longitude is added to the ecliptic longitude.
	     See AA page C2.  First rotate the coordinate system about the
	     x axis from mean equator to ecliptic.
	     Then rotate about the z axis by the nutation in longitude.  */
	  x = Mapp[0];
	  y = Mapp[1];
	  z = Mapp[2];
	  temp  =  coseps * y  +  sineps * z;
	  z     = -sineps * y  +  coseps * z;
	  y = temp;

	  c = cos(nutl);
	  s = sin(nutl);
	  temp = c * x - s * y;
	  y    = s * x + c * y;
	  x = temp;

	  Mapp[0] = zatan2( x, y );
	  Mapp[1] = asin( z );
	  Mapp[2] = Rem;
	printf( "Apparent geocentric longitude %.3f deg", RTD*Mapp[0] );
	printf( "   latitude %.3f deg\n", RTD*Mapp[1] );
	printf( "Distance %.3f Earth-radii\n", r );
	printf( "Horizontal parallax" );
	dms( p );
	printf( "Semidiameter" );
	x = 0.272453 * p  +  0.0799/RTS; /* AA page L6 */
	dms( x );

	x = RTD * acos(-ep);
	printf( "\nElongation from sun %.2f deg,", x );
	x = 0.5 * (1.0 + pq);
	printf( "  Illuminated fraction %.2f\n", x );

/* Find phase of the Moon by comparing Moon's longitude
 * with Earth's longitude.
 * The number of days before or past indicated phase is
 * estimated by assuming the true longitudes change linearly
 * with time.  These rates are estimated for the date, but
 * do not stay constant.  The error can exceed 0.15 day in 4 days.
/* Apparent longitude of sun.
 * Moon's longitude was already corrected for light time.
	y = eapolar[0] - 20.496/(RTS*eapolar[2]);
	x = obpolar[0] - y;
	x = modtp( x ) * RTD;	/* difference in longitude */
	i = x/90;		/* number of quarters */
	x = (x - i*90.0);	/* phase angle mod 90 degrees */

/* days per degree of phase angle */
	z = 1.0/(lon0 - (0.9856/eapolar[2]));

	if( x > 45.0 )
		y = -(x - 90.0)*z;
		if( y > 1.0 )
			printf( "Phase %.1f days before ", y );
			printf( "Phase %.2f days before ", y );
		i = (i+1) & 3;
		y = x*z;
		if( y > 1.0 )
			printf( "Phase %.1f days past ", y );
			printf( "Phase %.2f days past ", y );

		case 0: printf( "Full Moon\n" ); break;
		case 1: printf( "Third Quarter\n" ); break;
		case 2: printf( "New Moon\n" ); break;
		case 3: printf( "First Quarter\n" ); break;
	} /* if prtflg */

printf( "    Apparent:  R.A." );
printf( "Declination" );
printf( "\n" );

/* Compute and display topocentric position (altaz.c)
pp[0] = ra;
pp[1] = dec;
pp[2] = r * Rearth;
altaz( pp, UT );
예제 #2
파일: fk4fk5.cpp 프로젝트: cjnoyes/astroweb
int fk4fk5( double *p, double *m, struct star *el )
double a, b, c;
double *u, *v;
double R[6];
int i, j;

//printf( "Converting to FK5 system\n" );

/* Note the direction vector and motion vector
 * are already supplied by rstar.c.
a = 0.0;
b = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
	m[i] *= RTS; /* motion must be in arc seconds per century */
	a += A[i] * p[i];
	b += Ad[i] * p[i];
/* Remove E terms of aberration from FK4
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
	R[i] = p[i] - A[i] + a * p[i];
	R[i+3] = m[i] - Ad[i] + b * p[i];

/* Perform matrix multiplication
v = &Mat[0];
for( i=0; i<6; i++ )
	a = 0.0;
	u = &R[0];
	for( j=0; j<6; j++ )
		a += *u++ * *v++;
	if( i < 3 )
		p[i] = a;
		m[i-3] = a;

/* Transform the answers into J2000 catalogue entries
 * in radian measure.

b = p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1];
a = b + p[2]*p[2];
c = a;
a = sqrt(a);

el->ra = zatan2( p[0], p[1] );
el->dec = asin( p[2]/a );

/* Note motion converted back to radians per (Julian) century */
el->mura = (p[0]*m[1] - p[1]*m[0])/(RTS*b);
el->mudec = (m[2]*b - p[2]*(p[0]*m[0] + p[1]*m[1]) )/(RTS*c*sqrt(b));

if( el->px > 0.0 )
	c = 0.0;
	for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
		c += p[i] * m[i];

/* divide by RTS to deconvert m (and therefore c)
 * from arc seconds back to radians
	el->v = c/(21.094952663 * el->px * RTS * a);
el->px = el->px/a;	/* a is dimensionless */
el->epoch = J2000;