예제 #1
파일: zauth_v2.c 프로젝트: AxelVoitier/czmq
//  Checks whether client can connect to server
static bool
s_can_connect (zctx_t *ctx, void **server, void **client)
    int port_nbr = zsocket_bind (*server, "tcp://*");
    assert (port_nbr > 0);
    int rc = zsocket_connect (*client, "tcp://", port_nbr);
    assert (rc == 0);
    //  Give the connection time to fail if that's the plan
    zclock_sleep (200);

    //  By default PUSH sockets block if there's no peer
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (*server, 200);
    zstr_send (*server, "Hello, World");

    zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (*client, NULL);
    bool success = (zpoller_wait (poller, 400) == *client);
    zpoller_destroy (&poller);
    zsocket_destroy (ctx, *client);
    zsocket_destroy (ctx, *server);
    *server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert (*server);
    *client = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PULL);
    assert (*client);
    return success;
예제 #2
zsock_t* subscriber_push_socket_new(zconfig_t* config)
    zsock_t *socket = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    zsock_set_sndtimeo(socket, 10);
    int rc = zsock_bind(socket, "inproc://subscriber");
    assert(rc == 0);
    return socket;
예제 #3
파일: zactor.c 프로젝트: Cargo-Labs/czmq
//  Thread shim for UNIX calls the actual thread and cleans up afterwards.
static void *
s_thread_shim (void *args)
    assert (args);
    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) args;
    shim->handler (shim->pipe, shim->args);
    //  Do not block, if the other end of the pipe is already deleted
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (shim->pipe, 0);
    zsock_signal (shim->pipe, 0);
    zsock_destroy (&shim->pipe);
    free (shim);
    return NULL;
예제 #4
파일: zactor.c 프로젝트: Cargo-Labs/czmq
//  Thread shim for Windows that wraps a POSIX-style thread handler
//  and does the _endthreadex for us automatically.
static unsigned __stdcall
s_thread_shim (void *args)
    assert (args);
    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) args;
    shim->handler (shim->pipe, shim->args);
    //  Do not block, if the other end of the pipe is already deleted
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (shim->pipe, 0);
    zsock_signal (shim->pipe, 0);
    zsock_destroy (&shim->pipe);
    free (shim);
    _endthreadex (0);           //  Terminates thread
    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: zyre_peer.c 프로젝트: Muraad/zyre
zyre_peer_connect (zyre_peer_t *self, zuuid_t *from, const char *endpoint)
    assert (self);
    assert (!self->connected);

    //  Create new outgoing socket (drop any messages in transit)
    self->mailbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    if (!self->mailbox)
        return;             //  Null when we're shutting down
    //  Set our own identity on the socket so that receiving node
    //  knows who each message came from. Note that we cannot use
    //  the UUID directly as the identity since it may contain a
    //  zero byte at the start, which libzmq does not like for
    //  historical and arguably bogus reasons that it nonetheless
    //  enforces.
    byte routing_id [ZUUID_LEN + 1] = { 1 };
    memcpy (routing_id + 1, zuuid_data (from), ZUUID_LEN);
    int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zsock_resolve (self->mailbox),
                             ZMQ_IDENTITY, routing_id, ZUUID_LEN + 1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set a high-water mark that allows for reasonable activity
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self->mailbox, PEER_EXPIRED * 100);

    //  Send messages immediately or return EAGAIN
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->mailbox, 0);

    //  Connect through to peer node
    rc = zsock_connect (self->mailbox, "%s", endpoint);
    if (rc != 0) {
        zsys_error ("(%s) cannot connect to endpoint=%s",
                    self->origin, endpoint);
        //  Don't really have any error handling yet; if connect
        //  fails, there's something wrong with connect endpoint?
        assert (false);
    assert (rc == 0);
    if (self->verbose)
        zsys_info ("(%s) connect to peer: endpoint=%s",
                   self->origin, endpoint);

    self->endpoint = strdup (endpoint);
    self->connected = true;
    self->ready = false;
예제 #6
파일: zactor.c 프로젝트: Cargo-Labs/czmq
zactor_destroy (zactor_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zactor_t *self = *self_p;
        assert (zactor_is (self));

        //  Signal the actor to end and wait for the thread exit code
        //  If the pipe isn't connected any longer, assume child thread
        //  has already quit due to other reasons and don't collect the
        //  exit signal.
        zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->pipe, 0);
        if (zstr_send (self->pipe, "$TERM") == 0)
            zsock_wait (self->pipe);
        zsock_destroy (&self->pipe);
        self->tag = 0xDeadBeef;
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
예제 #7
파일: zyre_peer.c 프로젝트: jossgray/zyre
zyre_peer_connect (zyre_peer_t *self, zuuid_t *from, const char *endpoint, uint64_t expired_timeout)
    assert (self);
    assert (!self->connected);

    //  Create new outgoing socket (drop any messages in transit)
    self->mailbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    if (!self->mailbox)
        return -1;             //  Null when we're shutting down

    //  Set our own identity on the socket so that receiving node
    //  knows who each message came from. Note that we cannot use
    //  the UUID directly as the identity since it may contain a
    //  zero byte at the start, which libzmq does not like for
    //  historical and arguably bogus reasons that it nonetheless
    //  enforces.
    byte routing_id [ZUUID_LEN + 1] = { 1 };
    memcpy (routing_id + 1, zuuid_data (from), ZUUID_LEN);
    int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zsock_resolve (self->mailbox),
                             ZMQ_IDENTITY, routing_id, ZUUID_LEN + 1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set a high-water mark that allows for reasonable activity
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self->mailbox, expired_timeout * 100);

    //  Send messages immediately or return EAGAIN
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->mailbox, 0);

    //  If the peer is a link-local IPv6 address but the interface is not set,
    //  use ZSYS_INTERFACE_ADDRESS if provided
    zrex_t *rex = zrex_new (NULL);
    char endpoint_iface [NI_MAXHOST] = {0};
    if (zsys_ipv6 () && zsys_interface () && strlen(zsys_interface ()) &&
            !streq (zsys_interface (), "*") &&
            zrex_eq (rex, endpoint, "^tcp://(fe80[^%]+)(:\\d+)$")) {
        const char *hostname, *port;
        zrex_fetch (rex, &hostname, &port, NULL);
        strcat (endpoint_iface, "tcp://");
        strcat (endpoint_iface, hostname);
        strcat (endpoint_iface, "%");
        strcat (endpoint_iface, zsys_interface ());
        strcat (endpoint_iface, port);
    } else
        strcat (endpoint_iface, endpoint);
    zrex_destroy (&rex);

    //  Connect through to peer node
    rc = zsock_connect (self->mailbox, "%s", endpoint_iface);
    if (rc != 0) {
        zsys_debug ("(%s) cannot connect to endpoint=%s",
                    self->origin, endpoint_iface);
        zsock_destroy (&self->mailbox);
        return -1;
    if (self->verbose)
        zsys_info ("(%s) connect to peer: endpoint=%s",
                   self->origin, endpoint_iface);

    self->endpoint = strdup (endpoint_iface);
    self->connected = true;
    self->ready = false;

    return 0;
예제 #8
파일: qzsock.cpp 프로젝트: digideskio/zebra
//  Set socket option `sndtimeo`.
void QZsock::setSndtimeo (int sndtimeo)
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (self, sndtimeo);
예제 #9
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsock__1_1setSndtimeo (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self, jint sndtimeo)
    zsock_set_sndtimeo ((zsock_t *) (intptr_t) self, (int) sndtimeo);