/// // Configure whether to use zero copy strategy in libzmq. If the environment // variable ZSYS_ZERO_COPY_RECV is defined, that provides the default. // Otherwise the default is 1. void QmlZsysAttached::setZeroCopyRecv (int zeroCopy) { zsys_set_zero_copy_recv (zeroCopy); };
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsys__1_1setZeroCopyRecv (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jint zero_copy) { zsys_set_zero_copy_recv ((int) zero_copy); }
/// // Configure whether to use zero copy strategy in libzmq. If the environment // variable ZSYS_ZERO_COPY_RECV is defined, that provides the default. // Otherwise the default is 1. void QZsys::setZeroCopyRecv (int zeroCopy) { zsys_set_zero_copy_recv (zeroCopy); }