예제 #1
bool OrthographicGridPathfinder::hasReachedNode(AnimatedSprite *sprite, PathNode destination)
    AABB *spriteAABB = sprite->getBoundingVolume();
    float xDiff = fabs(spriteAABB->getCenterX() - getColumnCenterX(destination.column));
    float yDiff = fabs(spriteAABB->getCenterY() - getRowCenterY(destination.row));
    bool xReached = xDiff < GRID_EPSILON;
    bool yReached = yDiff < GRID_EPSILON;
    return xReached && yReached;
예제 #2
void Physics::getCollisionsSpriteSprite(	World *world,  
                                        CollidableObject *spriteA,
                                        CollidableObject *spriteB,
                                        float percentageOfFrameRemaining)
    //vector<WorldLayer*> *layers = world->getLayers();
    AABB *boundingVolumeA = spriteA->getBoundingVolume();
    AABB *boundingVolumeB = spriteB->getBoundingVolume();
    PhysicalProperties *ppA = spriteA->getPhysicalProperties();
    PhysicalProperties *ppB = spriteB->getPhysicalProperties();

    int centerXA = boundingVolumeA->getCenterX();
    int centerXB = boundingVolumeB->getCenterX();

    int centerYA = boundingVolumeA->getCenterY();
    int centerYB = boundingVolumeB->getCenterY();

    int widthA = boundingVolumeA->getWidth();
    int widthB = boundingVolumeB->getWidth();

    int heightA = boundingVolumeA->getHeight();
    int heightB = boundingVolumeB->getHeight();

    int vxA = ppA->getVelocityX();
    int vxB = ppB->getVelocityX();

    int vyA = ppA->getVelocityY();
    int vyB = ppB->getVelocityY();
    // A - B
    if ((centerXB - (widthB/2)) > (centerXA + (widthA/2)))
        //if(!((vxA - vxB) == 0)) {
        // if(boundingVolumeA->overlapsX(boundingVolumeB)){

        if(!((vxA - vxB) == 0)) {
            int tx_first_contact = abs(((centerXB - (widthB/2)) - (centerXA + (widthA/2)))/(vxA - vxB));
            int tx_last_contact = abs(((centerXB + (widthB/2)) - (centerXA - (widthA/2)))/(vxA - vxB));

            if(tx_first_contact > percentageOfFrameRemaining)
                //there`s no collision
                if(!(vyA - vyB) == 0)
                    //there`s contact on X axis, so let`s see if there`s contact on y axis
                    int ty_first_contact = abs(((centerYB - (heightB/2)) - (centerYA + (heightA/2)))/(vyA - vyB));
                    //int ty_first_contact =  boundingVolumeA->overlapsY(boundingVolumeB);
                    int ty_last_contact = abs(((centerYB + (heightB/2)) - (centerYA - (heightA/2)))/(vyA - vyB));
                    if(ty_first_contact > percentageOfFrameRemaining)
                        //there`s no collision
                        //there`s collision!
                        //add collision to vector
                        addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);

                    //none of them are not going anywhere up, so they must collide on x axis
                    //if they collide on y
                    //if(((centerYB + heightB/2) - (centerYA - heightA/2)) >= 0)
                    {addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);}


                // }
            //the situation here is kind of special
            //they could be stopped in X, or they could be walking in the same velocity
            //in the second situation, we are cool because they wouldn`t collide anyway
            //in the firt situation, they could colide (one on top of the other)
            //because of this, we have to make sure that one is on top of the other
            //and that they can collide on y axis
            //boundingVolumeB->setWidth(boundingVolumeB->getWidth() *2);
            if(boundingVolumeA->myOverlapsX(boundingVolumeB))// && !(boundingVolumeA->overlapsY(boundingVolumeB)))
                addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);

    // B - A
        if(!((vxB - vxA) == 0)) {
            int tx_first_contact = abs(((centerXA - (widthA/2)) - (centerXB + (widthB/2)))/(vxB - vxA));

            //int tx_first_contact = boundingVolumeB->overlapsX(boundingVolumeA);
            int tx_last_contact = abs(((centerXA + (widthA/2)) - (centerXB - (widthB/2)))/(vxB - vxA));
            if(tx_first_contact > percentageOfFrameRemaining)
                //there`s no collision
                if(!(vyB - vyA) == 0)
                    //there`s contact on X axis, so let`s see if there`s contact on y axis
                    int ty_first_contact = abs(((centerYA - (heightA/2)) - (centerYB + (heightB/2)))/(vyB - vyA));
                    //int ty_first_contact = boundingVolumeB->overlapsY(boundingVolumeA);
                    int ty_last_contact = abs(((centerYA + (heightA/2)) - (centerYB - (heightB/2)))/(vyB - vyA));
                    if(ty_first_contact > percentageOfFrameRemaining)
                        //there`s no collision
                        //there`s collision!
                        //add collision to vector
                        addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);

                    //none of them are not going anywhere up, so they must collide on x axis
                    //if they collide on y
                    //if(((centerYA - heightA/2) - (centerYB + heightB/2)) <= 0  )
                    {addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);}

            //there`s no movement , so they won`t collide
            // boundingVolumeA->setWidth(boundingVolumeA->getWidth() *2);
            if(boundingVolumeB->myOverlapsX(boundingVolumeA))//&& !(boundingVolumeB->overlapsY(boundingVolumeA)))
                addCollisionSpriteSprite(spriteA, spriteB);

    // physics->addTileCollision(dynamicObject, testTile, tileX, tileY, (float)tileWidth, (float)tileHeight);
