예제 #1
void FacePredict::FaceSynthesis(AAM_Shape &shape, CvMat* texture, IplImage* newImage)
	double thisfacewidth = shape.GetWidth();
	shape.Scale(stdwidth / thisfacewidth);
	shape.Translate(-shape.MinX(), -shape.MinY());

	AAM_PAW paw;
	CvMat* points = cvCreateMat (1, __shape.nPoints(), CV_32FC2);
	CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
	paw.Train(shape, points, storage, __paw.GetTri(), false);  //the actual shape

	__AAMRefShape.Translate(-__AAMRefShape.MinX(), -__AAMRefShape.MinY());  //refShape, central point is at (0,0);translate the min to (0,0)
	double minV, maxV;
	cvMinMaxLoc(texture, &minV, &maxV);
	cvConvertScale(texture, texture, 1/(maxV-minV)*255, -minV*255/(maxV-minV));


	int x1, x2, y1, y2, idx1 = 0, idx2 = 0;
	int tri_idx, v1, v2, v3;
	int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
	minx = shape.MinX(); miny = shape.MinY();
	maxx = shape.MaxX(); maxy = shape.MaxY();
	for(int y = miny; y < maxy; y++)
		y1 = y-miny;
		for(int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
			x1 = x-minx;
			idx1 = paw.Rect(y1, x1);
			if(idx1 >= 0)
				tri_idx = paw.PixTri(idx1);
				v1 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 0);
				v2 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 1);
				v3 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 2);
				x2 = paw.Alpha(idx1)*__AAMRefShape[v1].x + paw.Belta(idx1)*__AAMRefShape[v2].x +  
				y2 = paw.Alpha(idx1)*__AAMRefShape[v1].y + paw.Belta(idx1)*__AAMRefShape[v2].y +  
				idx2 = __paw.Rect(y2, x2);
				if(idx2 < 0) continue;

				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(newImage, byte, y, 3*x) = cvmGet(texture, 0, 3*idx2);
				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(newImage, byte, y, 3*x+1) = cvmGet(texture, 0, 3*idx2+1);
				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(newImage, byte, y, 3*x+2) = cvmGet(texture, 0, 3*idx2+2);
예제 #2
void AAM_CAM::DrawAppearance(IplImage* image, const AAM_Shape& Shape, CvMat* Texture)
	AAM_PAW paw;
	int x1, x2, y1, y2, idx1 = 0, idx2 = 0;
	int tri_idx, v1, v2, v3;
	int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
	paw.Train(Shape, __Points, __Storage, __paw.GetTri(), false);
	AAM_Shape refShape = __paw.__referenceshape;
	double minV, maxV;
	cvMinMaxLoc(Texture, &minV, &maxV);
	cvConvertScale(Texture, Texture, 1/(maxV-minV)*255, -minV*255/(maxV-minV));

	minx = Shape.MinX(); miny = Shape.MinY();
	maxx = Shape.MaxX(); maxy = Shape.MaxY();
	for(int y = miny; y < maxy; y++)
		y1 = y-miny;
		for(int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
			x1 = x-minx;
			idx1 = paw.Rect(y1, x1);
			if(idx1 >= 0)
				tri_idx = paw.PixTri(idx1);
				v1 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 0);
				v2 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 1);
				v3 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 2);
				x2 = paw.Alpha(idx1)*refShape[v1].x + paw.Belta(idx1)*refShape[v2].x +  
				y2 = paw.Alpha(idx1)*refShape[v1].y + paw.Belta(idx1)*refShape[v2].y +  
				idx2 = __paw.Rect(y2, x2);
				if(idx2 < 0) continue;

				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(image, byte, y, 3*x) = cvmGet(Texture, 0, 3*idx2);
				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(image, byte, y, 3*x+1) = cvmGet(Texture, 0, 3*idx2+1);
				CV_IMAGE_ELEM(image, byte, y, 3*x+2) = cvmGet(Texture, 0, 3*idx2+2);
예제 #3
void ontrackcam(int pos)
	if(c == 0)
		c = cvCreateMat(1, g_cam->nModes(), CV_64FC1);cvZero(c);
		s = cvCreateMat(1, g_cam->__shape.nPoints()*2, CV_64FC1);
		t = cvCreateMat(1, g_cam->__texture.nPixels(), CV_64FC1);

	double var;
	//registrate appearance parameters
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		var = 3*sqrt(g_cam->Var(i))*(double(b_c[i])/offset-1.0);
		cvmSet(c, 0, i, var);

	//generate shape and texture instance
	g_cam->CalcLocalShape(s, c);
	g_cam->CalcTexture(t, c);
	//warp texture instance from base mesh to current shape instance
	int w = aam_s.GetWidth(), h = aam_s.MaxY()-aam_s.MinY();
	 aam_s.Translate(w, h);
	if(image == 0)image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w*2,h*2), 8, 3);
	cvSet(image, cvScalar(128, 128, 128));
	g_cam->DrawAppearance(image, aam_s, t);
	cvNamedWindow("Combined Appearance Model",1);
	cvShowImage("Combined Appearance Model", image);
	if(cvWaitKey(10) == '27')
		cvDestroyWindow("Combined Appearance Model");
예제 #4
    void AAMBody::AlignShape(AAM_Shape& pStartShape, const AAM_Shape& pDetShape, const AAM_Shape& pMeanShape)
        AAM_Shape baseShape, alignedShape;

        double meanCenter = (pMeanShape.MinY() + pMeanShape.MaxY()) * 0.5;
        baseShape[0].x = pMeanShape.MinX();
        baseShape[0].y = meanCenter;
        baseShape[1].x = pMeanShape.MaxX();
        baseShape[1].y = meanCenter;

        double yMean = (pDetShape[1].y + pDetShape[0].y) * 0.5;
        alignedShape[0].x = pDetShape[0].x;
        alignedShape[0].y = yMean;
        alignedShape[1].x = pDetShape[1].x;
        alignedShape[1].y = yMean;

        double a, b, tx, ty;
        baseShape.AlignTransformation(alignedShape, a, b, tx, ty);
        pStartShape = pMeanShape;
        pStartShape.TransformPose(a, b, tx, ty);
예제 #5
void AAM_Basic::DrawAppearance(IplImage* image)
	AAM_Shape Shape; Shape.Mat2Point(__current_s);
	AAM_PAW paw;
	paw.Train(Shape, __cam.__Points, __cam.__Storage, __cam.__paw.GetTri(), false);
	int x1, x2, y1, y2, idx1, idx2;
	int tri_idx, v1, v2, v3;
	int xby3, idxby3;
	int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
	AAM_Shape refShape;	refShape.Mat2Point(__cam.__MeanS);
	refShape.Translate(-refShape.MinX(), -refShape.MinY());
	double minV, maxV;
	cvMinMaxLoc(__t_m, &minV, &maxV);
	cvConvertScale(__t_m, __t_m, 255/(maxV-minV), -minV*255/(maxV-minV));
	byte* pimg;
	double* fastt = __t_m->data.db;

	minx = Shape.MinX(); miny = Shape.MinY();
	maxx = Shape.MaxX(); maxy = Shape.MaxY();

	if( minx < 0 )
		minx = 0;
	else if(minx >= image->width)
		minx = image->width - 1;

	if( miny < 0 )
		miny = 0;
	else if(miny >= image->height)
		miny = image->height - 1;

	if( maxx < 0 )
		maxx = 0;
	else if(maxx >= image->width)
		maxx = image->height - 1;

	if( maxy < 0 )
		maxy = 0;
	else if(maxy >= image->height)
		maxy = image->height - 1;

	for(int y = miny; y < maxy; y++)
		y1 = y-miny;
		pimg = (byte*)(image->imageData + image->widthStep*y);
		for(int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
			x1 = x-minx;
			idx1 = paw.__rect[y1][x1];
			if(idx1 >= 0)
				tri_idx = paw.PixTri(idx1);
				v1 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 0);
				v2 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 1);
				v3 = paw.Tri(tri_idx, 2);
				x2 = paw.__alpha[idx1]*refShape[v1].x + paw.__belta[idx1]*refShape[v2].x +  
				y2 = paw.__alpha[idx1]*refShape[v1].y + paw.__belta[idx1]*refShape[v2].y +  
				xby3 = 3*x; 
				idx2 = __cam.__paw.__rect[y2][x2];		idxby3 = 3*idx2;
				pimg[xby3] = fastt[idxby3];
				pimg[xby3+1] = fastt[idxby3+1];
				pimg[xby3+2] = fastt[idxby3+2];