예제 #1
/*! \fn void Camera::SendARtag()
 * 	\brief Send the ARtag id and pose info over to remote through udp.
 * 	\see ARtag
void Camera::SendARtag()
	Packet packet;
	memset(&packet, -1, sizeof(packet));
	packet.type = DATA;
	int numARtags = ar->getARtagSize();
	numARtags = numARtags < MAXARTAGSEEN ? numARtags:MAXARTAGSEEN;
	for (int i = 0; i < numARtags; ++i)
		ARtag* tag = ar->getARtag(i);
		packet.u.data.tagId[i] = tag->getId();
		cv::Mat pose = tag->getPose();
		packet.u.data.x[i] = pose.at<float>(0,3)/1000.f;
		packet.u.data.y[i] = pose.at<float>(1,3)/1000.f;
		packet.u.data.z[i] = pose.at<float>(2,3)/1000.f;
		packet.u.data.yaw[i] = -atan2(pose.at<float>(1,0), pose.at<float>(0,0));
		if (packet.u.data.yaw[i] < 0)
			packet.u.data.yaw[i] += 6.28;
	if (sendto(_sock, (unsigned char*)&packet, ARTAG_PACKET_SIZE, 0, (const struct sockaddr *)&_artagPort, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) printf("sendto\n");
예제 #2
void ObjDetect::imageCaptured ( const FCam::Frame & frame )
    IplImage * img = capture_rgb24 ( frame );
//    printf("[imageCaptured]: I got here! yeye!\n");
    IplImage * gray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

//    if ( !img1 )
//    {
    img1 = img;
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        img2 = img;

//        thread = new ObjDetectThread ( this, img1, img2,
//                                       ui->getFeatureType (), ui->getMatchType () );
//        //    QObject::connect ( thread, SIGNAL ( progressUpdate ( int ) ),
//        //                       progressBar, SLOT ( setValue ( int ) ) );
//        QObject::connect ( thread, SIGNAL ( finished () ),
//                           this, SLOT ( computed () ) );
//        thread->start ();
//    }

    isready = true;

    ARtag * ar;
    CvMat * pose;
    OverlayText ot;
    QByteArray ba; // ot.u + ot.v + ot.ID + ot.poseX + ot.poseY + ot.poseZ + ot.timestamp ;
    int packetSize = sizeof(struct OverlayText)*arloc.getARtagSize();

    for (int n = 0; n < arloc.getARtagSize(); ++n)
        ar = arloc.getARtag(n);
        pose = ar->getPose();
        ot.u = ar->getU();
        ot.v = ar->getV();
        ot.ID = ar->getId();
        ot.poseX = CV_MAT_ELEM(*pose , float, 0, 3);
        ot.poseY = CV_MAT_ELEM(*pose , float, 1, 3);
        ot.poseZ = CV_MAT_ELEM(*pose , float, 2, 3);
        ot.timestamp = (double)t.elapsed()/1000.0;

        memcpy(ba.data()+n*sizeof(struct OverlayText),(char*)&ot,sizeof(struct OverlayText));

    isready = true;
    completed = true;

//     image = QImage ( ( const uchar * )img1->imageData,
//                      img1->width,
//                      img1->height,
//                      img1->widthStep,
//                      QImage::Format_RGB888 );
//     canvas = new QLabel ( this );
//     //  progressBar->hide ();

//     QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout ( this );
//     layout->addWidget ( canvas );
//     setLayout ( layout );
//     QPicture picture;
//     QPainter painter;
//     painter.begin ( &picture );
////     painter.drawImage ( QRect ( QPoint ( 0, 0 ), QPoint ( 800, 600 ) ), image );
//     painter.drawText(arloc.getARtag());
//     painter.end ();
//     canvas->setPicture ( picture );
//     canvas->show ();