예제 #1
uint_t ADVBPatterns::ParsePatterns(ADataList& patternlist, const AString& patterns, AString& errors, const AString& sep, const AString& user)
	uint_t i, n = patterns.CountLines(sep);

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		ParsePattern(patternlist, patterns.Line(i, sep), errors, user);

	return patternlist.Count();
예제 #2
AString PostgresDatabase::GetErrorMessage(PGconn *conn, bool full)
	AString msg;

	if (conn) {
		msg = AString(PQerrorMessage(conn)).SearchAndReplace("\r", "").SearchAndReplace("\n\n", ", ");
		if (msg.EndsWith(", ")) msg = msg.Left(msg.len() - 2);
		if (!full) msg = msg.Line(0);
	else msg = "No connection!";

	return msg;
예제 #3
void ADVBConfig::vlogit(const char *fmt, va_list ap, bool show) const
	ADateTime dt;
	AString   filename = GetLogFile(dt.GetDays());
	AString   str;
	AStdFile  fp;

	str.vprintf(fmt, ap);

	if (fp.open(filename, "a")) {
		uint_t i, n = str.CountLines("\n", 0);

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			fp.printf("%s [%05u]: %s\n", dt.DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), (uint_t)getpid(), str.Line(i, "\n", 0).str());


	if (show && !webresponse) {
		Stdout->printf("%s\n", str.str());
예제 #4
void MotionDetector::Configure()
    AString nstr = AString("%").Arg(index);

    log.printf("%s[%u]: Reading new settings...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index);

    stream.SetUsernameAndPassword(GetSetting("username", "admin"),
                                  GetSetting("password", "arsebark"));

    AString camera = GetSetting("camera", "");
    log.printf("%s[%u]: Connecting to %s...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index, camera.str());
    if (!stream.OpenHost(camera)) {
        log.printf("%s[%u]: Failed to connect to %s...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index, camera.str());

    imagedir  = GetSetting("imagedir", "/media/cctv");
    imagefmt  = GetSetting("filename", "%Y-%M-%D/%h/Image-{camera}-%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s-%S");
    detimgdir = GetSetting("detimagedir");
    detimgfmt = GetSetting("detfilename", "%Y-%M-%D/%h/detection/Image-{camera}-%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s-%S");
    detcmd    = GetSetting("detcommand", "");
    nodetcmd  = GetSetting("nodetcommand", "");
    coeff  	  = (double)GetSetting("coeff", "1.0e-3");
    avgfactor = (double)GetSetting("avgfactor", "1.0");
    sdfactor  = (double)GetSetting("sdfactor", "2.0");
    redscale  = (double)GetSetting("rscale", "1.0");
    grnscale  = (double)GetSetting("gscale", "1.0");
    bluscale  = (double)GetSetting("bscale", "1.0");
    threshold = (double)GetSetting("threshold", "3000.0");
    verbose   = (uint_t)GetSetting("verbose", "0");

    matmul 	  = 1.f;
    matwid 	  = mathgt = 0;

    AString _matrix = GetSetting("matrix", "");
    if (_matrix.Valid()) {
        uint_t row, nrows = _matrix.CountLines(";");
        uint_t col, ncols = 1;
        int    p;

        if ((p = _matrix.Pos("*")) >= 0) {
            AString mul = _matrix.Mid(p + 1);

            _matrix = _matrix.Left(p);

            if ((p = mul.Pos("/")) >= 0) {
                matmul = (float)mul.Left(p) / (float)mul.Mid(p + 1);
            else matmul = (float)mul;
        else if ((p = _matrix.Pos("/")) >= 0) {
            AString mul = _matrix.Mid(p + 1);

            _matrix = _matrix.Left(p);

            matmul = 1.f / (float)mul;

        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            uint_t n = _matrix.Line(row, ";").CountLines(",");
            ncols = MAX(ncols, n);

        nrows |= 1;
        ncols |= 1;

        matrix.resize(nrows * ncols);
        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            AString line = _matrix.Line(row,";");

            for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) matrix[col + row * ncols] = (float)line.Line(col, ",");

        matwid = ncols;
        mathgt = nrows;

#if 0
        printf("Matrix is %u x %u:\n", matwid, mathgt);
        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) printf("%8.3f", matrix[col + row * ncols]);
        printf("Multiplier %0.6f\n", matmul);
    else matrix.resize(0);