void ATankAIController::Tick(float deltaTime) {

	ATank* PlayerTank = GetPlayerTank();

	if (PlayerTank) {
void ATankAIController::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)

	ATank* PlayerTank = Cast<ATank>(GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn());
	auto ControlledTank = Cast<ATank>(GetPawn());

	if (PlayerTank)

예제 #3
void ABotController::SetEnemy(class APawn* InPawn)
	//Set the blackboard keys to the object and location of the found enemy, for use in the MoveTo behavior tree task
	BlackboardComp->SetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Object>(EnemyKeyID, InPawn);
	BlackboardComp->SetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Vector>(EnemyLocationID, InPawn->GetActorLocation());

	//Calculates and sets the direction for the AI bot's projectile
	ABot* ThisBot = Cast<ABot>(GetPawn());
	ATank *Enemy = Cast<ATank>(this->BestPawn);
	FVector dir;
	dir = Enemy->GetActorLocation() - ThisBot->GetActorLocation();	//Finds the vector between the AI bot and the player tank
	dir = dir.GetSafeNormal(1.0f) * 1000;							//Normalizes and scales the vector for a uniform speed
	ThisBot->Direction = FVector(dir.X, dir.Y, 0.f);				//Zeros out the Z value so the projectile moves solely on the horizontal plane

예제 #4
// Function to set the bot's target to the closest player-controlled tank
void ABotController::SearchForEnemy()
	APawn* MyBot = GetPawn();
	ABot* Tank = Cast<ABot>(GetPawn());
	if (MyBot == NULL)

	//indicate the that the game has now started
	BlackboardComp->SetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Bool>(HasStartedID, true);

	const FVector MyLoc = MyBot->GetActorLocation();
	float BestDistSq = MAX_FLT;
	//Iterate through the world objects, and set the closest found player to BestPawn
	for (FConstPawnIterator It = GetWorld()->GetPawnIterator(); It; It++)
		ATank* TestPawn = Cast<ATank>(*It);
		if (TestPawn)
			const float DistSq = FVector::Dist(TestPawn->GetActorLocation(), MyLoc);
			if (DistSq < BestDistSq)
				BestDistSq = DistSq;
				BestPawn = TestPawn;
				if (PawnCanBeSeen(*It)){
					FRotator Rot = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(BestPawn->GetActorLocation() - Tank->GetActorLocation()).Rotator(); //Find the rotator required for the turret to face it's target
					Tank->BotTurret->SetWorldRotation(FRotator(0.f, Rot.Yaw, 0.f)); //Point the turret to it's target

	if (BestPawn)
		SetEnemy(BestPawn); //Once the closest player is found, set the Bot's target
