int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// Profiling observation: Using int instead of double cost provides marginal improvement (~10%)
	GenericSearchGraphDescriptor<myNode,double> myGraph;
	// We describe the graph, cost function, heuristics, and the start & goal in this block
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Set the functions
	myGraph.getHashBin_fp = &getHashBin;
	myGraph.isAccessible_fp = &isAccessible;
	myGraph.getSuccessors_fp = &getSuccessors;
	myGraph.getHeuristics_fp = &getHeuristics;
	// Set other variables
	myGraph.hashTableSize = 212; // Since in this problem, "getHashBin" can return a max of value 201.
	myGraph.hashBinSizeIncreaseStep = 512; // By default it's 128. For this problem, we choose a higher value.
	myNode tempNode;
	tempNode.x = -150; tempNode.y = -150; // Start node
	myGraph.SeedNode = tempNode;
	tempNode.x = 150; tempNode.y = 150; // Goal node
	myGraph.TargetNode = tempNode;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Planning
	A_star_planner<myNode,double>  planner;
	planner.setParams(1.0, 10); // optional.
	std::vector< std::vector< myNode > > paths = planner.getPlannedPaths();
	printf("\nNumber of paths: %d\nPath coordinates: \n[ ", paths.size());
	for (int a=0; a<paths[0].size(); a++)
		printf("[%d, %d]; ", paths[0][a].x, paths[0][a].y);
	printf(" ]\n\n");
	tempNode.x = -100; tempNode.y = -100;
	printf("Testing 'getNodeInfo': g-value of (%d,%d): %f\n\n", tempNode.x, tempNode.y, planner.getNodeInfo(tempNode).g);