예제 #1
/** Returns true if this (non-GP) challenge is fulfilled.
bool ChallengeData::isChallengeFulfilled() const
    // GP's use the grandPrixFinished() function,
    // so they can't be fulfilled here.
    if(m_mode==CM_GRAND_PRIX) return false;

    // Single races
    // ------------
    World *world = World::getWorld();
    std::string track_name = world->getTrack()->getIdent();

    int d = race_manager->getDifficulty();

    AbstractKart* kart = world->getPlayerKart(0);

    if (kart->isEliminated()                                    ) return false;
    if (track_name != m_track_id                                ) return false;
    if ((int)world->getNumKarts() < m_num_karts[d]              ) return false;
    if (m_energy[d] > 0   && kart->getEnergy() < m_energy[d]    ) return false;
    if (m_position[d] > 0 && kart->getPosition() > m_position[d]) return false;

    // Follow the leader
    // -----------------
        // All possible conditions were already checked, so:
        // must have been successful
        return true;
    // Quickrace / Timetrial
    // ---------------------
    // FIXME - encapsulate this better, each race mode needs to be able
    // to specify its own challenges and deal with them
    LinearWorld* lworld = dynamic_cast<LinearWorld*>(world);
    if(lworld != NULL)
        // wrong number of laps
        if(lworld->getLapForKart( kart->getWorldKartId() ) != m_num_laps)
            return false;
    // too slow
    if (m_time[d] > 0.0f && kart->getFinishTime() > m_time[d]) return false;

    if (m_ai_superpower[d] != RaceManager::SUPERPOWER_NONE &&
        race_manager->getAISuperPower() != m_ai_superpower[d])
        return false;

    return true;
}   // isChallengeFulfilled