// 查找从根类型派生的图元 void ArxClassHelper::GetArxClassTypes( const CString& root, AcStringArray& types, bool findAbstractType ) { // 如果根类型不存在,默认为AcDbObject AcRxClass* pParentClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( root ) ); if( pParentClass == 0 ) pParentClass = AcDbObject::desc(); AcRxDictionaryIterator* iter = acrxClassDictionary->newIterator(); if( iter == 0 ) return; for( ; !iter->done(); iter->next() ) { AcRxClass* pClass; if( ( pClass = AcRxClass::cast( iter->object() ) ) != NULL ) { if( pClass->isDerivedFrom( pParentClass ) ) { const ACHAR* text = pClass->name(); if( text == NULL ) continue; if( !findAbstractType && ( pClass->dxfName() == NULL ) || ( pClass->appName() == NULL ) ) continue; //acutPrintf(_T("appName:%s\ndxfName:%s\nname:%s\n"), pClass->appName(), pClass->dxfName(), pClass->name()); types.append( text ); } } } delete iter; }
void ArxDbgUiDlgClassDict::buildClassList() { // get an interator over the class dictionary AcRxDictionary* classDict = acrxClassDictionary; AcRxDictionaryIterator* iter; if ((classDict == NULL) || ((iter = classDict->newIterator()) == NULL)) { ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(_T("ERROR: Couldn't get class dictionary.")); return; } // iterate over each item and get its info AcRxObject* classDictItem; AcRxClass* classObj; const char* text; CString str, className, dxfName, appName; for (; !iter->done(); iter->next()) { classDictItem = iter->object(); if ((classObj = AcRxClass::cast(classDictItem)) != NULL) { if ((text = classObj->appName()) != NULL) appName = text; else appName = _T(""); if ((text = classObj->name()) != NULL) className = text; else className = _T(""); if ((text = classObj->dxfName()) != NULL) dxfName = text; else dxfName = _T(""); m_classNameStrList.AddTail(className); m_dxfNameStrList.AddTail(dxfName); m_appNameStrList.AddTail(appName); if (dxfName.IsEmpty()) { m_proxyStrList.AddTail(_T("")); m_birthDwgVerList.AddTail(_T("")); m_birthMntVerList.AddTail(_T("")); } else { int dwgVer = 0; int maintVer = 0; classObj->getClassVersion(dwgVer, maintVer); m_proxyStrList.AddTail(ArxDbgUtils::intToStr(classObj->proxyFlags(), str)); m_birthDwgVerList.AddTail(ArxDbgUtils::dwgVersionToStr(static_cast<AcDb::AcDbDwgVersion>(dwgVer), str)); m_birthMntVerList.AddTail(ArxDbgUtils::intToStr(maintVer, str)); } } else { ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(_T("ERROR: found non AcRxClass in class dictionary!")); } } delete iter; }
// 获取图元的dxf名称 // 和类名称一样,dxf名称也必须是唯一的 bool ArxClassHelper::GetDxfName( const CString& type, CString& dxfName ) { AcRxClass* pClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( type ) ); if( pClass == 0 ) return false; dxfName = pClass->dxfName(); return true; }
bool ArxClassHelper::IsAbstractClass( const CString& type ) { AcRxClass* pClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( type ) ); if( pClass == 0 ) return false; // 类型不存在 // 抽象类,使用ACRX_NO_CONS_DEFINE_MEMBERS宏定义 return ( ( pClass->dxfName() == NULL ) || ( pClass->appName() == NULL ) ); }
void ArxClassHelper::GetClassHierarchy( const CString& type, AcStringArray& types, bool findAbstractType ) { AcRxClass* pClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( type ) ); if( pClass == 0 ) return; while( pClass != AcDbEntity::desc() ) { // 排除抽象类型 if( !findAbstractType && ( ( pClass->dxfName() == NULL ) || ( pClass->appName() == NULL ) ) ) { pClass = pClass->myParent(); continue; } types.append( pClass->name() ); pClass = pClass->myParent(); } types.reverse(); }