예제 #1
void *pingUnknownAgents(void *args) {
    AgentList* agentList = (AgentList*) args;
    const int PING_INTERVAL_USECS = 1 * 1000000;
    timeval lastSend;
    while (!pingUnknownAgentThreadStopFlag) {
        gettimeofday(&lastSend, NULL);
        for(AgentList::iterator agent = agentList->begin();
            agent != agentList->end();
            agent++) {
            if (!agent->getActiveSocket() && agent->getPublicSocket() && agent->getLocalSocket()) {
                // ping both of the sockets for the agent so we can figure out
                // which socket we can use
                agentList->getAgentSocket()->send(agent->getPublicSocket(), &PACKET_HEADER_PING, 1);
                agentList->getAgentSocket()->send(agent->getLocalSocket(), &PACKET_HEADER_PING, 1);
        long long usecToSleep = PING_INTERVAL_USECS - (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&lastSend));
        if (usecToSleep > 0) {
    return NULL;
예제 #2
void *removeSilentAgents(void *args) {
    AgentList* agentList = (AgentList*) args;
    long long checkTimeUSecs, sleepTime;
    while (!silentAgentThreadStopFlag) {
        checkTimeUSecs = usecTimestampNow();
        for(AgentList::iterator agent = agentList->begin(); agent != agentList->end(); ++agent) {
            if ((checkTimeUSecs - agent->getLastHeardMicrostamp()) > AGENT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_USECS
            	&& agent->getType() != AGENT_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER) {
                printLog("Killed ");
        sleepTime = AGENT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_USECS - (usecTimestampNow() - checkTimeUSecs);
        #ifdef _WIN32
        Sleep( static_cast<int>(1000.0f*sleepTime) );
    return NULL;
예제 #3
void WorldWindow::ShowProperties() {
	AgentListButton * btn = (AgentListButton *)sender(); 
	AgentList * al = btn->get_agent_list();
	std::string agent_name = al->currentText().toStdString();
	Agent * curAgent = get_agent_by_name(agent_name.c_str());
AgentList* MicroscopicDataDB::getAgent(unsigned int tick, QPoint& bottomLeft, QPoint& topRight) {
    // remove old data
    AgentList *agentList = new AgentList();
    QList<Agent*>& list = agentList->getList();

    // load driver
    if (isAgentExisted_) {
        QString whereQuery = "frame = " + QString::number(tick) + " AND "
                             "xpos BETWEEN " + QString::number(bottomLeft.x()) + " AND " + QString::number(topRight.x()) + " AND "
                             "ypos BETWEEN " + QString::number(bottomLeft.y()) + " AND " + QString::number(topRight.y());
        QString driverQuery = "SELECT * FROM \"" + fileId_ + DBManager::agentTableName + "\" WHERE " + whereQuery;


        unsigned long id;
        double xpos, ypos, angle;
        int type;
        QStringList attributes;
        while (reader_.next()) {
            id = reader_.value(0).toULongLong();
            xpos = reader_.value(2).toDouble();
            ypos = -(reader_.value(3).toDouble());
            angle = reader_.value(4).toDouble();
            type = reader_.value(5).toInt();
            attributes = (reader_.value(6).toString()).split(":");

            Agent *agent = 0;
            if (type == 0) { // driver
                double length = attributes.at(0).toDouble();
                double width = attributes.at(1).toDouble();
                int mandatory = attributes.at(2).toInt();
                unsigned long currentSegment = attributes.at(3).toULongLong();
                int fwdSpeed = attributes.at(4).toInt();
                int fwdAccel = attributes.at(5).toInt();
                agent = new Driver(id, tick, QPointF(xpos, ypos), angle, length, width, currentSegment, fwdSpeed, fwdAccel, mandatory, attributes.at(6));
            } else if (type == 1) { // bus
                double length = attributes.at(0).toDouble();
                double width = attributes.at(1).toDouble();
                int passenger = attributes.at(2).toInt();
                unsigned long realArrivalTime = attributes.at(3).toULongLong();
                int dwellTime = attributes.at(4).toInt();
                agent = new BusDriver(id, tick, QPointF(xpos, ypos), angle, length, width, passenger, realArrivalTime, dwellTime, attributes.at(5));
            } else {
                agent = new Pedestrian(id, tick, QPointF(xpos, ypos));

    return agentList;
StringList WorldFacadeSmartPointerImpl::getAgentsInLocation(string lName) {
	AgentList agentsInside = locations[lName]->agentsInside();
	list<string> l;

	for (AgentList::iterator iter = agentsInside.begin();
			iter != agentsInside.end(); iter++) {

	return l;
StringList WorldFacadeSmartPointerImpl::getAgentsInWorld() {
	StringList l;
	cout << "locsInWorld size: " << locations.size() << endl;

	for (LocationSmartPointerMap::const_iterator it = locations.begin();
			it != locations.end(); it++) {
		LocationSmartPointerPtr location = it->second;
		AgentList agentsInside = location->agentsInside();

		for (AgentList::const_iterator it2 = agentsInside.begin();
				it2 != agentsInside.end(); it2++) {
			AgentPointer agent = it2->second;
	cout << "locsInWorld size: " << locations.size() << endl;
	return l;
AgentPointer WorldFacadeSmartPointerImpl::findAgentByName(string name) {
	for (LocationSmartPointerMap::const_iterator it = locations.begin();
			it != locations.end(); it++) {
		LocationSmartPointerPtr location = it->second;
		//cout << "FOUND LOCATION: " << *location << endl;
		AgentList agentsInside = location->agentsInside();
		for (AgentList::const_iterator it2 = agentsInside.begin();
				it2 != agentsInside.end(); it2++) {
			AgentPointer agent = it2->second;
			//cout << "FOUND AGENT: " << *agent << endl;
			if (name == agent->getName()) {
				//cout << "AGENT MATCH NAME: " << name << endl;
				return agent;
	return NULL;
예제 #8
std::vector<double> beatTrack(const AgentParameters &params,
                              const EventList &events,
                              const EventList &beats)
      AgentList agents;
      int count = 0;
      double beatTime = -1;
      if (!beats.empty()) {
            count = beats.size() - 1;
            EventList::const_iterator itr = beats.end();
            beatTime = itr->time;
      if (count > 0) {        // tempo given by mean of initial beats
            double ioi = (beatTime - beats.begin()->time) / count;
            agents.push_back(new Agent(params, ioi));
      else            // tempo not given; use tempo induction
            agents = Induction::beatInduction(params, events);

      if (!beats.empty()) {
            for (AgentList::iterator itr = agents.begin(); itr != agents.end(); ++itr) {
                  (*itr)->beatTime = beatTime;
                  (*itr)->beatCount = count;
                  (*itr)->events = beats;
      agents.beatTrack(events, params, -1);

      Agent *best = agents.bestAgent();
      std::vector<double> resultBeatTimes;

      if (best) {
            for (EventList::const_iterator itr = best->events.begin();
                        itr != best->events.end(); ++itr) {
      for (AgentList::iterator ai = agents.begin(); ai != agents.end(); ++ai) {
            delete *ai;

      return resultBeatTimes;
예제 #9
AgentList Induction::beatInduction(const AgentParameters &params,
                                   const EventList &events)
      int i, j, b, bestCount;
      bool submult;
      int intervals = 0;			// number of interval clusters
      std::vector<int> bestn;             // count of high-scoring clusters

      double ratio, err;
      int degree;
      int maxClusterCount = (int) ceil((maxIOI - minIOI) / clusterWidth);
      std::vector<double> clusterMean;
      std::vector<int> clusterSize;
      std::vector<int> clusterScore;

      EventList::const_iterator ptr1, ptr2;
      Event e1, e2;
      ptr1 = events.begin();

      while (ptr1 != events.end()) {
            e1 = *ptr1;
            ptr2 = events.begin();
            e2 = *ptr2;
            while (e2 != e1 && ptr2 != events.end()) {
                  e2 = *ptr2;
            while (ptr2 != events.end()) {
                  e2 = *ptr2;
                  double ioi = e2.time - e1.time;
                  if (ioi < minIOI)		// skip short intervals
                  if (ioi > maxIOI)		// ioi too long
                  for (b = 0; b < intervals; b++)		// assign to nearest cluster
                        if (std::fabs(clusterMean[b] - ioi) < clusterWidth) {
                              if ((b < intervals - 1) && (std::fabs(clusterMean[b + 1] - ioi)
                                                          < std::fabs(clusterMean[b] - ioi))) {
                                    b++;		// next cluster is closer
                              clusterMean[b] = (clusterMean[b] * clusterSize[b] + ioi)
                                          / (clusterSize[b] + 1);
                  if (b == intervals) {         // no suitable cluster; create new one
                        if (intervals == maxClusterCount) {
                                                // System.err.println("Warning: Too many clusters");
                              continue;         // ignore this IOI
                        for ( ; (b > 0) && (clusterMean[b - 1] > ioi); b--) {
                              clusterMean[b] = clusterMean[b - 1];
                              clusterSize[b] = clusterSize[b - 1];
                        clusterMean[b] = ioi;
                        clusterSize[b] = 1;
      for (b = 0; b < intervals; b++)	// merge similar intervals
                        // TODO: they are now in order, so don't need the 2nd loop
                        // TODO: check BOTH sides before averaging or upper gps don't work
            for (i = b + 1; i < intervals; i++)
                  if (std::fabs(clusterMean[b] - clusterMean[i]) < clusterWidth) {
                        clusterMean[b] = (clusterMean[b] * clusterSize[b] +
                                          clusterMean[i] * clusterSize[i]) /
                                    (clusterSize[b] + clusterSize[i]);
                        clusterSize[b] = clusterSize[b] + clusterSize[i];
                        for (j = i + 1; j <= intervals; j++) {
                              clusterMean[j - 1] = clusterMean[j];
                              clusterSize[j - 1] = clusterSize[j];
      if (intervals == 0)
            return AgentList();
      for (b = 0; b < intervals; b++)
            clusterScore[b] = 10 * clusterSize[b];
      bestn[0] = 0;
      bestCount = 1;

      for (b = 0; b < intervals; b++) {
            for (i = 0; i <= bestCount; i++) {
                  if (i < topN && (i == bestCount || clusterScore[b] > clusterScore[bestn[i]])) {
                        if (bestCount < topN)
                        for (j = bestCount - 1; j > i; j--)
                              bestn[j] = bestn[j - 1];
                        bestn[i] = b;
      for (b = 0; b < intervals; b++) {         // score intervals
            for (i = b + 1; i < intervals; i++) {
                  ratio = clusterMean[b] / clusterMean[i];
                  submult = ratio < 1;
                  if (submult)
                        degree = (int) nearbyint(1 / ratio);
                        degree = (int) nearbyint(ratio);
                  if ((degree >= 2) && (degree <= 8)) {
                        if (submult)
                              err = std::fabs(clusterMean[b] * degree - clusterMean[i]);
                              err = std::fabs(clusterMean[b] - clusterMean[i] * degree);
                        if (err < (submult ? clusterWidth : clusterWidth * degree)) {
                              if (degree >= 5)
                                    degree = 1;
                                    degree = 6 - degree;
                              clusterScore[b] += degree * clusterSize[i];
                              clusterScore[i] += degree * clusterSize[b];

      AgentList a;
      for (int index = 0; index < bestCount; index++) {
            b = bestn[index];
                              // Adjust it, using the size of super- and sub-intervals
            double newSum = clusterMean[b] * clusterScore[b];
            int newCount = clusterSize[b];
            int newWeight = clusterScore[b];

            for (i = 0; i < intervals; i++) {
                  if (i == b)
                  ratio = clusterMean[b] / clusterMean[i];
                  if (ratio < 1) {
                        degree = (int) nearbyint(1 / ratio);
                        if ((degree >= 2) && (degree <= 8)) {
                              err = std::fabs(clusterMean[b] * degree - clusterMean[i]);
                              if (err < clusterWidth) {
                                    newSum += clusterMean[i] / degree * clusterScore[i];
                                    newCount += clusterSize[i];
                                    newWeight += clusterScore[i];
                  else {
                        degree = (int) nearbyint(ratio);
                        if ((degree >= 2) && (degree <= 8)) {
                              err = std::fabs(clusterMean[b] - degree * clusterMean[i]);
                              if (err < clusterWidth * degree) {
                                    newSum += clusterMean[i] * degree * clusterScore[i];
                                    newCount += clusterSize[i];
                                    newWeight += clusterScore[i];
            double beat = newSum / newWeight;
                        // Scale within range ... hope the grouping isn't ternary :(
            while (beat < minIBI)		// Maximum speed
                  beat *= 2.0;
            while (beat > maxIBI)		// Minimum speed
                  beat /= 2.0;
            if (beat >= minIBI) {
                  a.push_back(new Agent(params, beat));
      return a;
예제 #10
void Configuration::readApplicationSettings(xml_node<> *app)
  xml_node<> *sess = singleChildElement(app, "session-management");

  if (sess) {
    xml_node<> *dedicated = singleChildElement(sess, "dedicated-process");
    xml_node<> *shared = singleChildElement(sess, "shared-process");
    std::string tracking = singleChildElementValue(sess, "tracking", "");

    if (dedicated && shared)
      throw WServer::Exception("<application-settings> requires either "
			       "<dedicated-process> or <shared-process>, "
			       "not both");

    if (dedicated) {
      sessionPolicy_ = DedicatedProcess;
      setInt(dedicated, "max-num-sessions", maxNumSessions_);

    if (shared) {
      sessionPolicy_ = SharedProcess;

      setInt(shared, "num-processes", numProcesses_);

    if (!tracking.empty()) {
      if (tracking == "Auto")
	sessionTracking_ = CookiesURL;
      else if (tracking == "URL")
	sessionTracking_ = URL;
	throw WServer::Exception("<session-tracking>: expecting 'Auto' "
				 "or 'URL'");

    setInt(sess, "timeout", sessionTimeout_);
    setInt(sess, "bootstrap-timeout", bootstrapTimeout_);
    setInt(sess, "server-push-timeout", serverPushTimeout_);
    setBoolean(sess, "reload-is-new-session", reloadIsNewSession_);

  std::string maxRequestStr
    = singleChildElementValue(app, "max-request-size", "");
  if (!maxRequestStr.empty())
    maxRequestSize_ = boost::lexical_cast< ::int64_t >(maxRequestStr) * 1024;

  std::string debugStr = singleChildElementValue(app, "debug", "");

  if (!debugStr.empty()) {
    if (debugStr == "stack")
      errorReporting_ = ErrorMessageWithStack;
    else if (debugStr == "true")
      errorReporting_ = NoErrors;
    else if (debugStr == "false")
      errorReporting_ = ErrorMessage;
      throw WServer::Exception("<debug>: expecting 'true', 'false',"
			       "or 'stack'");

  setInt(app, "num-threads", numThreads_);

  xml_node<> *fcgi = singleChildElement(app, "connector-fcgi");
  if (!fcgi)
    fcgi = app; // backward compatibility

  valgrindPath_ = singleChildElementValue(fcgi, "valgrind-path",
  runDirectory_ = singleChildElementValue(fcgi, "run-directory",

  setInt(fcgi, "num-threads", numThreads_); // backward compatibility < 3.2.0

  xml_node<> *isapi = singleChildElement(app, "connector-isapi");
  if (!isapi)
    isapi = app; // backward compatibility

  setInt(isapi, "num-threads", numThreads_); // backward compatibility < 3.2.0

  std::string maxMemoryRequestSizeStr =
    singleChildElementValue(isapi, "max-memory-request-size", "");
  if (!maxMemoryRequestSizeStr.empty()) {
    isapiMaxMemoryRequestSize_ = boost::lexical_cast< ::int64_t >
      (maxMemoryRequestSizeStr) * 1024;

  setInt(app, "session-id-length", sessionIdLength_);

   * If a session-id-prefix is defined in the configuration file, then
   * we loose the prefix defined by the connector (e.g. wthttpd), but who
   * would do such a thing ? */
    = singleChildElementValue(app,"session-id-prefix",

  setBoolean(app, "send-xhtml-mime-type", xhtmlMimeType_);
  if (xhtmlMimeType_)
    LOG_WARN("ignoring send-xhtml-mime-type setting: HTML5 is now always used");
  redirectMsg_ = singleChildElementValue(app, "redirect-message", redirectMsg_);

  setBoolean(app, "behind-reverse-proxy", behindReverseProxy_);
  setBoolean(app, "strict-event-serialization", serializedEvents_);
  setBoolean(app, "web-sockets", webSockets_);

  setBoolean(app, "inline-css", inlineCss_);
  setBoolean(app, "persistent-sessions", persistentSessions_);

  uaCompatible_ = singleChildElementValue(app, "UA-Compatible", "");

  setBoolean(app, "progressive-bootstrap", progressiveBoot_);
  if (progressiveBoot_)
    setBoolean(app, "split-script", splitScript_);
  setBoolean(app, "session-id-cookie", sessionIdCookie_);
  setBoolean(app, "cookie-checks", cookieChecks_);

  std::string plainAjaxSessionsRatioLimit
    = singleChildElementValue(app, "plain-ajax-sessions-ratio-limit", "");

  if (!plainAjaxSessionsRatioLimit.empty())
      = boost::lexical_cast<float>(plainAjaxSessionsRatioLimit);

  setBoolean(app, "ajax-puzzle", ajaxPuzzle_);
  setInt(app, "indicator-timeout", indicatorTimeout_);
  setInt(app, "double-click-timeout", doubleClickTimeout_);

  std::vector<xml_node<> *> userAgents = childElements(app, "user-agents");

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < userAgents.size(); ++i) {
    xml_node<> *userAgentsList = userAgents[i];

    std::string type;
    if (!attributeValue(userAgentsList, "type", type))
      throw WServer::Exception("<user-agents> requires attribute 'type'");

    std::string mode;
    attributeValue(userAgentsList, "mode", mode);
    AgentList *list;
    if (type == "ajax") {
      list = &ajaxAgentList_;
      if (mode == "black-list")
	ajaxAgentWhiteList_ = false;
      else if (mode == "white-list")
	ajaxAgentWhiteList_ = true;
	throw WServer::Exception
	  ("<user-agents type=\"ajax\" requires attribute 'mode' with value "
	   "\"white-list\" or \"black-list\"");
    } else if (type == "bot")
      list = &botList_;
      throw WServer::Exception
	("<user-agents> requires attribute 'type' with value "
	 "\"ajax\" or \"bot\"");

    std::vector<xml_node<> *> agents
      = childElements(userAgentsList, "user-agent");

    for (unsigned j = 0; j < agents.size(); ++j)
      list->push_back(elementValue(agents[j], "user-agent"));

  xml_node<> *properties = singleChildElement(app, "properties");

  if (properties) {
    std::vector<xml_node<> *> nodes = childElements(properties, "property");

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) {
      xml_node<> *property = nodes[i];

      std::string name;
      if (!attributeValue(property, "name", name))
	throw WServer::Exception("<property> requires attribute 'name'");

      std::string value = elementValue(property, "property");

      if (name == "approot")
	name = "appRoot";

      if (name == "appRoot" && !appRoot_.empty())
	LOG_WARN("ignoring configuration property 'appRoot' ("
		 << value
		 << ") because was already set to " << appRoot_);
        properties_[name] = value;
예제 #11
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
	// If user asks to run in "local" mode then we do NOT replace the IP
	// with the EC2 IP. Otherwise, we will replace the IP like we used to
	// this allows developers to run a local domain without recompiling the
	// domain server
	bool useLocal = cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, "--local");
	if (useLocal) {
		printf("NOTE: Running in Local Mode!\n");
	} else {
		printf("NOTE: Running in EC2 Mode. \n");
		printf("If you're a developer testing a local system, you\n");
		printf("probably want to include --local on command line.\n");

    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
    ssize_t receivedBytes = 0;
    char agentType;
    unsigned char *broadcastPacket = new unsigned char[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
    *broadcastPacket = 'D';
    unsigned char *currentBufferPos;
    unsigned char *startPointer;
    int packetBytesWithoutLeadingChar;
    sockaddr_in agentPublicAddress, agentLocalAddress;
    agentLocalAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
    in_addr_t serverLocalAddress = getLocalAddress();
    while (true) {
        if (agentList.getAgentSocket().receive((sockaddr *)&agentPublicAddress, packetData, &receivedBytes)) {
            std::map<char, Agent *> newestSoloAgents;
            agentType = packetData[0];
            unpackSocket(&packetData[1], (sockaddr *)&agentLocalAddress);
            // check the agent public address
            // if it matches our local address we're on the same box
            // so hardcode the EC2 public address for now
            if (agentPublicAddress.sin_addr.s_addr == serverLocalAddress) {
            	// If we're not running "local" then we do replace the IP
            	// with the EC2 IP. Otherwise, we use our normal public IP
            	if (!useLocal) {
	                agentPublicAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = 895283510; // local IP in this format...
            if (agentList.addOrUpdateAgent((sockaddr *)&agentPublicAddress,
                                           (sockaddr *)&agentLocalAddress,
                                           agentList.getLastAgentId())) {
            currentBufferPos = broadcastPacket + 1;
            startPointer = currentBufferPos;
            for(std::vector<Agent>::iterator agent = agentList.getAgents().begin(); agent != agentList.getAgents().end(); agent++) {
                if (DEBUG_TO_SELF || !agent->matches((sockaddr *)&agentPublicAddress, (sockaddr *)&agentLocalAddress, agentType)) {
                    if (strchr(SOLO_AGENT_TYPES_STRING, (int) agent->getType()) == NULL) {
                        // this is an agent of which there can be multiple, just add them to the packet
                        currentBufferPos = addAgentToBroadcastPacket(currentBufferPos, &(*agent));
                    } else {
                        // solo agent, we need to only send newest
                        if (newestSoloAgents[agent->getType()] == NULL ||
                            newestSoloAgents[agent->getType()]->getFirstRecvTimeUsecs() < agent->getFirstRecvTimeUsecs()) {
                            // we have to set the newer solo agent to add it to the broadcast later
                            newestSoloAgents[agent->getType()] = &(*agent);
                } else {
                    // this is the agent, just update last receive to now
            for (std::map<char, Agent *>::iterator agentIterator = newestSoloAgents.begin();
                 agentIterator != newestSoloAgents.end();
                 agentIterator++) {
                // this is the newest alive solo agent, add them to the packet
                currentBufferPos = addAgentToBroadcastPacket(currentBufferPos, agentIterator->second);
            if ((packetBytesWithoutLeadingChar = (currentBufferPos - startPointer))) {
                agentList.getAgentSocket().send((sockaddr *)&agentPublicAddress, broadcastPacket, packetBytesWithoutLeadingChar + 1);

    return 0;