Bool_t ChangeRunRange(const char* objectPath, int run1=0, int run2=AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), const char* inputOCDB="alien://folder=/alice/data/2013/OCDB", const char* outputOCDB="alien://folder=/alice/") { AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(inputOCDB); AliCDBEntry* e = man->Get(objectPath,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); if (!e) { cout << Form("ERROR : could not get %s from %s",objectPath,inputOCDB) << endl; return kFALSE; } e->GetId().SetRunRange(run1,run2); AliCDBMetaData* md = e->GetMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("L. Aphecetche and P. Pillot"); // to insure we have no $Id$ in the metadata fields (see man->SetDefaultStorage(outputOCDB); return man->Put(e->GetObject(),e->GetId(),e->GetMetaData()); }
void PatchCDB(const char* runlist, const char* runlist1400, const char* srcOCDBPath="alien://folder=/alice/data/2016/OCDB", const char* destOCDBPath="alien://folder=/alice/") { // function to patch the OCDB MUON/Calib/HV for the swap of CH3L Q2S1 and Q2S2 // runlist = full list of runs where Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 has an HV problem (trips, too low, plus the 1400 V // below) // runlist1400 = list of runs where Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 was struggling at 1400 V // for the runs in runlist1400, the HV will be forced to zero for that sector // note that Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 = Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect0 in DCS alias world AliAnalysisTriggerScalers ts(runlist,srcOCDBPath); std::vector<int> vrunlist = ts.GetRunList(); AliAnalysisTriggerScalers ts1400(runlist1400,srcOCDBPath); std::vector<int> vrunlist1400 = ts1400.GetRunList(); AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); TObjString sector2("MchHvLvLeft/Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect0.actual.vMon"); TObjString sector1("MchHvLvLeft/Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect1.actual.vMon"); for ( auto r : vrunlist ) { man->SetDefaultStorage(srcOCDBPath); man->SetRun(r); std::cout << "Run " << r << std::endl; AliCDBEntry* entry = man->Get("MUON/Calib/HV"); TMap* hvmap = static_cast<TMap*>(entry->GetObject()->Clone()); TPair* p1 = hvmap->RemoveEntry(§or2); if ( std::find(vrunlist1400.begin(),vrunlist1400.end(),r) != vrunlist1400.end() ) { TObjArray* a1 = static_cast<TObjArray*>(p1->Value()); AliDCSValue* first = static_cast<AliDCSValue*>(a1->First()); AliDCSValue* last = static_cast<AliDCSValue*>(a1->Last()); a1->Delete(); a1->Add(new AliDCSValue(0.0f,first->GetTimeStamp())); a1->Add(new AliDCSValue(0.0f,last->GetTimeStamp())); } TPair* p2 = hvmap->RemoveEntry(§or1); hvmap->Add(new TObjString(sector2),p2->Value()); hvmap->Add(new TObjString(sector1),p1->Value()); delete p1->Key(); delete p2->Key(); man->SetDefaultStorage(destOCDBPath); hvmap->SetUniqueID( hvmap->GetUniqueID() | ( 1 << 9 ) ); AliMUONCDB::WriteToCDB(hvmap,"MUON/Calib/HV",r,r,"Patched for CH3L Quad2Sect1 vs 0 swapping","L. Aphecetche"); man->ClearCache(); } }
void MakeLHCClockPhaseEntry(const char *cdbStorage = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB") { // Example macro to put in OCDB the default (=0) LHC-clock phase // It is valid fro runs from 0 to inf // The timestamp range is also inf (we store the first and last value for // each beam) AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(cdbStorage); AliLHCClockPhase phaseObj; phaseObj.AddPhaseB1DP(0,0.); phaseObj.AddPhaseB2DP(0,0.); phaseObj.AddPhaseB1DP(2147483647,0.); phaseObj.AddPhaseB2DP(2147483647,0.); AliCDBMetaData* metadata = new AliCDBMetaData(); metadata->SetResponsible("Cvetan Cheshkov"); metadata->SetComment("Default LHC-clock phase object"); AliCDBId id("GRP/Calib/LHCClockPhase",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); man->Put(&phaseObj,id,metadata); return; }
void MakeVZEROTimeDelaysEntry() { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); // Creation of the time delays OCDB object const Double_t timeShift[66] = {0.0 , 0.477957 , 0.0889999 , 0.757669 , 0.205439 , 0.239666 , -0.183705 , 0.442873 , -0.281366 , 0.260976 , 0.788995 , 0.974758 , 0.548532 , 0.495023 , 0.868472 , 0.661167 , 0.358307 , 0.221243 , 0.530179 , 1.26696 , 1.33082 , 1.27086 , 1.77133 , 1.10253 , 0.634806+0.885 , 2.14838 , 1.50212 , 1.59253 , 1.66122+0.740 , 1.16957 , 1.52056 , 1.47791 , 1.81905 , -1.94123 , -1.29124-0.350 , -2.16045 , -1.78939 , -3.11111 , -1.87178 , -1.57671-0.560 , -1.70311 , -1.81208 , -1.94475 , -2.53058+0.930 , -1.7042 , -2.08109 , -1.84416 , -0.61073 , -1.77145 , 0.16999 , -0.0585339 , 0.00401133 , 0.397726 , 0.851111 , 0.264187 , 0.59573 , -0.158263 , 0.584362 , 1.20835 , 0.927573 , 1.13895 , 0.64648 , 2.18747 , 1.68909 , 0.451194 , 0.0}; TH1F *delays = new TH1F("VZEROTimeDelays","VZERO Time delays",64,-0.5,63.5); delays->SetContent(timeShift); AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object md->SetResponsible("Brigitte Cheynis"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetComment("Time delays channel by channel for year >= 2012"); md->PrintMetaData(); AliCDBId id("VZERO/Calib/TimeDelays",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); man->Put(delays, id, md); delete md; }
void MakeADLightYieldsEntry(const char *outputCDB = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/../AliRoot/OCDB") { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(outputCDB); // Creation of the light yields OCDB object const Double_t lightYieldCorr[18] = {0.0, 2.2e-4,2.2e-4,2.2e-4,2.2e-4, 2.2e-4,2.2e-4,2.2e-4,2.2e-4, 2.4e-4,2.4e-4,2.6e-4,2.6e-4, 2.4e-4,2.4e-4,2.6e-4,2.6e-4, 0.0}; TH1F *yields = new TH1F("ADLightYields", "AD Light Yields", 16, -0.5, 15.5); yields->SetContent(lightYieldCorr); AliCDBMetaData *md = new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object md->SetResponsible("Michal Broz"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetComment("Light Yields channel by channel"); md->PrintMetaData(); AliCDBId id("AD/Calib/LightYields", 0, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); man->Put(yields, id, md); delete md; }
void MakeADTimeDelaysEntry(const char *outputCDB = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/../AliRoot/OCDB") { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(outputCDB); // Creation of the time delays OCDB object //const Double_t timeShift[18] = {0.0, 203.2, 203.4, 203.5, 203.0, 203.4, 203.5, 203.1, 203.2, 194.2, 194.4, 194.5, 194.2, 194.7, 194.5, 194.3, 192.8, 0.0}; const Double_t timeShift[18] = {0.0, 61.6091, 61.1891, 60.5191, 61.3591, 60.7691, 62.0291, 61.1091, 61.4591, 62.3491, 62.7891, 59.7791, 60.0991, 63.3091, 62.7691, 59.6491, 61.5091, 0.0}; TH1F *delays = new TH1F("ADTimeDelays", "AD Time delays", 16, -0.5, 15.5); delays->SetContent(timeShift); AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object md->SetResponsible("Michal Broz"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetComment("Time delays channel by channel"); md->PrintMetaData(); AliCDBStorage *storLoc = man->GetDefaultStorage(); AliCDBId id("AD/Calib/TimeDelays", 0, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); man->Put(delays, id, md); delete md; }
void MakeFMDZeroMisAlignment() { // Create TClonesArray of zero-misalignment objects for FMD // const char* macroname = "MakeFMDZeroMisAlignment.C"; // Activate CDB storage and load geometry from CDB AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(0); Bool_t toCdb = TString(gSystem->Getenv("TOCDB")) == TString("kTRUE"); TString storage = gSystem->Getenv("STORAGE"); TString output = "FMDfullMisalignment.root"; if(toCdb) output = storage; gSystem->Load("libFMDutil"); AliFMDAlignFaker::GetGeometry(toCdb, storage); AliFMDAlignFaker* faker = new AliFMDAlignFaker(AliFMDAlignFaker::kAll, "geometry.root", output.Data()); faker->SetSensorDisplacement(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.); faker->SetSensorRotation(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.); faker->SetHalfDisplacement(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.); faker->SetHalfRotation(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.); faker->Exec(); delete faker; }
void rec() { // AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(10); AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("alien://Folder=/alice/simulation/2008/v4-10-Release/Residual/"); man->SetSpecificStorage("EMCAL/*","local://DB"); AliReconstruction reco; AliMagFMaps* field = new AliMagFMaps("Maps","Maps", 2, 1., 10., AliMagFMaps::k5kG); AliTracker::SetFieldMap(field,kTRUE); reco.SetUniformFieldTracking(kFALSE); reco.SetWriteESDfriend(); reco.SetWriteAlignmentData(); AliTPCRecoParam * tpcRecoParam = AliTPCRecoParam::GetLowFluxParam(); AliTPCReconstructor::SetRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); AliTPCReconstructor::SetStreamLevel(0); reco.SetRunReconstruction("ITS TPC TRD TOF HMPID PHOS EMCAL MUON T0 VZERO FMD PMD ZDC"); //reco.SetInput("raw.root") ; //AliPHOSRecoParam* recEmc = new AliPHOSRecoParamEmc(); // recEmc->SetSubtractPedestals(kFALSE); // AliPHOSReconstructor::SetRecoParamEmc(recEmc); reco.SetRunQA(kFALSE) ; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); reco.Run(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); }
void PrintAlignment() { AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); AliCDBEntry* align = cdb->Get("FMD/Align/Data"); if (!align) { Error("PrintAlignment","didn't alignment data from CDB"); return; } TClonesArray* array = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(align->GetObject()); if (!array) { Warning("PrintAlignement", "Invalid align data from CDB"); return; } Int_t nAlign = array->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAlign; i++) { AliAlignObjParams* a = static_cast<AliAlignObjParams*>(array->At(i)); Double_t ang[3]; Double_t trans[3]; a->GetAngles(ang); a->GetTranslation(trans); std::cout << a->GetVolPath() << "\n" << " translation: " << "(" << std::setw(12) << trans[0] << "," << std::setw(12) << trans[1] << "," << std::setw(12) << trans[2] << ")\n" << " rotation: " << "(" << std::setw(12) << ang[0] << "," << std::setw(12) << ang[1] << "," << std::setw(12) << ang[2] << ")" << std::endl; // a->Print(); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MakeMUONRecoParamArray(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), const char* settings="ppIdeal") { /// set the reconstruction parameters and store them in the OCDB ($ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/MUON/Calib/RecoParam/). /// /// - make a CDB entry for the run range [startRun, endRun] /// /// for the possible values of settings, please see AliMUONRecoParam::Create // init CDB AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if (!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) { man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); } man->SetRun(startRun); TObjArray* recoParams = AliMUONRecoParam::Create(settings); if (recoParams) { // save RecoParam in CDB AliMUONCDB::WriteToCDB(recoParams, "MUON/Calib/RecoParam", startRun, endRun, "reconstruction parameters for MUON", "L. Aphecetche and P. Pillot"); } delete recoParams; }
void MakeVZEROTimeDelaysEntryRun2() { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://./OCDB"); // Creation of the time delays OCDB object const Double_t timeShift[66] = {0.0 , 263.453366 , 263.554201 , 263.455896 , 263.705908 , 263.178068 , 263.260511 , 263.352692 , 263.371615 , 264.275609 , 263.022590 , 263.923256 , 263.477724 , 263.328535 , 263.338143 , 263.684347 , 263.636735 , 264.240256 , 264.704787 , 263.341181 , 265.875077 , 264.362158 , 264.009584 , 263.985062 , 264.507631 , 264.711630 , 264.702209 , 264.983539 , 265.156149 , 265.340929 , 265.185957 , 265.402229 , 267.060006 , 260.193899 , 260.831277 , 260.870380 , 260.231921 , 259.848971 , 263.069287 , 262.829099 , 261.297212 , 260.468547 , 260.962657 , 260.754787 , 260.782074 , 260.244392 , 263.248285 , 262.224661 , 259.936356 , 262.307604 , 262.698634 , 262.259535 , 262.425491 , 262.041006 , 264.711811 , 264.537483 , 262.019158 , 263.940932 , 263.309260 , 263.819921 , 264.324985 , 263.419804 , 265.954522 , 266.150658 , 263.942502 , 0.0}; TH1F *delays = new TH1F("VZEROTimeDelays","VZERO Time delays",64,-0.5,63.5); delays->SetContent(timeShift); AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object md->SetResponsible("Brigitte Cheynis"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetComment("Time delays channel by channel for Run2"); md->PrintMetaData(); AliCDBId id("VZERO/Calib/TimeDelays",215011,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); man->Put(delays, id, md); delete md; }
void CreateOnlineCalibPars_CalibHisto(){ // Create TOF Calibration Object from AliTOFcalibHisto class // and write it on CDB AliTOFcalib *tofcalib = new AliTOFcalib(); tofcalib->CreateCalArrays(); AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *delayArray = (AliTOFChannelOnlineArray*) tofcalib->GetTOFOnlineDelay(); /* get calib histo andl and load params */ AliTOFcalibHisto calibHisto; calibHisto.LoadCalibPar(); /* turn time-slewing correction off to only retrieve constants */ calibHisto.SetFullCorrectionFlag(AliTOFcalibHisto::kTimeSlewingCorr, kFALSE); /* OCDB init */ AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); Int_t nChannels = AliTOFGeometry::NSectors()*(2*(AliTOFGeometry::NStripC()+AliTOFGeometry::NStripB())+AliTOFGeometry::NStripA())*AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX(); /* channel-related params */ Double_t delay; for (Int_t ipad = 0 ; ipad<nChannels; ipad++){ AliTOFChannelOnline *calChannelOnline = (AliTOFChannelOnline *)tofCalOnline->At(ipad); delay = calibHisto.GetFullCorrection(ipad); delayArray->SetDelay(ipad, delay); } /* write */ tofcalib->WriteParOnlineDelayOnCDB("TOF/Calib",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); }
void OCDBDefault(Int_t mode) { Int_t run = atoi(gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_RUN")); AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("raw://"); if(gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_OCDBTIMESTAMP")) { TString t = gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_OCDBTIMESTAMP"); TObjArray* list =t.Tokenize("_"); UInt_t tU[6]; for(Int_t i=0; i<list->GetEntries(); i++) { TString st = ((TObjString*)list->At(i))->GetString(); tU[i] =(UInt_t)atoi(st.Data()); } man->SetMaxDate(TTimeStamp(tU[0], tU[1], tU[2], tU[3], tU[4], tU[5])); printf("*** Setting custom OCDB time stamp %s ***\n", t.Data()); } man->SetRun(run); // set detector specific paths DefaultSpecificStorage(man, mode); }
MakeCDBEntryTriggerMask(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) { UInt_t triggerMask[72]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 72; i++) triggerMask[i] = 0xffffff; /* create object */ AliTOFTriggerMask *obj = new AliTOFTriggerMask(); obj->SetTriggerMaskArray(triggerMask); /* create cdb info */ AliCDBId id("TRIGGER/TOF/TriggerMask", startRun, endRun); AliCDBMetaData *md = new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); md->SetComment("TOF Trigger Mask"); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); /* put object in cdb */ AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->GetDefaultStorage()->Put(obj, id, md); }
void runReconstruction(int seed, const char* input, const char* recoptions, bool rawocdb) { AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if ( rawocdb ) { cout << "**** WILL USE RAW OCDB" << endl; man->SetDefaultStorage("raw://"); //alien://folder=/alice/data/2011/OCDB?cacheFold=/Users/laurent/OCDBcache"); man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/Calib/RecoParam","alien://folder=/alice/"); } else { man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); man->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); } gRandom->SetSeed(seed); AliReconstruction* MuonRec = new AliReconstruction("galice.root"); MuonRec->SetInput(gSystem->ExpandPathName(input)); MuonRec->SetRunReconstruction("MUON ITS"); MuonRec->SetFillESD("HLT"); MuonRec->SetOption("HLT", ""); MuonRec->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(10000); MuonRec->SetOption("MUON",recoptions); MuonRec->SetRunQA("MUON:ALL"); MuonRec->SetQAWriteExpert(AliQAv1::kMUON); MuonRec->SetQARefDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/QAref") ; MuonRec->SetWriteESDfriend(kFALSE); MuonRec->SetCleanESD(kFALSE); MuonRec->SetStopOnError(kFALSE); // uncomment the following lines if you want to set custom RecoParam // instead of getting them from the OCDB // AliMUONRecoParam *muonRecoParam = AliMUONRecoParam::GetLowFluxParam(); // muonRecoParam->SaveFullClusterInESD(kTRUE,100.); // MuonRec->SetRecoParam("MUON",muonRecoParam); MuonRec->Run(); delete MuonRec; //gObjectTable->Print(); }
void initGeom() { // Macro replacing the gAlice->Init() to initialize the geometry // Suggested by Raffaele Grosso <*****@*****.**> AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); man->SetRun(0); gROOT->LoadMacro("Config.C"); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(gAlice->GetConfigFunction()); gAlice->GetMCApp()->Init(); }
AliTOFTriggerMask * ReadCDBEntryTriggerMask(Int_t run, const Char_t *defaultStorage = "raw://", const Char_t *specificStorage = NULL) { AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage(defaultStorage); if (specificStorage) cdb->SetSpecificStorage("TRIGGER/TOF/TriggerMask", specificStorage); cdb->SetRun(run); AliCDBEntry *cdbe = cdb->Get("TRIGGER/TOF/TriggerMask"); AliTOFTriggerMask *triggerMaskObj = (AliTOFTriggerMask *)cdbe->GetObject(); return triggerMaskObj; }
void MakeQAThresholdsEntry(const char* storageUri="local://$ALICE_ROOT/../AliRoot/OCDB", Int_t firstRun=0, Int_t lastRun=999999999) { AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage(storageUri); // QAThresholds TObjArray* qaThrArray = new TObjArray(); for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < AliDAQ::kNDetectors; idet++){ TString detName = AliDAQ::OnlineName(idet); if (detName == "TRI" || detName == "HLT" || detName == "TST") continue; // skipping TRI, HLT, TST since they do not produce QAThresholds Printf("Processing QAThreshold for detector %s",detName.Data()); TString inFile(gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT/../AliRoot/GRP/ShuttleInput/")); inFile += "run000168322_"; inFile += detName; inFile += "_DQM_QAThresholds"; Printf("Opening QAThreshold file %s", inFile.Data()); TFile dqmFile(inFile.Data(),"READ"); if (dqmFile.IsOpen()) { AliQAThresholds* qaThr = dynamic_cast<AliQAThresholds*>(dqmFile.Get(detName.Data())); if (qaThr){ Int_t qaThrId = qaThr->GetDetectorId(); if (qaThrId != idet){ Printf("ERROR: Expecting QA threshold for detector %s, but found that for detector %s, skipping",detName.Data(), AliDAQ::OnlineName(qaThrId)); continue; } else{ qaThrArray->AddAtAndExpand(qaThr, qaThrId); } } else { Printf("ERROR: No QAThresholds object found in the file for detector %s, skipping",detName.Data()); continue; } } else { Printf("ERROR: Can't open QAThreshold file for detector %s, skipping",detName.Data()); continue; } } if (qaThrArray->GetEntries() > 0){ AliCDBMetaData md; md.SetResponsible("Barthélémy von Haller"); md.SetComment("QA Threshold TObjArray"); AliCDBId id("GRP/Calib/QAThresholds", firstRun, lastRun); cdb->Put(qaThrArray, id, &md); } else{ Printf("No valid QAThresholds entries found, storing nothing in the OCDB"); } }
//__________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCheckPedestal(const Int_t runNr){ // Establish grid connection if(!TGrid::Connect("alien://")){printf("F-No grid connection\n");return;} // Set the storage to the OCDB of this runNr. It will be like // alien://folder=/alice/data/2016/OCDB AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorageFromRun(runNr); // We derive the reference storage from it const AliCDBStorage *stor = man->GetDefaultStorage(); TString folder = stor->GetBaseFolder(); folder.ReplaceAll("OCDB","Reference"); man->SetDefaultStorage(Form("alien://folder=%s",folder.Data())); // Set the run number man->SetRun(runNr); // We abuse the folder name to derive the year TString yearString(folder); yearString.ReplaceAll("/alice/data/",""); yearString.ReplaceAll("/Reference/",""); const Int_t year = yearString.Atoi(); printf("W-Experimental: Derived year %d from storage folder\n",year); // The reference data is stored per Local Data Concentrator std::vector<Int_t> LDCvec = GetLDCVector(year); // Loop over LDCs for(std::vector<Int_t>::iterator LDCit = LDCvec.begin();LDCit!=LDCvec.end();LDCit++){ const TString padstatus = Form("TRD/DAQData/PadStatus%d",*LDCit); AliCDBEntry *entry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get(padstatus.Data()); AliTRDCalibPadStatus *calpadstatus = dynamic_cast<AliTRDCalibPadStatus *>(entry->GetObject()); if(!calpadstatus){printf("E-Can not find %s in %s \n",padstatus.Data(),folder.Data());continue;} //Create the noise pad with the RMS values of each channel AliTRDCalPad *noisePad = calpadstatus->CreateCalPad(); // LDC -> SM mapping std::vector<Int_t> SMvec = GetSMVector(year,*LDCit); for(std::vector<Int_t>::iterator SMit=SMvec.begin();SMit!=SMvec.end();SMit++){ const TString padstatussm = Form("PadNoise-LDC%d-SM%02d",*LDCit,*SMit); TCanvas *cpadstatusm = new TCanvas(padstatussm.Data(),padstatussm.Data(),50,50,600,800); cpadstatusm->Divide(3,2); // Draw each layer (or here plane) const Float_t zRange[2]={0.,0.2}; for(Int_t iLayer = 0;iLayer<6;iLayer++){ cpadstatusm->cd(iLayer+1); noisePad->MakeHisto2DSmPl(*SMit,iLayer,0,0,zRange[0],zRange[1],-1)->Draw("colz"); } cpadstatusm->SaveAs(Form("%s.pdf",cpadstatusm->GetName())); } // Loop over SMs of this LDC } // End of loop over LDCs } // End of void AliTRDcheckPedestal
void rec(const char *filename="raw.root") { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Reconstruction script for 2011 RAW data - muon fast reco // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("alien://folder=/alice/data/2011/OCDB"); AliReconstruction rec; // Generate or use the local OCDB.root file // rec.SetFromCDBSnapshot("OCDB.root"); // Set reconstruction flags (skip detectors here if neded with -<detector name> // rec.SetRunReconstruction("MUON ITS VZERO ZDC T0"); rec.SetRunReconstruction("MUON ITS"); // QA options rec.SetRunQA("Global MUON:ALL") ; rec.SetQARefDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/QAref") ; // MUON only reco - recoparameters rec.SetRecoParam("ITS",GetSpecialITSRecoParam()); // AliReconstruction settings rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(); // rec.SetInput(filename); rec.SetUseTrackingErrorsForAlignment("ITS"); // switch off cleanESD rec.SetCleanESD(kFALSE); // Specific reco params for ZDC (why isn't this automatic?) // rec.SetRecoParam("ZDC",AliZDCRecoParamPbPb::GetHighFluxParam(2760)); //Ignore SetStopOnError rec.SetStopOnError(kFALSE); AliLog::Flush(); rec.Run(); }
void makeSDigit(Int_t run=117048, const char *fname="/alice/data/2010/LHC10b/000117048/raw/10000117048041.30.root") { AliSimulation sim; //AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(1); AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("STEER",1); AliCDBManager *cdbm = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdbm->SetRun(run); cdbm->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALIROOT_OCDB_ROOT/OCDB"); //cdbm->SetDefaultStorage("raw://"); cdbm->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data",Form("local://%s","$ALICE_ROOT/test/rawmerge")); sim.SetMakeSDigits("ITS TPC"); sim.SetNumberOfEvents(10000); sim.ConvertRaw2SDigits(fname); return; }
/** Display hits @ingroup FMD_script */ void PatternRaw(const char* file="raw.root") { // AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("FMD", 8); AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(0); AliFMDParameters::Instance()->Init(); gSystem->Load("libFMDutil"); AliFMDPattern* d = new AliFMDPattern; d->AddLoad(AliFMDInput::kRaw); d->SetRawFile(file); d->SetName("raw"); d->SetTitle("Raw"); // d->AddLoad(AliFMDInput::kKinematics); d->Run(); }
void DBStorageCalib(){ AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage *storLoc; man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); AliADCalibData *calibda = new AliADCalibData("Calib"); Float_t Efficiencies[16] = { 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94 }; Float_t Rates[16] = { 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94 }; calibda->SetEfficiencies(Efficiencies); calibda->SetRates(Rates); // Creation of the object AD Calibration as a MetaData TObjString str("AD Calibration"); // object that will be stored AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object AliCDBId id("AD/Calib/Data",0,9999999); md->SetResponsible("Mario Rodriguez Cahuantzi"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion("v5-04-Rev-08"); md->SetComment("Prototype"); md->PrintMetaData(); storLoc = man->GetDefaultStorage(); storLoc->Put(calibda, id, md); storLoc->Delete(); delete md; }
void sim(Int_t embrun) { AliSimulation sim; if (embrun == 4) { AliCDBManager *cdbm = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdbm->SetRun(atoi(gSystem->Getenv("DC_RUN"))); cdbm->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdbm->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data",Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); sim.SetMakeSDigits("ITS TPC TRD TOF VZERO"); sim.ConvertRaw2SDigits("raw.root","AliESDs.root"); return; } if (embrun == 2) { sim.SetRunGeneration(kFALSE); sim.SetMakeSDigits(""); sim.SetMakeDigitsFromHits(""); } else { sim.SetRunGeneration(kTRUE); sim.SetMakeSDigits("ITS TPC TRD TOF VZERO"); } sim.SetRunSimulation(kTRUE); sim.SetMakeDigits("ITS TPC TRD TOF VZERO"); sim.SetWriteRawData("ITS TPC TRD TOF VZERO","raw.root",kTRUE); if (embrun == 1) sim.MergeWith("../BackgroundSDigits/galice.root",1); sim.SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); sim.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); sim.SetRunQA(":") ; AliQA::SetQARefStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB") ; for (Int_t det = 0 ; det < AliQA::kNDET ; det++) { sim.SetQACycles(det, 1) ; } // sim.SetDefaultStorage("alien://Folder=/alice/simulation/2008/v4-15-Release/Full/"); // sim.SetRunHLT(""); // sim.SetQA(kFALSE); sim.Run(1); }
void Init() { AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); man->SetRun(0); // MC application initialization TString configFileName = "$ALICE_ROOT/macros/g4Config.C"; gROOT->LoadMacro(configFileName.Data()); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(gAlice->GetConfigFunction()); gAlice->GetMCApp()->Init(); ((TGeant4*)gMC)->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcDet/printMedia"); cout << endl << "Only MonteCarlo initialization has been performed. " << endl << "To run simulation you have to re-run aliroot and choose Run in g4menu." << endl; }
void recqa() { const char * kYear = "08" ; gEnv->SetValue("Root.Stacktrace","no"); gEnv->SetValue("Root.Stacktrace","no"); AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); //man->SetDefaultStorage("alien://Folder=/alice/data/2008/LHC08d/OCDB/") ; man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALIROOT_OCDB_ROOT/OCDB"); man.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data",Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); TString detectors("ITS TPC TRD TOF PHOS HMPID EMCAL/*MUON*/ FMD ZDC PMD T0 VZERO"); //AliQA::SetQARefStorage(Form("%s%s/", AliQA::GetQARefDefaultStorage(), kYear)) ; AliQA::SetQARefStorage("local://$ALIROOT_OCDB_ROOT/OCDB") ; //AliQA::SetQARefDataDirName(AliQA::kMONTECARLO) ; //RUN_TYPE AliQADataMamanager qas("rec") ; qas.Run(detectors.Data(), AliQA::kRECPOINTS); }
/************************************************************************** Macro created for storing the OCDB Config Rates data of ACORDE in $ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/ACORDE/Config/Rates From: Mario Rodriguez Cahuantzi <*****@*****.**> FCFM, BUAP, Puebla, Mexico Created: March 3rd. 2009 @ CERN Further commnents: Arturo Fernandez <*****@*****.**> **************************************************************************/ void MakeACORDEOCDBConfigRate() { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage *storLoc; man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); AliACORDECalibData *calibda = new AliACORDECalibData("OCDBConfgRates"); Float_t Rates[60] = { 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.14, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 0.94 }; calibda->SetRates(Rates); // Creation of the object ACORDE Calibration as a MetaData TObjString str("ACORDE OCDB Reference Config Rates Data"); // object that will be stored AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object AliCDBId id("ACORDE/Config/Rates",0,9999999); md->SetResponsible("Mario Rodriguez"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion("Current trunk version"); md->SetComment("Version 1.0 of OCDB Reference Config Data for ACORDE"); md->PrintMetaData(); storLoc = man->GetDefaultStorage(); storLoc->Put(calibda, id, md); storLoc->Delete(); delete md; }
void trd_qaRec() { gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libTender"); gSystem->Load("libPWGPP"); if(!TFile::Open("TRD.DebugInfoGen.root")){ printf("No debug file for InfoGen task.\n"); return; } TTree *t = (TTree*)gFile->Get("trackInfo"); AliTRDtrackInfo *fTrackInfo = 0x0; t->SetBranchAddress("TrackInfo.", &fTrackInfo); gROOT->cd(); AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(0); AliEveEventManager::Instance()->AssertGeometry(); AliEveEventManager::AssertMagField(); AliTRDReconstructor *reco = new AliTRDReconstructor(); reco->SetRecoParam(AliTRDrecoParam::GetLowFluxParam()); AliEveTRDTrackList *tracks = new AliEveTRDTrackList("TRD QA Tracks"); AliTRDtrackV1 *fTrack = 0x0, *track = 0x0; for (Int_t it=0; it<t->GetEntries(); it++){ if(!t->GetEntry(it)) continue; if(!fTrackInfo) continue; if(!(fTrack = fTrackInfo->GetTrack())) continue; track = new AliTRDtrackV1(*fTrack); track->SetOwner(); track->SetReconstructor(reco); tracks->AddElement(new AliEveTRDTrack(track)); printf("Trk[%3d] ESD[%d] Ncls[%d]\n", it, fTrackInfo->GetESDinfo()->GetId(), fTrack->GetNumberOfClusters()); if(it>= 100) break; } gEve->AddElement(tracks); gEve->Redraw3D(); }
void recTPC(Int_t type, const char *filename="data.root") { /// Set path to calibration data /// /// type variable = 0 - cosmic test /// = 1 - laser test AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); //man->SetRun(0); //man->SetSpecificStorage("TPC/*/*","local:///afs/"); // // Set reconstruction parameters // AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCclusterer",2); AliTPCRecoParam * tpcRecoParam = 0; if (type==0) tpcRecoParam = AliTPCRecoParam::GetCosmicTestParam(kTRUE); if (type>0) tpcRecoParam = AliTPCRecoParam::GetLaserTestParam(kTRUE); tpcRecoParam->Dump(); AliTPCReconstructor::SetRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); AliTPCReconstructor::SetStreamLevel(1); // // // AliReconstruction rec; rec.SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); rec.SetSpecificStorage("TPC/*/*","local:///afs/"); rec.SetLoadAlignData(""); rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); rec.SetInput(filename); rec.SetEquipmentIdMap(""); rec.SetRunReconstruction("TPC"); rec.SetOption("TPC","PedestalSubtraction"); // rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction(""); // rec.SetRunTracking("TPC"); rec.SetFillESD("TPC"); rec.SetFillTriggerESD(kFALSE); rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(kTRUE); rec.Run(); }
MakeCDBEntryCTPLatency(Float_t value = 0., Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) { /* create object */ AliTOFCTPLatency *obj = new AliTOFCTPLatency(); obj->SetCTPLatency(value); /* create cdb info */ AliCDBId id("TOF/Calib/CTPLatency", startRun, endRun); AliCDBMetaData *md = new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); md->SetComment("CTPLatency (ps)"); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); /* put object in cdb */ AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->GetDefaultStorage()->Put(obj, id, md); }