예제 #1
void FMIndexBuilder::buildMarkers()
    size_t starting_byte = m_str_bytes;

    // Do we need to place new large markers?
    while((m_str_symbols / m_large_sample_rate) + 1 > m_num_large_markers_wrote)
        // Build a new large marker with the accumulated counts up to this point
        LargeMarker marker;
        marker.byteIndex = starting_byte;
        marker.counts = m_runningAC;
        m_prevLargeMarker = marker;

        // Write the marker to the temp file
        mp_lm_tmp->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_prevLargeMarker), sizeof(LargeMarker));
        m_num_large_markers_wrote += 1;

    // We place a new SmallMarkers for every segment. 
    AlphaCount16 smallAC;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < BWT_ALPHABET::size; ++j)
        size_t v = m_runningAC.getByIdx(j) - m_prevLargeMarker.counts.getByIdx(j);
        if(v > smallAC.getMaxValue())
            std::cerr << "Error: Number of symbols exceeds the maximum value (" << v << " > " << smallAC.getMaxValue() << ")\n";
            std::cerr << "RunningAC: " << m_runningAC << "\n";
            std::cerr << "PrevAC: " << m_prevLargeMarker.counts << "\n";
            std::cerr << "SmallAC:" << smallAC << "\n";
        smallAC.setByIdx(j, v);
    // Construct the small marker
    SmallMarker smallMarker;
    smallMarker.byteCount = starting_byte - m_prevLargeMarker.byteIndex;
    smallMarker.counts = smallAC;        
    m_prevSmallMarker = smallMarker;

    // write it to disk
    mp_sm_tmp->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_prevSmallMarker), sizeof(SmallMarker));
    m_num_small_markers_wrote += 1;
예제 #2
// Fill in the FM-index data structures
void RLBWT::initializeFMIndex()
    m_smallShiftValue = Occurrence::calculateShiftValue(m_smallSampleRate);
    m_largeShiftValue = Occurrence::calculateShiftValue(m_largeSampleRate);

    // initialize the marker vectors,
    // LargeMarkers are placed every 2048 bases (by default) containing the absolute count
    // of symbols seen up to that point. SmallMarkers are placed every 128 bases with the
    // count over the last 128 symbols. From these relative counts the absolute count
    // every 128 symbols can be interpolated.
    size_t num_large_markers = getNumRequiredMarkers(m_numSymbols, m_largeSampleRate);
    size_t num_small_markers = getNumRequiredMarkers(m_numSymbols, m_smallSampleRate);

    // Fill in the marker values
    // We wish to place markers every sampleRate symbols however since a run may
    // not end exactly on sampleRate boundaries, we place the markers AFTER
    // the run crossing the boundary ends

    // Place a blank markers at the start of the data
    m_largeMarkers[0].unitIndex = 0;
    m_smallMarkers[0].unitCount = 0;

    // State variables for the number of markers placed,
    // the next marker to place, etc
    size_t curr_large_marker_index = 1;
    size_t curr_small_marker_index = 1;

    size_t next_small_marker = m_smallSampleRate;
    size_t next_large_marker = m_largeSampleRate;

    size_t prev_small_marker_unit_index = 0;
    size_t running_total = 0;
    AlphaCount64 running_ac;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_rlString.size(); ++i)
        // Update the count and advance the running total
        RLUnit& unit = m_rlString[i];

        char symbol = unit.getChar();
        uint8_t run_len = unit.getCount();
        running_ac.add(symbol, run_len);
        running_total += run_len;

        size_t curr_unit_index = i + 1;
        bool last_symbol = i == m_rlString.size() - 1;

        // Check whether to place a new large marker
        bool place_last_large_marker = last_symbol && curr_large_marker_index < num_large_markers;
        while(running_total >= next_large_marker || place_last_large_marker)
            size_t expected_marker_pos = curr_large_marker_index * m_largeSampleRate;

            // Sanity checks
            // The marker position should always be less than the running total unless 
            // the number of symbols is smaller than the sample rate
            assert(expected_marker_pos <= running_total || place_last_large_marker);
            assert((running_total - expected_marker_pos) <= RL_FULL_COUNT || place_last_large_marker);
            assert(curr_large_marker_index < num_large_markers);
            assert(running_ac.getSum() == running_total);

            LargeMarker& marker = m_largeMarkers[curr_large_marker_index];
            marker.unitIndex = i + 1;
            marker.counts = running_ac;

            next_large_marker += m_largeSampleRate;
            curr_large_marker_index += 1;
            place_last_large_marker = last_symbol && curr_large_marker_index < num_large_markers;

        // Check whether to place a new small marker
        bool place_last_small_marker = last_symbol && curr_small_marker_index < num_small_markers;
        while(running_total >= next_small_marker || place_last_small_marker)
            // Place markers
            size_t expected_marker_pos = curr_small_marker_index * m_smallSampleRate;

            // Sanity checks
            // The marker position should always be less than the running total unless 
            // the number of symbols is smaller than the sample rate
            assert(expected_marker_pos <= running_total || place_last_small_marker);
            assert((running_total - expected_marker_pos) <= RL_FULL_COUNT || place_last_small_marker);
            assert(curr_small_marker_index < num_small_markers);
            assert(running_ac.getSum() == running_total);
            // Calculate the number of rl units that are contained in this block
            if(curr_unit_index - prev_small_marker_unit_index > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
                std::cerr << "Error: Number of units in occurrence array block " << curr_small_marker_index 
                          << " exceeds the maximum value.\n";


            // Calculate the large marker to set the relative count from
            // This is generally the most previously placed large block except it might 
            // be the second-previous in the case that we placed the last large marker.
            size_t large_marker_index = expected_marker_pos >> m_largeShiftValue;
            assert(large_marker_index < curr_large_marker_index); // ensure the last has ben placed
            LargeMarker& prev_large_marker = m_largeMarkers[large_marker_index];

            // Set the 8bit AlphaCounts as the sum since the last large (superblock) marker
            AlphaCount16 smallAC;
            for(size_t j = 0; j < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++j)
                size_t v = running_ac.getByIdx(j) - prev_large_marker.counts.getByIdx(j);
                if(v > smallAC.getMaxValue())
                    std::cerr << "Error: Number of symbols in occurrence array block " << curr_small_marker_index 
                              << " exceeds the maximum value (" << v << " > " << smallAC.getMaxValue() << ")\n";
                smallAC.setByIdx(j, v);
            // Set the small marker
            SmallMarker& small_marker = m_smallMarkers[curr_small_marker_index];
            small_marker.unitCount = curr_unit_index - prev_large_marker.unitIndex;
            small_marker.counts = smallAC;

            // Update state variables
            next_small_marker += m_smallSampleRate;
            curr_small_marker_index += 1;
            prev_small_marker_unit_index = curr_unit_index;
            place_last_small_marker = last_symbol && curr_small_marker_index < num_small_markers;

    assert(curr_small_marker_index == num_small_markers);
    assert(curr_large_marker_index == num_large_markers);

    // Initialize C(a)
    m_predCount.set('$', 0);
    m_predCount.set('A', running_ac.get('$')); 
    m_predCount.set('C', m_predCount.get('A') + running_ac.get('A'));
    m_predCount.set('G', m_predCount.get('C') + running_ac.get('C'));
    m_predCount.set('T', m_predCount.get('G') + running_ac.get('G'));