AnsiString __fastcall TFTPFile::GetFilePath(AnsiString ServerString) { int pos = ServerString.LowerCase().Pos("ftp://"); if(pos < 1) return ""; ServerString = ServerString.SubString(pos + 6,ServerString.Length() - pos); pos = StrLScan(ServerString.c_str(),"/"); if(pos < 0) return ""; ServerString = ServerString.SubString(pos + 2,ServerString.Length() - pos - 1); pos = StrRScan(ServerString.c_str(),"/"); if(pos < 0) return "/"; ServerString = ServerString.SubString(1,pos); if(ServerString.SubString(1,1) != "/") ServerString = "/" + ServerString; if(ServerString.SubString(ServerString.Length(),1) != "/") ServerString = ServerString + "/"; return ServerString; }
void __fastcall TDB_packer::ExtBtn3Click(TObject *Sender) { TElShellTreeItem* itm = shellTree->ItemFocused; if(!itm->IsFolder) { AnsiString str = itm->FullName; int root_len = xr_strlen(m_root_folder); int len = str.Length(); lbIncludeFiles->Items->Add( str.SubString(root_len+1,len-root_len) ); } }
AnsiString __fastcall TFTPFile::GetUserName(AnsiString ServerString) { int pos = ServerString.LowerCase().Pos("ftp://"); if(pos < 1) return ""; ServerString = ServerString.SubString(pos + 6,ServerString.Length() - pos); pos = StrLScan(ServerString.c_str(),":"); if(pos < 0) return ""; return DecryFTPPassword(ServerString.SubString(1,pos)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TfrmMainFormServer::AddANewModule(){ AnsiString name = InputBox("New Virtual Directory", "Enter an alias WITHOUT spaces", "ANewName"); if(name.Length() > 0){ adapter.AddANewModule(name); LoadModuleNames(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnsiString __fastcall TBolBradesco::GeraCampoLivre(void) { AnsiString CampoLivre = Agencia.SubString(1,4) + Carteira + GetNumeroDocumento() + CodigoCedente.SubString(1,7) + "0"; if(CampoLivre.Length() != 25) { throw Exception("Campo livre deve conter 25 caracteres para o Banco Bradesco."); } return(CampoLivre); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //class TMemIniFile : public TCustomIniFile //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TIniFileのバグ回避版らしい・・・が、TIniFileと同じことをやる。ドン TMemIniFile::TMemIniFile(const AnsiString& str) : m_pStream(NULL), m_pConfig(NULL) { if ( str.AnsiPos("\\\\?\\") ) m_strIniFile = str.SubString( 4, str.Length() - 4).c_str(); else m_strIniFile = str.c_str(); // m_pStream = new wxFileInputStream( m_strIniFile ); // m_pConfig = new wxFileConfig(*m_pStream); // m_pConfig = new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, m_strIniFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); m_pConfig = new wxFileConfig(wxT("krkr"), wxT("ym"), m_strIniFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MyPlaySound(AnsiString file) { if( file.Length() == 0 ) return; if( ! FileExists(file) ) { WriteToLogError("WARNING\tPlay sound: file \"%s\" not found !", file.c_str()); return; } if( ::PlaySound(file.c_str(), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_NODEFAULT | SND_NOWAIT | SND_SYNC) == FALSE ) WriteToLogError("ERROR\tPlay sound: \"%s\"", FormatLastError2(GetLastError()).c_str()); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TUtilities::CheckFileBool(std::ifstream &InFile) //no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is //set automatically { AnsiString BoolString; if(!CheckAndReadFileString(InFile, BoolString)) return false; if( return false; if(BoolString == "") return false; if((BoolString.Length() > 1) || (BoolString == "")) return false; if((BoolString != "0") && (BoolString != "1")) return false; return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StringToTokiensA( AnsiString Words, AnsiString Dlmtr, TStrings *Making ) { AnsiString Work = Words.Trim(); int spos; while ((spos = Work.AnsiPos(Dlmtr)) != 0) { Making->Add(Work.SubString( 1, spos-1)); Work = Work.SubString( spos+1, Work.Length() - spos); Work = Work.Trim(); } // while if (Work != "") Making->Add(Work); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall PuttyInitialize() { SaveRandomSeed = true; InitializeCriticalSection(&putty_section); // make sure random generator is initialised, so random_save_seed() // in destructor can proceed random_ref(); flags = FLAG_VERBOSE | FLAG_SYNCAGENT; // verbose log sk_init(); AnsiString VersionString = SshVersionString(); assert(!VersionString.IsEmpty() && (static_cast<size_t>(VersionString.Length()) < LENOF(sshver))); strcpy(sshver, VersionString.c_str()); AnsiString AppName = AppNameString(); assert(!AppName.IsEmpty() && (static_cast<size_t>(AppName.Length()) < LENOF(appname_))); strcpy(appname_, AppName.c_str()); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool __fastcall TRelDirSearchForm::GetFileList(AnsiString folder) { try { GetFileList(folder, folder.Length()); } catch(...) { return false; } return true; }
bool __fastcall TEntryForm::InValidDouble(AnsiString label, TEditPlus *edit) { AnsiString ud = edit->Text; if (ud[1] == '-') ud.Delete(1,1); if (strspn(ud.c_str(), "0123456789.") == (unsigned)ud.Length()) return false; AnsiString msg = "The field "+label+" contains the value '"+edit->Text+"'." +" This is invalid for a non null double field"; Application->MessageBox(msg.c_str(), "Invalid Double", ID_OK); return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Metoda odpowiedzialna za dostosowanie znaków specjalnych w tekœcie (apostrofy itp.), /// poprzez dodanie dodanie "\" void __fastcall ParsujDane::DostosujZnakiSpecjalne(AnsiString &AText) { AnsiString str; int pozycjaZnacznik = 0; while(pozycjaZnacznik != AText.Length()) { str = AText[pozycjaZnacznik]; if (str == "\'" || str == "\"") AText.Insert("\\", pozycjaZnacznik - 1); pozycjaZnacznik++; } }
AnsiString Global::Bezogonkow(AnsiString str, bool _) { // wyciêcie liter z ogonkami, bo OpenGL nie umie wyœwietliæ for (int i = 1; i <= str.Length(); ++i) if (str[i] & 0x80) str[i] = bezogonkowo[str[i] & 0x7F]; else if (str[i] < ' ') // znaki steruj¹ce nie s¹ obs³ugiwane str[i] = ' '; else if (_) if (str[i] == '_') // nazwy stacji nie mog¹ zawieraæ spacji str[i] = ' '; // wiêc trzeba wyœwietlaæ inaczej return str; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFormReportUchebKartStud::StringToAudHours(AnsiString h[12], AnsiString &str_hours) { int cur_sem = 0; int begin = 1; for(int pos = 1; pos <= str_hours.Length(); pos++) { if (str_hours[pos] == ';') { h[cur_sem++] = str_hours.SubString(begin, pos - begin); begin = pos + 1; } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFormDisciplines::StringToAudHours(AudHours* h, AnsiString &str_hours) { int cur_sem = 0; int begin = 1; for(int pos = 1; pos <= str_hours.Length(); pos++) { if (str_hours[pos] == ';') { h->hours[cur_sem++] = str_hours.SubString(begin, pos - begin); begin = pos + 1; } } }
void CFolder::mf_CFolder_0010(AnsiString arg_0) { char local_00[1024]; char local_01[16]; m__unknown_003=arg_0; if (arg_0.Length()==0) { m__unknown_002=""; return; } strcpy(local_00,arg_0.c_str()); ny_htmlproc_5(local_00,local_01); m__unknown_002=local_01; }
//const int max_count_line = 17; // кол-во строк в одном семестре //const int max_len_title = 35; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnsiString TFormReportUchebKartStud::GetDateAsString(const AnsiString& str, bool isYear) { AnsiString res = ""; res += str.SubString(9,2); if (res.Length() == 1) res = "0" + res; res += " "; res += MounthNames[(str.SubString(6, 2).ToInt() - 1) % 12] + " "; res += str.SubString(1, 4); if (isYear) res += " г."; return res; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnsiString __fastcall TBolBesc::CalculaDV2Chave25(AnsiString AChave) { int Digito; Digito = 0; int Soma = 0; int Multiplicador = 2; for (int i = AChave.Length(); i > 0; i--) { Soma = Soma + StrToInt(AChave[i]) * Multiplicador; Multiplicador++; if (Multiplicador > 7) Multiplicador = 2; } int Resto = (Soma % 11); if(Resto==0) Digito=0; else if (Resto == 1) { int Pos24 = StrToInt( AChave[AChave.Length()] ); if(Pos24 == 9) Pos24 = 0; else Pos24 = Pos24 + 1; AChave = AChave.SubString(1, 23) + IntToStr(Pos24); return CalculaDV2Chave25(AChave); } else// (Resto > 1) { Digito = 11 - Resto; } Digito = Digito + 2; if(Digito == 10) Digito = 0; if(Digito == 11) Digito = 1; return IntToStr(Digito); }
String TSearchFilesFrm::GetSearchData() { AnsiString data; AnsiString content_text = edtSearchContent->Text; if(cbSearchMode->ItemIndex == 0) { data = content_text; } else if(cbSearchMode->ItemIndex == 1) { data = BinToStr(content_text.c_str(), content_text.Length()); } else if(cbSearchMode->ItemIndex == 2) { DWORD num = content_text.ToInt(); data.SetLength(4); int pos = 0; WriteDWORD(data.c_str(), pos, num); data = BinToStr(data.c_str(), data.Length()); } else if(cbSearchMode->ItemIndex == 3) { WORD num = content_text.ToInt(); data.SetLength(2); int pos = 0; WriteWORD(data.c_str(), pos, num); data = BinToStr(data.c_str(), data.Length()); } else if(cbSearchMode->ItemIndex == 4) { BYTE num = content_text.ToInt(); data.SetLength(1); int pos = 0; WriteBYTE(data.c_str(), pos, num); data = BinToStr(data.c_str(), data.Length()); } return data; }
DLL_EXPORT int UDPFriend(void *client, char *host_data, char *buf, int buf_size) { CConceptClient *CC = (CConceptClient *)client; if ((CC) && (buf_size > 0) && (buf)) { AnsiString temp = InitUDP3(CC, host_data); int size = temp.Length(); if (size >= buf_size) size = buf_size - 1; memcpy(buf, temp.c_str(), size); buf[size] = 0; return size; } return 0; }
//=========================================================================== AnsiString GetShortFileName(AnsiString FileName) { int SlashCount = 0; int Pos1 = 1111111111; int Pos2 = 0; AnsiString Result = ""; // --- Считаю количесто слешев ----- for (int i = 1; i <= FileName.Length(); i++) if (FileName[i] == '\\'){ SlashCount ++; if (SlashCount == 2) Pos1 = i; } // ---- Проверяю количество слешев ------- if (SlashCount > 3) { // ---- Ищу вторую позицию слеша ------ SlashCount = 0; for (int i = FileName.Length(); i > 0; i--){ if (FileName[i] == '\\'){ SlashCount ++; if (SlashCount == 2 ) { Pos2 = i; break; } } } for (int i = 1; i <= FileName.Length(); i++) { if (i <= Pos1) { Result = Result + FileName[i]; if (i + 1 > Pos1) Result = Result + "..."; } if (i >= Pos2) Result = Result + FileName[i]; } } else Result = FileName; return Result; }
/*************************************************************************** Function: StrHexCmp 16进制字符串比较 Param: str1 str2 要比对的字符串 ,格式:01030001 16进制字符串 bFull true 严格一致 false 遇到** 二个星 认为与任何字符都相同 Returns: true 一致 false不一致 ***************************************************************************/ bool TDataSwitch::StrHexCmp(AnsiString str1, AnsiString str2, bool bFull) { if (str1.Length() != str2.Length()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < str1.Length() / 2; i++) { if (bFull) { if (str1.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2) != str2.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2)) return false; } else if (str1.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2) != "**" && str2.SubString (i * 2 + 1, 2) != "**") { AnsiString tmp1 = str1.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2); AnsiString tmp2 = str2.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2); if (str1.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2) != str2.SubString(i * 2 + 1, 2)) return false; } } return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TCDirectoryOutline::CreateWnd() { AnsiString CurrentPath; TCustomOutline::CreateWnd(); if (FDrive == 0) { AnsiString CurrentPath = ForceCase(CurDir()); if (CurrentPath.Length() != 0) { FDrive = CurrentPath[1]; FDirectory = CurrentPath; } } }
//用空格或者'-'分割字符串,取后部分。 AnsiString GetStrName(AnsiString AStr) { AnsiString IName; int IPos; IPos = AStr.Pos("-"); if(IPos == 0) { IPos = AStr.Pos(" "); if(IPos == 0) { IName = ""; } else { IName = AStr.SubString(IPos + 1, AStr.Length()); } } else { IName = AStr.SubString(IPos + 1,AStr.Length()); } return IName; }
AnsiString searchleftright(AnsiString t) { int i,left=0,right=0; for(i=1;i<=t.Length();i++) { if(t[i]=='(' || t[i]=='[' || t[i]=='{') left++; if(t[i]==')' || t[i]==']' || t[i]=='}') right++; if(right==left) break; } return t.SubString(2,i); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int PosEnd(AnsiString asSt,AnsiString asT) { int t=0,n=asSt.Length(); for(int i=n;i>=1;i--) { if(asSt[i]=='(') t++; if(asSt[i]==')') t--; if(asSt.operator [](i)==asT.operator [](1) && !t) return i; } return 0; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CLogSupport::WriteLog(AnsiString content){ DWORD dwFileLenHigh; DWORD dwFileLen = GetFileSize(handleFile , &dwFileLenHigh); if (dwFileLen > (DWORD)logSize * 1024){ //文件过大 清空文件 SetFilePointer(handleFile , 0 , NULL , FILE_BEGIN); //移动文件指针 SetEndOfFile(handleFile);//清空文件 } AnsiString strContent =content +"\r\n"; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); SetFilePointer(handleFile , 0 , NULL , FILE_END); //移动到文件末尾 DWORD dwWriteLen; WriteFile(handleFile, strContent.c_str(), (DWORD)strContent.Length(), &dwWriteLen, NULL); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); //释放临界区 }
void __fastcall TCDirectoryOutline::WalkTree(const AnsiString& Dest) { AnsiString Path = ForceCase(Dest); long Item = RootIndex; // start at root // remove drive component of Path int Colon = Path.Pos(":"); if (Colon > 0) { int Offset = (Path[Colon + 1] == '\\') ? 2 : 1; if ((Colon + Offset) >= Path.Length()) Path = ""; else Path = Path.SubString(Colon + Offset, Path.Length() - (Colon + Offset) +1); } // do the walk for (int SlashPos = GetPos(Path, "\\"); Path.Length() > 0; SlashPos = GetPos(Path, "\\")) { AnsiString Dir = Path; if (SlashPos > 0) { // splice out the first directory Dir = Path.SubString(1, SlashPos - 1); Path = Path.SubString(SlashPos + 1, Path.Length() - (SlashPos + 1) + 1); } else { Dir = Path; Path = ""; } Item = GetChildNamed(Dir, Item); } SelectedItem = Item; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event handler is called by the FTP component once it has built the // directory listing. We can use this handler to alter the listing, adding // or removing some info. This sample add the 'virtual' directory. void __fastcall TFtpServerForm::FtpServer1AlterDirectory(TObject *Sender, TFtpCtrlSocket *Client, TFtpString &Directory, bool Detailed) { AnsiString Buf; if (UpperCase(Client->Directory) != "C:\\") return; // Add our 'virtual' directory to the list if (Detailed) { // We need to format directory lines according to the Unix standard Buf = "drwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 0 Apr 30 19:00 VIRTUAL\r\n"; Client->DataStream->Write(&Buf[1], Buf.Length()); } }