예제 #1
void TSShapeLoader::recurseSubshape(AppNode* appNode, S32 parentIndex, bool recurseChildren)
   // Ignore local bounds nodes
   if (appNode->isBounds())

   S32 subShapeNum = shape->subShapeFirstNode.size()-1;
   Subshape* subshape = subshapes[subShapeNum];

   // Check if we should collapse this node
   S32 myIndex;
   if (ignoreNode(appNode->getName()))
      myIndex = parentIndex;
      // Check that adding this node will not exceed the maximum node count
      if (shape->nodes.size() >= MAX_TS_SET_SIZE)

      myIndex = shape->nodes.size();
      String nodeName = getUniqueName(appNode->getName(), cmpShapeName, shape->names);

      // Create the 3space node
      shape->nodes.last().nameIndex = shape->addName(nodeName);
      shape->nodes.last().parentIndex = parentIndex;
      shape->nodes.last().firstObject = -1;
      shape->nodes.last().firstChild = -1;
      shape->nodes.last().nextSibling = -1;

      // Add the AppNode to a matching list (so AppNodes can be accessed using 3space
      // node indices)
      appNodes.last()->mParentIndex = parentIndex;

      // Check for NULL detail or AutoBillboard nodes (no children or geometry)
      if ((appNode->getNumChildNodes() == 0) &&
          (appNode->getNumMesh() == 0))
         S32 size = 0x7FFFFFFF;
         String dname(String::GetTrailingNumber(appNode->getName(), size));

         if (dStrEqual(dname, "nulldetail") && (size != 0x7FFFFFFF))
            shape->addDetail("detail", size, subShapeNum);
         else if (appNode->isBillboard() && (size != 0x7FFFFFFF))
            // AutoBillboard detail
            S32 numEquatorSteps = 4;
            S32 numPolarSteps = 0;
            F32 polarAngle = 0.0f;
            S32 dl = 0;
            S32 dim = 64;
            bool includePoles = true;

            appNode->getInt("BB::EQUATOR_STEPS", numEquatorSteps);
            appNode->getInt("BB::POLAR_STEPS", numPolarSteps);
            appNode->getFloat("BB::POLAR_ANGLE", polarAngle);
            appNode->getInt("BB::DL", dl);
            appNode->getInt("BB::DIM", dim);
            appNode->getBool("BB::INCLUDE_POLES", includePoles);

            S32 detIndex = shape->addDetail( "bbDetail", size, -1 );
            shape->details[detIndex].bbEquatorSteps = numEquatorSteps;
            shape->details[detIndex].bbPolarSteps = numPolarSteps;
            shape->details[detIndex].bbDetailLevel = dl;
            shape->details[detIndex].bbDimension = dim;
            shape->details[detIndex].bbIncludePoles = includePoles;
            shape->details[detIndex].bbPolarAngle = polarAngle;

   // Collect geometry
   for (U32 iMesh = 0; iMesh < appNode->getNumMesh(); iMesh++)
      AppMesh* mesh = appNode->getMesh(iMesh);
      if (!ignoreMesh(mesh->getName()))
         subshape->objNodes.push_back(mesh->isSkin() ? -1 : myIndex);

   // Create children
   if (recurseChildren)
      for (int iChild = 0; iChild < appNode->getNumChildNodes(); iChild++)
         recurseSubshape(appNode->getChildNode(iChild), myIndex, true);
예제 #2
void TSShapeLoader::generateObjects()
   for (S32 iSub = 0; iSub < subshapes.size(); iSub++)
      Subshape* subshape = subshapes[iSub];

      // Get the names and sizes of the meshes for this subshape
      Vector<String> meshNames;
      for (S32 iMesh = 0; iMesh < subshape->objMeshes.size(); iMesh++)
         AppMesh* mesh = subshape->objMeshes[iMesh];
         mesh->detailSize = 2;
         String name = String::GetTrailingNumber( mesh->getName(), mesh->detailSize );
         name = getUniqueName( name, cmpMeshNameAndSize, meshNames, &(subshape->objMeshes), (void*)mesh->detailSize );
         meshNames.push_back( name );

         // Fix up any collision details that don't have a negative detail level.
         if (  dStrStartsWith(meshNames[iMesh], "Collision") ||
               dStrStartsWith(meshNames[iMesh], "LOSCol") )
            if (mesh->detailSize > 0)
               mesh->detailSize = -mesh->detailSize;

      // An 'object' is a collection of meshes with the same base name and
      // different detail sizes. The object is attached to the node of the
      // highest detail mesh.

      // Sort the 3 arrays (objMeshes, objNodes, meshNames) by name and size
      for (S32 i = 0; i < subshape->objMeshes.size()-1; i++)
         for (S32 j = i+1; j < subshape->objMeshes.size(); j++)
            if ((meshNames[i].compare(meshNames[j]) < 0) ||
               ((meshNames[i].compare(meshNames[j]) == 0) &&
               (subshape->objMeshes[i]->detailSize < subshape->objMeshes[j]->detailSize)))
                  AppMesh* tmp = subshape->objMeshes[i];
                  subshape->objMeshes[i] = subshape->objMeshes[j];
                  subshape->objMeshes[j] = tmp;
                  S32 tmp = subshape->objNodes[i];
                  subshape->objNodes[i] = subshape->objNodes[j];
                  subshape->objNodes[j] = tmp;
                  String tmp = meshNames[i];
                  meshNames[i] = meshNames[j];
                  meshNames[j] = tmp;

      // Now create objects
      const String* lastName = 0;
      for (S32 iMesh = 0; iMesh < subshape->objMeshes.size(); iMesh++)
         AppMesh* mesh = subshape->objMeshes[iMesh];

         if (!lastName || (meshNames[iMesh] != *lastName))
            shape->objects.last().nameIndex = shape->addName(meshNames[iMesh]);
            shape->objects.last().nodeIndex = subshape->objNodes[iMesh];
            shape->objects.last().startMeshIndex = appMeshes.size();
            shape->objects.last().numMeshes = 0;
            lastName = &meshNames[iMesh];

         // Add this mesh to the object

         // Set mesh flags
         mesh->flags = 0;
         if (mesh->isBillboard())
            mesh->flags |= TSMesh::Billboard;
            if (mesh->isBillboardZAxis())
               mesh->flags |= TSMesh::BillboardZAxis;

         // Set the detail name... do fixups for collision details.
         const char* detailName = "detail";
         if ( mesh->detailSize < 0 )
            if (  dStrStartsWith(meshNames[iMesh], "Collision") ||
                  dStrStartsWith(meshNames[iMesh], "Col") )
               detailName = "Collision";
            else if (dStrStartsWith(meshNames[iMesh], "LOSCol"))
               detailName = "LOS";

         // Attempt to add the detail (will fail if it already exists)
         S32 oldNumDetails = shape->details.size();
         shape->addDetail(detailName, mesh->detailSize, iSub);
         if (shape->details.size() > oldNumDetails)
            Con::warnf("Object mesh \"%s\" has no matching detail (\"%s%d\" has"
               " been added automatically)", mesh->getName(false), detailName, mesh->detailSize);

      // Get object count for this subshape
      shape->subShapeNumObjects.push_back(shape->objects.size() - shape->subShapeFirstObject.last());
   bool AppSceneEnum::processNode(AppNode * node)
      // Helper method to help rot nodes that we find in the scene.

      // At this stage we do not need to collect all the nodes
      // because the tree structure will still be there when we
      // build the shape.  What we need to do right now is grab
      // the top of all the subtrees, any meshes hanging on the
      // root level (these will be lower detail levels, we don't
      // need to grab meshes on the sub-trees because they will
      // be found when we recurse into the sub-tree), the bounds
      // node, and any sequences.

      const char * name  = node->getName();
      const char * pname = node->getParentName();

      AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,avar("Processing Node %s with parent %s\r\n", name, pname));

      AppSequence * seq = getSequence(node);
      if (seq)
         return true;

      if (node->isDummy())
         return false;

      if (isSubtree(node))
         // Add this node to the subtree list...
         AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,avar("Found subtree starting at Node \"%s\"\r\n",name));
         return true;

      // See if it is a bounding box.  If so, save it as THE bounding
      // box for the scene
      if (node->isBounds())
         if (boundsNode)
            setExportError("More than one bounds node found.");
            AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,"More than one bounds node found.\r\n");
            AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,"Bounding box found\r\n");
         boundsNode = node;
         return true;

      // if we use this node, then be sure to return true so the caller doesn't delete it
      bool used = false;

      if (node->getNumMesh()!=0)
         for (S32 i=0; i<node->getNumMesh(); i++)
            AppMesh * mesh = node->getMesh(i);
            if (mesh->isSkin())
               AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,avar("Skin \"%s\" with parent \"%s\" added to entry list\r\n",mesh->getName(),pname));
               used = true;
               if (node->isParentRoot())
                  AppConfig::PrintDump(PDPass1,avar("Mesh \"%s\" with parent \"%s\" added to entry list\r\n",mesh->getName(),pname));
                  used = true;
         if (used)
      return used;