SICALLBACK AppLink_3DCoat_PPGEvent( const CRef& in_ctxt ) { //Application app; PPGEventContext ctxt( in_ctxt ) ; CustomProperty prop = ctxt.GetSource(); PPGEventContext::PPGEvent eventID = ctxt.GetEventID() ; //CString s_ExeLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatExe").GetValue(); if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siOnInit ) { CString s_ExportLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue(); CString s_CoatLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue(); Plugin pl(app.GetPlugins().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat_Plugin")); pluginPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(pl.GetOrigin()), L"AppLink_3DCoat", L"Application", L"Plugins"); if(prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue() == L"") { Project prj = app.GetActiveProject(); Scene scn = prj.GetActiveScene(); CString tempPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(siProjectPath), L"3DCoat", scn.GetName(), scn.GetName() + L".obj"); prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").PutValue(tempPath); prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true); } if(prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue() == L"") { TCHAR Path[MAX_PATH]; if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, Path))) { CString exchPath = CUtils::BuildPath(Path, L"3D-CoatV3", L"Exchange"); prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").PutValue(exchPath); } } //prop.GetParameter(L"bImpNorm").PutCapabilityFlag(siNotInspectable, true); //prop.GetParameter(L"bImpNewMat").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true); ctxt.PutAttribute(L"Refresh",true); } else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siButtonClicked ) { CValue buttonPressed = ctxt.GetAttribute( L"Button" ); CString tempLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue(); CString coatLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue(); if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"Coat3DExport" ) { CustomProperty in_pset = ctxt.GetSource(); if(CUtils::EnsureFolderExists(tempLocation, true)) { CValueArray args(6); args[0] = tempLocation; args[1] = coatLocation; args[2] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"typePaint" ); //args[3] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bCopyTexE" ); args[3] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpMat" ); args[4] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpUV" ); args[5] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpNorm" ); CValue retVal; app.ExecuteCommand( L"Coat3DExport", args, retVal ); CString exeLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"exeLocation").GetValue(); bool bStart = prop.GetParameter(L"bStart").GetValue(); if(exeLocation != L"" && bStart) { if(!Find3DCoat()) { if((int)::ShellExecute(NULL, TEXT("open"), exeLocation.GetAsciiString(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32) { app.LogMessage(L"3D-Coat.exe not found!", siWarningMsg); } } else { app.LogMessage(L"3D-Coat.exe is run!", siWarningMsg); } } } else { app.LogMessage(L"Note temp path exists!", siErrorMsg); } } else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"Coat3DImport" ) { CustomProperty in_pset = ctxt.GetSource(); CString exportPath = CUtils::BuildPath(coatLocation, L"export.txt"); CString objPath; std::ifstream mfrExportTxt; (exportPath.GetAsciiString());//c:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\3D-CoatV3\Exchange\export.txt //app.LogMessage(L"Export.txt is it! :" + strOut); if(mfrExportTxt.good()) { std::string row; std::getline(mfrExportTxt, row); objPath = row.c_str(); //app.LogMessage(L"first row: " + CString(row.c_str())); } else { UIToolkit uitool = app.GetUIToolkit(); LONG out; uitool.MsgBox(L"import file not found!", siMsgOkOnly|siMsgExclamation, L"", (LONG) out); if(out == siMsgOk) { return CStatus::False; } } mfrExportTxt.close(); app.LogMessage(coatLocation); app.LogMessage(exportPath); if(objPath != L"") { CValueArray args(2); args[0] = objPath; args[1] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bReplace" ); CValue noret; app.ExecuteCommand( L"Coat3DImport", args, noret ); } } } else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siParameterChange ) { Parameter changed = ctxt.GetSource(); CustomProperty prop = changed.GetParent(); CString paramName = changed.GetScriptName(); if ( paramName == L"bImpMat" ) { CValue bFlag = prop.GetParameter(L"bImpMat").GetValue(); //prop.GetParameter(L"swMap").PutCapabilityFlag(siNotInspectable, !bFlag); prop.GetParameter(L"swMap").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, !bFlag); } ctxt.PutAttribute(L"Refresh",true); } return CStatus::OK ; }
SICALLBACK AppLink_3DCoat_DefineLayout( CRef& in_ctxt ) { Context ctxt(in_ctxt); PPGLayout ppg = ctxt.GetSource(); PPGItem item; Plugin pl(app.GetPlugins().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat_Plugin")); CString logoPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(pl.GetOrigin()), L"AppLink_3DCoat", L"Application", L"Plugins", L"3dcoatLogo.bmp"); CString txt = L"*Select folder ..\\My Documents\\3D-CoatV3\\Exchange"; ppg.Clear(); ppg.AddTab(L"General"); item = ppg.AddItem(L"Logo",L"", siControlBitmap); item.PutAttribute(siUIFilePath, logoPath); item.PutAttribute(siUINoLabel, true); ppg.AddGroup(L"Locations"); item = ppg.AddItem( L"tempLocation", L"", siControlFilePath ); //item.PutAttribute( siUIInitialDir, L"project" ) ; //item.PutAttribute( siUIFileFilter, L"3D files (*.obj,*.lwo)|*.obj,*.lwo|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" ) ; item = ppg.AddItem( L"coatLocation", L"", siControlFolder ) ; item.PutAttribute( siUIInitialDir, L"user" ) ; ppg.AddStaticText(txt.GetAsciiString()); //item = ppg.AddItem( L"coatExe", L"", siControlFilePath); //item.PutAttribute( siUIInitialDir, L"user" ); //item.PutAttribute( siUIFileFilter, L"Exe files (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" ) ; ppg.EndGroup(); //Paint mesh in 3D-Coat using per-pixel painting [ppp] //Paint mesh in 3D-Coat using microvertex painting [mv] //Paint mesh in 3D-Coat using Ptex [ptex] //Perform UV-mapping in 3D-Coat [uv] //Drop reference mesh to 3D-Coat [ref] //Drop retopo mesh as new layer in 3D-Coat [retopo] //Drop mesh in 3D-Coat as voxel object [vox] //Drop mesh in 3D-Coat as new pen alpha [alpha] //Drop mesh in 3D-Coat as new merging primitive for voxels [prim] //Drop mesh in 3D-Coat as a curve profile [curv] //Drop mesh in 3D-Coat for Auto-retopology [autopo] ppg.AddGroup(L"Export"); CValueArray sizeItems( 22 ) ; sizeItems[0] = L"Per-pixel painting"; sizeItems[1] = (LONG)0 ; sizeItems[2] = L"Microvertex painting"; sizeItems[3] = (LONG)1 ; sizeItems[4] = L"Ptex"; sizeItems[5] = (LONG)2 ; sizeItems[6] = L"Perform UV-mapping"; sizeItems[7] = (LONG)3 ; sizeItems[8] = L"Drop reference mesh"; sizeItems[9] = (LONG)4 ; sizeItems[10] = L"Drop retopo mesh as new layer"; sizeItems[11] = (LONG)5 ; sizeItems[12] = L"Drop mesh as voxel object"; sizeItems[13] = (LONG)6 ; sizeItems[14] = L"Drop mesh as new pen alpha"; sizeItems[15] = (LONG)7 ; sizeItems[16] = L"Drop mesh as new merging primitive for voxels"; sizeItems[17] = (LONG)8 ; sizeItems[18] = L"Drop mesh as a curve profile"; sizeItems[19] = (LONG)9 ; sizeItems[20] = L"Drop mesh for Auto-retopology"; sizeItems[21] = (LONG)10 ; ppg.AddEnumControl( L"typePaint", sizeItems, L"", siControlCombo ) ; ppg.AddItem(L"bExpNorm"); ppg.AddItem(L"bExpMat"); ppg.AddItem(L"bExpUV"); ppg.AddItem(L"bExpSkipImp"); ppg.AddItem(L"bExpSkipExp"); //ppg.AddItem(L"bCopyTexE"); item = ppg.AddButton( L"Coat3DExport", L"Export to 3DCoat" ); item.PutAttribute(siUICX, (LONG)ppg.GetAttribute(siUICX)); ppg.EndGroup(); ppg.AddGroup(L"Import"); ppg.AddItem(L"bImpNorm"); ppg.AddItem(L"bImpMat"); CValueArray sizeItems2( 4 ); sizeItems2[0] = L"Normal map"; sizeItems2[1] = (LONG)0 ; sizeItems2[2] = L"Bump map"; sizeItems2[3] = (LONG)1 ; ppg.AddEnumControl( L"swMap", sizeItems2, L"", siControlCombo ) ; ppg.AddItem(L"bImpUV"); ppg.AddRow(); ppg.AddItem(L"bReplace"); ppg.AddItem(L"bEvent"); ppg.EndRow(); //ppg.AddItem(L"bCopyTexI"); item = ppg.AddButton( L"Coat3DImport", L"Import from 3DCoat" ); item.PutAttribute(siUICX, (LONG)ppg.GetAttribute(siUICX)); ppg.EndGroup(); ppg.AddTab(L"3D-Coat Location"); item = ppg.AddItem( L"exeLocation", L"", siControlFilePath ); item.PutAttribute( siUIFileFilter, L"Exe files (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" ); item.PutAttribute( siUIOpenFile, true ); ppg.AddItem(L"bStart"); return CStatus::OK; }
#include <xsi_project.h> #include <xsi_projectitem.h> #include <xsi_ref.h> #include <xsi_scene.h> #include <xsi_siobject.h> #include <xsi_status.h> #include <xsi_utils.h> #include <xsi_uitoolkit.h> #include <shlobj.h> using namespace XSI; extern Application app; bool Find3DCoat(); CString pluginPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(siUserAddonPath), L"AppLink_3DCoat", L"Application", L"Plugins"); //***************************************************************************** /*! Helper function for accessing the Import Export custom property. */ //***************************************************************************** CustomProperty Get3DCoatProp() { //Application app; Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot(); CustomProperty prop = root.GetProperties().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat"); if (!prop.IsValid()) { prop = root.AddProperty( L"AppLink_3DCoat" ); } return prop; }