/*! * Gets the list of home poses. * * @param mapdata: Pointer to the map class. * * @return list of home objects. * */ void Advanced::getAllRobotHomes(ArMap* ariamap) { myHomeList.clear(); std::list<ArMapObject *>::iterator objIt; ArMapObject* obj; int i=0; for (objIt = ariamap->getMapObjects()->begin(); objIt != ariamap->getMapObjects()->end(); objIt++) { // // Get the forbidden lines and fill the occupancy grid there. // obj = (*objIt); if (strcasecmp(obj->getType(), "RobotHome") == 0) { myHomeList.push_back(obj); ArPose pose = obj->getPose(); printf("RobotHome[%d] = %s : %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", i++, obj->getName(), pose.getX(), pose.getY(), pose.getTh()); } if (strcasecmp(obj->getType(), "Home") == 0) { myHomeList.push_back(obj); ArPose pose = obj->getPose(); printf("Home[%d] = %s : %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", i++, obj->getName(), pose.getX(), pose.getY(), pose.getTh()); } } }
/*! * Callback function for the r key. Gets the robot to pick the next * goal point and plan to it. and keep going around the list. */ void rkeyCB(void) { if(roundRobinFlag == false){ roundRobinFlag = true; }else{ roundRobinFlag = false; return; } if(advancedptr->myLocaTask->getInitializedFlag()){ if(advancedptr->myGoalList.size()>0){ ArMapObject* front = advancedptr->myGoalList.front(); ArPose top = front->getPose(); bool headingFlag = false; if(strcasecmp(front->getType(), "GoalWithHeading") == 0) headingFlag = true; else headingFlag = false; printf("Path planing to goal %s %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f: %d poses\n", front->getName(), top.getX(), top.getY(), top.getTh(), advancedptr->myGoalList.size()); advancedptr->myGoalList.pop_front(); advancedptr->myGoalList.push_back(front); // // Setup the pathplanning task to this destination. // advancedptr->pathPlanFromCurrentToDest(top, headingFlag); } }else{ printf("Localize the robot first\n"); } }
/*! * This is the called when path to goal reached. * * @param goal: Goal it was assigned. */ void Advanced::goalDone(ArPose goal) { static int goalCount = 0; printf("goalDone:Main: %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\07\n", goal.getX(), goal.getY(), goal.getTh()); if(roundRobinFlag){ if(myLocaTask->getInitializedFlag()){ if(myGoalList.size()>0){ ArMapObject* front = myGoalList.front(); ArPose top = front->getPose(); bool headingFlag = false; if(strcasecmp(front->getType(), "GoalWithHeading") == 0) headingFlag = true; else headingFlag = false; printf("Moving to next goal:%s %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f: %d poses %d Done\n", front->getName(), top.getX(), top.getY(), top.getTh(), myGoalList.size(), goalCount++); myGoalList.pop_front(); myGoalList.push_back(front); myPathPlanningTask->pathPlanToPose(top, headingFlag); } } }else{ printf("Localize the robot first\n"); } }
/*! * Callback function for the h key. Gets the robot to home pose. */ void hkeyCB(void) { roundRobinFlag = false; if(advancedptr->myLocaTask->getInitializedFlag()){ if(advancedptr->myHomeList.size()>0){ ArMapObject* front = advancedptr->myHomeList.front(); ArPose top = front->getPose(); printf("Homing to %s %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", front->getName(), top.getX(), top.getY(), top.getTh()); bool headingFlag = true; advancedptr->pathPlanFromCurrentToDest(top, headingFlag); } }else{ printf("Localize the robot first\n"); } }
AREXPORT void ArForbiddenRangeDevice::processMap(void) { std::list<ArMapObject *>::const_iterator it; ArMapObject *obj; myDataMutex.lock(); ArUtil::deleteSet(mySegments.begin(), mySegments.end()); mySegments.clear(); for (it = myMap->getMapObjects()->begin(); it != myMap->getMapObjects()->end(); it++) { obj = (*it); if (strcmp(obj->getType(), "ForbiddenLine") == 0 && obj->hasFromTo()) { mySegments.push_back(new ArLineSegment(obj->getFromPose(), obj->getToPose())); } if (strcmp(obj->getType(), "ForbiddenArea") == 0 && obj->hasFromTo()) { double angle = obj->getPose().getTh(); double sa = ArMath::sin(angle); double ca = ArMath::cos(angle); double fx = obj->getFromPose().getX(); double fy = obj->getFromPose().getY(); double tx = obj->getToPose().getX(); double ty = obj->getToPose().getY(); ArPose P0((fx*ca - fy*sa), (fx*sa + fy*ca)); ArPose P1((tx*ca - fy*sa), (tx*sa + fy*ca)); ArPose P2((tx*ca - ty*sa), (tx*sa + ty*ca)); ArPose P3((fx*ca - ty*sa), (fx*sa + ty*ca)); mySegments.push_back(new ArLineSegment(P0, P1)); mySegments.push_back(new ArLineSegment(P1, P2)); mySegments.push_back(new ArLineSegment(P2, P3)); mySegments.push_back(new ArLineSegment(P3, P0)); } } myDataMutex.unlock(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArLog::init(ArLog::StdOut, ArLog::Verbose); ArMap testMap; ArTime timer; ArGlobalFunctor mapChangedCB(&mapChanged); testMap.addMapChangedCB(&mapChangedCB); if (argc <= 1) { printf("mapTest: Usage %s <map> <map2:optional>\n", argv[0]); Aria::exit(1); } timer.setToNow(); if (!testMap.readFile(argv[1])) { printf("mapTest: Could not read map '%s'\n", argv[1]); Aria::exit(2); } printf("mapTest: Took %ld ms to read file\n", timer.mSecSince()); /* printf("mapTest: ChangeTimes (in ms): mapObjects %ld points %ld mapInfo %ld\n", testMap.getMapObjectsChanged().mSecSince(), testMap.getPointsChanged().mSecSince(), testMap.getMapInfoChanged().mSecSince()); */ timer.setToNow(); if(!testMap.writeFile("mapTest.map")) { printf("mapTest: Error could not write new map to mapTest.map"); Aria::exit(3); } printf("mapTest: Took %ld ms to write file mapTest.map\n", timer.mSecSince()); std::list<ArMapObject *>::iterator objIt; ArMapObject *obj; for (objIt = testMap.getMapObjects()->begin(); objIt != testMap.getMapObjects()->end(); objIt++) { obj = (*objIt); printf("mapTest: Map object: %s named \"%s\". Pose: %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f. ", obj->getType(), obj->getName(), obj->getPose().getX(), obj->getPose().getY(), obj->getPose().getTh()); if(obj->hasFromTo()) printf("mapTest: Extents: From %0.2f,%0.2f to %0.2f,%0.2f.", obj->getFromPose().getX(), obj->getFromPose().getY(), obj->getToPose().getX(), obj->getToPose().getY()); printf("mapTest: \n"); /* if (strcasecmp(obj->getType(), "Goal") == 0 || strcasecmp(obj->getType(), "GoalWithHeading") == 0) { printf("mapTest: Map object: Goal %s\n", obj->getName()); } else if (strcasecmp(obj->getType(), "ForbiddenLine") == 0 && obj->hasFromTo()) { printf("mapTest: Map object: Forbidden line from %.0f %.0f to %.0f %.0f\n", obj->getFromPose().getX(), obj->getFromPose().getY(), obj->getToPose().getX(), obj->getToPose().getY()); } */ } std::list<ArArgumentBuilder*>* objInfo = testMap.getMapInfo(); for(std::list<ArArgumentBuilder*>::const_iterator i = objInfo->begin(); i != objInfo->end(); i++) { printf("mapTest: MapInfo object definition:\n----\n"); (*i)->log(); printf("mapTest: ----\n"); } printf("mapTest: First 5 data points:\n"); std::vector<ArPose>::iterator pIt; ArPose pose; int n = 0; for (pIt = testMap.getPoints()->begin(); pIt != testMap.getPoints()->end(); pIt++) { pose = (*pIt); if (n > 5) exit(0); printf("mapTest: \t%.0f %.0f\n", pose.getX(), pose.getY()); n++; // the points are gone through } if (argc >= 3) { timer.setToNow(); if (!testMap.readFile(argv[2])) { printf("mapTest: Could not read map '%s'\n", argv[2]); } printf("mapTest: Took %ld ms to read file2\n", timer.mSecSince()); /* ArUtil::sleep(30); printf("mapTest: ChangeTimes (in ms): mapObjects %ld points %ld mapInfo %ld\n", testMap.getMapObjectsChanged().mSecSince(), testMap.getPointsChanged().mSecSince(), testMap.getMapInfoChanged().mSecSince()); */ timer.setToNow(); testMap.writeFile("mapTest2.map"); printf("mapTest: Took %ld ms to write file2\n", timer.mSecSince()); } // now test it with the config stuff ArArgumentBuilder builder; builder.setExtraString("Map"); builder.add(argv[1]); printf("mapTest: Trying config with map (%s)\n", argv[1]); Aria::getConfig()->parseArgument(&builder); Aria::getConfig()->callProcessFileCallBacks(true, NULL, 0); printf("mapTest: Trying config again with same map (%s)\n", argv[1]); Aria::getConfig()->parseArgument(&builder); Aria::getConfig()->callProcessFileCallBacks(true, NULL, 0); if (argc >= 3) { ArArgumentBuilder builder2; builder2.setExtraString("Map"); builder2.add(argv[2]); printf("mapTest: Trying config with map2 (%s)\n", argv[2]); Aria::getConfig()->parseArgument(&builder2); Aria::getConfig()->callProcessFileCallBacks(true, NULL, 0); } }
void PathUtil::init(ArMap *map, std::vector<WayPoint*> *all1d) { printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AOSIDJHOAISDHJOIADHO\n\n\n"); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Goals: %i", map->findMapObjectsOfType("goal").size()); std::list<ArMapObject*> mapPoints = map->findMapObjectsOfType("goal"); std::list<ArMapObject*>::const_iterator iterator; int distToField = 200; std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> > tmpWayPoints; //init TTT field for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { std::vector<WayPoint> newVec; tmpWayPoints.push_back(newVec); for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { WayPoint emptyWP(0, 0, -1); emptyWP.blocked = true; tmpWayPoints[x].push_back(emptyWP); } } for (iterator = mapPoints.begin(); iterator != mapPoints.end(); iterator++) { ArMapObject *curObj = *iterator; //printf("Name: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", sizeof(curObj->getName()[0]), (int) sizeof(*(curObj->getName())), (int) (sizeof(*(curObj->getName())) / sizeof(curObj->getName()[0])), (int) ((sizeof(*(curObj->getName())) / sizeof(curObj->getName()[0])) > 1)); //is a TTT field, 1 char, '0' - '8' if ((sizeof(*(curObj->getName())) / sizeof(curObj->getName()[0])) > 1 || curObj->getName()[0] < '0' || curObj->getName()[0] > '8') continue; WayPoint *tmpWP = new WayPoint(curObj->getPose().getX(), curObj->getPose().getY(), (int) curObj->getName()[0] - '0'); tmpWP->blocked = true; int xPos = tmpWP->id % 3; int yPos = (int) floor(tmpWP->id / 3); if (xPos != 1 || yPos != 1) tmpWP->blocked = false; if (xPos == 0) tmpWP->y += distToField; if (xPos == 2) tmpWP->y -= distToField; if (yPos == 0) tmpWP->x -= distToField; if (yPos == 2) tmpWP->x += distToField; tmpWayPoints[xPos][yPos] = *tmpWP; printf("Goal %i: %ix%i\n", (int) curObj->getName()[0] - '0', (int) curObj->getPose().getX(), (int) curObj->getPose().getY()); } //create edges for (int x = 0; x < (int) tmpWayPoints.size(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < (int) tmpWayPoints[x].size(); y++) { if (x + 1 < (int) tmpWayPoints.size() && !tmpWayPoints[x + 1][y].blocked) tmpWayPoints[x][y].wayPoints.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x + 1][y]); if (x - 1 > -1 && !tmpWayPoints[x - 1][y].blocked) tmpWayPoints[x][y].wayPoints.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x - 1][y]); if (y + 1 < (int) tmpWayPoints[x].size() && !tmpWayPoints[x][y + 1].blocked) tmpWayPoints[x][y].wayPoints.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x][y + 1]); if (y - 1 > -1 && !tmpWayPoints[x][y - 1].blocked) tmpWayPoints[x][y].wayPoints.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x][y - 1]); //ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%i: %ix%i", wayPoints[grid.X][grid.Y].id, grid.X, grid.Y); //wayPoints[grid.X][grid.Y].listConnections(); } } //std::vector<WayPoint*> all1d; int index = 0; for (int x = 0; x < (int) tmpWayPoints.size(); x++) { //std::vector<WayPoint*> tmpVec; //wayPoints->push_back(&tmpVec); for (int y = 0; y < (int) tmpWayPoints[x].size(); y++) { //all1d->push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x][y]); all1d->at(index)->x = tmpWayPoints[x][y].x; all1d->at(index)->y = tmpWayPoints[x][y].y; all1d->at(index)->id = tmpWayPoints[x][y].id; all1d->at(index)->blocked = tmpWayPoints[x][y].blocked; index++; //tmpVec.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[x][y]); //printf("Cur: %i, %i, %i\n", x, y, tmpWayPoints[x][y].id); //ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%i: %ix%i", (*(*wayPoints)[x])[y]->id, x, y); //(*(*wayPoints)[x])[y]->listConnections(); } } //for(int i = 0; i < all1d->size(); i++) printf("%i/%i: %ix%i\n", i, all1d->at(i)->id, all1d->at(i)->x, all1d->at(i)->y); /* std::vector<WayPoint*> path; std::vector<WayPoint*> best; path.push_back(&tmpWayPoints[0][0]); bool foundPath = findPath(&tmpWayPoints[0][0], &tmpWayPoints[2][2], &path, &best); printf("Path found (%i): %i\n", (int) foundPath, (int) best.size()); for (int i = 0; i < best.size(); i++) printf("%i wp: %i\n", i, best[i]->id); */ }