JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL regExpProtoFuncCompile(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    if (!thisValue.isObject(&RegExpObject::info))
        return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    RefPtr<RegExp> regExp;
    JSValue arg0 = args.at(0);
    JSValue arg1 = args.at(1);
    if (arg0.isObject(&RegExpObject::info)) {
        if (!arg1.isUndefined())
            return throwError(exec, TypeError, "Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another.");
        regExp = asRegExpObject(arg0)->regExp();
    } else {
        UString pattern = args.isEmpty() ? UString("") : arg0.toString(exec);
        UString flags = arg1.isUndefined() ? UString("") : arg1.toString(exec);
        regExp = RegExp::create(&exec->globalData(), pattern, flags);

    if (!regExp->isValid())
        return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, UString("Invalid regular expression: ").append(regExp->errorMessage()));

    return jsUndefined();
예제 #2
// Shared implementation used by test and exec.
bool RegExpObject::match(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();

    UString input = args.isEmpty() ? regExpConstructor->input() : args.at(0).toString(exec);
    if (input.isNull()) {
        throwError(exec, GeneralError, "No input to " + toString(exec) + ".");
        return false;

    if (!regExp()->global()) {
        int position;
        int length;
        regExpConstructor->performMatch(d->regExp.get(), input, 0, position, length);
        return position >= 0;

    if (d->lastIndex < 0 || d->lastIndex > input.size()) {
        d->lastIndex = 0;
        return false;

    int position;
    int length = 0;
    regExpConstructor->performMatch(d->regExp.get(), input, static_cast<int>(d->lastIndex), position, length);
    if (position < 0) {
        d->lastIndex = 0;
        return false;

    d->lastIndex = position + length;
    return true;
static JSValue setNewValueFromTimeArgs(ExecState* exec, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args, int numArgsToUse, bool inputIsUTC)
    if (!thisValue.isObject(&DateInstance::info))
        return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    DateInstance* thisDateObj = asDateInstance(thisValue);
    double milli = thisDateObj->internalNumber();
    if (args.isEmpty() || isnan(milli)) {
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    double secs = floor(milli / msPerSecond);
    double ms = milli - secs * msPerSecond;

    GregorianDateTime t;
    thisDateObj->msToGregorianDateTime(milli, inputIsUTC, t);

    if (!fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(exec, args, numArgsToUse, &ms, &t)) {
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    JSValue result = jsNumber(exec, gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, inputIsUTC));
    return result;
JSValue JSXMLHttpRequest::send(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    if (args.isEmpty())
    else {
        JSValue val = args.at(0);
        if (val.isUndefinedOrNull())
        else if (val.inherits(&JSDocument::s_info))
            impl()->send(toDocument(val), ec);
        else if (val.inherits(&JSBlob::s_info))
            impl()->send(toBlob(val), ec);
            impl()->send(val.toString(exec), ec);

    int signedLineNumber;
    intptr_t sourceID;
    UString sourceURL;
    JSValue function;
    exec->interpreter()->retrieveLastCaller(exec, signedLineNumber, sourceID, sourceURL, function);
    impl()->setLastSendLineNumber(signedLineNumber >= 0 ? signedLineNumber : 0);

    setDOMException(exec, ec);
    return jsUndefined();
예제 #5
void Console::dirxml(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.isEmpty())

    Page* page = this->page();
    if (!page)

    page->inspectorController()->addMessageToConsole(JSMessageSource, NodeMessageLevel, exec, args, 0, String());
예제 #6
JSValue* stringProtoFuncMatch(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue* thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    UString s = thisValue->toThisString(exec);

    JSValue* a0 = args.at(exec, 0);

    UString u = s;
    RefPtr<RegExp> reg;
    RegExpObject* imp = 0;
    if (a0->isObject() && static_cast<JSObject *>(a0)->inherits(&RegExpObject::info))
        reg = static_cast<RegExpObject *>(a0)->regExp();
    else {
         *  ECMA String.prototype.search (regexp)
         *  If regexp is not an object whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp", it is
         *  replaced with the result of the expression new RegExp(regexp).
        reg = RegExp::create(exec, a0->toString(exec));
    RegExpConstructor* regExpObj = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
    int pos;
    int matchLength;
    regExpObj->performMatch(reg.get(), u, 0, pos, matchLength);
    if (!(reg->global())) {
        // case without 'g' flag is handled like RegExp.prototype.exec
        if (pos < 0)
            return jsNull();
        return regExpObj->arrayOfMatches(exec);

    // return array of matches
    ArgList list;
    int lastIndex = 0;
    while (pos >= 0) {
        list.append(jsSubstring(exec, u, pos, matchLength));
        lastIndex = pos;
        pos += matchLength == 0 ? 1 : matchLength;
        regExpObj->performMatch(reg.get(), u, pos, pos, matchLength);
    if (imp)
    if (list.isEmpty()) {
        // if there are no matches at all, it's important to return
        // Null instead of an empty array, because this matches
        // other browsers and because Null is a false value.
        return jsNull();

    return constructArray(exec, list);
예제 #7
void Console::warn(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.isEmpty())

    Page* page = this->page();
    if (!page)

    String message = args.at(exec, 0)->toString(exec);

    KURL url;
    unsigned lineNumber;
    retrieveLastCaller(exec, url, lineNumber);

    page->chrome()->client()->addMessageToConsole(message, lineNumber, url.prettyURL());
    page->inspectorController()->addMessageToConsole(JSMessageSource, WarningMessageLevel, exec, args, lineNumber, url.string());

    printToStandardOut(WarningMessageLevel, exec, args, url);
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL dateProtoFuncSetYear(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    if (!thisValue.isObject(&DateInstance::info))
        return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    const bool utc = false;

    DateInstance* thisDateObj = asDateInstance(thisValue);     
    if (args.isEmpty()) { 
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    double milli = thisDateObj->internalNumber();
    double ms = 0;

    GregorianDateTime t;
    if (isnan(milli))
        // Based on ECMA 262 B.2.5 (setYear)
        // the time must be reset to +0 if it is NaN. 
        thisDateObj->msToGregorianDateTime(0, true, t);
    else {   
        double secs = floor(milli / msPerSecond);
        ms = milli - secs * msPerSecond;
        thisDateObj->msToGregorianDateTime(milli, utc, t);
    bool ok = true;
    int32_t year = args.at(0).toInt32(exec, ok);
    if (!ok) {
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    t.year = (year > 99 || year < 0) ? year - 1900 : year;
    JSValue result = jsNumber(exec, gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, utc));
    return result;
static JSValue setNewValueFromDateArgs(ExecState* exec, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args, int numArgsToUse, bool inputIsUTC)
    if (!thisValue.isObject(&DateInstance::info))
        return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    DateInstance* thisDateObj = asDateInstance(thisValue);
    if (args.isEmpty()) {
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    double milli = thisDateObj->internalNumber();
    double ms = 0;

    GregorianDateTime t;
    if (numArgsToUse == 3 && isnan(milli))
        // Based on ECMA 262 - .41 (set[UTC]FullYear)
        // the time must be reset to +0 if it is NaN. 
        thisDateObj->msToGregorianDateTime(0, true, t);
    else {
        double secs = floor(milli / msPerSecond);
        ms = milli - secs * msPerSecond;
        thisDateObj->msToGregorianDateTime(milli, inputIsUTC, t);
    if (!fillStructuresUsingDateArgs(exec, args, numArgsToUse, &ms, &t)) {
        JSValue result = jsNaN(exec);
        return result;
    JSValue result = jsNumber(exec, gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, inputIsUTC));
    return result;
bool RegExpObject::match(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    RegExpConstructor* regExpObj = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();

    UString input;
    if (!args.isEmpty())
        input = args.at(exec, 0)->toString(exec);
    else {
        input = regExpObj->input();
        if (input.isNull()) {
            throwError(exec, GeneralError, "No input.");
            return false;

    bool global = get(exec, exec->propertyNames().global)->toBoolean(exec);
    int lastIndex = 0;
    if (global) {
        if (d->lastIndex < 0 || d->lastIndex > input.size()) {
            d->lastIndex = 0;
            return false;
        lastIndex = static_cast<int>(d->lastIndex);

    int foundIndex;
    int foundLength;
    regExpObj->performMatch(d->regExp.get(), input, lastIndex, foundIndex, foundLength);

    if (global) {
        lastIndex = foundIndex < 0 ? 0 : foundIndex + foundLength;
        d->lastIndex = lastIndex;

    return foundIndex >= 0;
예제 #11
// ECMA 15.7.2
static JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL callNumberConstructor(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue, const ArgList& args)
    return jsNumber(exec, args.isEmpty() ? 0 : args.at(0).toNumber(exec));
예제 #12
// ECMA 15.7.2
static JSValuePtr callNumberConstructor(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValuePtr, const ArgList& args)
    return jsNumber(exec, args.isEmpty() ? 0 : args.at(exec, 0).toNumber(exec));
JSValue JSSQLTransaction::executeSql(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.isEmpty()) {
        setDOMException(exec, SYNTAX_ERR);
        return jsUndefined();

    String sqlStatement = args.at(0).toString(exec);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return jsUndefined();

    // Now assemble the list of SQL arguments
    Vector<SQLValue> sqlValues;
    if (!args.at(1).isUndefinedOrNull()) {
        JSObject* object = args.at(1).getObject();
        if (!object) {
            setDOMException(exec, TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);
            return jsUndefined();

        JSValue lengthValue = object->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();
        unsigned length = lengthValue.toUInt32(exec);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();
        for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < length; ++i) {
            JSValue value = object->get(exec, i);
            if (exec->hadException())
                return jsUndefined();
            if (value.isNull())
            else if (value.isNumber())
            else {
                // Convert the argument to a string and append it
                if (exec->hadException())
                    return jsUndefined();

    RefPtr<SQLStatementCallback> callback;
    if (!args.at(2).isUndefinedOrNull()) {
        JSObject* object = args.at(2).getObject();
        if (!object) {
            setDOMException(exec, TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);
            return jsUndefined();
        callback = JSCustomSQLStatementCallback::create(object, static_cast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(exec->dynamicGlobalObject()));
    RefPtr<SQLStatementErrorCallback> errorCallback;
    if (!args.at(3).isUndefinedOrNull()) {
        JSObject* object = args.at(3).getObject();
        if (!object) {
            setDOMException(exec, TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);
            return jsUndefined();
        errorCallback = JSCustomSQLStatementErrorCallback::create(object, static_cast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(exec->dynamicGlobalObject()));
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    m_impl->executeSQL(sqlStatement, sqlValues, callback.release(), errorCallback.release(), ec);
    setDOMException(exec, ec);
    return jsUndefined();
// ECMA 15.5.1
static JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL callStringConstructor(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.isEmpty())
        return jsEmptyString(exec);
    return jsString(exec, args.at(0).toString(exec));