예제 #1
    // METHODS
    void deadCheckMod() {
	// Kill any unused modules
	// V3LinkCells has a graph that is capable of this too, but we need to do it
	// after we've done all the generate blocks
	for (bool retry=true; retry; ) {
	    AstNodeModule* nextmodp;
	    for (AstNodeModule* modp = v3Global.rootp()->modulesp(); modp; modp=nextmodp) {
		nextmodp = modp->nextp()->castNodeModule();
		if (modp->level()>2	&& modp->user1()==0 && !modp->internal()) {
		    // > 2 because L1 is the wrapper, L2 is the top user module
		    UINFO(4,"  Dead module "<<modp<<endl);
		    // And its children may now be killable too; correct counts
		    // Recurse, as cells may not be directly under the module but in a generate
		    DeadModVisitor visitor(modp);
		    modp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(modp);
		    retry = true;