void HTMLAnchorElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == hrefAttr) { bool wasLink = isLink(); setIsLink(!value.isNull()); if (wasLink != isLink()) didAffectSelector(AffectedSelectorLink | AffectedSelectorVisited | AffectedSelectorEnabled); if (isLink()) { String parsedURL = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(value); if (document()->isDNSPrefetchEnabled()) { if (protocolIs(parsedURL, "http") || protocolIs(parsedURL, "https") || parsedURL.startsWith("//")) prefetchDNS(document()->completeURL(parsedURL).host()); } if (wasLink) prefetchEventHandler()->didChangeHREF(); } invalidateCachedVisitedLinkHash(); } else if (name == nameAttr || name == titleAttr) { // Do nothing. } else if (name == relAttr) setRel(value); else HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLTrackElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webkitVideoTrackEnabled()) { if (name == srcAttr) { if (!value.isEmpty()) scheduleLoad(); else if (m_track) m_track->removeAllCues(); // Sourcing out-of-band text tracks // As the kind, label, and srclang attributes are set, changed, or removed, the text track must update accordingly... } else if (name == kindAttr) track()->setKind(value.lower()); else if (name == labelAttr) track()->setLabel(value); else if (name == srclangAttr) track()->setLanguage(value); else if (name == defaultAttr) track()->setIsDefault(!value.isNull()); } if (name == onloadAttr) setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); else if (name == onerrorAttr) setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().errorEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); else HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (isIdAttributeName(name) || name == classAttr || name == styleAttr) return Element::parseAttribute(name, value); if (name == dirAttr) dirAttributeChanged(value); else if (name == tabindexAttr) { int tabindex = 0; if (value.isEmpty()) { clearTabIndexExplicitlyIfNeeded(); if (treeScope().adjustedFocusedElement() == this) { // We might want to call blur(), but it's dangerous to dispatch // events here. document().setNeedsFocusedElementCheck(); } } else if (parseHTMLInteger(value, tabindex)) { // Clamp tabindex to the range of 'short' to match Firefox's behavior. setTabIndexExplicitly(max(static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::min()), min(tabindex, static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::max())))); } } else { AtomicString eventName = eventNameForAttributeName(name); if (!eventName.isNull()) setAttributeEventListener(eventName, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); } }
PassOwnPtr<CSSParserSelector> CSSSelectorParser::consumeCompoundSelector(CSSParserTokenRange& range) { OwnPtr<CSSParserSelector> selector; AtomicString namespacePrefix; AtomicString elementName; bool hasNamespace; if (!consumeName(range, elementName, namespacePrefix, hasNamespace)) { selector = consumeSimpleSelector(range); if (!selector) return nullptr; } if (m_context.isHTMLDocument()) elementName = elementName.lower(); while (OwnPtr<CSSParserSelector> nextSelector = consumeSimpleSelector(range)) { if (selector) selector = rewriteSpecifiers(selector.release(), nextSelector.release()); else selector = nextSelector.release(); } if (!selector) { if (hasNamespace) return CSSParserSelector::create(determineNameInNamespace(namespacePrefix, elementName)); return CSSParserSelector::create(QualifiedName(nullAtom, elementName, m_defaultNamespace)); } if (elementName.isNull()) rewriteSpecifiersWithNamespaceIfNeeded(selector.get()); else rewriteSpecifiersWithElementName(namespacePrefix, elementName, selector.get()); return selector.release(); }
bool LinkLoader::loadLink(const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const AtomicString& crossOriginMode, const String& type, const KURL& href, Document& document) { if (relAttribute.isDNSPrefetch()) { Settings* settings = document.settings(); // FIXME: The href attribute of the link element can be in "//hostname" form, and we shouldn't attempt // to complete that as URL <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48857>. if (settings && settings->dnsPrefetchingEnabled() && href.isValid() && !href.isEmpty()) prefetchDNS(href.host()); } // FIXME(crbug.com/323096): Should take care of import. if ((relAttribute.isLinkPrefetch() || relAttribute.isLinkSubresource()) && href.isValid() && document.frame()) { if (!m_client->shouldLoadLink()) return false; Resource::Type type = relAttribute.isLinkSubresource() ? Resource::LinkSubresource : Resource::LinkPrefetch; FetchRequest linkRequest(ResourceRequest(document.completeURL(href)), FetchInitiatorTypeNames::link); if (!crossOriginMode.isNull()) linkRequest.setCrossOriginAccessControl(document.securityOrigin(), crossOriginMode); setResource(document.fetcher()->fetchLinkResource(type, linkRequest)); } if (const unsigned prerenderRelTypes = prerenderRelTypesFromRelAttribute(relAttribute)) { if (!m_prerender) { m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } else if (m_prerender->url() != href) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } // TODO(gavinp): Handle changes to rel types of existing prerenders. } else if (m_prerender) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender.clear(); } return true; }
void RenderMathMLFenced::updateFromElement() { Element* fenced = static_cast<Element*>(node()); // FIXME: Handle open/close values with more than one character (they should be treated like text). AtomicString openValue = fenced->getAttribute(MathMLNames::openAttr); if (openValue.length() > 0) m_open = openValue[0]; AtomicString closeValue = fenced->getAttribute(MathMLNames::closeAttr); if (closeValue.length() > 0) m_close = closeValue[0]; AtomicString separators = fenced->getAttribute(MathMLNames::separatorsAttr); if (!separators.isNull()) { StringBuilder characters; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < separators.length(); i++) { if (!isSpaceOrNewline(separators[i])) characters.append(separators[i]); } m_separators = !characters.length() ? 0 : characters.toString().impl(); } else { // The separator defaults to a single comma. m_separators = StringImpl::create(","); } if (isEmpty()) makeFences(); }
AtomicString XMLTreeBuilder::NodeStackItem::namespaceURI(AtomicString prefix) { ASSERT(!prefix.isNull()); if (m_scopedNamespaces.contains(prefix)) return m_scopedNamespaces.get(prefix); return nullAtom; }
void HTMLDetailsElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == openAttr) { bool oldValue = m_isOpen; m_isOpen = !value.isNull(); if (m_isOpen == oldValue) return; // Dispatch toggle event asynchronously. detailsToggleEventSender().cancelEvent(this); detailsToggleEventSender().dispatchEventSoon(this); Element* content = ensureUserAgentShadowRoot().getElementById(ShadowElementNames::detailsContent()); ASSERT(content); if (m_isOpen) content->removeInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay); else content->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay, CSSValueNone); Element* summary = ensureUserAgentShadowRoot().getElementById(ShadowElementNames::detailsSummary()); ASSERT(summary); // FIXME: DetailsMarkerControl's RenderDetailsMarker has no concept of being updated // without recreating it causing a repaint. Instead we should change it so we can tell // it to toggle the open/closed triangle state and avoid reattaching the entire summary. summary->lazyReattachIfAttached(); return; } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLBodyElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == vlinkAttr || name == alinkAttr || name == linkAttr) { if (value.isNull()) { if (name == linkAttr) document().resetLinkColor(); else if (name == vlinkAttr) document().resetVisitedLinkColor(); else document().resetActiveLinkColor(); } else { RGBA32 color; if (CSSParser::parseColor(color, value, !document().inQuirksMode())) { if (name == linkAttr) document().setLinkColor(color); else if (name == vlinkAttr) document().setVisitedLinkColor(color); else document().setActiveLinkColor(color); } } setNeedsStyleRecalc(); } else if (name == onloadAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent, name, value); else if (name == onbeforeunloadAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, name, value); else if (name == onunloadAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().unloadEvent, name, value); else if (name == onpagehideAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().pagehideEvent, name, value); else if (name == onpageshowAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().pageshowEvent, name, value); else if (name == onpopstateAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().popstateEvent, name, value); else if (name == onblurAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().blurEvent, name, value); else if (name == onfocusAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusEvent, name, value); #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) else if (name == onorientationchangeAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().orientationchangeEvent, name, value); #endif else if (name == onhashchangeAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().hashchangeEvent, name, value); else if (name == onresizeAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().resizeEvent, name, value); else if (name == onscrollAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().scrollEvent, name, value); else if (name == onselectionchangeAttr) document().setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectionchangeEvent, name, value); else if (name == onstorageAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().storageEvent, name, value); else if (name == ononlineAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().onlineEvent, name, value); else if (name == onofflineAttr) document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().offlineEvent, name, value); else HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLDetailsElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == openAttr) { bool oldValue = m_isOpen; m_isOpen = !value.isNull(); if (m_isOpen == oldValue) return; // Dispatch toggle event asynchronously. detailsToggleEventSender().cancelEvent(this); detailsToggleEventSender().dispatchEventSoon(this); Element* content = ensureClosedShadowRoot().getElementById(ShadowElementNames::detailsContent()); ASSERT(content); if (m_isOpen) content->removeInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay); else content->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay, CSSValueNone); // Invalidate the LayoutDetailsMarker in order to turn the arrow signifying if the // details element is open or closed. Element* summary = findMainSummary(); ASSERT(summary); Element* control = toHTMLSummaryElement(summary)->markerControl(); if (control && control->layoutObject()) control->layoutObject()->setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); return; } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
bool LinkLoader::loadLink(const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const AtomicString& crossOriginMode, const String& type, const String& as, const KURL& href, Document& document) { // TODO(yoav): Convert all uses of the CrossOriginAttribute to CrossOriginAttributeValue. crbug.com/486689 // FIXME(crbug.com/463266): We're ignoring type here. Maybe we shouldn't. dnsPrefetchIfNeeded(relAttribute, href, document); preconnectIfNeeded(relAttribute, href, document, crossOriginAttributeValue(crossOriginMode)); preloadIfNeeded(relAttribute, href, document, as); // FIXME(crbug.com/323096): Should take care of import. if ((relAttribute.isLinkPrefetch() || relAttribute.isLinkSubresource() || relAttribute.isTransitionExitingStylesheet()) && href.isValid() && document.frame()) { if (!m_client->shouldLoadLink()) return false; Resource::Type type = relAttribute.isLinkSubresource() ? Resource::LinkSubresource : Resource::LinkPrefetch; FetchRequest linkRequest(ResourceRequest(document.completeURL(href)), FetchInitiatorTypeNames::link); if (!crossOriginMode.isNull()) linkRequest.setCrossOriginAccessControl(document.securityOrigin(), crossOriginMode); setResource(document.fetcher()->fetchLinkResource(type, linkRequest)); } if (const unsigned prerenderRelTypes = prerenderRelTypesFromRelAttribute(relAttribute)) { if (!m_prerender) { m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } else if (m_prerender->url() != href) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } // TODO(gavinp): Handle changes to rel types of existing prerenders. } else if (m_prerender) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender.clear(); } return true; }
bool ScriptLoader::fetchScript(const String& sourceUrl, FetchRequest::DeferOption defer) { ASSERT(m_element); RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Document> elementDocument(m_element->document()); if (!m_element->inDocument() || m_element->document() != elementDocument) return false; ASSERT(!m_resource); if (!stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(sourceUrl).isEmpty()) { FetchRequest request(ResourceRequest(elementDocument->completeURL(sourceUrl)), m_element->localName()); AtomicString crossOriginMode = m_element->fastGetAttribute(HTMLNames::crossoriginAttr); if (!crossOriginMode.isNull()) request.setCrossOriginAccessControl(elementDocument->securityOrigin(), crossOriginMode); request.setCharset(scriptCharset()); bool scriptPassesCSP = elementDocument->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowScriptWithNonce(m_element->fastGetAttribute(HTMLNames::nonceAttr)); if (scriptPassesCSP) request.setContentSecurityCheck(DoNotCheckContentSecurityPolicy); request.setDefer(defer); m_resource = elementDocument->fetcher()->fetchScript(request); m_isExternalScript = true; } if (m_resource) return true; dispatchErrorEvent(); return false; }
void HTMLTrackElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& oldValue, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == srcAttr) { if (!value.isEmpty()) scheduleLoad(); else if (m_track) m_track->removeAllCues(); // Sourcing out-of-band text tracks // As the kind, label, and srclang attributes are set, changed, or removed, // the text track must update accordingly... } else if (name == kindAttr) { AtomicString lowerCaseValue = value.lower(); // 'missing value default' ("subtitles") if (lowerCaseValue.isNull()) lowerCaseValue = TextTrack::subtitlesKeyword(); // 'invalid value default' ("metadata") else if (!TextTrack::isValidKindKeyword(lowerCaseValue)) lowerCaseValue = TextTrack::metadataKeyword(); track()->setKind(lowerCaseValue); } else if (name == labelAttr) { track()->setLabel(value); } else if (name == srclangAttr) { track()->setLanguage(value); } else if (name == idAttr) { track()->setId(value); } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, oldValue, value); }
BString::BString(const AtomicString& s) { if (s.isNull()) m_bstr = 0; else m_bstr = SysAllocStringLen(s.characters(), s.length()); }
void MediaSourceBase::endOfStream(const AtomicString& error, ExceptionCode& ec) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, network, ("network", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, decode, ("decode", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); // 3.1 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/media-source/media-source.html#dom-endofstream // 1. If the readyState attribute is not in the "open" state then throw an // INVALID_STATE_ERR exception and abort these steps. if (!isOpen()) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return; } MediaSourcePrivate::EndOfStreamStatus eosStatus = MediaSourcePrivate::EosNoError; if (error.isNull() || error.isEmpty()) eosStatus = MediaSourcePrivate::EosNoError; else if (error == network) eosStatus = MediaSourcePrivate::EosNetworkError; else if (error == decode) eosStatus = MediaSourcePrivate::EosDecodeError; else { ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR; return; } // 2. Change the readyState attribute value to "ended". setReadyState(endedKeyword()); m_private->markEndOfStream(eosStatus); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void Element::setAttributeInternal(size_t index, const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& newValue, SynchronizationOfLazyAttribute inSynchronizationOfLazyAttribute) { if (newValue.isNull()) { if (index != kNotFound) removeAttributeInternal(index, inSynchronizationOfLazyAttribute); return; } if (index == kNotFound) { appendAttributeInternal(name, newValue, inSynchronizationOfLazyAttribute); return; } const Attribute& existingAttribute = elementData()->attributes().at(index); QualifiedName existingAttributeName = existingAttribute.name(); if (newValue == existingAttribute.value()) return; if (!inSynchronizationOfLazyAttribute) willModifyAttribute(existingAttributeName, existingAttribute.value(), newValue); ensureUniqueElementData().attributes().at(index).setValue(newValue); if (!inSynchronizationOfLazyAttribute) attributeChanged(existingAttributeName, newValue); }
void HTMLLinkElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == relAttr) { m_relAttribute = LinkRelAttribute(value); process(); } else if (name == hrefAttr) { process(); } else if (name == typeAttr) { m_type = value; process(); } else if (name == sizesAttr) { setSizes(value); process(); } else if (name == mediaAttr) { m_media = value.string().lower(); process(); } else if (name == disabledAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setDisabledState(!value.isNull()); } else if (name == onbeforeloadAttr) setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeloadEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); else { if (name == titleAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setSheetTitle(value); } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); } }
void HTMLElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (isIdAttributeName(name) || name == classAttr || name == styleAttr) return StyledElement::parseAttribute(name, value); if (name == dirAttr) dirAttributeChanged(value); else if (name == tabindexAttr) { int tabindex = 0; if (value.isEmpty()) clearTabIndexExplicitlyIfNeeded(); else if (parseHTMLInteger(value, tabindex)) { // Clamp tabindex to the range of 'short' to match Firefox's behavior. setTabIndexExplicitly(max(static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::min()), min(tabindex, static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::max())))); } #if ENABLE(MICRODATA) } else if (name == itempropAttr) { setItemProp(value); } else if (name == itemrefAttr) { setItemRef(value); } else if (name == itemtypeAttr) { setItemType(value); #endif } else { AtomicString eventName = eventNameForAttributeName(name); if (!eventName.isNull()) setAttributeEventListener(eventName, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); } }
static ALWAYS_INLINE void visitedURLInline(const KURL& base, const AtomicString& attributeURL, Vector<UChar, 512>& buffer) { if (attributeURL.isNull()) return; const UChar* characters = attributeURL.characters(); unsigned length = attributeURL.length(); // This is a poor man's completeURL. Faster with less memory allocation. // FIXME: It's missing a lot of what completeURL does and a lot of what KURL does. // For example, it does not handle international domain names properly. // FIXME: It is wrong that we do not do further processing on strings that have "://" in them: // 1) The "://" could be in the query or anchor. // 2) The URL's path could have a "/./" or a "/../" or a "//" sequence in it. // FIXME: needsTrailingSlash does not properly return true for a URL that has no path, but does // have a query or anchor. bool hasColonSlashSlash = containsColonSlashSlash(characters, length); if (hasColonSlashSlash && !needsTrailingSlash(characters, length)) { buffer.append(attributeURL.characters(), attributeURL.length()); return; } if (hasColonSlashSlash) { // FIXME: This is incorrect for URLs that have a query or anchor; the "/" needs to go at the // end of the path, *before* the query or anchor. buffer.append(characters, length); buffer.append('/'); return; } if (!length) buffer.append(base.string().characters(), base.string().length()); else { switch (characters[0]) { case '/': buffer.append(base.string().characters(), base.pathStart()); break; case '#': buffer.append(base.string().characters(), base.pathEnd()); break; default: buffer.append(base.string().characters(), base.pathAfterLastSlash()); break; } } buffer.append(characters, length); cleanPath(buffer); if (needsTrailingSlash(buffer.data(), buffer.size())) { // FIXME: This is incorrect for URLs that have a query or anchor; the "/" needs to go at the // end of the path, *before* the query or anchor. buffer.append('/'); } return; }
void AppBannerController::BannerPromptRequest( mojom::blink::AppBannerServicePtr servicePtr, mojom::blink::AppBannerEventRequest eventRequest, const Vector<String>& platforms, const BannerPromptRequestCallback& callback) { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->document()) { callback.Run(mojom::blink::AppBannerPromptReply::NONE, ""); return; } mojom::AppBannerPromptReply reply = m_frame->domWindow()->dispatchEvent(BeforeInstallPromptEvent::create( EventTypeNames::beforeinstallprompt, *m_frame, std::move(servicePtr), std::move(eventRequest), platforms)) == DispatchEventResult::NotCanceled ? mojom::AppBannerPromptReply::NONE : mojom::AppBannerPromptReply::CANCEL; AtomicString referrer = SecurityPolicy::generateReferrer( m_frame->document()->getReferrerPolicy(), KURL(), m_frame->document()->outgoingReferrer()) .referrer; callback.Run(reply, referrer.isNull() ? emptyString() : referrer); }
void HTMLAnchorElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == hrefAttr) { bool wasLink = isLink(); setIsLink(!value.isNull() && !shouldProhibitLinks(this)); if (wasLink != isLink()) setNeedsStyleRecalc(); if (isLink()) { String parsedURL = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(value); if (document().isDNSPrefetchEnabled()) { if (protocolIsInHTTPFamily(parsedURL) || parsedURL.startsWith("//")) prefetchDNS(document().completeURL(parsedURL).host()); } } invalidateCachedVisitedLinkHash(); } else if (name == nameAttr || name == titleAttr) { // Do nothing. } else if (name == relAttr) { if (SpaceSplitString::spaceSplitStringContainsValue(value, "noreferrer", true)) m_linkRelations |= RelationNoReferrer; if (m_relList) m_relList->updateRelAttribute(value); } else HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLLinkElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == relAttr) { m_relAttribute = LinkRelAttribute(value); process(); } else if (name == hrefAttr) { process(); } else if (name == typeAttr) { m_type = value; process(); } else if (name == sizesAttr) { m_sizes->setValue(value); parseSizesAttribute(value, m_iconSizes); process(); } else if (name == mediaAttr) { m_media = value.string().lower(); process(); } else if (name == disabledAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setDisabledState(!value.isNull()); } else { if (name == titleAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setSheetTitle(value); } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); } }
void HTMLAnchorElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == hrefAttr) { bool wasLink = isLink(); setIsLink(!value.isNull()); if (wasLink || isLink()) { pseudoStateChanged(CSSSelector::PseudoLink); pseudoStateChanged(CSSSelector::PseudoVisited); } if (wasLink && !isLink() && treeScope().adjustedFocusedElement() == this) { // We might want to call blur(), but it's dangerous to dispatch // events here. document().setNeedsFocusedElementCheck(); } if (isLink()) { String parsedURL = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(value); if (document().isDNSPrefetchEnabled()) { if (protocolIs(parsedURL, "http") || protocolIs(parsedURL, "https") || parsedURL.startsWith("//")) prefetchDNS(document().completeURL(parsedURL).host()); } } invalidateCachedVisitedLinkHash(); } else if (name == nameAttr || name == titleAttr) { // Do nothing. } else if (name == relAttr) setRel(value); else HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void HTMLLinkElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == relAttr) { m_relAttribute = LinkRelAttribute(value); if (m_relList) m_relList->attributeValueChanged(value); process(); return; } if (name == hrefAttr) { bool wasLink = isLink(); setIsLink(!value.isNull() && !shouldProhibitLinks(this)); if (wasLink != isLink()) setNeedsStyleRecalc(); process(); return; } if (name == typeAttr) { m_type = value; process(); return; } if (name == sizesAttr) { if (m_sizes) m_sizes->attributeValueChanged(value); process(); return; } if (name == mediaAttr) { m_media = value.string().convertToASCIILowercase(); process(); if (m_sheet && !isDisabled()) document().styleResolverChanged(DeferRecalcStyle); return; } if (name == disabledAttr) { setDisabledState(!value.isNull()); return; } if (name == titleAttr) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->setTitle(value); return; } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
void Attr::setValue(const AtomicString& value) { // Element::setAttribute will remove the attribute if value is null. DCHECK(!value.isNull()); if (m_element) m_element->setAttribute(getQualifiedName(), value); else m_standaloneValueOrAttachedLocalName = value; }
bool canHyphenate(const AtomicString& localeIdentifier) { if (localeIdentifier.isNull()) return false; if (availableLocales().contains(localeIdentifier)) return true; return availableLocales().contains(AtomicString(localeIdentifier.string().convertToASCIILowercase())); }
void HTMLLinkElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == relAttr) { m_relAttribute = LinkRelAttribute(value); if (m_relList) m_relList->associatedAttributeValueChanged(value); process(); return; } if (name == hrefAttr) { bool wasLink = isLink(); setIsLink(!value.isNull() && !shouldProhibitLinks(this)); if (wasLink != isLink()) invalidateStyleForSubtree(); process(); return; } if (name == typeAttr) { m_type = value; process(); return; } if (name == sizesAttr) { if (m_sizes) m_sizes->associatedAttributeValueChanged(value); process(); return; } if (name == mediaAttr) { m_media = value.string().convertToASCIILowercase(); process(); if (m_sheet && !isDisabled()) m_styleScope->didChangeActiveStyleSheetCandidates(); return; } if (name == disabledAttr) { setDisabledState(!value.isNull()); return; } if (name == titleAttr) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->setTitle(value); return; } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); }
AtomicString XMLTreeBuilder::NodeStackItem::namespaceForPrefix(AtomicString prefix, AtomicString fallback) { AtomicString uri = fallback; if (!prefix.isNull() && hasNamespaceURI(prefix)) uri = namespaceURI(prefix); return uri; }
CSSSelector::PseudoType CSSSelector::parsePseudoType(const AtomicString& name) { if (name.isNull()) return PseudoUnknown; HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, CSSSelector::PseudoType>* nameToPseudoType = nameToPseudoTypeMap(); HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, CSSSelector::PseudoType>::iterator slot = nameToPseudoType->find(name.impl()); return slot == nameToPseudoType->end() ? PseudoUnknown : slot->second; }
void SpaceSplitString::set(const AtomicString& inputString, bool shouldFoldCase) { if (inputString.isNull()) { clear(); return; } m_data = SpaceSplitStringData::create(shouldFoldCase ? inputString.convertToASCIILowercase() : inputString); }