예제 #1
 * @brief  Binalize of the entity
 * @param  Size of binalized data
 * @return Binalized data
char *SimObjBase::toBinary(int &n)
	const int RESIZE = 1000;
	static int bufsize = RESIZE;
	static char *buf = new char[bufsize];

	char *p = buf;
	p += sizeof(DataLengthType); // skip datalen

	BINARY_SET_STRING_INCR(p, classname());
	short attached = isAttached();
	BINARY_SET_DATA_S_INCR(p, short, attached);
	BINARY_SET_DATA_L_INCR(p, Operation, m_ops);

	DataOffsetType	ao_offset = p - buf;
	BINARY_SET_DATA_S_INCR(p, DataOffsetType, 0); // skip attr offset

	DataOffsetType	bo_offset = p - buf;
	BINARY_SET_DATA_S_INCR(p, DataOffsetType, 0); // skip body offset

	// attrs
		DataOffsetType 	attrs_offset = p - buf;
		BINARY_SET_DATA_S(buf + ao_offset, DataOffsetType, attrs_offset);

		BINARY_SET_DATA_S_INCR(p, DataLengthType, 0); // skip attrs size

		DataLengthType attrssize = sizeof(DataLengthType);
		for (AttrM::iterator i=m_attrs.begin(); i!=m_attrs.end(); i++) {
			int head = p - buf;
			Attribute *attr = i->second;
			int nn;
			char *pp = attr->toBinary(nn);
			if (head + nn >= bufsize) {
				int newsize = bufsize + RESIZE;
				char *newbuf = new char[newsize];
				memcpy(newbuf, buf, head);
				delete buf;
				buf = newbuf;
				bufsize = newsize;
				p = buf + head;
			memcpy(p, pp, nn);
			p += nn;
			attrssize += nn;
		BINARY_SET_DATA_S(buf + attrs_offset, DataLengthType, attrssize);

	// set body offset value
		DataOffsetType body_offset = p - buf;
		BINARY_SET_DATA_S(buf + bo_offset, DataOffsetType, body_offset);

		// body

		BINARY_SET_DATA_S_INCR(p, DataLengthType, 0); // skip body size
		DataLengthType bodysize = sizeof(DataLengthType);
		//for (PartsM::iterator i=m_parts.begin(); i!=m_parts.end(); i++) {

		PartsIterator *itr = getPartsIterator();
		Parts *parts = NULL;
		while (itr && (parts = itr->next()) != NULL) {

			if (parts->isBlind()) { continue; }
			int head = p - buf;
			//Parts *parts = i->second;

// added by sekikawa (2007/12/4)
#ifdef TAKU_TEST

			int nn;
			char *pp = parts->toBinary(nn);
			if (head + nn >= bufsize) {
				int newsize = bufsize + RESIZE;
				char *newbuf = new char[newsize];
				memcpy(newbuf, buf, head);
				delete buf;
				buf = newbuf;
				bufsize = newsize;
				p = buf + head;
			memcpy(p, pp, nn);
			p += nn;
			bodysize += nn;
		BINARY_SET_DATA_S(buf + body_offset, DataLengthType, bodysize);
		delete itr;

	n = p-buf;
	// set datalen value
	BINARY_SET_DATA_S(buf, DataLengthType, n);

	return buf;
예제 #2
KDE_NO_EXPORT void RP::TimingsBase::activate () {
    setState (state_activated);
    x = y = w = h = 0;
    srcx = srcy = srcw = srch = 0;
    for (Attribute *a = attributes ().first (); a; a = a->nextSibling ()) {
        if (a->name () == Ids::attr_target) {
            for (Node *n = parentNode()->firstChild(); n; n= n->nextSibling())
                if (static_cast <Element *> (n)->
                        getAttribute ("handle") == a->value ())
                    target = n;
        } else if (a->name () == "start") {
            int dur;
            parseTime (a->value ().toLower (), dur);
            start = dur;
        } else if (a->name () == "duration") {
            int dur;
            parseTime (a->value ().toLower (), dur);
            duration = dur;
        } else if (a->name () == "dstx") {
            x = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "dsty") {
            y = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "dstw") {
            w = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "dsth") {
            h = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "srcx") {
            srcx = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "srcy") {
            srcy = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "srcw") {
            srcw = a->value ().toInt ();
        } else if (a->name () == "srch") {
            srch = a->value ().toInt ();
    start_timer = document ()->post (this, new TimerPosting (start *10));
예제 #3
// Function:	H5Location::dereference
///\brief	Dereferences a reference into an HDF5 object, given an attribute.
///\param	attr - IN: Attribute specifying the location of the referenced object
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	ref_type - IN: Reference type
///\param	plist - IN: Property list - default to PropList::DEFAULT
///\exception	H5::ReferenceException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
// Modification
//	May, 2008
//		Corrected missing parameters. - BMR
void H5Location::dereference(const Attribute& attr, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type, const PropList& plist)
   p_setId(p_dereference(attr.getId(), ref, ref_type, plist, "dereference"));
예제 #4
bool HTMLEmbedElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == srcAttr || HTMLPlugInImageElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
// Function:	Group overload constructor - dereference
///\brief	Given a reference, ref, to an hdf5 group, creates a Group object
///\param	attr - IN: Specifying location where the referenced object is in
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	ref_type - IN: Reference type - default to H5R_OBJECT
///\exception	H5::ReferenceException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
Group::Group(const Attribute& attr, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type) : H5Object(), id(H5I_INVALID_HID)
    id = H5Location::p_dereference(attr.getId(), ref, ref_type, "constructor - by dereference");
bool HTMLTableCellElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == backgroundAttr || HTMLTablePartElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #7
StringRef AMDGPUTargetMachine::getGPUName(const Function &F) const {
  Attribute GPUAttr = F.getFnAttribute("target-cpu");
  return GPUAttr.hasAttribute(Attribute::None) ?
    getTargetCPU() : GPUAttr.getValueAsString();
예제 #8
~In~ function to create a record instance through a nested list.

According to the assigned type and value list the record is created.
Before that the lists are checked regarding there correctness in
the following order:

  1 check whether the given type list is a record type list at all

  2 check if in case of a non empty value list the two lists
  have the same number of elements.

  3 If the value list is empty an empty record with only the given
  element types is created

In all other cases an appropriate error message is populated and
the creation aborts.

After preliminary research both lists will be run through parallel
in order to create the single elements. To simplify the parallel
run through a list iterator ~ListIterator~ class has been created.
More information about the iterator can be found in ~ListIterator.h~

At the run through the following cases have to be differentiated:

First of all the current type list has to contain 2 elements. Example:

  * case 1: (string (int int))

    1 element name

    1 element type list, with two integer values

      1.1 algebraId

      1.2 typeId


  * case 2: (string ((int int) ...))

    2 element name

    2 element type as list, first list item contains
    two integer values (see above)

The first possibility reflects a simple Secondo type whereas the second
illustrates a complex type likewise a ~record~.

The element name has to start with a capital letter.

The list elements have to conform these guidelines otherwise an error is

Once the list item is correct the new element is created. Therefore the
belonging algebraId and typeId is read out from the
Secondo catalogue.

Elements that are marked with NULL are created as well but are ~undefined~.

After the successful element creation this element is appended to the
record by AppendElement method.

The whole procedure is repeated as long as element information is
available in the given ~typeInfo~ list.

Record::In(const ListExpr typeInfo, const ListExpr instance,
           const int errorPos, ListExpr& errorInfo, bool& correct)
  cerr << "Record::In(" << nl->ToString(typeInfo) << ", "
       << nl->ToString(instance) << ", ..., ..., " << correct << ")" << endl;

  Word w = SetWord(Address(0));
  correct = false;
  const string nullSymbol = "NULL";

  if (Record::IsRecordTypeList(typeInfo)) {
    // create an empty record instance
    Record* record = new Record(0);

    bool hasValueList;

    if(listutils::isSymbolUndefined(instance)){ // an undefined record:
      correct = true;
      return w;
    // in case of a not empty value list:
    // case 1: value list has to be a list
    // case 2: type list and value list have to be of the same length
    if (nl->ListLength(instance) == 0) {
      hasValueList = false;
    } else {
      hasValueList = true;

      // case 1
      if (nl->IsAtom(instance)){
        cerr << "Record::In: value list is of kind atom but "
                "a list is expected!" << endl;
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: Value list is of kind atom but "
                        "a list is expected!  ");
        return w;

      // case 2
      if (nl->ListLength(instance) != nl->ListLength(nl->Rest(typeInfo))) {
        cerr << "Record::In: different number of elements in "
                "type list and value list " << endl;
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: different number of elements in "
                        "type list and Value list ");
        return w;

    // create type and value list iteratoren
    ListIterator typeIter = nl->Rest(typeInfo);
    ListIterator valueIter = instance;

    // variables used inside the iteration loop
    string elemName;
    string elemTypeName;
    int elemAlgebraId;
    int elemTypeId;
    Word elemWord;
    Attribute* elem;

    // iterate synchrone through the type and value list elements
    while(typeIter.HasNext() && valueIter.HasNext()) {
      // assign the current type list element
      NList curType = typeIter.NextNList();

      // assign the current value list element
      ListExpr curValue;
      if (hasValueList) {
        curValue = valueIter.NextListExpr();
      } else {
        curValue = nl->OneElemList(nl->SymbolAtom(nullSymbol));

      cerr << "Record::In: curType=" << curType.convertToString() << endl;
      cerr << "Record::In: curValue=" << nl->ToString(curValue) << endl;

      // the current type list has to contain 2 elements
      // case 1: (string (int int))
      //         1. element name
      //         2. element type list with two integer values
      //           2.1 algebraId
      //           2.2 typeId
      // case 2: (string ((int int) ...))
      //         1. element name
      //         2. element type as list, first list item contains
      //            two integer values
      if (   !(   curType.length() == 2
               && curType.second().length() == 2
               && curType.second().first().isInt()
               && curType.second().second().isInt())
          && !(  curType.length() == 2
               && curType.second().length() > 0
               && curType.second().first().length() == 2
               && curType.second().first().first().isInt()
               && curType.second().first().second().isInt()))
        cerr << "Record::In: wrong subtype info" << endl;
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: wrong subtype info: " +
        return w;

      // extraxt the element name from current type list element
      elemName = curType.first().convertToString();

      // extraxt the element type ids from current type list element
      if (curType.second().first().isAtom()) {
        // case 1
        elemAlgebraId = curType.second().first().intval();
        elemTypeId = curType.second().second().intval();
      } else {
        // case 2
        elemAlgebraId = curType.second().first().first().intval();
        elemTypeId = curType.second().first().second().intval();

      // retrieve the type name of the ids from secondo catalog
      SecondoCatalog* sc = SecondoSystem::GetCatalog();
      elemTypeName = sc->GetTypeName(elemAlgebraId, elemTypeId);

      // the element name has to start with a capital letter
      if (isupper(elemName[0]) == 0) {
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: element name has to start with a "
                        "capital letter: " + elemName);
        return w;

      // check if curValue is a Atom of value NULL (TEXT or Symbol)
      // if true -> create a default object
     if (nullSymbol.compare(nl->ToString(curValue)) == 0) {
       elemWord = (am->CreateObj(elemAlgebraId, elemTypeId))

       // cast the read type instance to an attribute
       elem = static_cast<Attribute*>(elemWord.addr);

       // make elem as undefined
     } else {
       // read element by registered IN function of the current type
       elemWord = (am->InObj(elemAlgebraId, elemTypeId))

       // cast the read type instance to an attribute
       elem = static_cast<Attribute*>(elemWord.addr);

      // check of existing object elem
      if (elem == NULL) {
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: In function of type "
                        + elemTypeName
                        +" for element "
                        + elemName
                        + " has delivered a NULL pointer for value "
                        + nl->ToString(curValue));
        return w;

      // append the read attribute to the record and check the result
      if (record->AppendElement(elem, elemTypeName, elemName) == false) {
        cmsg.inFunError("Record::In: Cannot append element "
                        + elemName
                        + " of type "
                        + elemTypeName);
        return w;
    } // End of: iterate synchrone through the type and value list elements

    // set the created record as return value
    w = SetWord(record);
    correct = true;
  } //IsRecordTypeList

  cerr << "Record::In: correct=" << correct
       << ", w.addr=" << w.addr << endl;

  return w;
int HDF5FileBase::setAttributeStrArray(Array<const char*>& data, int maxSize, String path, String name)
	H5Location* loc;
	Group gloc;
	DataSet dloc;
	Attribute attr;
	hsize_t dims[1];

	if (!opened) return -1;

	StrType type(PredType::C_S1, maxSize + 1);

			gloc = file->openGroup(path.toUTF8());
			loc = &gloc;
		catch (FileIException error) //If there is no group with that path, try a dataset
			dloc = file->openDataSet(path.toUTF8());
			loc = &dloc;

		if (loc->attrExists(name.toUTF8()))
			//attr = loc.openAttribute(name.toUTF8());
			return -1; //string attributes cannot change size easily, better not allow overwritting.
			DataSpace attr_dataspace;
			int nStrings = data.size();
			if (nStrings > 1)
				dims[0] = nStrings;
				attr_dataspace = DataSpace(1, dims);
				attr_dataspace = DataSpace(H5S_SCALAR);
			attr = loc->createAttribute(name.toUTF8(), type, attr_dataspace);
		attr.write(type, data.getRawDataPointer());

	catch (GroupIException error)
	catch (AttributeIException error)
	catch (FileIException error)
	catch (DataSetIException error)

	return 0;

예제 #10
void Rocblas::axpy_gen( const void *ain, const Attribute *x,
			const Attribute *y, Attribute *z) {
  COM_assertion_msg(!x->is_windowed() && !y->is_windowed() && !z->is_windowed(),
		    "Unsupported attribute type");
  COM_assertion_msg( COM_compatible_types(x->data_type(),y->data_type()),
		     (std::string("Incompatible data types between ")+
		     x->fullname()+" and "+y->fullname()).c_str());
  COM_assertion_msg( COM_compatible_types(x->data_type(),z->data_type()),
		     (std::string("Incompatible data types between ")+
		      x->fullname()+" and "+z->fullname()).c_str());

  int num_dims = z->size_of_components();
  COM_assertion_msg(num_dims == x->size_of_components() && 
		    num_dims == y->size_of_components(),
		    (std::string("Numbers of components do not match between ")+
		     x->fullname()+" and "+y->fullname()).c_str());

  std::vector<const Pane*> apanes, xpanes, ypanes;
  std::vector<Pane*> zpanes;


  COM_assertion_msg( xpanes.size() == ypanes.size(),
		     (std::string("Numbers of panes do not match between ")+
		      x->window()->name()+" and "+y->window()->name()).c_str());
  COM_assertion_msg( xpanes.size() == zpanes.size(),
		     (std::string("Numbers of panes do not match between ")+
		      x->window()->name()+" and "+z->window()->name()).c_str());

  std::vector<Pane*>::iterator zit, zend;
  std::vector<const Pane*>::const_iterator xit, yit;

  const Pane** ait=NULL;
  const Attribute *a=NULL;
  const data_type *aval=NULL;

  if ( atype == BLAS_VOID)
    aval = reinterpret_cast<const data_type *>( ain);
  else {
    a = reinterpret_cast<const Attribute*>(ain);

    if ( !a->is_windowed()) {
      a->window()->panes( apanes);
      COM_assertion_msg(xpanes.size() == ypanes.size(),
			(std::string("Numbers of panes do not match between ")+
			 x->window()->name()+" and "+y->window()->name()).c_str());
      ait = &apanes[0];
    else { 
      COM_assertion_msg( a->size_of_items()==1, "Size of items do not match");
      aval = reinterpret_cast<const data_type *>( a->pointer());

      COM_assertion_msg( aval, (std::string("Caught NULL pointer in ")+
  const int anum_dims = atype!=BLAS_VOID ? a->size_of_components() : 0;
  COM_assertion_msg( atype==BLAS_VOID || (anum_dims==1 || anum_dims==num_dims),
		    (std::string("Numbers of components do not match between ")+
		     a->fullname()+" and "+z->fullname()).c_str());

      zit != zend; ++zit, ait+=(atype!=BLAS_VOID&&ait), ++xit, ++yit) {
    Attribute *pz = (*zit)->attribute(z->id());
    const int  length = pz->size_of_items();
    int  zstrd=get_stride<BLAS_VEC2D>(pz);
    const bool zstg = num_dims!=zstrd;

    const Attribute *px = (*xit)->attribute(x->id());
    int  xstrd = get_stride<BLAS_VEC2D>(px);
    COM_assertion_msg(length == px->size_of_items() || xstrd==0,
		      (std::string("Numbers of items do not match between ")+
		       x->fullname()+" and "+z->fullname()+
		       " on pane "+to_str((*zit)->id())).c_str());
    const bool xstg = num_dims!=xstrd || xstrd==0;

    const Attribute *py = (*yit)->attribute(y->id());
    int  ystrd = get_stride<BLAS_VEC2D>(py);
    COM_assertion_msg(length == py->size_of_items() || ystrd==0,
		      (std::string("Numbers of items do not match between ")+
		       y->fullname()+" and "+z->fullname()+
		       " on pane "+to_str((*zit)->id())).c_str());

    const bool ystg = num_dims!=ystrd || ystrd==0;

    const Attribute *pa = (atype!=BLAS_VOID&&ait)?(*ait)->attribute(a->id()):a;
    int astrd = get_stride<atype>(pa);
    const bool astg = pa && (anum_dims!=num_dims || anum_dims!=astrd);
    COM_assertion_msg( atype!=BLAS_SCNE && atype!=BLAS_VEC2D ||
		       length == int(pa->size_of_items()) || astrd==0,
		       (std::string("Numbers of items do not match between ")+
			a->fullname()+" and "+z->fullname()+
			" on pane "+to_str((*zit)->id())).c_str());

    // Optimized version for contiguous attributes
    if ( !xstg && !zstg && !ystg && !astg && atype != BLAS_VEC 
	 && (atype != BLAS_SCNE || num_dims==1)) {
      const data_type *xval = (const data_type *)px->pointer();
      const data_type *yval = (const data_type *)py->pointer();
      data_type *zval = (data_type *)pz->pointer();

      // Get address for a if a is not window attribute
      if ( atype != BLAS_VOID && ait)
	aval = reinterpret_cast<const data_type *>(pa->pointer());

      //Loop for each element/node and for each dimension
      for(Size i = 0, s = length*num_dims; i<s; ++i, ++zval, ++xval, ++yval)
	*zval = getref<data_type,atype,0>(aval,i,0,1)* *xval+ *yval;
    else { // General version
      //Loop for each dimension.
      for(int i = 0; i < num_dims; ++i) {
	Attribute *pz_i = num_dims==1?pz:(*zit)->attribute(z->id()+i+1);
	data_type *zval = (data_type *)pz_i->pointer();

	const Attribute *px_i = num_dims==1?px:(*xit)->attribute(x->id()+i+1);
	const data_type *xval = (const data_type *)px_i->pointer();
	const Attribute *py_i = num_dims==1?py:(*yit)->attribute(y->id()+i+1);
	const data_type *yval = (const data_type *)py_i->pointer();
	if ( atype != BLAS_VOID && ait) {
	  const Attribute *pa_i=anum_dims==1?pa:(*ait)->attribute(a->id()+i+1);
	  aval = reinterpret_cast<const data_type *>( pa_i->pointer());
	  astrd = get_stride<atype>( pa_i);

	//Loop for each element/node.
	for(int j=0; j<length; ++j, xval+=xstrd, zval+=zstrd, yval+=ystrd)
	  *zval = getref<data_type,atype,1>(aval,j,i,astrd) * *xval + *yval;
    } // end if
  } // end for
예제 #11

~GetElement~ returns the element at position pos.

With the help of the element info ~elemInfo~ it is possible to rebuild the
attribute that is stored at a given record position. First the ~elemInfo~
is refilled with the information of ~elemInfoArray~ at the given position.
It is now possible to create the attribute with the correct type and name.
As the position in ~elemData~ is known as well the data can be assigned to
the attribute. Finally the external data if available can be assigned to the
attribute as well.

Record::GetElement(int pos) const

  assert(pos >=0);
  assert(pos < this->elemInfoArray.Size());

  // get element info by position
  ElemInfo elemInfo;
  elemInfoArray.Get(pos, elemInfo);

     return 0;
  } else {
    // create requested element
    // TODO: It's not a good idea to have no type information during
    //       object creation for some types
    Attribute* elem = static_cast<Attribute*>
            ((am->CreateObj(elemInfo.algebraId, elemInfo.typeId))(0).addr);

    // save the flob states
    vector<Flob> savedFlobs;
    for(int i=0;i<elem->NumOfFLOBs();i++){

    this->elemData.read((char*)elem, elem->Sizeof(),elemInfo.dataOffset);
    // assign retrieved data to element
    elem = static_cast<Attribute*>(
         (am->Cast(elemInfo.algebraId, elemInfo.typeId))((void*) elem));

    // restore the flob states
    for(int i=0;i<elem->NumOfFLOBs();i++){
      int size = elem->GetFLOB(i)->getSize();
      *(elem->GetFLOB(i)) = savedFlobs[i];

    // assign external data offset
    size_t offset = elemInfo.extDataOffset;

    // restore flob data
    for (int i = 0; i < elem->NumOfFLOBs(); i++) {
      Flob* flob = elem->GetFLOB(i);
      char* buffer = new char[flob->getSize()];
      bool ok = elemExtData.read(buffer, flob->getSize(), offset);

      // assign retrieved data to target flob
      flob->write(buffer,  flob->getSize(), 0);
      delete[] buffer;
      // update external data offset
      offset += flob->getSize();

    return elem;
예제 #12
파일: attributeUse.cpp 프로젝트: juriad/X2C
void AttributeUse::generate(QString &className, QString &ehprivate,
		QString &ehpublic, QString &ehinclude, QString &ecpp,
		QString &eccinclude) {
	Attribute *a = getAttribute();
	SimpleType *st = a->getSimpleType();
	QString dt = st->getDataType();
	QString name = unqualify(a->getName());

	// data model, ends with underscore
	ehprivate.append(dt + " " + varName(name, QString(), "Value") + ";\n");
	ehprivate.append("QString " + varName(name, QString(), "RawValue") + ";\n");
	ehprivate.append("bool " + varName(name, "has", "Value") + ";\n");

	// has ###, returns true also if default exists
	ehpublic.append("bool " + methodName(name, "has") + "() {\n");
	ehpublic.append("  return " + varName(name, "has", "Value") + ";\n");

	// is ### Valid, returns true if input can be set
			"bool " + methodName(name, "is", "Valid") + "(QString input);\n");
			"bool " + className + "::" + methodName(name, "is", "Valid")
					+ "(QString input) {\n");
	ecpp.append("  bool ok;\n");
	// inserts control which expects string variable input and bool ok
	ecpp.append("  " + st->generateControl("input") + "\n");
	ecpp.append("  return ok;\n");

	// get ###, returns default if exists or value if set
	ehpublic.append(dt + " " + methodName(name, "get") + "() {\n");
	ehpublic.append("  return " + varName(name, QString(), "Value") + ";\n");

	// getRaw ###, returns default if exists or value if set
	ehpublic.append("QString " + methodName(name, "getRaw") + "() {\n");
	ehpublic.append("  return " + varName(name, QString(), "RawValue") + ";\n");

	// set ###, doesn't necessarily do tests
	ehprivate.append("void " + methodName(name, "set") + "(QString input);\n");
			"void " + className + "::" + methodName(name, "set")
					+ "(QString input) {\n");
	// inserts setting mechanism, expects string variable input and model variable
			"  "
					+ st->generateSetter("input",
							varName(name, QString(), "Value")) + "\n");
	ecpp.append("  " + varName(name, "has", "Value") + " = true;\n");
	ecpp.append("  " + varName(name, QString(), "RawValue") + " = input;\n");
	if (Settings::settings()->isDebug()) {
		ecpp.append("qDebug() << \"set attribute\" << \"" + name + "\";\n");

	// default value handling, defaults in attribute are copied to attributeUse
	QString df;
	bool hasDf = false;
	if (hasDefault()) {
		hasDf = true;
		df = getDefault();

	// init ###, sets default if exists
	ehprivate.append("void " + methodName(name, "init") + "();\n");
			"void " + className + "::" + methodName(name, "init") + "() {\n");
	// inserts initializer of model
			"  " + st->generateInit(varName(name, QString(), "Value")) + "\n");
	if (hasDf) {
		ecpp.append("  " + methodName(name, "set") + "(\"" + df + "\");\n");

예제 #13
XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer(DocumentFragment* fragment, Element* parentElement)
    : m_doc(fragment->document())
    , m_view(0)
    , m_wroteText(false)
    , m_currentNode(fragment)
    , m_currentNodeIsReferenced(fragment)
    , m_sawError(false)
    , m_sawXSLTransform(false)
    , m_sawFirstElement(false)
    , m_isXHTMLDocument(false)
    , m_parserPaused(false)
    , m_requestingScript(false)
    , m_finishCalled(false)
    , m_errorCount(0)
    , m_lastErrorLine(0)
    , m_lastErrorColumn(0)
    , m_pendingScript(0)
    , m_scriptStartLine(0)
    , m_parsingFragment(true)
    mpXmlReader = EA::XMLWrapper::CreateXMLReaderWrapperInterface();
    if(mpXmlReader) {
        mpXmlReader->SetFlag(0xffffffff, true);
        // Set up the decoder to be used in the callback (static so one for all xmlReaders)
        mpXmlReader->SetEntityNamedDecoder( (EA::Internal::XML::decode_entity_named*) WebCore::decodeNamedEntity);

    if (fragment)
    if (m_doc)

    // Add namespaces based on the parent node
    Vector<Element*> elemStack;
    while (parentElement) {
        Node* n = parentElement->parentNode();
        if (!n || !n->isElementNode())
        parentElement = static_cast<Element*>(n);

    if (!elemStack.isEmpty())
        for (Element* element = elemStack.last(); !elemStack.isEmpty(); elemStack.removeLast()) {
            if (NamedAttrMap* attrs = element->attributes()) {
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs->length(); i++) {
                    Attribute*          attr       = attrs->attributeItem(i);
                    const AtomicString& sValue     = attr->value();
                    const AtomicString& sLocalName = attr->localName();

                    if (attr->localName() == "xmlns")
                        m_defaultNamespaceURI = sValue;
                    else if (attr->prefix() == "xmlns")
                        char8_t localName8[32];
                        EA::Internal::Strlcpy(localName8, sLocalName.characters(), sizeof(localName8), sLocalName.length());

                        char8_t value8[128];
                        EA::Internal::Strlcpy(value8, sValue.characters(), sizeof(value8), sValue.length());

                        mpXmlReader->AddNamespaceAlias(localName8, value8, true);

        // If the parent element is not in document tree, there may be no xmlns attribute; just default to the parent's namespace.
        if (m_defaultNamespaceURI.isNull() && !parentElement->inDocument())
            m_defaultNamespaceURI = parentElement->namespaceURI();
예제 #14
void HTMLImageElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const Attribute& attribute, StylePropertySet* style)
    if (attribute.name() == widthAttr)
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyWidth, attribute.value());
    else if (attribute.name() == heightAttr)
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyHeight, attribute.value());
    else if (attribute.name() == borderAttr)
        applyBorderAttributeToStyle(attribute, style);
    else if (attribute.name() == vspaceAttr) {
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginTop, attribute.value());
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginBottom, attribute.value());
    } else if (attribute.name() == hspaceAttr) {
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, attribute.value());
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginRight, attribute.value());
    } else if (attribute.name() == alignAttr)
        applyAlignmentAttributeToStyle(attribute, style);
    else if (attribute.name() == valignAttr)
        addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyVerticalAlign, attribute.value());
        HTMLElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(attribute, style);
예제 #15
bool HTMLVideoElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == posterAttr || HTMLMediaElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #16
파일: GcInfo.cpp 프로젝트: Anbu2388/llilc
bool GcInfo::isFPBasedFunction(const Function *F) {
  Attribute Attribute = F->getFnAttribute("no-frame-pointer-elim");
  return (Attribute.getValueAsString() == "true");
예제 #17
bool HTMLLinkElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name().localName() == hrefAttr || HTMLElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #18
void Scenario::fromFile(const std::string &fileName) throw(xmlpp::exception, invalid_argument, overflow_error)
    using namespace xmlpp;

    DomParser parser(fileName);
    Document *document = parser.get_document();
    Element *root = document->get_root_node();
    if (root->get_name()!="game")
        throw xmlpp::exception("Bad document content type: game expected");
    // getting the user interface
        Attribute *attr = root->get_attribute("interface");
        if (attr != NULL)
            uiInterface = stringToInterface(attr->get_value());
            uiInterface = uiFull;
    catch (invalid_argument)
        throw xmlpp::exception("Bad user interface");
    // now loading the different parts of the game
    Node::NodeList node = root->get_children("scenario");
    if (!node.empty())
    node = root->get_children("notes");
    if (!node.empty())
        Element *elem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front());
        if (elem->has_child_text())
            sNotes = elem->get_child_text()->get_content();
            sNotes = "";
    node = root->get_children("skills");
    if (!node.empty())
    node = root->get_children("characters");
    if (!node.empty())
    node = root->get_children("history");
    if (!node.empty())
    node = root->get_children("music");
    if (!node.empty())
    node = root->get_children("effects");
    if (!node.empty())
예제 #19
파일: TextTree.cpp 프로젝트: malitosi/King
// Process the file based on the format
Branch TextTree::ProcessFile(vector<string> branch)
	Branch result;
	Attribute tempAttrib;

	bool isChildBranch = false;
	bool validFile = true;

	// Get the parent branch
	for (size_t i = 0; i < branch.size(); ++i)
		// Check the first char of each line
		if (branch[i][0] == BRANCH_START)
			// Handle child branches
			if (isChildBranch)
				// Gather everything within the child branch
				vector<string> childBranch;

				// Find the child branch's end
				short branchLevel = 0;
				// Find the number of attributes that belong to the child branch
				for (size_t j = i; j < branch.size(); ++j)
					// a new child found
					if (branch[j][0] == BRANCH_START)

					else if (branch[j][0] == BRANCH_END)

					// Store everything that belongs to the child
					if (branchLevel < 1)
						for (size_t startLine = i; startLine < j; ++startLine)


				// Skip to the next BRANCH_START
				i += childBranch.size();

				// Pass this block in recursively and add to the top level branch /*very smart processing*/

			// First open branch
				isChildBranch = true;

		// New attribute
		else if (branch[i][0] == ATTRIBUTE_START)
			// Store attribute name
			string attribName = "";
			// Starts from 1 because of BRANCH_START
			size_t j = 1;
			while (branch[i][j] != ATTRIBUTE_END)
				attribName += branch[i][j];

				// Attribute does not have a close
				// Error handling
				if (j >= branch[i].length())
					validFile = false;

			// Skip the ATTRIBUTE_END

			// Store the attribute value
			string attribValue = "";
			while (j < branch[i].length())
				attribValue += branch[i][j];

			// Special case attribute for "NAME"
			if (attribName == "NAME")
				result.branchName = attribValue;
			// Add attribute with value into branch
				tempAttrib.Set(attribName, attribValue);


				// Reset temp storage

	return result;
예제 #20
int ArfFileBase::setAttributeArray(DataTypes type, void* data, int size, String path, String name)
    H5Location* loc;
    Group gloc;
    DataSet dloc;
    Attribute attr;
    DataType H5type;
    DataType origType;

    if (!opened) return -1;
            gloc = file->openGroup(path.toUTF8());
            loc = &gloc;
        catch (FileIException error) //If there is no group with that path, try a dataset
            dloc = file->openDataSet(path.toUTF8());
            loc = &dloc;

        H5type = getH5Type(type);
        origType = getNativeType(type);

        if (size > 1)
            hsize_t dims = size;
            H5type = ArrayType(H5type,1,&dims);
            origType = ArrayType(origType,1,&dims);

        if (loc->attrExists(name.toUTF8()))
            attr = loc->openAttribute(name.toUTF8());
            DataSpace attr_dataspace(H5S_SCALAR);
            attr = loc->createAttribute(name.toUTF8(),H5type,attr_dataspace);


    catch (GroupIException error)
    catch (AttributeIException error)
    catch (DataSetIException error)
    catch (FileIException error)

    return 0;
예제 #21
bool SVGAElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name().localName() == XLinkNames::hrefAttr || SVGGraphicsElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #22
const X86Subtarget *
X86TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(const Function &F) const {
  Attribute CPUAttr = F.getFnAttribute("target-cpu");
  Attribute FSAttr = F.getFnAttribute("target-features");

  StringRef CPU = !CPUAttr.hasAttribute(Attribute::None)
                      ? CPUAttr.getValueAsString()
                      : (StringRef)TargetCPU;
  StringRef FS = !FSAttr.hasAttribute(Attribute::None)
                     ? FSAttr.getValueAsString()
                     : (StringRef)TargetFS;

  SmallString<512> Key;
  Key.reserve(CPU.size() + FS.size());
  Key += CPU;
  Key += FS;

  // FIXME: This is related to the code below to reset the target options,
  // we need to know whether or not the soft float flag is set on the
  // function before we can generate a subtarget. We also need to use
  // it as a key for the subtarget since that can be the only difference
  // between two functions.
  bool SoftFloat =
      F.getFnAttribute("use-soft-float").getValueAsString() == "true";
  // If the soft float attribute is set on the function turn on the soft float
  // subtarget feature.
  if (SoftFloat)
    Key += FS.empty() ? "+soft-float" : ",+soft-float";

  // Keep track of the key width after all features are added so we can extract
  // the feature string out later.
  unsigned CPUFSWidth = Key.size();

  // Extract prefer-vector-width attribute.
  unsigned PreferVectorWidthOverride = 0;
  if (F.hasFnAttribute("prefer-vector-width")) {
    StringRef Val = F.getFnAttribute("prefer-vector-width").getValueAsString();
    unsigned Width;
    if (!Val.getAsInteger(0, Width)) {
      Key += ",prefer-vector-width=";
      Key += Val;
      PreferVectorWidthOverride = Width;

  // Extract required-vector-width attribute.
  unsigned RequiredVectorWidth = UINT32_MAX;
  if (F.hasFnAttribute("required-vector-width")) {
    StringRef Val = F.getFnAttribute("required-vector-width").getValueAsString();
    unsigned Width;
    if (!Val.getAsInteger(0, Width)) {
      Key += ",required-vector-width=";
      Key += Val;
      RequiredVectorWidth = Width;

  // Extracted here so that we make sure there is backing for the StringRef. If
  // we assigned earlier, its possible the SmallString reallocated leaving a
  // dangling StringRef.
  FS = Key.slice(CPU.size(), CPUFSWidth);

  auto &I = SubtargetMap[Key];
  if (!I) {
    // This needs to be done before we create a new subtarget since any
    // creation will depend on the TM and the code generation flags on the
    // function that reside in TargetOptions.
    I = llvm::make_unique<X86Subtarget>(TargetTriple, CPU, FS, *this,
  return I.get();
예제 #23
bool HTMLBodyElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == backgroundAttr || HTMLElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #24
bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == longdescAttr || attribute.name() == srcAttr
        || HTMLFrameOwnerElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #25
	foreach(Attribute& attr, attributes) {
			attr.reserve(triangle_mesh->verts.size(), triangle_mesh->triangles.size(), triangle_mesh->motion_steps, 0, 0, true);
			attr.reserve(0, 0, 0, curve_mesh->curves.size(), curve_mesh->curve_keys.size(), true);
예제 #26
bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isHTMLContentAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == srcdocAttr || HTMLFrameOwnerElement::isHTMLContentAttribute(attribute);
bool HTMLObjectElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == dataAttr || (attribute.name() == usemapAttr && attribute.value().string()[0] != '#') || HTMLPlugInImageElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #28
bool HTMLSourceElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == srcAttr || HTMLElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #29
bool HTMLButtonElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const
    return attribute.name() == formactionAttr || HTMLFormControlElement::isURLAttribute(attribute);
예제 #30
double Attribute::EvalCompiledNLGExpression (double const x, double const y ,double const z, double const g ) {

//cout << GetPrototype()->GetName() << " ??  at pointer num " << m_cur_fp << " -> compiled = " << m_compiled.at(m_cur_fp) << endl;
 	if (m_nlgfp == NULL && m_ginac_excomp) {
 		//substitute all attributes with numbers in GiNaC expression, except the attribute
 		//which serves as the free parameter for runtime compilation
 		GiNaC::lst symlist;
 		GiNaC::lst numlist;
 		for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_subjects.size() ; i++) {
 			Attribute* a = m_subjects.at(i);
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posX") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posY") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posZ") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_value") continue;
 	        symlist.append( get_symbol(a->GetSymbol()) );
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(  double*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember  <double>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(     int*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember     <int>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    long*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <long>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(unsigned*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember<unsigned>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    bool*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <bool>() ); continue; }

		GiNaC::ex e = GiNaC::evalf((symlist.nops()==0)?m_expression:m_expression.subs(symlist,numlist));

		try {
			compile_ex (e,
 			//cout << " compiling attribute " << GetName() << " of module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl;
	 	catch (exception &p) {
 			cout << " Warning: attribute " << GetName() << " of module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl << endl
 				 << " function Attribute::EvalCompiledNLGExpression" << endl
 				 << " No external runtime compiler available: " << p.what() << endl
				 << " Falling back to (slow) analytic evaluation!" << endl << endl
				 << " Hint: if you have a shell and gcc on your system, create the one-liner " << endl << endl
				 << "    #!/bin/sh" << endl
				 << "    gcc -x c -fPIC -shared -o $1.so $1" << endl << endl
 		         << " name it \"ginac-excompiler\", and put it somewhere in your search path." << endl << endl;
	 		m_ginac_excomp = false;

	//if compilation failed, invoke slow analytic evaluation
	if (!m_ginac_excomp ) {
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posX")-> GetAddress()) = x;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posY")-> GetAddress()) = y;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posZ")-> GetAddress()) = z;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_value")-> GetAddress()) = g;
 		return *((double*) GetAddress());

	//invoke fast runtime compiled routines
	if ( m_nlgfp != NULL ) return m_nlgfp(x,y,z,g);

	return 0.0;
