예제 #1
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) override
        // Your audio-processing code goes here!

        // For more details, see the help for AudioProcessor::getNextAudioBlock()

        // Right now we are not producing any data, in which case we need to clear the buffer
        // (to prevent the output of random noise)
예제 #2
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill)
        // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
        // first..

        // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
        MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
        midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);

        // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
        synth.renderNextBlock (*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
예제 #3
void DrumMachine::getNextAudioBlock(const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) {
//    std::cout << "drum machine!!" << std::endl;
    auto& transport = audioEngine.getTransport();
    if (transport.isPlaying()) {
        int frameStartSamples = transport.getFrameStartSamples();
        float frameStartTicks = transport.getFrameStartTicks();
        float frameEndTicks = transport.getFrameEndTicks();
        if ((int) frameStartTicks < (int) frameEndTicks) {
            int tick = (int) frameEndTicks;
            if (patternLength != 0) {
                int ntick = tick % patternLength;
                for (int voice = 0; voice < NUM_DRUM_VOICES; voice++) {
					if (mute[voice])
                    if (pattern[voice][ntick] > 0) {
                        // we need to queue the appropriate note in the drum machine's synth.
                        int offset = transport.ticksToSamples(tick) - frameStartSamples;
                        if (offset > 0) {
							MidiMessage msg = MidiMessage::noteOn(1, voice, (float) 1.0);
    // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
    // first..
    // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
    MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
    midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages(incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);
    // pass these messages to the keyboard state so that it can update the component
    // to show on-screen which keys are being pressed on the physical midi keyboard.
    // This call will also add midi messages to the buffer which were generated by
    // the mouse-clicking on the on-screen keyboard.
    keyboardState.processNextMidiBuffer(incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, true);
    // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
    synth.renderNextBlock(*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
    bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(0, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.2);
    bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(1, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.2);
예제 #4
void Source::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill)
    // calculations
    float trackCutoff = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::cutoff, trackId))->getScaledValue();
    float trackDistort = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::distort, trackId))->getScaledValue();
    float trackLevel   = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::level, trackId))->getScaledValue();
    float trackMute    = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::mute, trackId))->getScaledValue();
    float globalCutoff = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::cutoff))->getScaledValue();
    float globalDistort = parameters->getUnchecked(Controller::getParameterId(Controller::params::distort))->getScaledValue();
    float modulationCutoff = sampler.currentModulations != nullptr
        ? Parameter::scale(Controller::params::cutoff, true, sampler.currentModulations->getUnchecked(Mixer::mods::cutoff))
        : 0.0;
    float cutoff = fmax(0, fmin(1, trackCutoff + globalCutoff + modulationCutoff));
    float distort = 1 - fmax(0, fmin(0.93, trackDistort + globalDistort));
    float level = trackLevel * !trackMute;
    // setup
    midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);

    // render sampler
    sampler.renderNextBlock(*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
    // dsp: distortion
    float* outL = bufferToFill.buffer->getWritePointer (0, 0);
    float* outR = bufferToFill.buffer->getWritePointer (1, 0);

    for (int i=bufferToFill.numSamples; i>=0; --i) {
        outL[i] = foldback(outL[i], distort);
        outR[i] = foldback(outR[i], distort);

    // dsp: filter
    filterL.setCoefficients(IIRCoefficients::makeLowPass(sampleRate, MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(cutoff * 128)));
    filterR.setCoefficients(IIRCoefficients::makeLowPass(sampleRate, MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(cutoff * 128)));
    filterL.processSamples(bufferToFill.buffer->getWritePointer(0), bufferToFill.buffer->getNumSamples());
    filterR.processSamples(bufferToFill.buffer->getWritePointer(1), bufferToFill.buffer->getNumSamples());
    // dsp: level
    bufferToFill.buffer->applyGainRamp(0, bufferToFill.numSamples, lastLevel, level);
    lastLevel = level;
예제 #5
void AudioTransportSource::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& info)
    const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);

    inputStreamEOF = false;

    if (masterSource != nullptr && ! stopped)
        masterSource->getNextAudioBlock (info);

        if (! playing)
            // just stopped playing, so fade out the last block..
            for (int i = info.buffer->getNumChannels(); --i >= 0;)
                info.buffer->applyGainRamp (i, info.startSample, jmin (256, info.numSamples), 1.0f, 0.0f);

            if (info.numSamples > 256)
                info.buffer->clear (info.startSample + 256, info.numSamples - 256);

        if (positionableSource->getNextReadPosition() > positionableSource->getTotalLength() + 1
             && ! positionableSource->isLooping())
            playing = false;
            inputStreamEOF = true;

        stopped = ! playing;

        for (int i = info.buffer->getNumChannels(); --i >= 0;)
            info.buffer->applyGainRamp (i, info.startSample, info.numSamples,
                                        lastGain, gain);
        stopped = true;

    lastGain = gain;
void ChannelRemappingAudioSource::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill)
    const ScopedLock sl (lock);

    buffer.setSize (requiredNumberOfChannels, bufferToFill.numSamples, false, false, true);

    const int numChans = bufferToFill.buffer->getNumChannels();

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < buffer.getNumChannels(); ++i)
        const int remappedChan = getRemappedInputChannel (i);

        if (remappedChan >= 0 && remappedChan < numChans)
            buffer.copyFrom (i, 0, *bufferToFill.buffer,
            buffer.clear (i, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);

    remappedInfo.numSamples = bufferToFill.numSamples;

    source->getNextAudioBlock (remappedInfo);


    for (i = 0; i < requiredNumberOfChannels; ++i)
        const int remappedChan = getRemappedOutputChannel (i);

        if (remappedChan >= 0 && remappedChan < numChans)
            bufferToFill.buffer->addFrom (remappedChan, bufferToFill.startSample,
                                          buffer, i, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);

예제 #7
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) override
        // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
        // first..

        // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
        MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
        midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);

        // pass these messages to the keyboard state so that it can update the component
        // to show on-screen which keys are being pressed on the physical midi keyboard.
        // This call will also add midi messages to the buffer which were generated by
        // the mouse-clicking on the on-screen keyboard.
        keyboardState.processNextMidiBuffer (incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, true);

        // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
        synth.renderNextBlock (*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
예제 #8
 void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) override
     // Your audio-processing code goes here!
     auto buffer = bufferToFill.buffer;
     GestureInterpretor::audioRMS = buffer->getMagnitude(0, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
     const float* ptr = buffer->getArrayOfReadPointers()[0];
     // For more details, see the help for AudioProcessor::getNextAudioBlock()
     for (int i = 0; i < bufferToFill.numSamples; i++)
         GestureInterpretor::audioInBuffer[i] = ptr[i];
     // Right now we are not producing any data, in which case we need to clear the buffer
     // (to prevent the output of random noise)
예제 #9
    /*  This method generates the actual audio samples.
        In this example the buffer is filled with a sine wave whose frequency and
        amplitude are controlled by the mouse position.
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) override
        const float originalPhase = phase;

        for (int chan = 0; chan < bufferToFill.buffer->getNumChannels(); ++chan)
            phase = originalPhase;

            float* const channelData = bufferToFill.buffer->getWritePointer (chan, bufferToFill.startSample);

            for (int i = 0; i < bufferToFill.numSamples ; ++i)
                channelData[i] = amplitude * std::sin (phase);

                // increment the phase step for the next sample
                phase = std::fmod (phase + phaseDelta, float_Pi * 2.0f);
예제 #10
void ContentComponent::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& buf)
    if (! tick)

    auto& source (tick->getAudioSource());
    source.getNextAudioBlock (buf);

    if (gain != lastGain)
        buf.buffer->applyGainRamp (buf.startSample, buf.numSamples, lastGain, gain);
        lastGain = (float) gain;
        buf.buffer->applyGain (gain);
예제 #11
bool AudioFormatWriter::writeFromAudioSource (AudioSource& source, int numSamplesToRead, const int samplesPerBlock)
    AudioSampleBuffer tempBuffer (getNumChannels(), samplesPerBlock);

    while (numSamplesToRead > 0)
        const int numToDo = jmin (numSamplesToRead, samplesPerBlock);

        AudioSourceChannelInfo info (&tempBuffer, 0, numToDo);

        source.getNextAudioBlock (info);

        if (! writeFromAudioSampleBuffer (tempBuffer, 0, numToDo))
            return false;

        numSamplesToRead -= numToDo;

    return true;
예제 #12
void AudioEngine::getNextAudioBlock(const AudioSourceChannelInfo &buffer_to_fill)
    double start = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes();
    if (buffer_to_fill.buffer->getNumChannels() <=  0) {
         Logger::getCurrentLogger()->writeToLog("Error: No Input Audio Channel");
    else {
        if (_controller.isRecording()) {
            int buffer_size = buffer_to_fill.numSamples;
            int hop_size = _ring_buffer->getHopSize();
            float** channel_data = 0;
            channel_data = new float*[_num_input_channels];
            for(int i = 0; i < _num_input_channels; i++)
                channel_data[i] = buffer_to_fill.buffer->getWritePointer (i, buffer_to_fill.startSample);
            float data = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++)
                data = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < _num_input_channels; j++) {
                    data = data + channel_data[j][i];
                float data_avg = data / _num_input_channels;
            while (_channel_data_avg.size() >= hop_size) {
                float midi_pitch_of_window = _pitch_tracker->findPitchInMidi(_ring_buffer);
                if (_controller.getRecordingTimeInBeats() >= 0) {
                    cout << midi_pitch_of_window << endl;
                    _controller.pushPitchToModel(midi_pitch_of_window, _controller.getRecordingTimeInBeats());
                _channel_data_avg.erase(_channel_data_avg.begin(), _channel_data_avg.begin() + hop_size);
            // Update number of samples recorded
            double curr_beat = _controller.getRecordingTimeInBeats();
            double next_beat = _controller.getRecordingTimeInBeats();
            // Play Reference Pitch
            if (next_beat < 0 && next_beat >= -_controller.getTimeSignatureNumerator() ) {
                playReferencePitch(buffer_to_fill, buffer_to_fill.numSamples);
            // Play Metronome
            if (floor(curr_beat) != floor(next_beat)) {
                playMetronome(buffer_to_fill, floor(next_beat));
            delete [] channel_data;
        else if (_controller.isPlaying()) {
            // Update number of samples played
            double curr_beat = _controller.getPlaybackTimeInBeats();
            double next_beat = _controller.getPlaybackTimeInBeats();

            // Play Chords
            if (floor(curr_beat) != floor(next_beat)) {
                playChords(buffer_to_fill, floor(next_beat));
            MidiBuffer incoming_midi;
            _midi_collector.removeNextBlockOfMessages(incoming_midi, buffer_to_fill.numSamples);
            const int start_sample = 0;
            const bool inject_indirect_events = true;
            _midi_keyboard_state.processNextMidiBuffer(incoming_midi, start_sample, buffer_to_fill.numSamples, inject_indirect_events);
            _playback_synth.renderNextBlock(*buffer_to_fill.buffer, incoming_midi, start_sample, buffer_to_fill.numSamples);
            // Play Metronome
            if (floor(curr_beat) != floor(next_beat)) {
                playMetronome(buffer_to_fill, floor(next_beat));
            // Check if playback should stop
            if (next_beat > _controller.getRecordingTimeInBeats()) {
        else {
            cout << "Entered Limbo State" << endl;
    double duration = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() - start;
    //cout << duration << endl;
    if (duration > 11.6099773)
        Logger::getCurrentLogger()->writeToLog ("Time Exceeded in Audio Callback");
예제 #13
void LoopMachine::getNextAudioBlockFixedBpm(const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) {
    auto& transport = audioEngine.getTransport();
    bool mainTransportPlaying = transport.isPlaying();
    if (fixedBpmTransport.isPlaying() != mainTransportPlaying) {
        if (mainTransportPlaying)
    if (fixedBpmTransport.isPlaying()) {
        float frameStartTicks = fixedBpmTransport.getFrameStartTicks();
        float frameEndTicks = fixedBpmTransport.getFrameEndTicks();
        float nextTick = (float) ((int)frameStartTicks + 1);
        float fadeLengthTicks = fixedBpmTransport.millisToTicks(FADE_TIME_MS);
        float fadeStartTicks = nextTick - fadeLengthTicks;
        float fadeEndTicks = nextTick;
        if (frameStartTicks < fadeStartTicks && frameEndTicks >= fadeStartTicks)
//        std::cout << "MPD: CPP: LoopMachine::getNextAudioBlock: reality check! " << ((int)nextTick/4) << std::endl;
        for (int groupIx = 0; groupIx < groupIxToLoopInfo.size(); groupIx++) {
            int state = audioState[groupIx];
            int prevState = prevAudioState[groupIx];
            if (state == LOOP_INACTIVE && prevState == LOOP_INACTIVE) {
                // we were doing nothing last period, and we're still doing nothing: do nothing
            } else if (state == LOOP_INACTIVE && prevState != LOOP_INACTIVE) {
                // for this loop group, we are fading out: going from an active loop to silence.
                processFadeOut(groupIx, prevState, frameStartTicks, frameEndTicks, fadeStartTicks, fadeEndTicks, bufferToFill);
            } else if (!wasPlaying || (state != LOOP_INACTIVE && prevState == LOOP_INACTIVE)) {
                // for this loop group, we are fading in: going from silence to signal.
				setReaderPos(groupIx, state, fadeStartTicks, frameStartTicks);
                processFadeIn(groupIx, state, frameStartTicks, frameEndTicks, fadeStartTicks, fadeEndTicks, bufferToFill);
            } else if (prevState != state) {
                // for this loop group, the loop being played has switched: do a crossfade
                processFadeOut(groupIx, prevState, frameStartTicks, frameEndTicks, fadeStartTicks, fadeEndTicks, bufferToFill);
				setReaderPos(groupIx, state, fadeStartTicks, frameStartTicks);
                processFadeIn(groupIx, state, frameStartTicks, frameEndTicks, fadeStartTicks, fadeEndTicks, bufferToFill);
            } else {
                // we're playing the same thing as in the last period.
				if (!wasPlaying) {
                    auto src = (*groupIxToLoopInfo[groupIx])[state];
               processBlock(groupIx, state, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, bufferToFill);
        if (frameStartTicks < fadeEndTicks && frameEndTicks >= fadeEndTicks) {
			bool changes = false;
			for (int groupIx = 0; groupIx < groupIxToLoopInfo.size(); groupIx++) {
				int state = audioState[groupIx];
				if (state != LOOP_INACTIVE) {
					auto type = (*groupIxToLoopInfo[groupIx])[state]->type;
					auto src = (*groupIxToLoopInfo[groupIx])[state]->reader;
					if (type == LoopType::ONE_SHOT && audioState[groupIx] != LOOP_INACTIVE && src != nullptr && src->getNextReadPosition() >= src->getTotalLength()) {
						// (groupIx, prevState) is done playing.
						// now we need to plop a message in the ring buffer
						audioState[groupIx] = LOOP_INACTIVE;
						userState[groupIx] = LOOP_INACTIVE;
						int ix = ++endReserveIx & RINGBUF_SIZE_M1; // == ++reserveIx % RINGBUF_SIZE
						endringbuf[ix][0] = groupIx;
						endringbuf[ix][1] = state;
						changes = true;
//						std::cout << "MPD: handling messaages audio thread" << std::endl;
			if (changes)
            std::memcpy(prevAudioState, audioState, sizeof(audioState));
            wasPlaying = true;
//        bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(0, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.5);
//        bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(1, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.5);
//        wasPlaying = true;
    if (wasPlaying && !fixedBpmTransport.isPlaying())
        wasPlaying = false;