BButton* BAlert::_CreateButton(int32 which, const char* label) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kAlertButtonMsg); if (message == NULL) return NULL; message->AddInt32("which", which); BRect rect; = Bounds().bottom - kBottomOffset; rect.bottom =; char name[32]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "_b%ld_", which); BButton* button = new(std::nothrow) BButton(rect, name, label, message, B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); if (button == NULL) return NULL; float width, height; button->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); if (fButtonWidth == B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL) { float fontFactor = be_plain_font->Size() / 11.0f; width = max_c(width, kButtonUsualWidth * fontFactor); } button->ResizeTo(width, height); button->MoveBy(0.0f, -height); return button; }
ConfigWindow::ConfigWindow() : BWindow(BRect(100.0, 100.0, 580.0, 540.0), "E-mail", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE), fLastSelectedAccount(NULL), fSaveSettings(false) { // create controls BRect rect(Bounds()); BView *top = new BView(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0); top->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(top); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; top->GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); int32 height = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 5; rect.InsetBy(5, 5); rect.bottom -= 11 + height; BTabView *tabView = new BTabView(rect, NULL); BView *view; rect = tabView->Bounds(); rect.bottom -= tabView->TabHeight() + 4; tabView->AddTab(view = new BView(rect, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0)); tabView->TabAt(0)->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Accounts")); view->SetViewColor(top->ViewColor()); // accounts listview rect = view->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8, 8); rect.right = 140 - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; rect.bottom -= height + 12; fAccountsListView = new AccountsListView(rect); view->AddChild(new BScrollView(NULL, fAccountsListView, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0, false, true)); rect.right += B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; = rect.bottom + 8; rect.bottom = + height; BRect sizeRect = rect; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + view->StringWidth( B_TRANSLATE("Add")); view->AddChild(new BButton(sizeRect, NULL, B_TRANSLATE("Add"), new BMessage(kMsgAddAccount), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); sizeRect.left = sizeRect.right+3; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + view->StringWidth( B_TRANSLATE("Remove")); view->AddChild(fRemoveButton = new BButton( sizeRect, NULL, B_TRANSLATE("Remove"), new BMessage(kMsgRemoveAccount), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); // accounts config view rect = view->Bounds(); rect.left = fAccountsListView->Frame().right + B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH + 16; rect.right -= 10; view->AddChild(fConfigView = new CenterContainer(rect)); MakeHowToView(); // general settings rect = tabView->Bounds(); rect.bottom -= tabView->TabHeight() + 4; tabView->AddTab(view = new CenterContainer(rect)); tabView->TabAt(1)->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Settings")); rect = view->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8, 8); rect.right -= 1; rect.bottom = + height * 5 + 15; BBox *box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Mail checking")); view->AddChild(box); rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8, 8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; BRect tile = rect.OffsetByCopy(0, 1); int32 labelWidth = (int32)view->StringWidth(B_TRANSLATE("Check every")) + 6; tile.right = 80 + labelWidth; fIntervalControl = new BTextControl(tile, "time", B_TRANSLATE("Check every"), NULL, NULL); fIntervalControl->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fIntervalControl); BPopUpMenu *frequencyPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); const char *frequencyStrings[] = { B_TRANSLATE("never"), B_TRANSLATE("minutes"), B_TRANSLATE("hours"), B_TRANSLATE("days") }; BMenuItem *item; for (int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { frequencyPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(frequencyStrings[i], new BMessage(kMsgIntervalUnitChanged))); if (i == 1) item->SetMarked(true); } tile.left = tile.right + 5; tile.right = rect.right; tile.OffsetBy(0,-1); fIntervalUnitField = new BMenuField(tile, "frequency", B_EMPTY_STRING, frequencyPopUp); fIntervalUnitField->SetDivider(0.0); box->AddChild(fIntervalUnitField); rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 9); rect.bottom -= 2; fPPPActiveCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect, "ppp active", B_TRANSLATE("Only when dial-up is connected"), NULL); box->AddChild(fPPPActiveCheckBox); rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 9); rect.bottom -= 2; fPPPActiveSendCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect, "ppp activesend", B_TRANSLATE("Schedule outgoing mail when dial-up is disconnected"), NULL); box->AddChild(fPPPActiveSendCheckBox); // Miscellaneous settings box rect = box->Frame(); rect.bottom = + 3 * height + 30; box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Miscellaneous")); view->AddChild(box); BPopUpMenu *statusPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); const char *statusModes[] = { B_TRANSLATE("Never"), B_TRANSLATE("While sending"), B_TRANSLATE("While sending and receiving"), B_TRANSLATE("Always") }; BMessage *msg; for (int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { statusPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(statusModes[i], msg = new BMessage(kMsgShowStatusWindowChanged))); msg->AddInt32("ShowStatusWindow", i); if (i == 0) item->SetMarked(true); } rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; labelWidth = (int32)view->StringWidth( B_TRANSLATE("Show connection status window:")) + 8; fStatusModeField = new BMenuField(rect, "show status", B_TRANSLATE("Show connection status window:"), statusPopUp); fStatusModeField->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fStatusModeField); rect = fStatusModeField->Frame();; rect.OffsetBy(0, rect.Height() + 10); BButton *button = new BButton(rect, B_EMPTY_STRING, B_TRANSLATE("Edit mailbox menu…"), msg = new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED)); button->ResizeToPreferred(); box->AddChild(button); button->SetTarget(BMessenger("application/x-vnd.Be-TRAK")); BPath path; find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path); path.Append("Mail/Menu Links"); BEntry entry(path.Path()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && entry.Exists()) { entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); msg->AddRef("refs", &ref); } else button->SetEnabled(false); rect = button->Frame(); rect.OffsetBy(rect.Width() + 30,0); fAutoStartCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect, "start daemon", B_TRANSLATE("Start mail services on startup"), NULL); fAutoStartCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); box->AddChild(fAutoStartCheckBox); // save/revert buttons top->AddChild(tabView); rect = tabView->Frame(); = rect.bottom + 5; rect.bottom = + height + 5; BButton *saveButton = new BButton(rect, "apply", B_TRANSLATE("Apply"), new BMessage(kMsgSaveSettings)); float w,h; saveButton->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); saveButton->ResizeTo(w, h); saveButton->MoveTo(rect.right - w,; top->AddChild(saveButton); BButton *revertButton = new BButton(rect, "revert", B_TRANSLATE("Revert"), new BMessage(kMsgRevertSettings)); revertButton->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); revertButton->ResizeTo(w,h); revertButton->MoveTo(saveButton->Frame().left - 25 - w,; top->AddChild(revertButton); LoadSettings(); // this will also move our window to the stored position fAccountsListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgAccountSelected)); fAccountsListView->MakeFocus(true); }
ConfigWindow::ConfigWindow() : BWindow(BRect(200.0, 200.0, 640.0, 640.0), "E-mail", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE), fLastSelectedAccount(NULL), fSaveSettings(false) { /*** create controls ***/ BRect rect(Bounds()); BView *top = new BView(rect,NULL,B_FOLLOW_ALL,0); top->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(top); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; top->GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); int32 height = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 5; rect.InsetBy(5,5); rect.bottom -= 11 + height; BTabView *tabView = new BTabView(rect,NULL); BView *view,*generalView; rect = tabView->Bounds(); rect.bottom -= tabView->TabHeight() + 4; tabView->AddTab(view = new BView(rect,NULL,B_FOLLOW_ALL,0)); tabView->TabAt(0)->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Accounts","アカウント")); view->SetViewColor(top->ViewColor()); // accounts listview rect = view->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); rect.right = 140 - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; rect.bottom -= height + 12; fAccountsListView = new AccountsListView(rect); view->AddChild(new BScrollView(NULL,fAccountsListView,B_FOLLOW_ALL,0,false,true)); rect.right += B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; = rect.bottom + 8; rect.bottom = + height; BRect sizeRect = rect; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + view->StringWidth(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Add","追加")); view->AddChild(new BButton(sizeRect,NULL,MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Add","追加"), new BMessage(kMsgAddAccount),B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); sizeRect.left = sizeRect.right+3; sizeRect.right = sizeRect.left + 30 + view->StringWidth(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Remove","削除")); view->AddChild(fRemoveButton = new BButton(sizeRect,NULL,MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Remove","削除"), new BMessage(kMsgRemoveAccount),B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); // accounts config view rect = view->Bounds(); rect.left = fAccountsListView->Frame().right + B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH + 16; rect.right -= 10; view->AddChild(fConfigView = new CenterContainer(rect)); MakeHowToView(); // general settings rect = tabView->Bounds(); rect.bottom -= tabView->TabHeight() + 4; tabView->AddTab(view = new CenterContainer(rect)); tabView->TabAt(1)->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("General","一般")); rect = view->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); rect.right -= 1; rect.bottom = + height * 5 + 15; BBox *box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Retrieval Frequency","メールチェック間隔")); view->AddChild(box); rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; BRect tile = rect.OffsetByCopy(0,1); int32 labelWidth = (int32)view->StringWidth(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Check every:","メールチェック間隔:"))+6; tile.right = 80 + labelWidth; fIntervalControl = new BTextControl(tile,"time",MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Check every:","メールチェック間隔:"), NULL,NULL); fIntervalControl->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fIntervalControl); BPopUpMenu *frequencyPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); const char *frequencyStrings[] = { MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Never","チェックしない"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Minutes","分毎チェック"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Hours","時間毎チェック"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Days","日間毎チェック")}; BMenuItem *item; for (int32 i = 0;i < 4;i++) { frequencyPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(frequencyStrings[i],new BMessage(kMsgIntervalUnitChanged))); if (i == 1) item->SetMarked(true); } tile.left = tile.right + 5; tile.right = rect.right; tile.OffsetBy(0,-1); fIntervalUnitField = new BMenuField(tile,"frequency", B_EMPTY_STRING, frequencyPopUp); fIntervalUnitField->SetDivider(0.0); box->AddChild(fIntervalUnitField); rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 9); rect.bottom -= 2; fPPPActiveCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect,"ppp active", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("only when PPP is active","PPP接続中時のみ"), NULL); box->AddChild(fPPPActiveCheckBox); rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 9); rect.bottom -= 2; fPPPActiveSendCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect,"ppp activesend", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Queue outgoing mail when PPP is inactive","PPP切断時、送信メールを送信箱に入れる"), NULL); box->AddChild(fPPPActiveSendCheckBox); rect = box->Frame(); rect.bottom = + 4*height + 20; box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Status Window","送受信状況の表示")); view->AddChild(box); BPopUpMenu *statusPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); const char *statusModes[] = { MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Never","表示しない"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("While Sending","送信時"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("While Sending / Fetching","送受信時"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Always","常に表示")}; BMessage *msg; for (int32 i = 0;i < 4;i++) { statusPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(statusModes[i],msg = new BMessage(kMsgShowStatusWindowChanged))); msg->AddInt32("ShowStatusWindow",i); if (i == 0) item->SetMarked(true); } rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; labelWidth = (int32)view->StringWidth( MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Show Status Window:","ステータスの表示:")) + 8; fStatusModeField = new BMenuField(rect,"show status", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Show Status Window:","ステータスの表示:"), statusPopUp); fStatusModeField->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fStatusModeField); BPopUpMenu *lookPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); const char *windowLookStrings[] = { MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Normal, With Tab","タブ付通常"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Normal, Border Only","ボーダーのみ通常"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Floating","フローティング"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Thin Border","細いボーダー"), MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("No Border","ボーダー無し")}; for (int32 i = 0;i < 5;i++) { lookPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(windowLookStrings[i],msg = new BMessage(kMsgStatusLookChanged))); msg->AddInt32("StatusWindowLook",i); if (i == 0) item->SetMarked(true); } rect.OffsetBy(0, height + 6); fStatusLookField = new BMenuField(rect,"status look", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Window Look:","ウィンドウ外観:"),lookPopUp); fStatusLookField->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fStatusLookField); BPopUpMenu *workspacesPopUp = new BPopUpMenu(B_EMPTY_STRING); workspacesPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem( MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Current Workspace","使用中ワークスペース"), msg = new BMessage(kMsgStatusWorkspaceChanged))); msg->AddInt32("StatusWindowWorkSpace", 0); workspacesPopUp->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem( MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("All Workspaces","全てのワークスペース"), msg = new BMessage(kMsgStatusWorkspaceChanged))); msg->AddInt32("StatusWindowWorkSpace", -1); rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 6); fStatusWorkspaceField = new BMenuField(rect,"status workspace", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Window visible on:","表示場所:"),workspacesPopUp); fStatusWorkspaceField->SetDivider(labelWidth); box->AddChild(fStatusWorkspaceField); rect = box->Frame(); rect.bottom = + 3*height + 13; box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Deskbar Icon","デスクバーアイコンリンク")); view->AddChild(box); rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; BStringView *stringView = new BStringView(rect,B_EMPTY_STRING, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ( "The menu links are links to folders in a real folder like the Be menu.", "デスクバーで表示する項目の設定")); box->AddChild(stringView); stringView->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER); stringView->ResizeToPreferred(); // BStringView::ResizeToPreferred() changes the width, so that the // alignment has no effect anymore stringView->ResizeTo(rect.Width(), stringView->Bounds().Height()); rect.left += 100; rect.right -= 100; rect.OffsetBy(0,height + 1); BButton *button = new BButton(rect,B_EMPTY_STRING, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Configure Menu Links","メニューリンクの設定"), msg = new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED)); box->AddChild(button); button->SetTarget(BMessenger("application/x-vnd.Be-TRAK")); BPath path; find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path); path.Append("Mail/Menu Links"); BEntry entry(path.Path()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && entry.Exists()) { entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); msg->AddRef("refs", &ref); } else button->SetEnabled(false); rect = box->Frame(); rect.bottom = + 2*height + 6; box = new BBox(rect); box->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Misc.","その他の設定")); view->AddChild(box); rect = box->Bounds().InsetByCopy(8,8); += 7; rect.bottom = + height + 5; fAutoStartCheckBox = new BCheckBox(rect,"start daemon", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Auto-Start Mail Daemon","Mail Daemonを自動起動"),NULL); box->AddChild(fAutoStartCheckBox); // about page rect = tabView->Bounds(); rect.bottom -= tabView->TabHeight() + 4; tabView->AddTab(view = new BView(rect,NULL,B_FOLLOW_ALL,0)); tabView->TabAt(2)->SetLabel(MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("About","情報")); view->SetViewColor(top->ViewColor()); AboutTextView *about = new AboutTextView(rect); about->SetViewColor(top->ViewColor()); view->AddChild(about); // save/cancel/revert buttons top->AddChild(tabView); rect = tabView->Frame(); = rect.bottom + 5; rect.bottom = + height + 5; BButton *saveButton = new BButton(rect,"save", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Save","保存"), new BMessage(kMsgSaveSettings)); float w,h; saveButton->GetPreferredSize(&w,&h); saveButton->ResizeTo(w,h); saveButton->MoveTo(rect.right - w,; top->AddChild(saveButton); BButton *cancelButton = new BButton(rect,"cancel", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Cancel","中止"), new BMessage(kMsgCancelSettings)); cancelButton->GetPreferredSize(&w,&h); cancelButton->ResizeTo(w,h); #ifdef HAVE_APPLY_BUTTON cancelButton->MoveTo(saveButton->Frame().left - w - 5,; #else cancelButton->MoveTo(saveButton->Frame().left - w - 20,; #endif top->AddChild(cancelButton); #ifdef HAVE_APPLY_BUTTON BButton *applyButton = new BButton(rect,"apply", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Apply","適用"), new BMessage(kMsgApplySettings)); applyButton->GetPreferredSize(&w,&h); applyButton->ResizeTo(w,h); applyButton->MoveTo(cancelButton->Frame().left - w - 20,; top->AddChild(applyButton); #endif BButton *revertButton = new BButton(rect,"revert", MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE ("Revert","復元"), new BMessage(kMsgRevertSettings)); revertButton->GetPreferredSize(&w,&h); revertButton->ResizeTo(w,h); #ifdef HAVE_APPLY_BUTTON revertButton->MoveTo(applyButton->Frame().left - w - 5,; #else revertButton->MoveTo(cancelButton->Frame().left - w - 6,; #endif top->AddChild(revertButton); LoadSettings(); fAccountsListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgAccountSelected)); }
//calculate the view positions of all the MatrixLayoutItems //on the items list with offsets based upon matrixLeft //and matrixTop void LayoutMatrix :: Calc( const float paramMatrixLeft, const float paramMatrixTop, sem_id paramSemID) { int32 numItems = mpItemsList->CountItems(); if (!numItems) return; if (acquire_sem(paramSemID) != B_NO_ERROR) { warning(myPrefs->FailAqSem); return; } bool hasPopUpMenu = false; TextItem * scratchTextItem; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { ((LayoutMatrixItem *)(mpItemsList->ItemAt(i)))->Calc(); } float widest = 0; float tallest = 0; int32 index = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); if (lmi->mfWidthPref > widest) { widest = lmi->mfWidthPref; } if (lmi->mfHeightPref > tallest) { tallest = lmi->mfHeightPref; } } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) {//SAMESIZE makes all items the same size as the largest index = 0; //Resize all items to match largest: for ( uint32 i = 0; i < mui32Rows; i++) { for ( uint32 j = 0; j < mui32Columns; j++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if (scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { scratchMySpacer->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStringView->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { BStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (BStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; } } } } index = 0; //move every item based upon size and padding: const float hpad = 2;//horizontal spacing between items const float vpad = 2;//vertical spacing between items float localLeft; float localTop = vpad + paramMatrixTop; float excessRight = 0, excessRightHold = 0; float excessBottom = 0, excessBottomHold = 0; for ( uint32 ii = 0; ii < mui32Rows; ii++) { localLeft = paramMatrixLeft + hpad; float columnRight = 0; excessBottom = 0; for ( uint32 jj = 0; jj < mui32Columns; jj++) { excessRight = 0; LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYPOPUPMENU: { hasPopUpMenu = true; MyPopUpMenu * scratchPopUpMenu = (MyPopUpMenu *)lmi->mpItem; scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref + scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelWidth; scratchPopUpMenu->SetLeft(localLeft); scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelTop = localTop; if ((scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 9) > scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight) { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 10; } else { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight + 1; } } break; case KIND_MYTEXTVIEW: { BTextView * scratchTextView = (BTextView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfWidth; excessBottomHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfHeight; } break; case KIND_MYLISTVIEW: { BListView * scratchListView = (BListView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchListView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); ((BListView *)(lmi->mpItem))->GetPreferredSize(&excessRightHold, &excessBottomHold); } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if ( (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) && scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } else { excessRightHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredWidth; excessBottomHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredHeight; } } break; case KIND_MYRADIOVIEW: { MyRadioView * scratchRadioView = (MyRadioView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchRadioView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; TextItem * scratchTextItem = ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTextItem(); scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref - ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->mfDescender - vpad; scratchMyStringView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop + 1); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Width() + 1; excessBottomHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Height() + 1; } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; ; } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { MyStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (MyStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_TEXT: scratchTextItem = (TextItem *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_COLORWELL: ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_INT8GADGET: case KIND_UINT8GADGET: case KIND_INT16GADGET: case KIND_UINT16GADGET: case KIND_INT32GADGET: case KIND_UINT32GADGET: case KIND_INT64GADGET: case KIND_UINT64GADGET: case KIND_FLOATGADGET: case KIND_HEXGADGET: case KIND_STRINGGADGET: ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; break; } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } excessRightHold += hpad; if (excessRightHold > excessRight) { excessRight = excessRightHold; } localLeft += excessRight; if (mui32Columns - 1) { if (jj != (mui32Columns - 1)) { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } //mfRight is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up if (excessBottomHold > excessBottom) { excessBottom = excessBottomHold; } } if (columnRight > mfRight) { mfRight = columnRight; } excessBottomHold += vpad; localTop += excessBottom; if (mui32Rows - 1) { if (ii != (mui32Rows - 1)) { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } //mfBottom is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up } if (hasPopUpMenu) { mfRight += 30; } release_sem(paramSemID); }//end
void OptionsPanel :: AttachedToWindow( void ) { SetViewColor( ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR) ) ; BRect fr ; if( Parent() ) fr = Parent()->Frame() ; else fr = Window()->Frame() ; = Frame().top ; fr.right = fr.Width() ; fr.left = 0 ; fr.bottom = + 5 ; // Set Later MoveTo( fr.left, ) ; ResizeTo( fr.Width(), fr.Height() ) ; font_height fh ; GetFontHeight( &fh ) ; BRect r ; = 5 ; r.left = fr.Width() * 2/3 ; r.right = r.left + ( r.Height() * 2 ) + 1 ; r.bottom = + 10 ; BButton * addButton = new BButton( r, "Add", "+", new BMessage( Messages::AddPanel ) , B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( addButton ) ; float h , w ; addButton->GetPreferredSize( &h, &w ) ; if( h > w ) h = w ; else w = h ; addButton->ResizeTo( w, h ) ; r.left += ( w + 4 ) ; r.right += ( w + 4 ) ; BButton * rmButton = new BButton( r, "Remove", "-", new BMessage( Messages::RemovePanel ) , B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( rmButton ) ; rmButton->ResizeTo( w, h ) ; r.left = 10 ; = addButton->Frame().bottom + 2 ; r.right = r.left + 10 ; r.bottom = + 10 ; fpMaxDepthCheck = new BCheckBox( r, "depth_check", kMaxDepthString , NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( fpMaxDepthCheck ) ; fpMaxDepthCheck->ResizeToPreferred() ; r = fpMaxDepthCheck->Frame() ; float centre = + r.Height()/2 ; r.left = r.right + 5 ; = centre - (fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading) * 3/4 ; r.bottom = centre + (fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading) * 3/4 ; r.right = r.left + StringWidth( "xx37xx" ) ; fpMaxDepthEdit = new EditBox( r, "depth_edit", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( fpMaxDepthEdit ) ; = r.bottom + 7 ; r.bottom = + 20 ; r.left = 10 ; r.right = r.left + 50 ; BButton * settingsButton = new BButton( r, "settings", "Settings" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage( Messages::Settings ) , B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( settingsButton ) ; settingsButton->ResizeToPreferred() ; settingsButton->SetTarget( Window() ) ; r.right = fr.Width() - 25 ; r.left = r.right - 50 ; fpFindButton = new BButton( r, "go", "Find", new BMessage( Messages::StartFind ) , B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; AddChild( fpFindButton ) ; fpFindButton->ResizeToPreferred() ; r = fpFindButton->Frame() ; fpFindButton->MoveTo( fr.Width() - 20 - r.Width(), ) ; fpFindButton->SetTarget( Window() ) ; fpFindButton->MakeDefault(true) ; r = fpFindButton->Frame() ; r.bottom = - 3 ; = r.bottom - 8 ; fpPoleFrame = new ColouredView( r, "pole_frame" ) ; fpPoleFrame->SetViewColor( Colours::Grey60 ) ; AddChild( fpPoleFrame ) ; r.OffsetTo( 1 , 1 ) ; fpBarberPole = new BarberPole( r, "pole", B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ) ; fpBarberPole->SetHighColor( WaitBarDisabledHighColor ) ; fpBarberPole->SetLowColor ( WaitBarDisabledLowColor ) ; fpPoleFrame->AddChild( fpBarberPole ) ; fpPoleFrame->Hide() ; r = fpFindButton->Frame() ; fr.bottom = + r.bottom + 8 ; ResizeTo( fr.Width(), fr.Height() ) ; fr = addButton->Frame() ; addButton->MoveTo( r.left + 10, ) ; rmButton ->MoveTo( r.left + 17 + fr.Width(), ) ; }