void FadeView::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgRunSliderChanged: case kMsgRunSliderUpdate: if (fRunSlider->Value() > fTurnOffSlider->Value()) fTurnOffSlider->SetValue(fRunSlider->Value()); if (fRunSlider->Value() > fPasswordSlider->Value()) fPasswordSlider->SetValue(fRunSlider->Value()); break; case kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged: case kMsgTurnOffSliderUpdate: if (fRunSlider->Value() > fTurnOffSlider->Value()) fRunSlider->SetValue(fTurnOffSlider->Value()); break; case kMsgPasswordSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordSliderUpdate: if (fPasswordSlider->Value() < fRunSlider->Value()) fRunSlider->SetValue(fPasswordSlider->Value()); break; case kMsgTurnOffCheckBox: fTurnOffSlider->SetEnabled( fTurnOffCheckBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; } switch (message->what) { case kMsgRunSliderChanged: case kMsgTurnOffSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordSliderChanged: case kMsgPasswordCheckBox: case kMsgEnableScreenSaverBox: case kMsgFadeCornerChanged: case kMsgNeverFadeCornerChanged: UpdateStatus(); fSettings.Save(); break; default: BView::MessageReceived(message); } }
BView *PrefsWindow::create_volumes_pane(void) { BView *pane = new BView(BRect(0, 0, top_frame.right-20, top_frame.bottom-80), GetString(STR_VOLUMES_PANE_TITLE), B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW); pane->SetViewColor(fill_color); float right = pane->Bounds().right-10; const char *str; int32 index = 0; volume_list = new VolumeListView(BRect(15, 10, pane->Bounds().right-30, 113), "volumes"); while ((str = PrefsFindString("disk", index++)) != NULL) volume_list->AddItem(new BStringItem(str)); volume_list->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(MSG_VOLUME_SELECTED)); volume_list->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_VOLUME_INVOKED)); pane->AddChild(new BScrollView("volumes_border", volume_list, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, 0, false, true)); pane->AddChild(new BButton(BRect(10, 118, pane->Bounds().right/3, 138), "add_volume", GetString(STR_ADD_VOLUME_BUTTON), new BMessage(MSG_ADD_VOLUME))); pane->AddChild(new BButton(BRect(pane->Bounds().right/3, 118, pane->Bounds().right*2/3, 138), "create_volume", GetString(STR_CREATE_VOLUME_BUTTON), new BMessage(MSG_CREATE_VOLUME))); pane->AddChild(new BButton(BRect(pane->Bounds().right*2/3, 118, pane->Bounds().right-11, 138), "remove_volume", GetString(STR_REMOVE_VOLUME_BUTTON), new BMessage(MSG_REMOVE_VOLUME))); extfs_control = new PathControl(true, BRect(10, 145, right, 160), "extfs", GetString(STR_EXTFS_CTRL), PrefsFindString("extfs"), NULL); extfs_control->SetDivider(90); pane->AddChild(extfs_control); BMenuField *menu_field; BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); menu_field = new BMenuField(BRect(10, 165, right, 180), "bootdriver", GetString(STR_BOOTDRIVER_CTRL), menu); menu_field->SetDivider(90); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_BOOT_ANY_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_BOOT_ANY))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_BOOT_CDROM_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_BOOT_CDROM))); pane->AddChild(menu_field); int32 i32 = PrefsFindInt32("bootdriver"); BMenuItem *item; if (i32 == 0) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_BOOT_ANY_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else if (i32 == CDROMRefNum) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_BOOT_CDROM_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } nocdrom_checkbox = new BCheckBox(BRect(10, 185, right, 200), "nocdrom", GetString(STR_NOCDROM_CTRL), new BMessage(MSG_NOCDROM)); pane->AddChild(nocdrom_checkbox); nocdrom_checkbox->SetValue(PrefsFindBool("nocdrom") ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); return pane; }
status_t ProtocolSettings::Save(const char* account, BView* parent) { if (!parent) debugger("Couldn't save protocol's settings GUI on a NULL parent!"); BMessage* settings = new BMessage(); BMessage cur; for (int32 i = 0; fTemplate->FindMessage("setting", i, &cur) == B_OK; i++) { const char* name = cur.FindString("name"); // Skip NULL names if (!name) continue; int32 type = -1; if (cur.FindInt32("type", &type) != B_OK) continue; BView* view = parent->FindView(name); if (!view) continue; BTextControl* textControl = dynamic_cast<BTextControl*>(view); if (textControl) { switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: settings->AddString(name, textControl->Text()); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: settings->AddInt32(name, atoi(textControl->Text())); break; default: return B_ERROR; } } BMenuField* menuField = dynamic_cast<BMenuField*>(view); if (menuField) { BMenuItem* item = menuField->Menu()->FindMarked(); if (!item) return B_ERROR; switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: settings->AddString(name, item->Label()); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: settings->AddInt32(name, atoi(item->Label())); break; default: return B_ERROR; } } BCheckBox* checkBox = dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>(view); if (checkBox) settings->AddBool(name, (checkBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON)); NotifyingTextView* textView = dynamic_cast<NotifyingTextView*>(view); if (textView) settings->AddString(name, textView->Text()); } return _Save(account, settings); }
bool BContainer::GetElementStr(BItem* element,CString* str) { BCheckBox* boolItem; BEdit* editItem; BCombo* comboItem; BFile* fileItem; BButton* buttonItem; CString temp; GML::Utils::GString gStrTemp; UINT someUIntValue; int someIntValue; double someDoubleValue; switch(element->elementType) { case GML::Utils::AttributeList::BOOLEAN: boolItem = (BCheckBox*)element; if(boolItem->IsChecked()) str->Format("%s=True;",boolItem->label); else str->Format("%s=False;",boolItem->label); return true; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::UINT32: editItem = (BEdit*)element; editItem->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToUInt32(&someUIntValue)) return false; str->Format("%s=%u;",editItem->label,someUIntValue); return true; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::INT32: editItem = (BEdit*)element; editItem->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToInt32(&someIntValue)) return false; str->Format("%s=%d;",editItem->label,someIntValue); return true; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::DOUBLE: editItem = (BEdit*)element; editItem->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToDouble(&someDoubleValue)) return false; str->Format("%s=%lf;",editItem->label,someDoubleValue); return true; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING: editItem = (BEdit*)element; editItem->GetText(temp); if(temp.Compare("")==0) { return false; } str->Format("%s=%s;",editItem->label,temp); return true; case TYPE_COMBO: comboItem = (BCombo*)element; comboItem->GetSelectedItem(temp); str->Format("%s=%s;",comboItem->label,temp); return true; case TYPE_FILE: fileItem = (BFile*)element; fileItem->GetText(temp); str->Format("%s=%s;",fileItem->label,temp); return true; case TYPE_ELEMENT_HEADER: buttonItem = (BButton*)element; buttonItem->GetString(&temp); str->Format("%s",temp); return true; } return false; }
BView* SeqPrefWin::NewFileView(BRect bounds, const BMessage& prefs) const { BView* v = new BView( bounds, FILE_STR, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0 ); if( !v ) return v; v->SetViewColor( Prefs().Color(AM_AUX_WINDOW_BG_C) ); float fh = view_font_height(v); float bfh = bold_font_height(); float openH = bfh + 5 + fh + 5 + fh + 5 + fh; /* The Remember Open Songs preference. */ float w = v->StringWidth("Remember open songs") + 25; BRect f(bounds.left + 5, bounds.top + 5, bounds.left + 5 + w, bounds.top + 5 + fh); BCheckBox* cb = new BCheckBox( f, REMEMBER_OPEN_STR, "Remember open songs", new BMessage(REMEMBER_OPEN_MSG) ); if( cb ) { bool b; if( prefs.FindBool(REMEBER_OPEN_SONGS_PREF, &b) != B_OK ) b = false; cb->SetValue( (b) ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF ); v->AddChild( cb ); } /* The Skin preference. */ BMenu* menu = new BMenu("skin_menu"); BMessage skinMsg(CHANGE_SKIN_MSG); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem( "Default", new BMessage(CHANGE_SKIN_TO_DEFAULT_MSG) ); item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->SetLabelFromMarked(true); if( seq_make_skin_menu(menu, &skinMsg) == B_OK ) { const char* label = "Choose skin:"; f.Set(f.left, f.bottom + 8, bounds.right - 5, f.bottom + 8 + fh + 10); BMenuField* field = new BMenuField(f, "skin_field", label, menu); if (field) { field->SetDivider( v->StringWidth(label) + 10 ); v->AddChild(field); } else delete menu; } else delete menu; /* The Open New Songs preferences. */ f.Set(bounds.left + 5, f.bottom + 10, bounds.right - 5, f.bottom + 10 + openH + 10); BBox* box = new BBox( f, "open_new_songs", B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); if( box ) { box->SetLabel( "Open New Songs" ); BRect boxB = box->Bounds(); BRect sf(boxB.left + 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh, boxB.right - 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh + fh); const char* choice; if( prefs.FindString(OPEN_NEW_SONG_PREF, &choice) != B_OK ) choice = 0; BRadioButton* button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_BLANK_STR, "Blank", new BMessage(OPEN_BLANK_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ); if( button ) { if( choice && strcmp(choice, "blank") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); box->AddChild( button ); } sf.OffsetBy( 0, 5 + fh ); button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_FOUR_STR, "With two channels of each device", new BMessage(OPEN_FOUR_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ); if( button ) { if( choice && strcmp(choice, "channels") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); box->AddChild( button ); } sf.OffsetBy( 0, 5 + fh ); button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_FILE_STR, "From file: <click to select>", new BMessage(OPEN_FILE_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ); if( button ) { if( choice && strcmp(choice, "file") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); entry_ref ref; if( prefs.FindRef(OPEN_NEW_SONG_FILE_PREF, &ref) == B_OK ) button->SetLabel( label_for_open_new_from_file(&ref).String() ); box->AddChild( button ); } v->AddChild( box ); f.OffsetBy(0, f.bottom - f.top + 10 ); } /* The Open From Query preferences */ f.bottom = bounds.bottom - 27; box = new BBox( f, "open_from_query", B_FOLLOW_ALL); if( box ) { box->SetLabel("Open From Query"); BRect boxB = box->Bounds(); BRect tableF(boxB.left + 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh, boxB.right - 5, boxB.bottom - 35); mOwqTable = new _OwqList( tableF, mPreferences ); if( mOwqTable ) { mOwqTable->SetLatchWidth( 0 ); box->AddChild( mOwqTable ); mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(ON_STR, 40, 20, 100, B_TRUNCATE_END), 0 ); mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(NAME_STR, 100, 20, 150, B_TRUNCATE_END), 1 ); mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(QUERY_STR, 180, 20, 450, B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE), 2 ); // mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(SKIP_TOP_LEVEL_STR, 100, 20, 250, B_TRUNCATE_END), 3 ); mOwqTable->SetSortColumn(mOwqTable->ColumnAt(1), false, true); // mOwqTable->SetSortColumn(mOwqTable->ColumnAt(), true, true); mOwqTable->SetSelectionMode( B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST ); BRect bF(tableF.left, tableF.bottom + 5, tableF.left + 55, tableF.Height() - 10); BButton* add = new BButton( bF, "owq_add", "Add", new BMessage(OWQ_INVOKE_ADD), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM ); if( add ) box->AddChild( add ); bF.OffsetBy( bF.Width() + 5, 0 ); BButton* change = new BButton( bF, "owq_change", "Change", new BMessage(OWQ_CHANGE), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM ); if( change ) { change->SetEnabled( false ); box->AddChild( change ); } bF.OffsetBy( bF.Width() + 5, 0 ); BButton* remove = new BButton( bF, "owq_remove", "Remove", new BMessage(OWQ_REMOVE), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM ); if( remove ) { remove->SetEnabled( false ); box->AddChild( remove ); } mOwqTable->SetButtons( add, change, remove ); } v->AddChild( box ); } return v; }
BView* PreferencesWindow::_CreateConnectionPage(float spacing) { /* BStringView* addingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Adding")); BStringView* downloadingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Downloading")); //BStringView* seedingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Seeding Limits")); addingLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); downloadingLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); */ BStringView* peerPortLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Peer Port")); BStringView* limitsLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Limits")); BStringView* otherLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Other")); peerPortLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); limitsLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); otherLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); BStringView* fListeningPortLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Incoming port:")); BStringView* fMaxConnectionLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Max connections:")); BStringView* fTorrentMaxConnectionLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Connected peers limit:")); //BStringView* fTorrentUploadSlotsLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Connected peers per torrent limit:")); fListeningPort = new BTextControl("_name", NULL, "", NULL); fRandomPort = new BButton("", B_TRANSLATE("Random"), new BMessage(MSG_INCOMING_PORT_RANDOM_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fApplyPort = new BButton("", B_TRANSLATE("Apply"), new BMessage(MSG_INCOMING_PORT_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fEnableForwardingPort = new BCheckBox("", B_TRANSLATE("Enable UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding"), new BMessage(MSG_PORT_FORWARDING_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fMaxConnection = new BTextControl("_name", "", "", NULL); fApplyMaxConnection = new BButton("", B_TRANSLATE("Apply"), new BMessage(MSG_PEER_LIMIT_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fTorrentMaxConnection = new BTextControl("_name", "", "", NULL); fApplyTorrentMaxConnection = new BButton("", B_TRANSLATE("Apply"), new BMessage(MSG_PEER_LIMIT_PER_TORRENT_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); //BTextControl* fTorrentUploadSlots = new BTextControl("_name", "", "", NULL); BCheckBox* fEnableDHTValue = new BCheckBox("", B_TRANSLATE("Enable Distributed Hash Table (DHT)"), new BMessage(MSG_DISTRIBUTED_HASH_TABLE_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); BCheckBox* fEnablePEXValue = new BCheckBox("", B_TRANSLATE("Enable Bit Torrent Peer EXchange (PEX)"), new BMessage(MSG_TORRENT_PEER_EXCHANGE_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); BCheckBox* fEnableUTPValue = new BCheckBox("", B_TRANSLATE("Enable Micro Transport Protocol (" UTF8_GREEK_MU_LETTER "TP)"), new BMessage(MSG_MICRO_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); BCheckBox* fEnableLPDValue = new BCheckBox("", B_TRANSLATE("Enable Local Peer Discovery (LPD)"), new BMessage(MSG_LOCAL_PEER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); // BPopUpMenu* menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); fEncryptionMenuItem[0] = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Off"), _CreateEncryptionMenuMessage(0)); fEncryptionMenuItem[1] = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Enabled"), _CreateEncryptionMenuMessage(1)); fEncryptionMenuItem[2] = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Required"), _CreateEncryptionMenuMessage(2)); menu->AddItem(fEncryptionMenuItem[0]); menu->AddItem(fEncryptionMenuItem[1]); menu->AddItem(fEncryptionMenuItem[2]); fEncryptionMenu = new BMenuField("", B_TRANSLATE("Encryption:"), menu); // BString textBuffer; textBuffer << (int32)fTorrentPreferences->IncomingPort(); fListeningPort->SetText(textBuffer); textBuffer = B_EMPTY_STRING; textBuffer << (int32)fTorrentPreferences->PeerLimit(); fMaxConnection->SetText(textBuffer); textBuffer = B_EMPTY_STRING; textBuffer << (int32)fTorrentPreferences->PeerLimitPerTorrent(); fTorrentMaxConnection->SetText(textBuffer); //textBuffer << (int32)fTorrentPreferences->IncomingPort(); //fTorrentUploadSlots->SetText(textBuffer); fEnableForwardingPort->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->PortForwardingEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fEnableDHTValue->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->DistributedHashTableEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fEnablePEXValue->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->PeerExchangeEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fEnableUTPValue->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->MicroTransportProtocolEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fEnableLPDValue->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->LocalPeerDiscoveryEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fEncryptionMenuItem[fTorrentPreferences->EncryptionMode()]->SetMarked(true); // fListeningPort->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(60, 40)); fMaxConnection->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(60, 40)); fTorrentMaxConnection->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(60, 40)); //fTorrentUploadSlots->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(60, 40)); // // BView* view = BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, spacing / 2) .Add(peerPortLabel) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(-1, spacing / 2) .SetInsets(spacing / 2, -1, -1, -1) .Add(fListeningPortLabel, 0, 0) //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateHorizontalStrut(spacing), 1, 0) .Add(fListeningPort, 1, 0) .Add(fRandomPort, 2, 0) .Add(fApplyPort, 3, 0) //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 2, 0) //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 3, 0) //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 4, 0) // .Add(fEnableForwardingPort, 0, 1, 3, 1) // ) .Add(limitsLabel) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(spacing / 2, spacing / 2) .SetInsets(spacing / 2, -1, -1, -1) .Add(fMaxConnectionLabel, 0, 0) .Add(fMaxConnection, 1, 0) .Add(fApplyMaxConnection, 2, 0) // padding //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 3, 0) //.Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 4, 0) // .Add(fTorrentMaxConnectionLabel, 0, 1) .Add(fTorrentMaxConnection, 1, 1) .Add(fApplyTorrentMaxConnection, 2, 1) // //.Add(fTorrentUploadSlotsLabel, 0, 2) //.Add(fTorrentUploadSlots, 1, 2) ) .Add(otherLabel) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(spacing / 2, spacing / 2) .SetInsets(spacing / 2, -1, -1, -1) .Add(fEnableDHTValue, 0, 0, 3, 1) .Add(fEnablePEXValue, 0, 1, 3, 1) .Add(fEnableUTPValue, 0, 2, 3, 1) .Add(fEnableLPDValue, 0, 3, 3, 1) // .Add(fEncryptionMenu->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 4) .Add(fEncryptionMenu->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 1, 4) ) .SetInsets(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing) .TopView() ; view->SetName("Connection"); return view; }
//calculate the view positions of all the MatrixLayoutItems //on the items list with offsets based upon matrixLeft //and matrixTop void LayoutMatrix :: Calc( const float paramMatrixLeft, const float paramMatrixTop, sem_id paramSemID) { int32 numItems = mpItemsList->CountItems(); if (!numItems) return; if (acquire_sem(paramSemID) != B_NO_ERROR) { warning(myPrefs->FailAqSem); return; } bool hasPopUpMenu = false; TextItem * scratchTextItem; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { ((LayoutMatrixItem *)(mpItemsList->ItemAt(i)))->Calc(); } float widest = 0; float tallest = 0; int32 index = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); if (lmi->mfWidthPref > widest) { widest = lmi->mfWidthPref; } if (lmi->mfHeightPref > tallest) { tallest = lmi->mfHeightPref; } } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) {//SAMESIZE makes all items the same size as the largest index = 0; //Resize all items to match largest: for ( uint32 i = 0; i < mui32Rows; i++) { for ( uint32 j = 0; j < mui32Columns; j++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if (scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { scratchMySpacer->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStringView->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { BStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (BStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; } } } } index = 0; //move every item based upon size and padding: const float hpad = 2;//horizontal spacing between items const float vpad = 2;//vertical spacing between items float localLeft; float localTop = vpad + paramMatrixTop; float excessRight = 0, excessRightHold = 0; float excessBottom = 0, excessBottomHold = 0; for ( uint32 ii = 0; ii < mui32Rows; ii++) { localLeft = paramMatrixLeft + hpad; float columnRight = 0; excessBottom = 0; for ( uint32 jj = 0; jj < mui32Columns; jj++) { excessRight = 0; LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYPOPUPMENU: { hasPopUpMenu = true; MyPopUpMenu * scratchPopUpMenu = (MyPopUpMenu *)lmi->mpItem; scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref + scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelWidth; scratchPopUpMenu->SetLeft(localLeft); scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelTop = localTop; if ((scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 9) > scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight) { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 10; } else { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight + 1; } } break; case KIND_MYTEXTVIEW: { BTextView * scratchTextView = (BTextView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfWidth; excessBottomHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfHeight; } break; case KIND_MYLISTVIEW: { BListView * scratchListView = (BListView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchListView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); ((BListView *)(lmi->mpItem))->GetPreferredSize(&excessRightHold, &excessBottomHold); } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if ( (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) && scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } else { excessRightHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredWidth; excessBottomHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredHeight; } } break; case KIND_MYRADIOVIEW: { MyRadioView * scratchRadioView = (MyRadioView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchRadioView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; TextItem * scratchTextItem = ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTextItem(); scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref - ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->mfDescender - vpad; scratchMyStringView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop + 1); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Width() + 1; excessBottomHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Height() + 1; } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; ; } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { MyStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (MyStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_TEXT: scratchTextItem = (TextItem *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_COLORWELL: ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_INT8GADGET: case KIND_UINT8GADGET: case KIND_INT16GADGET: case KIND_UINT16GADGET: case KIND_INT32GADGET: case KIND_UINT32GADGET: case KIND_INT64GADGET: case KIND_UINT64GADGET: case KIND_FLOATGADGET: case KIND_HEXGADGET: case KIND_STRINGGADGET: ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; break; } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } excessRightHold += hpad; if (excessRightHold > excessRight) { excessRight = excessRightHold; } localLeft += excessRight; if (mui32Columns - 1) { if (jj != (mui32Columns - 1)) { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } //mfRight is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up if (excessBottomHold > excessBottom) { excessBottom = excessBottomHold; } } if (columnRight > mfRight) { mfRight = columnRight; } excessBottomHold += vpad; localTop += excessBottom; if (mui32Rows - 1) { if (ii != (mui32Rows - 1)) { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } //mfBottom is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up } if (hasPopUpMenu) { mfRight += 30; } release_sem(paramSemID); }//end
NetworkWindow::NetworkWindow() : BWindow(BRect(100, 100, 400, 400), B_TRANSLATE("Network"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS), fServicesItem(NULL), fDialUpItem(NULL), fOtherItem(NULL) { // Profiles section #if ENABLE_PROFILES BPopUpMenu* profilesPopup = new BPopUpMenu("<none>"); _BuildProfilesMenu(profilesPopup, kMsgProfileSelected); BMenuField* profilesMenuField = new BMenuField("profiles_menu", B_TRANSLATE("Profile:"), profilesPopup); profilesMenuField->SetFont(be_bold_font); profilesMenuField->SetEnabled(false); #endif // Settings section fRevertButton = new BButton("revert", B_TRANSLATE("Revert"), new BMessage(kMsgRevert)); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgToggleReplicant); BCheckBox* showReplicantCheckBox = new BCheckBox("showReplicantCheckBox", B_TRANSLATE("Show network status in Deskbar"), message); showReplicantCheckBox->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); showReplicantCheckBox->SetValue(_IsReplicantInstalled()); fListView = new BOutlineListView("list", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE); fListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kMsgItemSelected)); BScrollView* scrollView = new BScrollView("ScrollView", fListView, 0, false, true); scrollView->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); fAddOnShellView = new BView("add-on shell", 0, new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL)); fAddOnShellView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fInterfaceView = new InterfaceView(); // Build the layout BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) #if ENABLE_PROFILES .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, B_USE_SMALL_SPACING) .Add(profilesMenuField) .AddGlue() .End() #endif .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(scrollView) .Add(fAddOnShellView) .End() .Add(showReplicantCheckBox) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fRevertButton) .AddGlue() .End(); gNetworkWindow = this; _ScanInterfaces(); _ScanAddOns(); _UpdateRevertButton(); fListView->Select(0); _SelectItem(fListView->ItemAt(0)); // Call this manually, so that CenterOnScreen() below already // knows the final window size. // Set size of the list view from its contents float width; float height; fListView->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); width += 2 * be_control_look->DefaultItemSpacing(); fListView->SetExplicitSize(BSize(width, B_SIZE_UNSET)); fListView->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(width, std::min(height, 400.f))); CenterOnScreen(); fSettings.StartMonitoring(this); start_watching_network(B_WATCH_NETWORK_INTERFACE_CHANGES | B_WATCH_NETWORK_LINK_CHANGES | B_WATCH_NETWORK_WLAN_CHANGES, this); }
BView *PrefsWindow::create_graphics_pane(void) { BView *pane = new BView(BRect(0, 0, top_frame.right-20, top_frame.bottom-80), GetString(STR_GRAPHICS_SOUND_PANE_TITLE), B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW); pane->SetViewColor(fill_color); float right = pane->Bounds().right-10; const char *mode_str = PrefsFindString("screen"); int width = 512, height = 384; scr_mode_bit = 0; display_type = DISPLAY_WINDOW; if (mode_str) { if (sscanf(mode_str, "win/%d/%d", &width, &height) == 2) display_type = DISPLAY_WINDOW; else if (sscanf(mode_str, "scr/%d", &scr_mode_bit) == 1) display_type = DISPLAY_SCREEN; } BMenuField *menu_field; BMenuItem *item; BPopUpMenu *menu; menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); menu_field = new BMenuField(BRect(10, 5, right, 20), "videotype", GetString(STR_VIDEO_TYPE_CTRL), menu); menu_field->SetDivider(120); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_WINDOW_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_VIDEO_WINDOW))); if (display_type == DISPLAY_WINDOW) item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_FULLSCREEN_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_VIDEO_SCREEN))); if (display_type == DISPLAY_SCREEN) item->SetMarked(true); pane->AddChild(menu_field); menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); frameskip_menu = new BMenuField(BRect(10, 26, right, 41), "frameskip", GetString(STR_FRAMESKIP_CTRL), menu); frameskip_menu->SetDivider(120); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_REF_5HZ_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_REF_5HZ))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_REF_7_5HZ_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_REF_7_5HZ))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_REF_10HZ_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_REF_10HZ))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_REF_15HZ_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_REF_15HZ))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(GetString(STR_REF_30HZ_LAB), new BMessage(MSG_REF_30HZ))); pane->AddChild(frameskip_menu); int32 i32 = PrefsFindInt32("frameskip"); if (i32 == 12) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_REF_5HZ_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else if (i32 == 8) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_REF_7_5HZ_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else if (i32 == 6) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_REF_10HZ_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else if (i32 == 4) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_REF_15HZ_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } else if (i32 == 2) { if ((item = menu->FindItem(GetString(STR_REF_30HZ_LAB))) != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); } display_x_ctrl = new NumberControl(BRect(10, 48, right / 2, 66), 118, "width", GetString(STR_DISPLAY_X_CTRL), width, NULL); pane->AddChild(display_x_ctrl); display_y_ctrl = new NumberControl(BRect(10, 69, right / 2, 87), 118, "height", GetString(STR_DISPLAY_Y_CTRL), height, NULL); pane->AddChild(display_y_ctrl); menu = new BPopUpMenu(""); scr_mode_menu = new BMenuField(BRect(10, 26, right, 41), "screenmode", GetString(STR_SCREEN_MODE_CTRL), menu); scr_mode_menu->SetDivider(120); for (int i=0; scr_mode[i].mode_mask; i++) { menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(GetString(scr_mode[i].str), new BMessage(MSG_SCREEN_MODE + i))); if (scr_mode[i].mode_mask & (1 << scr_mode_bit)) item->SetMarked(true); } pane->AddChild(scr_mode_menu); nosound_checkbox = new BCheckBox(BRect(10, 90, right, 105), "nosound", GetString(STR_NOSOUND_CTRL), new BMessage(MSG_NOSOUND)); pane->AddChild(nosound_checkbox); nosound_checkbox->SetValue(PrefsFindBool("nosound") ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); hide_show_graphics_ctrls(); return pane; }
/*! \brief Main function of the View. * \details Receives and parses the messages and updates the preferences if needed. * \param[in] in The message to be parsed. */ void CalendarModulePreferencesView::MessageReceived( BMessage* in ) { CalendarModulePreferences* prefs = NULL; uint32 tempUint32 = 0; int8 tempInt8 = 0; int tempInt = 0; BString sb; BAlert* alert = NULL; BCheckBox* cb = NULL; BMessage* toSend; CalendarModule* calModule = NULL; CategoryListView* catListView = NULL; CategoryListItem* catListItem = NULL; Category receivedFromUpdate( BString("") ); ColorUpdateWindow* cuWindow = NULL; bool weekend, weekday, viewer, service; switch ( in->what ) { case kCalendarModuleChosen: if ( B_OK != in->FindString( "Module ID" , &sb ) ) return BView::MessageReceived( in ); BuildInterfaceForModule( sb ); break; case kCalendarModuleFirstDayOfWeekSelected: if ( ( B_OK != in->FindString( "Calendar module", &sb ) ) || ( B_OK != in->FindInt32( "Day", ( int32* )&tempUint32 ) ) || ( ( prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( sb ) ) == NULL ) ) { // Can't update - don't know what the module is! BView::MessageReceived( in ); } prefs->SetFirstDayOfWeek( tempUint32 ); // Refresh the view BuildInterfaceForModule( sb ); break; case kCalendarModuleWeekendDaySelected: if ( ( B_OK != in->FindString( "Calendar module", &sb ) ) || ( B_OK != in->FindInt32( "Weekday const", ( int32* )&tempUint32 ) ) || ( ( prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( sb ) ) == NULL ) ) { // Can't update - don't know what the module is! BView::MessageReceived( in ); } calModule = utl_FindCalendarModule( sb ); sb.SetTo( "Weekday" ); sb << tempUint32; if ( B_OK != ( cb = ( BCheckBox* )this->FindView( sb.String() ) ) ) BView::MessageReceived( in ); if ( cb->Value() == 0 ) // Deselected - removing from weekends { prefs->RemoveFromWeekends( tempUint32 ); } else { // Selected - adding to weekends prefs->AddToWeekends( tempUint32 ); } // :) if ( calModule ) { if ( prefs->GetNumberOfWeekends() == calModule->GetDaysInWeek() ) { alert = new BAlert( "I envy you!", "Wow! Nice week you have! I really envy you!", ":)", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_EVEN_SPACING, B_IDEA_ALERT ); if ( alert ) alert->Go(); } } break; case ( kCategoryInvoked ): catListView = dynamic_cast< CategoryListView* >( this->FindView( "Colors list view" ) ); if ( !catListView ) { break; } // Modifying currently existing category tempInt = catListView->CurrentSelection(); if ( tempInt < 0 ) { break; } catListItem = ( CategoryListItem* )catListView->ItemAt( tempInt ); toSend = new BMessage( kColorSelected ); if ( toSend ) { in->FindString( "Calendar module", &sb ); toSend->AddString( "Calendar module", sb ); } cuWindow = new ColorUpdateWindow( Category( catListItem->GetLabel(), catListItem->GetColor() ), false, // Name shouldn't be edited "Edit category", ( BHandler* )this, this->Looper(), toSend ); break; case ( kCalendarModuleDateOrderSelected ): if ( ( B_OK != in->FindString( "Calendar module", &sb ) ) || ( ( prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( sb ) ) == NULL ) || ( B_OK != in->FindInt8( "DayMonthYearOrder", ( int8* )&tempInt8 ) ) ) { return BView::MessageReceived( in ); } prefs->SetDayMonthYearOrder( ( DmyOrder )tempInt8 ); break; case ( kColorSelected ): // Intentional fall-through case ( kColorReverted ): catListView = dynamic_cast< CategoryListView* >( this->FindView( "Colors list view" ) ); if ( !catListView ) { break; } in->FindString( "Calendar module", &sb ); in->FindString( "New string", &receivedFromUpdate.categoryName ); in->FindInt32( "New color", ( int32* )&tempUint32 ); prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( sb ); if ( prefs == NULL ) { return BView::MessageReceived( in ); } receivedFromUpdate.categoryColor = RepresentUint32AsColor( tempUint32 ); // If the received category name is empty, don't change anything. if ( receivedFromUpdate.categoryName == "" ) { in->FindString( "Original string", &receivedFromUpdate.categoryName ); } catListItem = new CategoryListItem( receivedFromUpdate ); if ( ! catListItem ) { /* Panic! */ exit( 1 ); } catListView->AddItem( catListItem ); // It's time to update the preferences if ( B_ERROR == receivedFromUpdate.categoryName.IFindFirst( "weekend" ) ) { weekend = false; } else { weekend = true; } if ( B_ERROR == receivedFromUpdate.categoryName.IFindFirst( "weekday" ) ) { weekday = false; } else { weekday = true; } if ( B_ERROR == receivedFromUpdate.categoryName.IFindFirst( "viewer" ) ) { viewer = false; } else { viewer = true; } if ( B_ERROR == receivedFromUpdate.categoryName.IFindFirst( "service" ) ) { service = false; } else { service = true; } if ( prefs ) { if ( weekend ) { prefs->SetWeekendsColor( receivedFromUpdate.categoryColor, viewer ); } else if ( weekday ) { prefs->SetWeekdaysColor( receivedFromUpdate.categoryColor, viewer ); } else if ( service ) { prefs->SetServiceItemsColor( receivedFromUpdate.categoryColor, viewer ); } else { utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Didn't find the type of color to update!" ); } } else { utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Didn't find the preferences to update!" ); } break; default: BView::MessageReceived( in ); }; // <-- end of "switch( the "what" field )" } // <-- end of CalendarModulePrerefencesView::MessageReceived
void MouseWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgDefaults: { // reverts to default settings fSettings.Defaults(); fSettingsView->UpdateFromSettings(); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(false); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); break; } case kMsgRevert: { // revert to last settings fSettings.Revert(); fSettingsView->UpdateFromSettings(); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(false); break; } case kMsgMouseType: { int32 type; if (message->FindInt32("index", &type) == B_OK) { fSettings.SetMouseType(++type); fSettingsView->SetMouseType(type); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgMouseFocusMode: { int32 mode; if (message->FindInt32("mode", &mode) == B_OK) { fSettings.SetMouseMode((mode_mouse)mode); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); fSettingsView->fFocusFollowsMouseMenu->SetEnabled( mode == B_FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE); fSettingsView->fAcceptFirstClickBox->SetEnabled( mode != B_FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE); } break; } case kMsgFollowsMouseMode: { int32 mode; if (message->FindInt32("mode_focus_follows_mouse", &mode) == B_OK) { fSettings.SetFocusFollowsMouseMode( (mode_focus_follows_mouse)mode); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgAcceptFirstClick: { BHandler *handler; if (message->FindPointer("source", reinterpret_cast<void**>(&handler)) == B_OK) { bool acceptFirstClick = false; BCheckBox *acceptFirstClickBox = dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>(handler); if (acceptFirstClickBox) acceptFirstClick = acceptFirstClickBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON; fSettings.SetAcceptFirstClick(acceptFirstClick); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgDoubleClickSpeed: { int32 value; if (message->FindInt32("be:value", &value) == B_OK) { // slow = 1000000, fast = 0 fSettings.SetClickSpeed(value * 1000); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgMouseSpeed: { int32 value; if (message->FindInt32("be:value", &value) == B_OK) { // slow = 8192, fast = 524287 fSettings.SetMouseSpeed((int32)pow(2, value * 6.0 / 1000) * 8192); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgAccelerationFactor: { int32 value; if (message->FindInt32("be:value", &value) == B_OK) { // slow = 0, fast = 262144 fSettings.SetAccelerationFactor((int32)pow( value * 4.0 / 1000, 2) * 16384); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); } break; } case kMsgMouseMap: { int32 index; int32 button; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK && message->FindInt32("button", &button) == B_OK) { int32 mapping = B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON; switch (index) { case 1: mapping = B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON; break; case 2: mapping = B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON; break; } fSettings.SetMapping(button, mapping); fDefaultsButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsDefaultable()); fRevertButton->SetEnabled(fSettings.IsRevertable()); fSettingsView->MouseMapUpdated(); } break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
/*! \brief Updates targets of all controls currently in the view. * \details BView::AttachToWindow(), among other things, modifies the targets * of controls to point to main looper of the application. This is * not desirable way. This function corrects it. */ void CalendarModulePreferencesView::UpdateTargetting( void ) { BCheckBox* tempCheckBox = NULL; int i, limit; // Updating calendar chooser part BMenuItem* menuItem = NULL; if ( calendarModules ) { limit = calendarModules->CountItems(); for ( i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) { menuItem = dynamic_cast< BMenuItem* >( calendarModules->ItemAt( i ) ); if ( menuItem ) menuItem->SetTarget( this ); } } // Update Weekends selector box BBox* tempBBox = ( BBox* )this->FindView( "Weekend selector" ); if ( tempBBox ) { limit = tempBBox->CountChildren(); for ( i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) { tempCheckBox = dynamic_cast< BCheckBox* >( tempBBox->ChildAt( i ) ); if ( tempCheckBox ) tempCheckBox->SetTarget( this ); } } // Update First day of week chooser BPopUpMenu* tempMenu = ( BPopUpMenu* )this->FindView( "First day of week" ); if ( tempMenu ) { limit = tempMenu->CountItems(); for ( i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) { menuItem = dynamic_cast< BMenuItem* >( tempMenu->ItemAt( i ) ); if ( menuItem ) menuItem->SetTarget( this ); } } // Update day-month-year order chooser tempMenu = ( BPopUpMenu* )this->FindView( "DmyOrderChooser" ); if ( tempMenu ) { limit = tempMenu->CountItems(); for ( i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) { menuItem = dynamic_cast< BMenuItem* >( tempMenu->ItemAt( i ) ); if ( menuItem ) menuItem->SetTarget( this ); } } // Update the target of Color selector CategoryListView* catListView = ( CategoryListView* )this->FindView("Colors list view"); if ( catListView ) { catListView->SetTarget( this ); } } // <-- end of function CalendarModulePreferencesView::UpdateTargetting
/*! * \brief Create box for selection of the weekend days * \note Additionally, select the color for weekends and weekdays * \param[in] frame Enclosing rectangle. * \param[in] id Reference to name of the selected Calendar module. * \returns Pointer to all-set-up BBox. Or NULL in case of error. */ BBox* CalendarModulePreferencesView::CreateWeekendSelectionBox( BRect frame, const BString &id ) { /*! \par Notes on implementation: * It's not all that straightforward - to create this selection box. * The problem is that number of days in week is dependent on the * Calendar Module, therefore the frame rectangle must be divided * properly. We should take into account the possibility that there's * not enough place for all days in the submitted frame. * * \par * The solution will be as follows: * Let number of days in week be N. I create two columns and * several rows (the number depends on N). Days in week will be * proceeded in the order <em>as Calendar Module supplies them</em>. * The days occupy both columns, and are located in rows * [0, (ceiling of (N/2)) ). Days returned from CalendarModule are * placed as follows: days from 0 to (ceiling of (N/2)-1) in the left * column, days from (ceiling of (N/2)-1) to (N-1) in right column. * * \par * There will be an empty cell in the right column, if number * of days in week is odd, (which is usually the case). */ frame.InsetBySelf( 5, 0 ); BMessage* toSend = NULL; BCheckBox* dayCheckBox = NULL; BString tempString; BLayoutItem* layoutItem = NULL; CalendarModulePreferences* prefs = NULL; CalendarModule* calModule = NULL; int height = 0; //!< this is used to resize the BBox to proper size calModule = utl_FindCalendarModule( id ); if ( calModule == NULL ) { /* Error */ utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Did not succeed to find the calendar module." ); return NULL; } // Get the data on days of week uint32 daysInWeek = ( uint32 )( calModule->GetDaysInWeek() ); map<uint32, DoubleNames> weekdayNames = calModule->GetWeekdayNames(); /* Obtain the current Calendar Module preferences */ prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( id ); if ( !prefs ) { utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Did not succeed to find the preferences for the calendar module." ); return NULL; } // At this point, "pref" points to current preferences of this calendar module. BList* weekends = prefs->GetWeekends(); // Get info on currently selected weekends // Prepare the item to be returned BBox* enclosingBox = new BBox( frame, "Weekend selector" ); if ( !enclosingBox ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } enclosingBox->SetLabel( "Select the non-working days (weekends)" ); // Prepare the layout to be used BGridLayout* layout = new BGridLayout(); if ( !layout) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } enclosingBox->SetLayout( layout ); layout->SetInsets( 10, 15, 10, 5 ); layout->SetVerticalSpacing( 1 ); /* indexX is 0 for left column or 1 for right column. * indexY is 0 for topmost row, 1 for second from top row, etc. * Max value for indexY = (ceiling of (N/2)). */ int indexX = 0, indexY = 0; for (uint32 day = prefs->GetFirstDayOfWeek(), i = 0; i < ( uint32 )daysInWeek; ++i ) { /* Creating the message to be sent */ toSend = new BMessage( kCalendarModuleWeekendDaySelected ); if ( !toSend ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } toSend->AddInt32( "Weekday const", day ); toSend->AddString( "Calendar module", id ); /* Set the name of the checkbox. * This is used to identify if the checkbox was checked or unchecked. */ tempString.SetTo( "Weekday" ); tempString << day; /* Creating the checkbox */ dayCheckBox = new BCheckBox( BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), tempString.String(), weekdayNames[ day ].longName.String(), toSend ); if (!dayCheckBox) { // Panic! exit(1); } dayCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); // Check if the checkbox should be checked if ( weekends->HasItem( ( void* )day ) ) { dayCheckBox->SetValue( 1 ); } else { dayCheckBox->SetValue( 0 ); } /* Adding the item to the BBox */ layoutItem = layout->AddView( dayCheckBox, indexX, indexY ); if ( layoutItem ) { layoutItem->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_TOP ) ); // layoutItem->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize( (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Width(), (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() ) ); layout->SetMaxRowHeight( indexY, (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() + 10 ); layout->SetRowWeight( indexY, 0 ); } /* Advancing to the next cell in grid */ // If arrived to the last item in the first column, advancing to second // The +1 is needed because i starts from 0, but days are starting from 1 if ( ( i + 1 ) == ( unsigned int )( ( daysInWeek + 1 ) / 2 ) ) { indexX = 1; indexY = 0; } else // Staying in the same column, but advancing down { ++indexY; } /* Advancing to the next day */ ( day == daysInWeek ) ? day = kSunday : ++day; } // <-- end of "for (all days in week)" // Resizing the BBox to the correct size. // Note: dayCheckBox is surely not NULL; if it were, we would exit earlier. height =(int )( ( dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() + 5 ) * ( int )( ( daysInWeek + 1 ) / 2 ) - 5 ); // Formula: ( ^height of one checkbox^ + ^separator^ ) * ( ^number of days in column^ ) - ^one unneeded extra separator^ enclosingBox->ResizeTo( enclosingBox->Bounds().Width() - 10, ( int )height ); // layout->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize( enclosingBox->Bounds().Width() - 5, ( int )height + 25 ) ); return enclosingBox; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSetupWindow::NetworkSetupWindow(const char *title) : BWindow(BRect(100, 100, 600, 600), title, B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { BMenu *show_menu; BMenu *profiles_menu; BMenuField *menu_field; BBox *top_box, *bottom_box, *line; // *group BButton *button; BCheckBox *check; BRect r; float x, w, h; float size, min_size = 360; // TODO: cleanup this mess! show_menu = new BPopUpMenu("<please select me!>"); _BuildShowMenu(show_menu, SHOW_MSG); #define H_MARGIN 10 #define V_MARGIN 10 #define SMALL_MARGIN 3 // Resize the window to minimal width ResizeTo(fMinAddonViewRect.Width() + 2 * H_MARGIN, Bounds().Height()); top_box = new BBox(Bounds(), NULL, B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP, B_PLAIN_BORDER); AddChild(top_box); r = top_box->Bounds(); r.InsetBy(H_MARGIN, V_MARGIN); // ---- Profiles section profiles_menu = new BPopUpMenu("<none>"); menu_field = new BMenuField(r, "profiles_menu", PROFILE_LABEL, profiles_menu); menu_field->SetFont(be_bold_font); menu_field->SetDivider(be_bold_font->StringWidth(PROFILE_LABEL "#")); top_box->AddChild(menu_field); menu_field->ResizeToPreferred(); menu_field->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); size = w; button = new BButton(r, "manage_profiles", MANAGE_PROFILES_LABEL, new BMessage(MANAGE_PROFILES_MSG), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); button->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); button->ResizeToPreferred(); button->MoveTo(r.right - w, r.top); top_box->AddChild(button); size += SMALL_MARGIN + w; min_size = max_c(min_size, (H_MARGIN + size + H_MARGIN)); r.top += h + V_MARGIN; // ---- Separator line between Profiles section and Settings section line = new BBox(BRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.top + 1), NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ); top_box->AddChild(line); _BuildProfilesMenu(profiles_menu, SELECT_PROFILE_MSG); r.top += 2 + V_MARGIN; // ---- Settings section // Make the show popup field half the whole width and centered menu_field = new BMenuField(r, "show_menu", SHOW_LABEL, show_menu); menu_field->SetFont(be_bold_font); menu_field->SetDivider(be_bold_font->StringWidth(SHOW_LABEL "#")); top_box->AddChild(menu_field); menu_field->ResizeToPreferred(); menu_field->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); r.top += h+1 + V_MARGIN; min_size = max_c(min_size, (H_MARGIN + w + H_MARGIN)); r = fMinAddonViewRect.OffsetByCopy(H_MARGIN, r.top); fPanel = new BBox(r, "showview_box", B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP, B_PLAIN_BORDER); top_box->AddChild(fPanel); top_box->ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), r.bottom + 1 + V_MARGIN); // ---- Bottom globals buttons section r = Bounds(); r.top = top_box->Frame().bottom + 1; bottom_box = new BBox(r, NULL, B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP, B_PLAIN_BORDER); AddChild(bottom_box); r.OffsetTo(0, 0); r.InsetBy(H_MARGIN, V_MARGIN); check = new BCheckBox(r, "dont_touch", DONT_TOUCH_LABEL, new BMessage(DONT_TOUCH_MSG), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); check->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); check->ResizeToPreferred(); check->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); check->MoveTo(H_MARGIN, r.top); bottom_box->AddChild(check); size = w; button = new BButton(r, "apply_now", APPLY_NOW_LABEL, new BMessage(APPLY_NOW_MSG), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); button->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); button->ResizeToPreferred(); x = r.right - w; button->MoveTo(x, r.top); bottom_box->AddChild(button); fApplyNowButton = button; size += SMALL_MARGIN + w; button = new BButton(r, "revert", REVERT_LABEL, new BMessage(REVERT_MSG), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); button->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h); button->ResizeToPreferred(); button->MoveTo(x - w - SMALL_MARGIN, r.top); bottom_box->AddChild(button); fRevertButton = button; fRevertButton->SetEnabled(false); size += SMALL_MARGIN + w; min_size = max_c(min_size, (H_MARGIN + size + H_MARGIN)); r.bottom = r.top + h; r.InsetBy(-H_MARGIN, -V_MARGIN); bottom_box->ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), r.Height()); // Resize window to enclose top and bottom boxes ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), bottom_box->Frame().bottom); // Enable boxes resizing modes top_box->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_ALL); fPanel->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_ALL); bottom_box->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM | B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); // Set default/minimal window size ResizeTo(min_size, Bounds().Height()); SetSizeLimits(min_size, 20000, Bounds().Height(), 20000); fAddonView = NULL; }
bool JobSetupView::UpdateJobData() { fJobData->SetShowPreview(fPreview->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); fJobData->SetColor(Color()); if (IsHalftoneConfigurationNeeded()) { fJobData->SetGamma(Gamma()); fJobData->SetInkDensity(InkDensity()); fJobData->SetDitherType(DitherType()); } int first_page; int last_page; if (B_CONTROL_ON == fAll->Value()) { first_page = 1; last_page = -1; } else { first_page = atoi(fFromPage->Text()); last_page = atoi(fToPage->Text()); } fJobData->SetFirstPage(first_page); fJobData->SetLastPage(last_page); fJobData->SetPaperSource(PaperSource()); fJobData->SetNup(GetID(gNups, sizeof(gNups) / sizeof(gNups[0]), fNup->FindMarked()->Label(), 1)); if (fPrinterCap->Supports(PrinterCap::kPrintStyle)) { fJobData->SetPrintStyle((B_CONTROL_ON == fDuplex->Value()) ? JobData::kDuplex : JobData::kSimplex); } fJobData->SetCopies(atoi(fCopies->Text())); fJobData->SetCollate(B_CONTROL_ON == fCollate->Value()); fJobData->SetReverse(B_CONTROL_ON == fReverse->Value()); JobData::PageSelection pageSelection = JobData::kAllPages; if (fOddNumberedPages->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON) pageSelection = JobData::kOddNumberedPages; if (fEvenNumberedPages->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON) pageSelection = JobData::kEvenNumberedPages; fJobData->SetPageSelection(pageSelection); { std::map<PrinterCap::CapID, BPopUpMenu*>::iterator it = fDriverSpecificPopUpMenus.begin(); for(; it != fDriverSpecificPopUpMenus.end(); it++) { PrinterCap::CapID category = it->first; BPopUpMenu* popUpMenu = it->second; const char* key = fPrinterCap->FindCap( PrinterCap::kDriverSpecificCapabilities, (int)category)->Key(); const char* label = popUpMenu->FindMarked()->Label(); const char* value = static_cast<const EnumCap*>(fPrinterCap-> FindCap(category, label))->Key(); fJobData->Settings().SetString(key, value); } } { std::map<string, BCheckBox*>::iterator it = fDriverSpecificCheckBoxes.begin(); for(; it != fDriverSpecificCheckBoxes.end(); it++) { const char* key = it->first.c_str(); BCheckBox* checkBox = it->second; bool value = checkBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON; fJobData->Settings().SetBoolean(key, value); } } { std::map<PrinterCap::CapID, IntRange>::iterator it = fDriverSpecificIntSliders.begin(); for(; it != fDriverSpecificIntSliders.end(); it++) { IntRange& range = it->second; fJobData->Settings().SetInt(range.Key(), range.Value()); } } { std::map<PrinterCap::CapID, DoubleRange>::iterator it = fDriverSpecificDoubleSliders.begin(); for(; it != fDriverSpecificDoubleSliders.end(); it++) { DoubleRange& range = it->second; fJobData->Settings().SetDouble(range.Key(), range.Value()); } } fJobData->Save(); return true; }
void PrefsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case MSG_OK: { // "Start" button clicked read_volumes_prefs(); read_memory_prefs(); read_graphics_prefs(); SavePrefs(); send_quit_on_close = false; PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); be_app->PostMessage(ok_message); break; } case MSG_CANCEL: // "Quit" button clicked send_quit_on_close = false; PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: { // "About" menu item selected ShowAboutWindow(); break; } case MSG_ZAP_PRAM: // "Zap PRAM File" menu item selected ZapPRAM(); break; case MSG_VOLUME_INVOKED: { // Double-clicked on volume name, toggle read-only flag int selected = volume_list->CurrentSelection(); if (selected >= 0) { const char *str = PrefsFindString("disk", selected); BStringItem *item = (BStringItem *)volume_list->RemoveItem(selected); delete item; char newstr[256]; if (str[0] == '*') strcpy(newstr, str+1); else { strcpy(newstr, "*"); strcat(newstr, str); } PrefsReplaceString("disk", newstr, selected); volume_list->AddItem(new BStringItem(newstr), selected); volume_list->Select(selected); } break; } case MSG_ADD_VOLUME: add_volume_panel->Show(); break; case MSG_CREATE_VOLUME: create_volume_panel->Show(); break; case MSG_ADD_VOLUME_PANEL: { entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); BPath path; entry.GetPath(&path); if (entry.IsFile()) { PrefsAddString("disk", path.Path()); volume_list->AddItem(new BStringItem(path.Path())); } else if (entry.IsDirectory()) { BVolume volume; if (path.Path()[0] == '/' && strchr(path.Path()+1, '/') == NULL && entry.GetVolume(&volume) == B_NO_ERROR) { int32 i = 0; dev_t d; fs_info info; while ((d = next_dev(&i)) >= 0) { fs_stat_dev(d, &info); if (volume.Device() == info.dev) { PrefsAddString("disk", info.device_name); volume_list->AddItem(new BStringItem(info.device_name)); } } } } } break; } case MSG_CREATE_VOLUME_PANEL: { entry_ref dir; if (msg->FindRef("directory", &dir) == B_NO_ERROR) { BEntry entry(&dir, true); BPath path; entry.GetPath(&path); path.Append(msg->FindString("name")); create_volume_panel->Window()->Lock(); BView *background = create_volume_panel->Window()->ChildAt(0); NumberControl *v = (NumberControl *)background->FindView("hardfile_size"); int size = v->Value(); char cmd[1024]; sprintf(cmd, "dd if=/dev/zero \"of=%s\" bs=1024k count=%d", path.Path(), size); int ret = system(cmd); if (ret == 0) { PrefsAddString("disk", path.Path()); volume_list->AddItem(new BStringItem(path.Path())); } else { sprintf(cmd, GetString(STR_CREATE_VOLUME_WARN), strerror(ret)); WarningAlert(cmd); } } break; } case MSG_REMOVE_VOLUME: { int selected = volume_list->CurrentSelection(); if (selected >= 0) { PrefsRemoveItem("disk", selected); BStringItem *item = (BStringItem *)volume_list->RemoveItem(selected); delete item; volume_list->Select(selected); } break; } case MSG_BOOT_ANY: PrefsReplaceInt32("bootdriver", 0); break; case MSG_BOOT_CDROM: PrefsReplaceInt32("bootdriver", CDROMRefNum); break; case MSG_NOCDROM: PrefsReplaceBool("nocdrom", nocdrom_checkbox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; case MSG_VIDEO_WINDOW: display_type = DISPLAY_WINDOW; hide_show_graphics_ctrls(); break; case MSG_VIDEO_SCREEN: display_type = DISPLAY_SCREEN; hide_show_graphics_ctrls(); break; case MSG_REF_5HZ: PrefsReplaceInt32("frameskip", 12); break; case MSG_REF_7_5HZ: PrefsReplaceInt32("frameskip", 8); break; case MSG_REF_10HZ: PrefsReplaceInt32("frameskip", 6); break; case MSG_REF_15HZ: PrefsReplaceInt32("frameskip", 4); break; case MSG_REF_30HZ: PrefsReplaceInt32("frameskip", 2); break; case MSG_NOSOUND: PrefsReplaceBool("nosound", nosound_checkbox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; case MSG_SER_A: { BMenuItem *source = NULL; msg->FindPointer("source", (void **)&source); if (source) PrefsReplaceString("seriala", source->Label()); break; } case MSG_SER_B: { BMenuItem *source = NULL; msg->FindPointer("source", (void **)&source); if (source) PrefsReplaceString("serialb", source->Label()); break; } case MSG_ETHER: if (ether_checkbox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON) PrefsReplaceString("ether", "yes"); else PrefsRemoveItem("ether"); break; case MSG_UDPTUNNEL: PrefsReplaceBool("udptunnel", udptunnel_checkbox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); hide_show_serial_ctrls(); break; case MSG_RAMSIZE: PrefsReplaceInt32("ramsize", ramsize_slider->Value() * 1024 * 1024); break; case MSG_MODELID_5: PrefsReplaceInt32("modelid", 5); break; case MSG_MODELID_14: PrefsReplaceInt32("modelid", 14); break; case MSG_CPU_68020: PrefsReplaceInt32("cpu", 2); PrefsReplaceBool("fpu", false); break; case MSG_CPU_68020_FPU: PrefsReplaceInt32("cpu", 2); PrefsReplaceBool("fpu", true); break; case MSG_CPU_68030: PrefsReplaceInt32("cpu", 3); PrefsReplaceBool("fpu", false); break; case MSG_CPU_68030_FPU: PrefsReplaceInt32("cpu", 3); PrefsReplaceBool("fpu", true); break; case MSG_CPU_68040: PrefsReplaceInt32("cpu", 4); PrefsReplaceBool("fpu", true); break; default: { // Screen mode messages if ((msg->what & 0xffff0000) == MSG_SCREEN_MODE) { int m = msg->what & 0xffff; uint32 mask = scr_mode[m].mode_mask; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) if (mask & (1 << i)) scr_mode_bit = i; } else BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WindowEditor::InitFlagsBoxes() { BRect work = Bounds(); work.left = 10; work.top = 100; work.bottom -= 5; work.right -= 10; work.right -= 10; int i = 20; int inc = 10; BBox* box = new BBox(work, "flags"); BCheckBox* cbox; BMessage* msg; box->SetLabel("Window Flags"); uint32 flags = fWindowInfo.flags; bool longLabel; for (int index = 0; WindowFlags[index].name; ++index) { longLabel = strlen(WindowFlags[index].label) > 20; // First column of checkboxes msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags", WindowFlags[index].flag); cbox = new BCheckBox(BRect(10, i, longLabel ? 210 : 125, i + inc), WindowFlags[index].name, WindowFlags[index].label, msg); fFlagBoxes.push_back(cbox); box->AddChild(cbox); if (WindowFlags[index].flip == (flags & WindowFlags[index].flag)) { cbox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); } // We skip to the next row as needed to make room for long labels if (!longLabel && WindowFlags[index + 1].name) { ++index; // Second column of checkboxes msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags", WindowFlags[index].flag); cbox = new BCheckBox(BRect(130, i, 210, i + inc), WindowFlags[index].name, WindowFlags[index].label, msg); fFlagBoxes.push_back(cbox); box->AddChild(cbox); if (WindowFlags[index].flip == (flags & WindowFlags[index].flag)) { cbox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); } } i += inc * 2; } #if 0 msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_MOVABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,120,i+inc),"nmov","Movable",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_CLOSABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(130,i,210,i+inc),"clos","Closable",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_ZOOMABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,120,i+inc),"zoom","Zoomable",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(130,i,210,i+inc),"mini","Minimizable",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_H_RESIZABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,i+inc),"hres","Horizontally Resizable",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_V_RESIZABLE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,125,i+inc),"vres","Vertically Resizable",msg)); menubox = new BCheckBox(BRect(130,i,210,i+inc),"menus","Menu Bar",new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_ADD_MENU)); box->AddChild(menubox); if (fWindowInfo.has_menu) menubox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_OUTLINE_RESIZE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,i+inc),"roiw","Resize with Outline Instead of Window",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,i+inc),"wafc","Will Accept First Click",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_AVOID_FRONT); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,120,i+inc),"avfr","Avoid Front",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); msg->AddInt32("flags",B_AVOID_FOCUS); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(130,i,210,i+inc),"avfo","Avoid Focus",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,i+inc),"nwoa","Do Not Activate Workspace",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_NOT_ANCHORED_ON_ACTIVATE); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,i+inc),"brcu","Bring Window To Current Workspace",msg)); msg = new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_SET_FLAG); i+= inc*2; msg->AddInt32("flags",B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS); box->AddChild(new BCheckBox(BRect(10,i,210,+inc),"async","Asynchronous Controls (Should Be On)",msg)); #endif #if 0 if (!(flags & B_NOT_MOVABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(0)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (!(flags & B_NOT_CLOSABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(1)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (!(flags & B_NOT_ZOOMABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(2)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (!(flags & B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(3)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (!(flags & B_NOT_H_RESIZABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(4)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (!(flags & B_NOT_V_RESIZABLE)) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(5)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_OUTLINE_RESIZE) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(7)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(8)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_AVOID_FRONT) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(9)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_AVOID_FOCUS) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(10)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(11)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_NOT_ANCHORED_ON_ACTIVATE) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(12)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); if (flags & B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS) ((BCheckBox *)(box->ChildAt(13)))->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); #endif AddChild(box); cbox = (BCheckBox*)FindView("menus"); if (cbox) { cbox->SetValue(fWindowInfo.has_menu); cbox->SetMessage(new BMessage(MSG_WINDOW_ADD_MENU)); } }
//----------------Real code---------------------- BMailProtocolConfigView::BMailProtocolConfigView(uint32 options_mask) : BView (BRect(0,0,100,20), "protocol_config_view", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW), fBodyDownloadConfig(NULL) { BRect rect(5,5,245,25); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); sItemHeight = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 13; rect.bottom = rect.top - 2 + sItemHeight; if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_HOSTNAME) AddChild(AddTextField(rect, "host", B_TRANSLATE("Mail server:"))); if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_USERNAME) AddChild(AddTextField(rect, "user", B_TRANSLATE("Username:"******"pass", B_TRANSLATE("Password:"******"flavor", B_TRANSLATE("Connection type:"))); if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_AUTH_METHODS) AddChild(AddMenuField(rect, "auth_method", B_TRANSLATE("Login type:"))); // set divider float width = FindWidestLabel(this); for (int32 i = CountChildren();i-- > 0;) { if (BTextControl *text = dynamic_cast<BTextControl *>(ChildAt(i))) text->SetDivider(width + 6); } if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_CAN_LEAVE_MAIL_ON_SERVER) { AddChild(AddCheckBox(rect, "leave_mail_on_server", B_TRANSLATE("Leave mail on server"), new BMessage('lmos'))); BCheckBox* box = AddCheckBox(rect, "delete_remote_when_local", B_TRANSLATE("Remove mail from server when deleted")); box->SetEnabled(false); AddChild(box); } if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD) { fBodyDownloadConfig = new BodyDownloadConfig(); fBodyDownloadConfig->MoveBy(0, rect.bottom + 5); AddChild(fBodyDownloadConfig); } // resize views float height; GetPreferredSize(&width,&height); ResizeTo(width,height); for (int32 i = CountChildren();i-- > 0;) { // this doesn't work with BTextControl, does anyone know why? -- axeld. if (BView *view = ChildAt(i)) view->ResizeTo(width - 10,view->Bounds().Height()); } }
void YabWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { // if(message) message->PrintToStream(); switch(message->what) { case YABBUTTON: { BString tmpMessage(""); BButton *myButtonPressed; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myButtonPressed); tmpMessage += myButtonPressed->Name(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABMENU: { BString tmpMessage(""); BMenuItem *mySelectedMenu; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &mySelectedMenu); BMenu *myMenu = mySelectedMenu->Menu(); tmpMessage += ((BMenuBar*)myMenu->Supermenu())->Parent()->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += myMenu->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += mySelectedMenu->Label(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABSUBMENU: { BString tmpMessage(""); BMenuItem *mySelectedMenu; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &mySelectedMenu); BMenu *myMenu = mySelectedMenu->Menu(); tmpMessage += ((BMenuBar*)myMenu->Supermenu()->Supermenu())->Parent()->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += myMenu->Supermenu()->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += myMenu->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += mySelectedMenu->Label(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABTEXTCONTROL: { BString tmpMessage(""); BTextControl *myTextControl; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myTextControl); tmpMessage += myTextControl->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += myTextControl->Text(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABCHECKBOX: { BString tmpMessage(""); BCheckBox *myCheckBox; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myCheckBox); tmpMessage += myCheckBox->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; if(myCheckBox->Value()==B_CONTROL_ON) tmpMessage += "ON|"; else tmpMessage += "OFF|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABRADIOBUTTON: { BString tmpMessage(""); BRadioButton *myRadioButton; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myRadioButton); tmpMessage += myRadioButton->Name(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABLISTBOXINVOKE: { BListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); int i = myList->CurrentSelection(); if(i>=0) { BString tmpMessage(""); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Invoke:"; // tmpMessage += ((BStringItem*)(myList->ItemAt(i)))->Text(); tmpMessage << i+1; tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABLISTBOXSELECT: { BListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); int i = myList->CurrentSelection(); if(i>=0) { BString tmpMessage(""); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Select:"; // tmpMessage += ((BStringItem*)(myList->ItemAt(i)))->Text(); tmpMessage << i+1; tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABDROPBOX: { BString tmpMessage(""); BMenuItem *myMenuItem; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myMenuItem); tmpMessage += (myMenuItem->Menu())->Supermenu()->Parent()->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage += myMenuItem->Label(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABSLIDER: { BString tmpMessage(""); BSlider *mySlider; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &mySlider); tmpMessage += mySlider->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; tmpMessage << mySlider->Value(); tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABCOLORCONTROL: { rgb_color col; BString tmpMessage(""); BColorControl *myCControl; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myCControl); tmpMessage += myCControl->Name(); tmpMessage += ":"; col = myCControl->ValueAsColor(); tmpMessage << col.red << ":" << col.green << ":" << col.blue; tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } break; case YABTREEBOXINVOKE: { BOutlineListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); int i = myList->FullListCurrentSelection(); if(i>=0) { BString tmpMessage(""); const char* txt = ((BStringItem*)(myList->FullListItemAt(i)))->Text(); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Invoke:"; tmpMessage << i+1; /* int n = tmpMessage.Length(); BListItem *superitem = myList->Superitem(myList->FullListItemAt(i)); while(superitem) { BString t(""); t << ((BStringItem*)superitem)->Text() << ":"; tmpMessage.Insert(t,n); superitem = myList->Superitem(superitem); } tmpMessage += txt;*/ tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABTREEBOXSELECT: { BOutlineListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); int i = myList->FullListCurrentSelection(); if(i>=0) { BString tmpMessage(""); const char* txt = ((BStringItem*)(myList->FullListItemAt(i)))->Text(); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Select:"; tmpMessage << i+1; /* int n = tmpMessage.Length(); BListItem *superitem = myList->Superitem(myList->FullListItemAt(i)); while(superitem) { BString t(""); t << ((BStringItem*)superitem)->Text() << ":"; tmpMessage.Insert(t,n); superitem = myList->Superitem(superitem); } tmpMessage += txt;*/ tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABFILEBOXSELECT: { BColumnListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); BRow *myRow = NULL; if(myList) myRow = myList->CurrentSelection(); if(myRow) { // if(!myList->IsFocus()) myList->MakeFocus(); BString tmpMessage(""); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Select:"; tmpMessage << myList->IndexOf(myRow)+1; tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABFILEBOXINVOKE: { BColumnListView *myList; message->FindPointer("source",(void **) &myList); BRow *myRow = NULL; if(myList) myRow = myList->CurrentSelection(); if(myRow) { // if(!myList->IsFocus()) myList->MakeFocus(); BString tmpMessage(""); tmpMessage += myList->Name(); tmpMessage += ":_Invoke:"; tmpMessage << myList->IndexOf(myRow)+1; tmpMessage += "|"; messageString += tmpMessage; } } break; case YABSHORTCUT: { const char* myMsg; if(message->FindString("shortcut", &myMsg) == B_OK) { messageString += myMsg; messageString += "|"; } } break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
void PartitionsPage::_FillPartitionsView(BView* view) { // show | name | type | size | path int32 rowNumber = 0; BMessage message; for (int32 i = 0; fSettings->FindMessage("partition", i, &message) == B_OK; i++, rowNumber++) { // get partition data bool show; BString name; BString type; BString path; int64 size; message.FindBool("show", &show); message.FindString("name", &name); message.FindString("type", &type); message.FindString("path", &path); message.FindInt64("size", &size); // check box BCheckBox* checkBox = new BCheckBox("show", "", _CreateControlMessage(kMessageShow, i)); if (show) checkBox->SetValue(1); // name BTextControl* nameControl = new BTextControl("name", "", name.String(), _CreateControlMessage(kMessageName, i)); nameControl->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(StringWidth("WWWWWWWWWWWWWW"), B_SIZE_UNSET)); // size BString sizeText; _CreateSizeText(size, &sizeText); sizeText << ", " << type.String(); BStringView* typeView = new BStringView("type", sizeText.String()); typeView->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_UNSET)); // path BStringView* pathView = new BStringView("path", path.String()); pathView->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_UNSET)); if (rowNumber > 0) { BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>((BGridLayout*)view->GetLayout()) .Add(new BSeparatorView(B_HORIZONTAL), 0, rowNumber, 4, 1) .SetRowWeight(rowNumber, 0); rowNumber++; } BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>((BGridLayout*)view->GetLayout()) .Add(checkBox, 0, rowNumber, 1, 2) .Add(nameControl, 1, rowNumber, 1, 2) .Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateHorizontalStrut(10), 2, rowNumber) .Add(typeView, 3, rowNumber) .Add(pathView, 3, rowNumber + 1) .SetRowWeight(rowNumber + 1, 1); rowNumber++; } }
BView* PreferencesWindow::_CreateTorrentsPage(float spacing) { BStringView* addingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Adding")); BStringView* downloadingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Downloading")); //BStringView* seedingLabel = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Seeding Limits")); addingLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); downloadingLabel->SetFont(be_bold_font); // // // //fAutoAddTorrentsFrom = new BCheckBox("auto_add_torrents_from", // B_TRANSLATE("Automatically add torrents from:"), // new BMessage(MSG_ADD_TORRENT_FROM_FOLDER_CHANGED)); //fAutoAddTorrentsFrom->SetValue(B_CONTROL_OFF); // // //fAutoAddTorrentsFromFolder = new FolderSelect("auto_add_torrents_from_folder", // NULL, "/test/path"/*new BMessage(MSG_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_CHANGED)*/); // //fAutoAddTorrentsFromFolder->SetEnabled(false); BCheckBox* fShowOptionsDialog = new BCheckBox("Show options dialog", B_TRANSLATE("Show options dialog"), NULL /*new BMessage(MSG_AUTO_HIDE_INTERFACE_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)*/); fShowOptionsDialog->SetValue(B_CONTROL_OFF); BCheckBox* fStartWhenAdded = new BCheckBox("start_when_added", B_TRANSLATE("Start when added"), new BMessage(MSG_START_WHEN_ADDED_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fStartWhenAdded->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->StartWhenAddedEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fIncompleteFileNaming = new BCheckBox("incomplete_file_naming", B_TRANSLATE("Append \".part\" to incomplete files' names"), new BMessage(MSG_INCOMPLETE_FILENAMING_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fIncompleteFileNaming->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->IncompleteFileNamingEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); BStringView* fTorrentSaveLocation = new BStringView("", B_TRANSLATE("Save to Location:")); fTorrentSaveLocationPath = new FolderSelect("download_folder_select", fTorrentPreferences->DownloadFolder(), new BMessage(MSG_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fIncompleteDirEnabled = new BCheckBox("incomplete_torrent_folder", B_TRANSLATE("Incomplete torrents folder"), new BMessage(MSG_INCOMPLETE_FOLDER_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fIncompleteDirEnabled->SetValue(fTorrentPreferences->IncompleteFolderEnabled() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fIncompleteDirPath = new FolderSelect("incomplete_torrent_folder_path", fTorrentPreferences->IncompleteFolder(), new BMessage(MSG_INCOMPLETE_FOLDER_PATH_BEHAVIOR_CHANGED)); fIncompleteDirPath->SetEnabled(fTorrentPreferences->IncompleteFolderEnabled()); // // // BView* view = BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, spacing / 2) .Add(addingLabel) //.Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(spacing / 2, spacing / 2) // .Add(fAutoAddTorrentsFrom, 0, 0) // .Add(fAutoAddTorrentsFromFolder, 1, 0) //) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(spacing, spacing / 2) .SetInsets(spacing / 2, -1, -1, -1) .Add(fShowOptionsDialog, 0, 0) .Add(fStartWhenAdded, 0, 1) ) .Add(downloadingLabel) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder(spacing, spacing / 2) .SetInsets(spacing / 2, -1, -1, -1) .Add(fIncompleteFileNaming, 0, 0, 2, 1) .Add(fTorrentSaveLocation, 0, 1) .Add(fTorrentSaveLocationPath, 1, 1) .Add(fIncompleteDirEnabled, 0, 2) .Add(fIncompleteDirPath, 1, 2) ) .Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateHorizontalStrut(spacing)) .SetInsets(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing) .TopView() ; view->SetName("Torrents"); return view; }
BControl * DefaultMediaTheme::MakeViewFor(BParameter *parameter, const BRect *hintRect) { BRect rect; if (hintRect) rect = *hintRect; else rect.Set(0, 0, 50, 100); switch (parameter->Type()) { case BParameter::B_NULL_PARAMETER: // there is no default view for a null parameter return NULL; case BParameter::B_DISCRETE_PARAMETER: { BDiscreteParameter &discrete = static_cast<BDiscreteParameter &>(*parameter); if (!strcmp(discrete.Kind(), B_ENABLE) || !strcmp(discrete.Kind(), B_MUTE) || discrete.CountItems() == 0) { // create a checkbox item BCheckBox *checkBox = new BCheckBox(rect, discrete.Name(), discrete.Name(), NULL); checkBox->ResizeToPreferred(); return checkBox; } else { // create a pop up menu field // ToDo: replace BOptionPopUp (or fix it in Antares...) // this is a workaround for a bug in BOptionPopUp - you need to // know the actual width before creating the object - very nice... BFont font; float width = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < discrete.CountItems(); i++) { float labelWidth = font.StringWidth(discrete.ItemNameAt(i)); if (labelWidth > width) width = labelWidth; } width += font.StringWidth(discrete.Name()) + 55; rect.right = rect.left + width; BOptionPopUp *popUp = new BOptionPopUp(rect, discrete.Name(), discrete.Name(), NULL); for (int32 i = 0; i < discrete.CountItems(); i++) { popUp->AddOption(discrete.ItemNameAt(i), discrete.ItemValueAt(i)); } popUp->ResizeToPreferred(); return popUp; } } case BParameter::B_CONTINUOUS_PARAMETER: { BContinuousParameter &continuous = static_cast<BContinuousParameter &>(*parameter); if (!strcmp(continuous.Kind(), B_MASTER_GAIN) || !strcmp(continuous.Kind(), B_GAIN)) { BChannelSlider *slider = new BChannelSlider(rect, continuous.Name(), continuous.Name(), NULL, B_VERTICAL, continuous.CountChannels()); char minLabel[64], maxLabel[64]; const char *unit = continuous.Unit(); if (unit[0]) { // if we have a unit, print it next to the limit values sprintf(minLabel, "%g %s", continuous.MinValue(), continuous.Unit()); sprintf(maxLabel, "%g %s", continuous.MaxValue(), continuous.Unit()); } else { sprintf(minLabel, "%g", continuous.MinValue()); sprintf(maxLabel, "%g", continuous.MaxValue()); } slider->SetLimitLabels(minLabel, maxLabel); float width, height; slider->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); slider->ResizeTo(width, 190); // ToDo: take BContinuousParameter::GetResponse() & ValueStep() into account! for (int32 i = 0; i < continuous.CountChannels(); i++) { slider->SetLimitsFor(i, int32(continuous.MinValue() * 1000), int32(continuous.MaxValue() * 1000)); } return slider; } BSlider *slider = new BSlider(rect, parameter->Name(), parameter->Name(), NULL, 0, 100); float width, height; slider->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); slider->ResizeTo(100, height); return slider; } default: ERROR("BMediaTheme: Don't know parameter type: 0x%x\n", parameter->Type()); } return NULL; }
void PBox::GetData(BMessage* data){ BView * panel = fPrefView; BMessage cur; for (int i = 0; fTemplate.FindMessage("setting", i, &cur) == B_OK; i++) { const char *name = cur.FindString("name"); int32 type = -1; cur.FindInt32("type", &type); if ( dynamic_cast<BTextControl*>(panel->FindView(name))) { // Free text BTextControl * ctrl = (BTextControl*)panel->FindView(name); switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: { data->AddString(name, ctrl->Text() ); } break; case B_INT32_TYPE: { data->AddInt32(name, atoi(ctrl->Text()) ); } break; default: { return; }; }; } else if (dynamic_cast<BMenuField*>(panel->FindView(name))) { // Provided option BMenuField * ctrl = (BMenuField*)panel->FindView(name); BMenuItem * item = ctrl->Menu()->FindMarked(); if (!item) return; switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: { data->AddString(name, item->Label() ); BString index(name); index << "_index"; data->AddInt32(index.String(), ctrl->Menu()->IndexOf(item)); //index } break; case B_INT32_TYPE: { data->AddInt32(name, atoi(item->Label()) ); BString index(name); index << "_index"; data->AddInt32(index.String(), ctrl->Menu()->IndexOf(item)); //index } break; default: { return; }; } } else if (dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>(panel->FindView(name))) { // Boolean setting BCheckBox * box = (BCheckBox*)panel->FindView(name); if ( box->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON ) { data->AddBool(name,true); } else { data->AddBool(name,false); } } else if (dynamic_cast<BTextView *>(panel->FindView(name))) { BTextView *view = (BTextView *)panel->FindView(name); data->AddString(name, view->Text()); }; }; }
/*! \function CalendarModulePreferences::CreateWeekendSelectionBox * \brief Create box for selection of the weekend days * \note Additionally, select the color for weekends and weekdays * \param[in] frame Enclosing rectangle. * \param[in] label Reference to label of the enclosing BBox. * \param[in] calModule The calendar module for which the preferences are set. */ void CalendarModulePreferences::CreateWeekendSelectionBox( BRect frame, BString &label, CalendarModule* calModule ) { /*! \par Notes on implementation: * It's not all that straightforward - to create this selection box. * The problem is that number of days in week is dependent on the * Calendar Module, therefore the frame rectangle must be divided * properly. We should take into account the possibility that there's * not enough place for all days in the submitted frame. * * \par * The solution will be as follows: * Let number of days in week be N. I create two columns and * several rows (the number depends on N). Days in week will be * proceeded in the order <em>as Calendar Module supplies them</em>. * The days occupy both columns, and are located in rows * [0, (ceiling of (N/2)) ). Days returned from CalendarModule are * placed as follows: days from 0 to (ceiling of (N/2)-1) in the left * column, days from (ceiling of (N/2)-1) to (N-1) in right column. * * \par * Two controls for setting the colors of weekdays and weekends * are located at the bottom row of the grid; weekdays on right, * weekends on left. * * \par * There will be an empty cell in the right column, if number * of days in week is odd. */ BMessage* toSend = NULL; BCheckBox* dayCheckBox = NULL; BString tempString; /* indexX is 0 for left column or 1 for right column. * indexY is 0 for topmost row, 1 for second from top row, etc. * Max value for indexY = (ceiling of (N/2)). */ int indexX, indexY; // Prepare the item to be returned BBox* enclosingBox = new BBox( frame, "Weekend selector" ); if ( !enclosingBox ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } // Prepare the layout to be used BGridLayout* layout = new BGridLayout(); if ( !layout) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } enclosingBox->SetLayout( layout ); // Get the data on days of week unsigned int daysInWeek = (unsigned int)( calModule->GetDaysInWeek() ); map<uint32, DoubleNames> weekdayNames = calModule->GetWeekdayNames(); indexX = indexY = 0; for (unsigned char day = 0; day < daysInWeek; ++day ) { /* Creating the message to be sent */ toSend = new BMessage( kCalendarModuleWeekendDaySelected ); if ( !toSend ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } toSend->AddInt32( "Weekday no", day ); /* Obtain the name of the day. I use the long name. */ tempString = (DoubleNames)weekdayNames[ day ].longName; /* Creating the checkbox */ dayCheckBox = new BCheckBox( BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), "Weekday", tempString.String(), toSend ); if (!dayCheckBox) { // Panic! exit(1); } dayCheckBox->ResizeToPreferred(); /* Adding the item to the BBox */ layout->AddView( dayCheckBox, indexX, indexY ); /* Advancing to the next cell in grid */ // If arrived to the last item in the first column, advancing to second if ( day == ( int )( ( daysInWeek + 1 ) / 2 ) ) { indexX = 1; indexY = 0; } else // Staying in the same column, but advancing down { ++indexY; } } // <-- end of "for (all days in week)" BListView* weekdayColorSelector = NULL; }
void SeqPrefWin::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case OK_MSG: if (mOwqTable) mOwqTable->ReplacePreferences( mPreferences ); seq_app->SetPreferences(&mPreferences); if (mUndoLevelCtrl) AmGlobals().SetUndoHistory(mUndoLevelCtrl->Value() ); if (mRefreshWindows != 0) RefreshWindows(); PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case CANCEL_MSG: PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case CHANGE_SKIN_MSG: { const char* skin; if (msg->FindString("seq:skin", &skin) == B_OK) { SetStringPref(CURRENT_SKIN_PREF, skin); new_skin_warning(); } } break; case CHANGE_SKIN_TO_DEFAULT_MSG: { if( mPreferences.HasString(CURRENT_SKIN_PREF) ) mPreferences.RemoveData(CURRENT_SKIN_PREF); new_skin_warning(); } break; case REMEMBER_OPEN_MSG: { BCheckBox* cb = dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>( FindView(REMEMBER_OPEN_STR) ); if( cb ) SetBoolPref( REMEBER_OPEN_SONGS_PREF, cb->Value() ); } break; case OPEN_BLANK_MSG: SetStringPref( OPEN_NEW_SONG_PREF, "blank" ); break; case OPEN_FOUR_MSG: SetStringPref( OPEN_NEW_SONG_PREF, "channels" ); SetInt32Pref( OPEN_NEW_SONG_CHANNEL_PREF, 2 ); break; case OPEN_FILE_MSG: SetStringPref( OPEN_NEW_SONG_PREF, "file" ); /* Open a file panel to select a new file. */ if (!mFilePanel ) mFilePanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, 0, 0, 0, false); if (mFilePanel->IsShowing() ) break; if (mFilePanel->Window() ) { mFilePanel->Window()->SetTitle("Select File" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); } mFilePanel->SetTarget(BMessenger(this)); mFilePanel->SetMessage( new BMessage('nfen') ); mFilePanel->Show(); break; case 'nfen': { entry_ref ref; if( msg->FindRef( "refs", &ref ) == B_OK ) { SetOpenNewFromFileRef( &ref ); } } break; case CHANGE_UNDO_HISTORY_MSG: if (mUndoLevelCtrl) SetInt32Pref(UNDO_HISTORY_PREF, mUndoLevelCtrl->Value() ); break; case TRACK_WIN_FOLLOW_MSG: if (mTrackWinFollowCtrl) SetBoolPref(TRACK_WIN_FOLLOW_PREF, mTrackWinFollowCtrl->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; case TRACK_WIN_PLAY_TO_END_MSG: if (mTrackWinPlayToEndCtrl) SetBoolPref(TRACK_WIN_PLAY_TO_END_PREF, mTrackWinPlayToEndCtrl->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); break; case TRACK_HEIGHT_MSG: if (mTrackHeightCtrl) SetInt32Pref(TRACK_HEIGHT_PREF, mTrackHeightCtrl->Value() ); break; case LABEL_HEIGHT_MSG: if (mLabelHeightCtrl) { SetInt32Pref(PHRASE_LABEL_HEIGHT_PREF, mLabelHeightCtrl->Value() ); mRefreshWindows |= SEQ_REFRESH_PHRASES; } break; case VIEW_ROW_SELECTED_MSG: FactoryRowSelected(); break; default: inherited::MessageReceived(msg); break; } }
void MessageView::ValueChanged(void) { char *name; uint32 type; int32 count; #ifdef B_ZETA_VERSION_1_0_0 for (int32 i = 0; configMessage->GetInfo(B_ANY_TYPE, i,(const char **) &name, &type, &count) == B_OK; i++) #else for (int32 i = 0; configMessage->GetInfo(B_ANY_TYPE, i,(char **) &name, &type, &count) == B_OK; i++) #endif { //calculate the Position where to add the next View float top = ItemTop(); BRect rect = BRect(MARGIN_SPACE,top,Bounds().right-MARGIN_SPACE,top); switch(type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: { char *string; configMessage->FindString(name,count-1,(const char **)&string); BTextControl *stringItem = new BTextControl(rect,name,name,string,NULL); AddChild(stringItem); BMessage *tmpMessage = new BMessage(B_CONTROL_INVOKED); tmpMessage->AddString("name",name); tmpMessage->AddInt32("count",count-1); tmpMessage->AddInt32("type",type); stringItem->SetMessage(tmpMessage); break; } case B_RECT_TYPE: { BRect valueRect; configMessage->FindRect(name,count-1,&valueRect); RectItem *rectItem = new RectItem(rect,name,valueRect); AddChild(rectItem); BMessage *tmpMessage = new BMessage(B_CONTROL_INVOKED); tmpMessage->AddString("name",name); tmpMessage->AddInt32("count",count-1); tmpMessage->AddInt32("type",type); rectItem->SetMessage(tmpMessage); break; } case B_FLOAT_TYPE: { float value; configMessage->FindFloat(name,count-1,&value); BString floatString; floatString<<value; BTextControl *stringItem = new BTextControl(rect,name,name,floatString.String(),NULL); AddChild(stringItem); BMessage *tmpMessage = new BMessage(B_CONTROL_INVOKED); tmpMessage->AddString("name",name); tmpMessage->AddInt32("count",count-1); tmpMessage->AddInt32("type",type); stringItem->SetMessage(tmpMessage); break; } case B_INT8_TYPE: case B_INT16_TYPE: case B_INT32_TYPE: { int32 value; configMessage->FindInt32(name,count-1,&value); BString intString; intString<<value; BTextControl *stringItem = new BTextControl(rect,name,name,intString.String(),NULL); AddChild(stringItem); BMessage *tmpMessage = new BMessage(B_CONTROL_INVOKED); tmpMessage->AddString("name",name); tmpMessage->AddInt32("count",count-1); tmpMessage->AddInt32("type",type); stringItem->SetMessage(tmpMessage); break; } case B_BOOL_TYPE: { bool value; configMessage->FindBool(name,count-1,&value); BCheckBox *boolItem = new BCheckBox(rect,name,name,NULL); AddChild(boolItem); boolItem->SetValue(value); BMessage *tmpMessage = new BMessage(B_CONTROL_INVOKED); tmpMessage->AddString("name",name); tmpMessage->AddInt32("count",count-1); tmpMessage->AddInt32("type",type); boolItem->SetMessage(tmpMessage); break; } } } }
void SetControlEnable(bool enable) { if( mNameCtrl ) mNameCtrl->SetEnabled( enable ); if( mFileButton ) mFileButton->SetEnabled( enable ); if( mSkipBox ) mSkipBox->SetEnabled( enable ); }
void AGMSBayesianSpamFilterConfig::AttachedToWindow () { char numberString [30]; BRect tempRect; char *tempStringPntr; SetViewColor (ui_color (B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); // Make the checkbox for choosing whether the spam is marked by a // modification to the subject of the mail message. tempRect = Bounds (); fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr = new BCheckBox ( tempRect, "AddToSubject", "Add spam rating to start of subject", new BMessage (kAddSpamToSubjectPressed)); AddChild (fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr); fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr->ResizeToPreferred (); fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr->SetValue (fAddSpamToSubject); fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr->SetTarget (this); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fAddSpamToSubjectCheckBoxPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; // Add the checkbox on the right for the no words means spam option. fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr = new BCheckBox ( tempRect, "NoWordsMeansSpam", "or empty e-mail", new BMessage (kNoWordsMeansSpam)); AddChild (fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr); fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->ResizeToPreferred (); fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->MoveBy ( floorf (tempRect.right - fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->Frame().right), 0.0); fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->SetValue (fNoWordsMeansSpam); fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->SetTarget (this); // Add the box displaying the spam cutoff ratio to the left, in the space // remaining between the left edge and the no words checkbox. tempRect.right = fNoWordsMeansSpamCheckBoxPntr->Frame().left - be_plain_font->StringWidth ("a"); tempStringPntr = "Spam above:"; sprintf (numberString, "%06.4f", (double) fSpamCutoffRatio); fSpamCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr = new BTextControl ( tempRect, "spamcutoffratio", tempStringPntr, numberString, NULL /* BMessage */); AddChild (fSpamCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr); fSpamCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr->SetDivider ( be_plain_font->StringWidth (tempStringPntr) + 1 * be_plain_font->StringWidth ("a")); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fSpamCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; // Add the box displaying the genuine cutoff ratio, on a line by itself. tempStringPntr = "Genuine below and uncertain above:"; sprintf (numberString, "%08.6f", (double) fGenuineCutoffRatio); fGenuineCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr = new BTextControl ( tempRect, "genuinecutoffratio", tempStringPntr, numberString, NULL /* BMessage */); AddChild (fGenuineCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr); fGenuineCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr->SetDivider ( be_plain_font->StringWidth (tempStringPntr) + 1 * be_plain_font->StringWidth ("a")); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fGenuineCutoffRatioTextBoxPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; // Checkbox for automatically training on incoming mail. fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr = new BCheckBox ( tempRect, "autoTraining", "Learn from all incoming e-mail", new BMessage (kAutoTrainingPressed)); AddChild (fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr); fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr->ResizeToPreferred (); fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr->SetValue (fAutoTraining); fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr->SetTarget (this); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fAutoTrainingCheckBoxPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; // Button for editing the server settings. /* fServerSettingsButtonPntr = new BButton ( tempRect, "serverSettings", "Advanced Server Settings…", new BMessage (kServerSettingsPressed)); AddChild (fServerSettingsButtonPntr); fServerSettingsButtonPntr->ResizeToPreferred (); fServerSettingsButtonPntr->SetTarget (this); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fServerSettingsButtonPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; // Checkbox for closing the server when done. fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr = new BCheckBox ( tempRect, "quitWhenFinished", "Close spam scanner when finished.", new BMessage (kQuitWhenFinishedPressed)); AddChild (fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr); fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr->ResizeToPreferred (); fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr->SetValue (fQuitServerWhenFinished); fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr->SetTarget (this); tempRect = Bounds (); tempRect.top = fQuitServerWhenFinishedCheckBoxPntr->Frame().bottom + 1; tempRect.bottom = tempRect.top + 20; */ }
bool BContainer::SaveConfigurationToAttributeList(char* algorithmName,GML::Utils::AttributeList* attrList) { BItem* element; char* objectName; GML::Utils::GString gStrTemp; CString temp,tempStr; CString complexValue; CString tempValue; CString connectorStr; bool foundComplex; void* objectValue; unsigned char objectType; bool someBoolValue; GML::Utils::Attribute* attr; unsigned int someUIntValue; int someIntValue; double someDoubleValue; BEdit* editValue; BCombo* comboValue; BCheckBox* boolItem; BFile* fileItem; int i; for(i=0;i<vElements.GetSize();i++) { element = (BItem*)vElements.GetPointer(i); if(element == NULL) return false; objectName = element->label; foundComplex = false; if(strcmp(objectName,"DataBases") == 0) { if(!GetComplexElement(&i,&temp)) return false; if(!attrList->AddAttribute("DataBase",(char*)temp.GetString(),GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING,1,NULL)) { return false; } continue; } if(strcmp(objectName,"Notifiers") == 0) { if(!GetComplexElement(&i,&temp)) return false; if(!attrList->AddAttribute("Notifier",(char*)temp.GetString(),GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING,1,NULL)) { return false; } continue; } if(strcmp(objectName,"Connectors")==0) { if(!GetConnectorsSaveString(&i,&temp)) return false; if(!attrList->AddAttribute("Connector",(char*)temp.GetString(),GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING,1,NULL)) { return false; } continue; } switch(element->elementType) { case TYPE_HEADER: continue; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING: editValue = (BEdit*)element; editValue->GetText(temp); objectValue = (char*)temp.GetString(); objectType = GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING; break; case TYPE_COMBO: comboValue = (BCombo*)element; comboValue->GetSelectedItem(temp); objectValue = (char*)temp.GetString(); objectType = GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING; break; case TYPE_FILE: fileItem = (BFile*) element; fileItem->GetText(temp); objectValue = (char*)temp.GetString(); objectType = GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING; break; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::BOOLEAN: boolItem = (BCheckBox*)element; someBoolValue = boolItem->IsChecked(); objectValue = &someBoolValue; objectType = element->elementType; break; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::UINT32: editValue = (BEdit*)element; editValue->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToUInt32(&someUIntValue)) return false; objectValue = &someUIntValue; objectType = element->elementType; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::INT32: editValue = (BEdit*)element; editValue->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToInt32(&someIntValue)) return false; objectValue = &someIntValue; objectType = element->elementType; break; case GML::Utils::AttributeList::DOUBLE: editValue = (BEdit*)element; editValue->GetText(temp); gStrTemp.Set(temp.GetBuffer()); if(!gStrTemp.ConvertToDouble(&someDoubleValue)) return false; objectValue = &someDoubleValue; objectType = element->elementType; break; default: continue; } if(!attrList->AddAttribute(objectName,objectValue,objectType,1,NULL)) { return false; } } attr = attrList->Get("AlgorithmName"); if(attr== NULL) { if(!attrList->AddAttribute("AlgorithmName",algorithmName,GML::Utils::AttributeList::STRING,1,NULL)) { return false; } } return true; }
void PrefsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch(message->what) { case PrefsConstants::K_PREFS_VIEW_RESET_COLOUR_DEFAULTS: { ResetToDefaults(PrefsConstants::K_RESET_COLOUR_PREFS); } break; case PrefsConstants::K_PREFS_VIEW_RESET_COMMAND_DEFAULTS: { ResetToDefaults(PrefsConstants::K_RESET_COMMAND_PREFS); } break; case PrefsConstants::K_PREFS_VIEW_RESET_TOOLBAR_DEFAULTS: { ResetToDefaults(PrefsConstants::K_RESET_TOOLBAR_PREFS); } break; case PrefsConstants::K_PREFS_VIEW_RESET_GENERAL_DEFAULTS: { ResetToDefaults(PrefsConstants::K_RESET_GENERAL_PREFS); } break; case PrefsConstants::K_PREFS_UPDATE: { //update the preferences message, from view values BString prefsID; if (message->FindString(K_PREFS_ID, &prefsID) == B_OK) { BView *changedView = m_parent->FindView(prefsID.String()); prefsLock.Lock(); //different view have different kinds of values if (is_instance_of(changedView, BTextControl)) { //a textcontrol value was changed, update preferences with new text BTextControl *textControl = dynamic_cast<BTextControl*>(changedView); preferences.ReplaceString(prefsID.String(), textControl->Text()); } else if (is_instance_of(changedView, BCheckBox)) { //a checkbox value was changed, update preferences with new bool value(on/off) BCheckBox *checkBox = dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>(changedView); preferences.ReplaceBool(prefsID.String(), checkBox->Value()); } else if (is_instance_of(changedView, BSlider)) { //a slider value was changed, update preferences with new slider value BSlider *slider = dynamic_cast<BSlider*>(changedView); preferences.ReplaceInt32(prefsID.String(), slider->Value()); } else if (is_instance_of(changedView, ColourButton)) { //a colourcontrol value was changed, update preferences with new colour ColourButton *colourControl = dynamic_cast<ColourButton*>(changedView); preferences.ReplaceData(prefsID.String(),B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE, &colourControl->Value(), sizeof(rgb_color)); } prefsLock.Unlock(); } } break; case PrefsConstants::K_LOAD_PREFERENCES: { //set preferences view values to values of the preferences message BString prefsID; if (message->FindString(K_PREFS_ID, &prefsID) == B_OK) { //find out which view value has to be updated BView *changedView = m_parent->FindView(prefsID.String()); prefsLock.Lock(); char *name; uint32 type; int32 count; for (int32 i = 0; preferences.GetInfo(B_ANY_TYPE, i, &name, &type, &count) == B_OK; i++) { //find out what kind of field we are using switch (type) { case B_INT32_TYPE: { int32 value; preferences.FindInt32(name, &value); if (is_instance_of(changedView, BSlider)) { BSlider *slider = dynamic_cast<BSlider*>(changedView); slider->SetValue(value); } } break; case B_BOOL_TYPE: { bool value; preferences.FindBool(name, &value); if (is_instance_of(changedView, BCheckBox)) { BCheckBox *checkBox = dynamic_cast<BCheckBox*>(changedView); checkBox->SetValue(value); } } break; case B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE: { rgb_color *colour; ssize_t size; preferences.FindData(name, B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE, (const void**)&colour, &size); if (is_instance_of(changedView, ColourButton)) { ColourButton *colourControl = dynamic_cast<ColourButton*>(changedView); colourControl->SetValue(*colour); } } break; case B_STRING_TYPE: { BString string; preferences.FindString(name, &string); if (is_instance_of(changedView, ColourButton)) { BTextControl *textControl = dynamic_cast<BTextControl*>(changedView); textControl->SetText(string.String()); } } break; } } prefsLock.Unlock(); //make sure the new view values are drawn! changedView->Invalidate(); } } break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }