void MainWindow::_Initialize(BDiskDevice* disk, partition_id selectedPartition, const BString& diskSystemName) { if (!disk || selectedPartition < 0) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("You need to select a partition " "entry from the list.")); return; } if (disk->IsReadOnly()) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("The selected disk is read-only.")); return; } BPartition* partition = disk->FindDescendant(selectedPartition); if (!partition) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("Unable to find the selected " "partition by ID.")); return; } if (partition->IsMounted()) { _DisplayPartitionError( B_TRANSLATE("The partition %s is currently mounted.")); // TODO: option to unmount and continue on success to unmount return; } BDiskSystem diskSystem; fDDRoster.RewindDiskSystems(); bool found = false; while (fDDRoster.GetNextDiskSystem(&diskSystem) == B_OK) { if (diskSystem.SupportsInitializing()) { if (diskSystemName == diskSystem.PrettyName()) { found = true; break; } } } char message[512]; if (!found) { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Disk system \"%s\"\" " "not found!")); _DisplayPartitionError(message); return; } if (diskSystem.IsFileSystem()) { if (disk->ID() == selectedPartition) { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to format a raw disk? (most people initialize the disk " "with a partitioning system first) You will be asked " "again before changes are written to the disk.")); } else if (partition->ContentName() && strlen(partition->ContentName()) > 0) { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked " "again before changes are written to the disk."), partition->ContentName()); } else { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to format the partition? You will be asked again " "before changes are written to the disk.")); } } else { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to initialize the selected disk? All data will be lost. " "You will be asked again before changes are written to the " "disk.\n")); } BAlert* alert = new BAlert("first notice", message, B_TRANSLATE("Continue"), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), NULL, B_WIDTH_FROM_WIDEST, B_WARNING_ALERT); int32 choice = alert->Go(); if (choice == 1) return; ModificationPreparer modificationPreparer(disk); status_t ret = modificationPreparer.ModificationStatus(); if (ret != B_OK) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("There was an error preparing the " "disk for modifications."), NULL, ret); return; } BString name; BString parameters; // TODO: diskSystem.IsFileSystem() seems like a better fit here? if (diskSystemName == "Be File System") { InitParamsPanel* panel = new InitParamsPanel(this, diskSystemName, partition); if (panel->Go(name, parameters) == GO_CANCELED) return; } else if (diskSystemName == "Intel Partition Map") { // TODO: parameters? } else if (diskSystemName == "Intel Extended Partition") { // TODO: parameters? } bool supportsName = diskSystem.SupportsContentName(); BString validatedName(name); ret = partition->ValidateInitialize(diskSystem.PrettyName(), supportsName ? &validatedName : NULL, parameters.String()); if (ret != B_OK) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("Validation of the given " "initialization parameters failed."), partition, ret); return; } BString previousName = partition->ContentName(); ret = partition->Initialize(diskSystem.PrettyName(), supportsName ? validatedName.String() : NULL, parameters.String()); if (ret != B_OK) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("Initialization of the partition " "%s failed. (Nothing has been written to disk.)"), partition, ret); return; } // everything looks fine, we are ready to actually write the changes // to disk // Warn the user one more time... if (previousName.Length() > 0) { if (partition->IsDevice()) { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\n" "All data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you " "do so!"), previousName.String()); } else { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\n" "All data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you " "do so!"), previousName.String()); } } else { if (partition->IsDevice()) { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\n" "All data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if " "you do so!")); } else { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), B_TRANSLATE("Are you sure you " "want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\n" "All data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost " "if you do so!")); } } alert = new BAlert("final notice", message, B_TRANSLATE("Write changes"), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), NULL, B_WIDTH_FROM_WIDEST, B_WARNING_ALERT); choice = alert->Go(); if (choice == 1) return; // commit ret = modificationPreparer.CommitModifications(); // The partition pointer is toast now! Use the partition ID to // retrieve it again. partition = disk->FindDescendant(selectedPartition); if (ret == B_OK) { if (diskSystem.IsFileSystem()) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("The partition %s has been " "successfully formatted.\n"), partition); } else { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("The disk has been " "successfully initialized.\n"), partition); } } else { if (diskSystem.IsFileSystem()) { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("Failed to format the " "partition %s!\n"), partition, ret); } else { _DisplayPartitionError(B_TRANSLATE("Failed to initialize the " "disk %s!\n"), partition, ret); } } _ScanDrives(); }
void MainWindow::_UpdateMenus(BDiskDevice* disk, partition_id selectedPartition, partition_id parentID) { while (BMenuItem* item = fFormatMenu->RemoveItem(0L)) delete item; while (BMenuItem* item = fDiskInitMenu->RemoveItem(0L)) delete item; fCreateMI->SetEnabled(false); fUnmountMI->SetEnabled(false); fDiskInitMenu->SetEnabled(false); fFormatMenu->SetEnabled(false); if (!disk) { fWipeMI->SetEnabled(false); fEjectMI->SetEnabled(false); fSurfaceTestMI->SetEnabled(false); } else { // fWipeMI->SetEnabled(true); fWipeMI->SetEnabled(false); fEjectMI->SetEnabled(disk->IsRemovableMedia()); // fSurfaceTestMI->SetEnabled(true); fSurfaceTestMI->SetEnabled(false); // Create menu and items BPartition* parentPartition = NULL; if (selectedPartition <= -2) { // a partitionable space item is selected parentPartition = disk->FindDescendant(parentID); } if (parentPartition && parentPartition->ContainsPartitioningSystem()) fCreateMI->SetEnabled(true); bool prepared = disk->PrepareModifications() == B_OK; fFormatMenu->SetEnabled(prepared); fDeleteMI->SetEnabled(prepared); BPartition* partition = disk->FindDescendant(selectedPartition); BDiskSystem diskSystem; fDDRoster.RewindDiskSystems(); while (fDDRoster.GetNextDiskSystem(&diskSystem) == B_OK) { if (!diskSystem.SupportsInitializing()) continue; BMessage* message = new BMessage(MSG_INITIALIZE); message->AddInt32("parent id", parentID); message->AddString("disk system", diskSystem.PrettyName()); BString label = diskSystem.PrettyName(); label << B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS; BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(label.String(), message); // TODO: Very unintuitive that we have to use PrettyName (vs Name) item->SetEnabled(partition != NULL && partition->CanInitialize(diskSystem.PrettyName())); if (disk->ID() == selectedPartition && !diskSystem.IsFileSystem()) { // Disk is selected, and DiskSystem is a partition map fDiskInitMenu->AddItem(item); } else if (diskSystem.IsFileSystem()) { // Otherwise a filesystem fFormatMenu->AddItem(item); } } // Mount items if (partition) { fFormatMenu->SetEnabled(!partition->IsMounted() && !partition->IsReadOnly() && partition->Device()->HasMedia() && fFormatMenu->CountItems() > 0); fDiskInitMenu->SetEnabled(!partition->IsMounted() && !partition->IsReadOnly() && partition->Device()->HasMedia() && partition->IsDevice() && fDiskInitMenu->CountItems() > 0); fDeleteMI->SetEnabled(!partition->IsMounted() && !partition->IsDevice()); fMountMI->SetEnabled(!partition->IsMounted()); bool unMountable = false; if (partition->IsMounted()) { // see if this partition is the boot volume BVolume volume; BVolume bootVolume; if (BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&bootVolume) == B_OK && partition->GetVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { unMountable = volume != bootVolume; } else unMountable = true; } fUnmountMI->SetEnabled(unMountable); } else { fDeleteMI->SetEnabled(false); fMountMI->SetEnabled(false); fFormatMenu->SetEnabled(false); fDiskInitMenu->SetEnabled(false); } if (prepared) disk->CancelModifications(); fMountAllMI->SetEnabled(true); } if (selectedPartition < 0) { fDeleteMI->SetEnabled(false); fMountMI->SetEnabled(false); } }