예제 #1
 * @brief Remove an entry from the BLE white list.
 * @param [in] address The address to remove from the white list.
void BLEDevice::whiteListRemove(BLEAddress address) {
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> whiteListRemove: %s", address.toString().c_str());
	esp_err_t errRc = esp_ble_gap_update_whitelist(false, *address.getNative());  // False to remove an entry.
	if (errRc != ESP_OK) {
		ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "esp_ble_gap_update_whitelist: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc));
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< whiteListRemove");
} // whiteListRemove
예제 #2
 * Allow to connect GATT server to peer device
 * Probably can be used in ANCS for iPhone
bool BLEServer::connect(BLEAddress address) {
	esp_bd_addr_t addr;
	memcpy(&addr, address.getNative(), 6);
	// Perform the open connection request against the target BLE Server.
	esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gatts_open(
		addr, // address
		1                              // direct connection
	if (errRc != ESP_OK) {
		ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "esp_ble_gattc_open: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc));
		return false;

	uint32_t rc = m_semaphoreOpenEvt.wait("connect");   // Wait for the connection to complete.
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< connect(), rc=%d", rc==ESP_GATT_OK);
	return rc == ESP_GATT_OK;
} // connect
예제 #3
 * @brief Connect to the partner (BLE Server).
 * @param [in] address The address of the partner.
 * @return True on success.
bool BLEClient::connect(BLEAddress address, esp_ble_addr_type_t type) {
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> connect(%s)", address.toString().c_str());

// We need the connection handle that we get from registering the application.  We register the app
// and then block on its completion.  When the event has arrived, we will have the handle.
	m_appId = BLEDevice::m_appId++;
	BLEDevice::addPeerDevice(this, true, m_appId);

	// clearServices(); // we dont need to delete services since every client is unique?
	esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_app_register(m_appId);
	if (errRc != ESP_OK) {
		ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "esp_ble_gattc_app_register: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc));
		return false;


	m_peerAddress = address;

	// Perform the open connection request against the target BLE Server.
	errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_open(
		*getPeerAddress().getNative(), // address
		type,          // Note: This was added on 2018-04-03 when the latest ESP-IDF was detected to have changed the signature.
		1                              // direct connection <-- maybe needs to be changed in case of direct indirect connection???
	if (errRc != ESP_OK) {
		ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "esp_ble_gattc_open: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc));
		return false;

	uint32_t rc = m_semaphoreOpenEvt.wait("connect");   // Wait for the connection to complete.
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< connect(), rc=%d", rc==ESP_GATT_OK);
	return rc == ESP_GATT_OK;
} // connect
예제 #4
 * @brief Set the value of a characteristic of a service on a remote device.
 * @param [in] bdAddress
 * @param [in] serviceUUID
 * @param [in] characteristicUUID
/* STATIC */ void BLEDevice::setValue(BLEAddress bdAddress, BLEUUID serviceUUID, BLEUUID characteristicUUID, std::string value) {
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> setValue: bdAddress: %s, serviceUUID: %s, characteristicUUID: %s", bdAddress.toString().c_str(), serviceUUID.toString().c_str(), characteristicUUID.toString().c_str());
	BLEClient *pClient = createClient();
	pClient->setValue(serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value);
} // setValue
예제 #5
 * @brief Get the value of a characteristic of a service on a remote device.
 * @param [in] bdAddress
 * @param [in] serviceUUID
 * @param [in] characteristicUUID
/* STATIC */ std::string BLEDevice::getValue(BLEAddress bdAddress, BLEUUID serviceUUID, BLEUUID characteristicUUID) {
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> getValue: bdAddress: %s, serviceUUID: %s, characteristicUUID: %s", bdAddress.toString().c_str(), serviceUUID.toString().c_str(), characteristicUUID.toString().c_str());
	BLEClient *pClient = createClient();
	std::string ret = pClient->getValue(serviceUUID, characteristicUUID);
	ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< getValue");
	return ret;
} // getValue