예제 #1
static void ShowFunctions (BPatch_image *appImage)
	BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> *vfunctions = appImage->getProcedures (false);
	cout << PACKAGE_NAME << ": " << vfunctions->size() << " functions found in binary " << endl;

	unsigned i = 0;
	while (i < vfunctions->size())
		char name[1024];
		BPatch_function *f = (*vfunctions)[i];

		f->getName (name, 1024);

		if (VerboseLevel)
			char mname[1024], tname[1024], modname[1024];
			f->getMangledName (mname, 1024);
			f->getTypedName (tname, 1024);
			f->getModuleName (modname, 1024);

			cout << " * " << i+1 << " of " << vfunctions->size() << ", Name: " << name << endl
			     << "    Mangled Name: " << mname << endl
			     << "    Typed Name  : " << tname << endl
			     << "    Module name : " << modname << endl
			     << "    Base address: " << f->getBaseAddr() << endl
			     << "    Instrumentable? " << (f->isInstrumentable()?"yes":"no") << endl
			     << "    In shared library? " << (f->isSharedLib()?"yes":"no") << endl
                 << "    Number of BB: " << getBasicBlocksSize(f) << endl; 

			if (f->isSharedLib())
				char sharedlibname[1024];
				BPatch_module *mod = f->getModule();

				mod->getFullName (sharedlibname, 1024);
				cout << "    Full library name: " << sharedlibname << endl;
			cout << endl;
			cout << name << endl;

static void ShowFunctions (BPatch_image *appImage)
	BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> *vfunctions = appImage->getProcedures (false);
	cout << PACKAGE_NAME << ": " << vfunctions->size() << " functions found in binary " << endl;

	unsigned i = 0;
	while (i < vfunctions->size())
		char name[1024];
		BPatch_function *f = (*vfunctions)[i];

		f->getName (name, 1024);

		char mname[1024], tname[1024], modname[1024];
		f->getMangledName (mname, 1024);
		f->getTypedName (tname, 1024);
		f->getModuleName (modname, 1024);

		cout << " * " << i+1 << " of " << vfunctions->size() << ", Name: " << name << endl
		     << "    Mangled Name: " << mname << endl
		     << "    Typed Name  : " << tname << endl
		     << "    Module name : " << modname << endl
		     << "    Base address: " << f->getBaseAddr() << endl
		     << "    Instrumentable? " << (f->isInstrumentable()?"yes":"no") << endl
		     << "    In shared library? " << (f->isSharedLib()?"yes":"no") << endl;

		if (f->isSharedLib())
			//Old Dyninst API < 9.x
			//char sharedlibname[1024];
			//mod->getFullName (sharedlibname, 1024);

			BPatch_module *mod = f->getModule();

			string sharedlibname;
			sharedlibname = mod->getObject()->name();
			cout << "    Full library name: " << sharedlibname << endl;
		cout << endl;

예제 #3
static void GenerateSymFile (set<string> &ParFunc, set<string> &UserFunc, BPatch_image *appImage, BPatch_addressSpace *appProces)
	ofstream symfile;
	string symname = string(::XML_GetFinalDirectory())+string("/")+string(::XML_GetTracePrefix())+".sym";

	symfile.open (symname.c_str());
	if (!symfile.good())
		cerr << "Cannot create the symbolic file" << symname << endl;

	for (set<string>::iterator iter = ParFunc.begin();
		iter != ParFunc.end(); iter++)
		BPatch_function *f = getRoutine ((*iter).c_str(), appImage);

		if (f != NULL)
			BPatch_Vector< BPatch_statement > lines;

			appProces->getSourceLines ((unsigned long) f->getBaseAddr(), lines);
			if (lines.size() > 0)
				symfile << "P " << hex << f->getBaseAddr() << dec << " \"" << *iter
					<< "\" \"" <<  lines[0].fileName() <<  "\" " << lines[0].lineNumber()
					<< endl;
				/* this happens if the application was not compiled with -g */
				char modname[1024];
				f->getModuleName (modname, 1024);
				symfile << "P " << hex << f->getBaseAddr() << dec << " \"" << *iter
					<< "\" \"" << modname << "\" 0" << endl;

	for (set<string>::iterator iter = UserFunc.begin();
		iter != UserFunc.end(); iter++)
		BPatch_function *f = getRoutine ((*iter).c_str(), appImage);

		if (f != NULL)
			BPatch_Vector< BPatch_statement > lines;

			appProces->getSourceLines ((unsigned long) f->getBaseAddr(), lines);
			if (lines.size() > 0)
				symfile << "U " << hex << f->getBaseAddr() << dec << " \"" << *iter
					<< "\" \"" << lines[0].fileName() <<  "\" " << lines[0].lineNumber()
					<< endl;
				/* this happens if the application was not compiled with -g */
				char modname[1024];
				f->getModuleName (modname, 1024);
				symfile << "U " << hex << f->getBaseAddr() << dec << " \"" << *iter
					<< "\" \"" << modname << "\" 0" << endl;

    map<string, unsigned>::iterator BB_symbols_iter = BB_symbols->begin();
    map<string, unsigned>::iterator BB_symbols_end = BB_symbols->end();
    while(BB_symbols_iter != BB_symbols_end){
        symfile << "b " << BB_symbols_iter->second << " \"" << BB_symbols_iter->first << "\"\n";
