TableDemo() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.haiku.table-demo") { BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(100, 100, 400, 400); TableDemoWindow* window = new TableDemoWindow(frameRect); window->Show(); }
GraphWindow::GraphWindow(BRect frame):BWindow(frame, "Graph", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_ZOOMABLE|B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS|B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK) { BRect the_rect; BMenu* tempMenu; the_rect = Bounds(); menuBar = new BMenuBar(the_rect, "GraphMenuBar"); AddChild(menuBar); tempMenu = new BMenu("File"); tempMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("About", new BMessage(MENU_FILE_ABOUT) )); tempMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); tempMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Save", new BMessage(MENU_FILE_SAVE), 'S')); tempMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); tempMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(MENU_FILE_QUIT) , 'Q') ); menuBar->AddItem(tempMenu); tempMenu = new BMenu("Edit"); tempMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Copy", new BMessage(MENU_EDIT_COPY), 'C' ) ); menuBar->AddItem(tempMenu); tempMenu = new BMenu("Window"); settingsWindowItem = new BMenuItem("Window Settings", new BMessage(MENU_WINDOW_SETTINGS), '1'); settingsWindowItem->SetMarked(true); tempMenu->AddItem(settingsWindowItem); functionWindowItem = new BMenuItem("Function List", new BMessage(MENU_WINDOW_FUNCTION), '2'); functionWindowItem->SetMarked(true); tempMenu->AddItem(functionWindowItem); menuBar->AddItem(tempMenu); menuBar->ResizeToPreferred(); = menuBar->Frame().bottom +1; AddChild(the_graph = new GraphView( the_rect )); savePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL, new BMessenger(this) ,NULL,B_FILE_NODE,false); BRect windowRect; windowRect.Set(frame.right,, frame.right+250,; windowRect.OffsetBy(10,0); settingsWindow = new SettingsWindow(windowRect); windowRect.OffsetBy(0,settingsWindow->Frame().Height()+20); windowRect.right=windowRect.left+250;; functionWindow = new FunctionListWindow(windowRect); settingsWindow->AddToSubset(this); functionWindow->AddToSubset(this); }
Friend() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.haiku.Friend") { BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(100, 100, 300, 300); FriendWindow* window = new FriendWindow(frameRect); window->Show(); }
Pinwheel() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.haiku.Pinwheel") { BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(100, 100, 300, 300); PinwheelWindow* window = new PinwheelWindow(frameRect); window->Show(); }
void BTextControl::DoLayout() { // Bail out, if we shan't do layout. if (!(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT)) return; CALLED(); // If the user set a layout, we let the base class version call its // hook. if (GetLayout()) { BView::DoLayout(); return; } _ValidateLayoutData(); // validate current size BSize size(Bounds().Size()); if (size.width < fLayoutData->min.width) size.width = fLayoutData->min.width; if (size.height < fLayoutData->min.height) size.height = fLayoutData->min.height; BRect dirty(fText->Frame()); BRect textFrame; // divider float divider = 0; if (fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item != NULL) { if (fLayoutData->label_layout_item != NULL) { // We have layout items. They define the divider location. divider = fabs(fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->Frame().left - fLayoutData->label_layout_item->Frame().left); } textFrame = fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->FrameInParent(); } else { if (fLayoutData->label_width > 0) { divider = fLayoutData->label_width + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); } textFrame.Set(divider, 0, size.width, size.height); } // place the text view and set the divider textFrame.InsetBy(kFrameMargin, kFrameMargin); BLayoutUtils::AlignInFrame(fText, textFrame); fDivider = divider; // invalidate dirty region dirty = dirty | fText->Frame(); dirty.InsetBy(-kFrameMargin, -kFrameMargin); Invalidate(dirty); }
Views() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.haiku.Views") { BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(100, 100, 300, 300); ViewsWindow* window = new ViewsWindow(frameRect); window->Show(); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //init window frame. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BRect kanBeApp::InitFrame(float w, float h) { BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(0, 0, K_CONVBUFSIZE * w + 2 * 2, h * 2 + 2 * 3); frameRect.OffsetTo(10, BScreen().Frame().bottom - h * 2 - 2 * 3 - 30); return frameRect; }
HApp::HApp() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.Haiku-Sounds") { BRect rect; rect.Set(200, 150, 590, 570); HWindow* window = new HWindow(rect, B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Sounds")); window->Show(); }
/* * setup this arranger view, call parents and stuff back up the chain and create a time scale object */ int MFCArrangeView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct ) { int ret = MFCSequenceEditor::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct); BRect r; r.Set(0, bounds.bottom-60, 600, bounds.bottom-50); tScale.CreateTScale(r, this, 1111, this); return ret; }
SampleGLApp::SampleGLApp() : BApplication("application/x-vnd.Haiku-GLDirectMode") { BRect windowRect; uint32 type = BGL_RGB|BGL_DOUBLE|BGL_DEPTH; windowRect.Set(50, 50, 350, 350); theWindow = new SampleGLWindow(windowRect, type); }
BRect RepositoriesSettings::GetFrame() { BMessage settings(_ReadFromFile()); BRect frame; status_t status = settings.FindRect(key_frame, &frame); // Set default off screen so it will center itself if (status != B_OK) frame.Set(-10, -10, 750, 300); return frame; }
/*********************************************************** * Constructor. ***********************************************************/ HApp::HApp():BApplication("application/x-vnd.takamatsu-hltrackerreader") { BRect rect; RectUtils utils; if(utils.LoadRectFromApp("servwinrect",&rect) == false) { rect.Set(40,40,500,300); } fWindow = new HWindow(rect,_("Tracker")); fWindow->Show(); }
void HexKeyView::AttachedToWindow() { BBox *aBox; BRect aBoxRect; aBoxRect.Set(10, 10, 370, 270); aBox = new BBox(aBoxRect, "Box1", B_FOLLOW_NONE); aBox->SetLabel(LABEL_BOX_TITLE); AddChild(aBox); BRect drawRect; drawRect.Set(10, 10, 340, 240); DrawView *drawView; drawView = new DrawView(drawRect, "DrawView"); drawView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); drawView->SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); aBox->AddChild(drawView); }
void MonthWindowView::MouseDown(BPoint p) { // It's necessary to define whether mouse cursor is on one of dates BRect r; int k=cwday1; float x=w_cell*k+1; float y=yearStringView->Frame().bottom+h_cell+h_cell; int qu_days=monthDays[cmonth-1]; // quantity of days in month if(cmonth==2) if(cyear%4==0) if((cyear%100!=0) || (cyear%400==0)) qu_days=29; bool flag=false; // whether mouse is pressed just on date int t=0; while(t<qu_days) { t++; r.Set(x,y-h_cell+5,x+w_cell-1,y+4); if(r.Contains(p)) { flag=true; dayPressed=t; cursorPressed.Set(r.left,,r.right,r.bottom); MousePressed=true; break; // exit while } x+=w_cell; k++; if(k==7) { k=0; y+=h_cell; x=1; } } }
Error OS_Haiku::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_audio_driver) { main_loop = NULL; current_video_mode = p_desired; app = new HaikuApplication(); BRect frame; frame.Set(50, 50, 50 + current_video_mode.width - 1, 50 + current_video_mode.height - 1); window = new HaikuDirectWindow(frame); window->SetVideoMode(¤t_video_mode); if (current_video_mode.fullscreen) { window->SetFullScreen(true); } if (!current_video_mode.resizable) { uint32 flags = window->Flags(); flags |= B_NOT_RESIZABLE; window->SetFlags(flags); } #if defined(OPENGL_ENABLED) context_gl = memnew(ContextGL_Haiku(window)); context_gl->initialize(); context_gl->make_current(); context_gl->set_use_vsync(current_video_mode.use_vsync); RasterizerGLES3::register_config(); RasterizerGLES3::make_current(); #endif visual_server = memnew(VisualServerRaster); // FIXME: Reimplement threaded rendering if (get_render_thread_mode() != RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { visual_server = memnew(VisualServerWrapMT(visual_server, false)); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!visual_server, ERR_UNAVAILABLE); video_driver_index = p_video_driver; input = memnew(InputDefault); window->SetInput(input); window->Show(); visual_server->init(); AudioDriverManager::initialize(p_audio_driver); return OK; }
int main() { BApplication app("application/x-vnd.haiku.ThreeButtons"); BRect frameRect; frameRect.Set(100, 100, 600, 300); ThreeButtonsWindow* window = new ThreeButtonsWindow(frameRect); window->Show(); app.Run(); return 0; }
void PreviewView::Update(const BRect* rect, BBitmap* bitmap) { if (Window() == NULL || Window()->IsHidden()) return; if (rect != NULL) _SetRect(*rect); bigtime_t now = system_time(); if (bitmap == NULL) { // Avoid updating preview too often if (fTimeStamp + 50000 >= now) return; BScreen screen(Window()); screen.GetBitmap(&bitmap, false, &fCoordRect); } if (bitmap != NULL) { BRect destRect; BRect bitmapBounds = bitmap->Bounds(); BRect viewBounds = fBitmapView->Bounds(); if (BRectRatio(viewBounds) >= BRectRatio(bitmapBounds)) { float overlap = BRectHorizontalOverlap(viewBounds, bitmapBounds); destRect.Set(-overlap, 0, viewBounds.Width() + overlap, viewBounds.Height()); } else { float overlap = BRectVerticalOverlap(viewBounds, bitmapBounds); destRect.Set(0, -overlap, viewBounds.Width(), viewBounds.Height() + overlap); } fTimeStamp = now; fBitmapView->SetViewBitmap(bitmap, bitmap->Bounds().OffsetToCopy(B_ORIGIN), destRect, B_FOLLOW_TOP|B_FOLLOW_LEFT, B_FILTER_BITMAP_BILINEAR); Invalidate(); } }
CMassWindow::CMassWindow(BRect frame, struct picture *theBitmaps) // constructor : BWindow(frame, "Critical Mass", B_TITLED_WINDOW, 0) { BRect viewRect; viewRect.Set(Bounds().left, Bounds().top, Bounds().right, 0); theMenuBar = new CMassMenuBar(viewRect, "Critical Mass Menu Bar"); // initialize the menu bar AddChild(theMenuBar); viewRect.Set(Bounds().left, Bounds().bottom - 32, Bounds().right, Bounds().bottom); theStatusBar = new BStatusBar(viewRect, "GedankenBar", NULL, NULL); theStatusBar->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM|B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); theStatusBar->SetMaxValue(DEFAULT_N_ROWS * DEFAULT_N_COLS); AddChild(theStatusBar); rgb_color red_colour = {0xDC, 0x46, 0x46, 0}; theStatusBar->SetBarColor(red_colour); viewRect.Set(Bounds().left, theMenuBar->Frame().bottom, Bounds().right, theStatusBar->Frame().top); theView = new CMassView(viewRect, "Critical Mass View", theBitmaps); // initialize the board view AddChild(theView); ResizeBy(- theView->marginx(), 2 - theView->marginy()); SetSizeLimits(Bounds().Width(), 9999, Bounds().Height(), 9999); }
bool IPCPAddon::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height) const { BRect rect; if(Addons()->FindRect(DUN_TAB_VIEW_RECT, &rect) != B_OK) rect.Set(0, 0, 200, 300); // set default values if(width) *width = rect.Width(); if(height) *height = rect.Height(); return true; }
BRect VectorPath::_Bounds() const { agg::path_storage path; BRect b; if (get_path_storage(path, fPath, fPointCount, fClosed)) { agg::conv_curve<agg::path_storage> curve(path); uint32 pathID[1]; pathID[0] = 0; double left, top, right, bottom; agg::bounding_rect(curve, pathID, 0, 1, &left, &top, &right, &bottom); b.Set(left, top, right, bottom); } else if (fPointCount == 1) { b.Set(fPath[0].point.x, fPath[0].point.y, fPath[0].point.x, fPath[0].point.y); } else { b.Set(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0); } return b; }
status_t KeymapWindow::_LoadSettings(BRect& windowFrame, BString& keyboardLayout) { BScreen screen(this); windowFrame.Set(-1, -1, 799, 329); // See if we can use a larger default size if (screen.Frame().Width() > 1200) { windowFrame.right = 899; windowFrame.bottom = 349; } keyboardLayout = ""; BFile file; status_t status = _GetSettings(file, B_READ_ONLY); if (status == B_OK) { BMessage settings; status = settings.Unflatten(&file); if (status == B_OK) { BRect frame; if (settings.FindRect("window frame", &frame) == B_OK) windowFrame = frame; settings.FindString("keyboard layout", &keyboardLayout); } } if (!screen.Frame().Contains(windowFrame)) { // Make sure the window is not larger than the screen if (windowFrame.Width() > screen.Frame().Width()) windowFrame.right = windowFrame.left + screen.Frame().Width(); if (windowFrame.Height() > screen.Frame().Height()) windowFrame.bottom = + screen.Frame().Height(); // Make sure the window is on screen (and center if it isn't) if (windowFrame.left < screen.Frame().left || windowFrame.right > screen.Frame().right || < screen.Frame().top || windowFrame.bottom > screen.Frame().bottom) { windowFrame.OffsetTo(BAlert::AlertPosition(windowFrame.Width(), windowFrame.Height())); } } return status; }
TSliderView::TSliderView(BRect rect, char *name, float val, slider_func func, void *arg) :BView(rect, name, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { BRect r; fValue = val; callback = func; callback_arg = arg; // load in our canned slider knob bitmap r.Set(0, 0, ((KNOB_WIDTH + 7) & 0xfff8) - 1, KNOB_HEIGHT); fKnob = new BBitmap(r, B_COLOR_8_BIT); fKnob->SetBits((char*)knob, fKnob->BitsLength(), 0, B_COLOR_8_BIT); // create our offscreen drawing environment r = Bounds(); back_width = r.Width(); fSlider = new BBitmap(r, B_COLOR_8_BIT, TRUE); fSlider->AddChild(fOffView = new BView(r, "", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW)); }
void SlideShowSaver::LayoutCaption(BView *view, BFont &font, BPoint &pos, BRect &rect) { font_height fontHeight; float width, height; BRect bounds(view->Bounds()); font = be_plain_font; width = font.StringWidth(fCaption.String()) + 1; // 1 for text shadow font.GetHeight(&fontHeight); height = fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent; // center text horizontally pos.x = (bounds.left + bounds.right - width)/2; // flush bottom pos.y = bounds.bottom - fontHeight.descent - 5; // background rectangle rect.Set(0, 0, (width-1)+2, (height-1)+2+1); // 2 for border and 1 for text shadow rect.OffsetTo(pos); rect.OffsetBy(-1, -1-fontHeight.ascent); // -1 for border }
void TVideoCaptureToolbar::Init() { // // Create the toolbar buttons // BRect bounds; // Create Play button BBitmap* recordUp = GetIcon16FromResource("Record"); BBitmap* recordDn = GetIcon16FromResource("AudioStopUp"); bounds = Bounds(); bounds.Set( kButtonLeftOffset, + kButtonTopOffset, kToolButtonWidth+kButtonLeftOffset, + kButtonTopOffset + kToolButtonHeight ); fRecordButton = new TBitmapButton( bounds, "RecordButton", recordUp, recordDn, this, new BMessage(VIDCAP_RECORD_MSG), true, B_TWO_STATE_BUTTON); AddChild(fRecordButton); fRecordButton->Show(); fRecordButton->SetTarget(Parent()); }
TMailWindow* TMailApp::NewWindow(const entry_ref* ref, const char* to, bool resend, BMessenger* trackerMessenger) { float fontFactor = be_plain_font->Size() / 12.0f; BRect r; if (fMailWindowFrame.Width() < 64 || fMailWindowFrame.Height() < 20) { // default size r.Set(40 * fontFactor, 40 * fontFactor, fontFactor * (40 + WIND_WIDTH), fontFactor * (40 + WIND_HEIGHT)); } else r = fMailWindowFrame; // cascading windows r.OffsetBy(fontFactor * (((fWindowCount + 5) % 10) * 15 - 75), fontFactor * (((fWindowCount + 5) % 10) * 15 - 75)); fWindowCount++; BString title; BFile file; if (!resend && ref && file.SetTo(ref, O_RDONLY) == B_OK) { BString name; if (file.ReadAttrString(B_MAIL_ATTR_NAME, &name) == B_OK) { title << name; BString subject; if (file.ReadAttrString(B_MAIL_ATTR_SUBJECT, &subject) == B_OK) title << " -> " << subject; } } if (title == "") title = B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Mail"); TMailWindow* window = new TMailWindow(r, title.String(), this, ref, to, &fContentFont, resend, trackerMessenger); fWindowList.AddItem(window); window->MoveOnScreen(); return window; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // * CONSTRUCTORS and DESTRUCTORS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- DPRegression::DPRegression() : BApplication(data_plus_regr_sig) { // Install this app and data file type if necessary BMimeType mime(data_plus_regr_sig); if (mime.InitCheck() == B_OK && !mime.IsInstalled()) { mime.Install(); } BMimeType dataMime(regrplot_mime_type); if (dataMime.InitCheck() == B_OK && !dataMime.IsInstalled()) { dataMime.Install(); // Set the document icons status_t status; BBitmap* lgIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(0,0,31,31),B_CMAP8); lgIcon->SetBits(largeIcon_bits,sizeof(largeIcon_bits),0,B_CMAP8); status = dataMime.SetIcon(lgIcon,B_LARGE_ICON); delete lgIcon; BBitmap* miniIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(0,0,15,15),B_CMAP8); miniIcon->SetBits(smallIcon_bits,sizeof(smallIcon_bits),0,B_CMAP8); status = dataMime.SetIcon(miniIcon,B_MINI_ICON); delete miniIcon; } // Make sure data marker is installed BMimeType markMime(data_plus_marker_sig); if (markMime.InitCheck() == B_OK && !markMime.IsInstalled()) { markMime.Install(); } // We should get preference data for this mData = new BList(); // Show the regression graph BRect dataRect; dataRect.Set(100, 100, 450, 450); mRegrWindow = new DRRegrWindow(dataRect); mRegrWindow->Show(); }
void TMIDIEditor::Init() { // Create Background View. It hold all the other views... BRect bgRect = Bounds(); bgRect.right -= (B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+1); bgRect.bottom -= (B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT+1); fBackground = new BView(bgRect, "Container", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); AddChild(fBackground); fBackground->SetViewColor(kWhite); fBackground->Show(); // Create editor view. BRect audioBounds = Bounds(); audioBounds.bottom -= -(B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT+1); fEditorView = new TMIDIEditorView(this, audioBounds); fBackground->AddChild(fEditorView); fEditorView->Show(); // Horizontal Scroll Bar BRect scrollRect = Bounds(); scrollRect.Set(scrollRect.left, scrollRect.bottom-B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT, scrollRect.right-B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scrollRect.bottom); fHScroll = new BScrollBar(scrollRect, "HMIDIScroll", fBackground, 0, 1000, B_HORIZONTAL); AddChild(fHScroll); // Set minimum window size and then open it to max SetSizeLimits(100, 600, 500, 500); // // Set up midi editor parameters // // Get number of tracks in General MIDI file //fTotalTracks = fMIDICue->GetMidiFile()->GetTotalTracks(); // Test: Get name of track 1... }
void Panel::GetItemRect( float indent, float item_wid, float item_hite, float seperation_wid, BRect &wrect) { if (thePoint.x + item_wid > myWidth) { if (thePoint.x + item_wid < maxWidth) { // can expand in wid myWidth = thePoint.x + item_wid+indent; seperation_wid = indent; if (rowHeight < item_hite + MIXER_MARGIN) rowHeight = item_hite + MIXER_MARGIN; if (thePoint.y + rowHeight > myHeight) { myHeight = thePoint.y + rowHeight; } } else { // gotta go down thePoint.x = indent; thePoint.y = myHeight; rowHeight = item_hite + MIXER_MARGIN; myHeight = thePoint.y + rowHeight; myWidth = Max(myWidth, item_wid+2*indent); if (myWidth > maxWidth) myWidth = maxWidth; } } else { // fits in this row. if (rowHeight < item_hite + MIXER_MARGIN) rowHeight = item_hite + MIXER_MARGIN; if (thePoint.y + rowHeight > myHeight) { myHeight = thePoint.y + rowHeight; } } // fprintf(stderr, "%s %g %g %g %g\n", Name(), myWidth, myHeight, item_wid, item_hite); ResizeTo(myWidth, myHeight); wrect.Set(thePoint.x, thePoint.y, thePoint.x+item_wid, thePoint.y+item_hite); thePoint.x += item_wid + seperation_wid; }
void TeamsColumn::DrawField(BField* field, BRect rect, BView* parent) { BBitmapStringField* bitmapField = dynamic_cast<BBitmapStringField*>(field); BStringField* stringField = dynamic_cast<BStringField*>(field); if (bitmapField) { const BBitmap* bitmap = bitmapField->Bitmap(); // figure out the placement float x = 0.0; BRect r = bitmap ? bitmap->Bounds() : BRect(0, 0, 15, 15); float y = + ((rect.Height() - r.Height()) / 2); float width = 0.0; switch (Alignment()) { default: case B_ALIGN_LEFT: case B_ALIGN_CENTER: x = rect.left + sTextMargin; width = rect.right - (x + r.Width()) - (2 * sTextMargin); r.Set(x + r.Width(),, rect.right - width, rect.bottom); break; case B_ALIGN_RIGHT: x = rect.right - sTextMargin - r.Width(); width = (x - rect.left - (2 * sTextMargin)); r.Set(rect.left,, rect.left + width, rect.bottom); break; } if (width != bitmapField->Width()) { BString truncatedString(bitmapField->String()); parent->TruncateString(&truncatedString, fTruncateMode, width + 2); bitmapField->SetClippedString(truncatedString.String()); bitmapField->SetWidth(width); } // draw the bitmap if (bitmap) { parent->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); parent->DrawBitmap(bitmap, BPoint(x, y)); parent->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } // draw the string DrawString(bitmapField->ClippedString(), parent, r); } else if (stringField) { float width = rect.Width() - (2 * sTextMargin); if (width != stringField->Width()) { BString truncatedString(stringField->String()); parent->TruncateString(&truncatedString, fTruncateMode, width + 2); stringField->SetClippedString(truncatedString.String()); stringField->SetWidth(width); } DrawString(stringField->ClippedString(), parent, rect); } }
void SeqPhraseMatrixView::DrawTopLevelPhrase( BRect clip, BView* view, const AmTrack* track, const AmPhraseEvent* event, AmTime end, AmPhraseEvent* topPhrase, AmPhraseRendererI* renderer) { ArpASSERT(event && topPhrase); if (!event || !event->Phrase() ) return; const AmPhrase* phrase = event->Phrase(); BRect entireF(0, + 3, 0, clip.bottom - 3); AmTime phraseEnd = event->EndTime(); BString n = event->Phrase()->Name(); float labelH = mCurLabelH + 3; bool drawLabel = mCurLabelH > 0 && labelH < entireF.Height() && n.Length() > 0; entireF.left = mMtc.TickToPixel(event->StartTime()) - 2; entireF.right = mMtc.TickToPixel(phraseEnd) + 2; BRect labelF = arp_invalid_rect(); BRect contentF = arp_invalid_rect(); if (drawLabel) { if (entireF.Height() - 4 > labelH + 4) { labelF.Set(entireF.left + 2, + 2, entireF.right - 2, entireF.bottom - 2); contentF = labelF; labelF.bottom = + labelH - 1; = labelF.bottom + 1; } else labelF.Set(entireF.left + 2, + 2, entireF.right - 2, entireF.bottom - 2); } else contentF.Set(entireF.left + 2, + 2, entireF.right - 2, entireF.bottom - 2); rgb_color bgC = phrase->Color(phrase->BACKGROUND_C); rgb_color fgC = phrase->Color(phrase->FOREGROUND_C); if (mDrawMuted) { bgC = shade_color(bgC, MUTE_SHADE); fgC = shade_color(fgC, MUTE_SHADE); } if (arp_is_valid_rect(contentF) ) { /* Fill the background. */ if (!mDrawMuted) { view->SetHighColor(bgC); view->FillRect(contentF); } /* Draw the measure markers. */ AmTrackMeasureBackground bg(mSongRef, AmTrackRef(track), mMtc); if (mDrawMuted) bg.SetFlag(bg.DRAW_BEATS_FLAG, false); else { rgb_color c = weighted_shade(bgC, Prefs().Color(AM_MEASURE_FG_C), 5); bg.SetBeatColor(c); } bg.LockedDraw(view, contentF, track->Signatures() ); } mLines.BeginLineArray(); if (arp_is_valid_rect(labelF) ) { rgb_color c = weighted_shade(bgC, fgC, 3); view->SetHighColor(c); view->SetLowColor(c); view->FillRect(labelF); draw_label_border(view, labelF, c, mLines, mDrawMuted, !arp_is_valid_rect(contentF)); view->SetHighColor(Prefs().Color(AM_MEASURE_FG_C) ); BPoint pt(labelF.left + 2, labelF.bottom - 2); if (arp_is_valid_rect(contentF) ) pt.y -= 2; view->TruncateString(&n, B_TRUNCATE_END, labelF.Width() ); view->DrawString(n.String(), pt); } /* Shade the background. */ rgb_color c; = = = 0; if (mDrawMuted) c = shade_color(c, MUTE_SHADE); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.left + 1,, BPoint(entireF.right - 1,, c); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.left + 1, entireF.bottom), BPoint(entireF.right - 1, entireF.bottom), c); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.left, + 1), BPoint(entireF.left, entireF.bottom - 1), c); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.right, + 1), BPoint(entireF.right, entireF.bottom - 1), c); if (arp_is_valid_rect(contentF) ) { draw_content_border(view, contentF, bgC, mLines, mDrawMuted, !arp_is_valid_rect(labelF)); } c = tint_color(Prefs().Color(AM_DATA_BACKDROP_C), B_DARKEN_1_TINT); if (mDrawMuted) c = shade_color(c, MUTE_SHADE); if (!gPhraseBg) { mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.right + 1, + 2), BPoint(entireF.right + 1, entireF.bottom + 0), c); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.left + 2, entireF.bottom + 1), BPoint(entireF.right + 0, entireF.bottom + 1), c); mLines.AddLine(BPoint(entireF.right + 0, entireF.bottom + 0), BPoint(entireF.right + 0, entireF.bottom + 0), c); } /* Indicate if this phrase is linked. */ if (phrase->CountLinks() > 0) { view->SetHighColor(bgC); view->SetLowColor(0, 0, 0); view->StrokeRect(entireF, LINK_PATTERN); } if (arp_is_valid_rect(contentF) ) { /* Draw the events. */ if (renderer) { BRect trackR(clip.left,, clip.right, contentF.bottom); view->SetHighColor(fgC); renderer->BeginTrack(trackR, view, track, mLines); renderer->DrawPhrase(contentF, view, track, event, end < phraseEnd ? end : phraseEnd, topPhrase, mLines); renderer->EndTrack(trackR, view, track, mLines); } } /* Finish. */ mLines.EndLineArray(); }