예제 #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBitmap
// Returns a BBitmap object for the bitmap resource identified by
// the type type with the resource id, id. 
// The user has to delete this object.
// Preconditions:
// Parameters: type, the type of resource to be loaded
//             id, the id for the resource to be loaded
//             roster, BTranslatorRoster used to do the translation
// Postconditions:
// Returns: NULL, if the resource couldn't be loaded or couldn't
//                be translated to a BBitmap
//          BBitmap * to the bitmap identified by type and id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
BBitmap *
BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(uint32 type, int32 id, BTranslatorRoster *roster)
	BResources *pResources = BApplication::AppResources();
		// Remember: pResources must not be freed because
		// it belongs to the application
	if (pResources == NULL || pResources->HasResource(type, id) == false)
		return NULL;
	// Load the bitmap resource from the application file 
	// pRawData should be NULL if the resource is an
	// unknown type or not available
	size_t bitmapSize = 0;
	const void *kpRawData = pResources->LoadResource(type, id, &bitmapSize);
	if (kpRawData == NULL || bitmapSize == 0)
		return NULL;
	BMemoryIO memio(kpRawData, bitmapSize);
		// Put the pointer to the raw image data into a BMemoryIO object
		// so that it can be used with BTranslatorRoster->Translate() in
		// the GetBitmap(BPositionIO *, BTranslatorRoster *) function
	return GetBitmap(&memio, roster);
		// Translate the data in memio using the BTranslatorRoster roster
예제 #2
BBitmap *getIconFromResources(const char *icon_resname) {
	BBitmap *bmp = NULL;
	BResources *res = be_app->AppResources();
	if (res->HasResource('BBMP',icon_resname)) {
		printf("has resource bitmap [%s]\n",icon_resname);
		BMessage msg;
		size_t len;
		char *buf;
		buf = (char *)res->LoadResource('BBMP', icon_resname, &len);
//					printf("loaded,len=%i\n",len);
		bmp = new BBitmap(&msg);
	return bmp;
예제 #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBitmap
// Returns a BBitmap object for the bitmap resource identified by
// the type type with the resource name, kName. 
// The user has to delete this object. Note that a resource type
// and name does not uniquely identify a resource in a file.
// Preconditions:
// Parameters: type, the type of resource to be loaded
//             kName, the name of the resource to be loaded
//             roster, BTranslatorRoster used to do the translation
// Postconditions:
// Returns: NULL, if the resource couldn't be loaded or couldn't
//                be translated to a BBitmap
//          BBitmap * to the bitmap identified by type and kName
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
BBitmap *
BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(uint32 type, const char *kName,
	BTranslatorRoster *roster)
	BResources *pResources = BApplication::AppResources();
		// Remember: pResources must not be freed because
		// it belongs to the application
	if (pResources == NULL || pResources->HasResource(type, kName) == false)
		return NULL;
	// Load the bitmap resource from the application file 
	size_t bitmapSize = 0;
	const void *kpRawData = pResources->LoadResource(type, kName, &bitmapSize);
	if (kpRawData == NULL || bitmapSize == 0)
		return NULL;
	BMemoryIO memio(kpRawData, bitmapSize);
		// Put the pointer to the raw image data into a BMemoryIO object so
		// that it can be used with BTranslatorRoster->Translate() 
	return GetBitmap(&memio, roster);
		// Translate the data in memio using the BTranslatorRoster roster