예제 #1
파일: cloner.cpp 프로젝트: gregglind/mongo
 virtual bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
     string fromhost = cmdObj.getStringField("from");
     if ( fromhost.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing from spec";
         return false;
     string collection = cmdObj.getStringField("cloneCollection");
     if ( collection.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing cloneCollection spec";
         return false;
     BSONObj query = cmdObj.getObjectField("query");
     if ( query.isEmpty() )
         query = BSONObj();
     BSONElement copyIndexesSpec = cmdObj.getField("copyindexes");
     bool copyIndexes = copyIndexesSpec.isBoolean() ? copyIndexesSpec.boolean() : true;
     // Will not be used if doesn't exist.
     int logSizeMb = cmdObj.getIntField( "logSizeMb" );
     /* replication note: we must logOp() not the command, but the cloned data -- if the slave
      were to clone it would get a different point-in-time and not match.
     setClient( collection.c_str() );
     log() << "cloneCollection.  db:" << ns << " collection:" << collection << " from: " << fromhost << " query: " << query << " logSizeMb: " << logSizeMb << ( copyIndexes ? "" : ", not copying indexes" ) << endl;
     Cloner c;
     long long cursorId;
     if ( !c.startCloneCollection( fromhost.c_str(), collection.c_str(), query, errmsg, !fromRepl, copyIndexes, logSizeMb, cursorId ) )
         return false;
     return c.finishCloneCollection( fromhost.c_str(), collection.c_str(), query, cursorId, errmsg);
예제 #2
Status StorageEngineMetadata::validateStorageEngineOption<bool>(StringData fieldName,
        bool expectedValue) const {
    BSONElement element = _storageEngineOptions.getField(fieldName);
    if (element.eoo()) {
        return Status::OK();
    if (!element.isBoolean()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                      str::stream() << "Expected boolean field " << fieldName << " but got "
                      << typeName(element.type())
                      << " instead: "
                      << element);
    if (element.boolean() == expectedValue) {
        return Status::OK();
    return Status(
               str::stream() << "Requested option conflicts with current storage engine option for "
               << fieldName
               << "; you requested "
               << (expectedValue ? "true" : "false")
               << " but the current server storage is already set to "
               << (element.boolean() ? "true" : "false")
               << " and cannot be changed");
    virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                     const string& dbname,
                     BSONObj& cmdObj,
                     string& errmsg,
                     BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        boost::optional<DisableDocumentValidation> maybeDisableValidation;
        if (shouldBypassDocumentValidationForCommand(cmdObj))

        string fromhost = cmdObj.getStringField("from");
        if (fromhost.empty()) {
            errmsg = "missing 'from' parameter";
            return false;

            HostAndPort h(fromhost);
            if (repl::isSelf(h)) {
                errmsg = "can't cloneCollection from self";
                return false;

        string collection = parseNs(dbname, cmdObj);
        Status allowedWriteStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(dbname, collection);
        if (!allowedWriteStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, allowedWriteStatus);

        BSONObj query = cmdObj.getObjectField("query");
        if (query.isEmpty())
            query = BSONObj();

        BSONElement copyIndexesSpec = cmdObj.getField("copyindexes");
        bool copyIndexes = copyIndexesSpec.isBoolean() ? copyIndexesSpec.boolean() : true;

        log() << "cloneCollection.  db:" << dbname << " collection:" << collection
              << " from: " << fromhost << " query: " << query << " "
              << (copyIndexes ? "" : ", not copying indexes") << endl;

        Cloner cloner;
        unique_ptr<DBClientConnection> myconn;
        myconn.reset(new DBClientConnection());
        if (!myconn->connect(HostAndPort(fromhost), errmsg))
            return false;


        return cloner.copyCollection(
            txn, collection, query, errmsg, true, true /* interruptable */, copyIndexes);
예제 #4
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                         const string& dbname,
                         BSONObj& cmdObj,
                         string& errmsg,
                         BSONObjBuilder& result,
                         bool fromRepl) {

            string fromhost = cmdObj.getStringField("from");
            if ( fromhost.empty() ) {
                errmsg = "missing 'from' parameter";
                return false;

                HostAndPort h(fromhost);
                if (repl::isSelf(h)) {
                    errmsg = "can't cloneCollection from self";
                    return false;

            string collection = parseNs(dbname, cmdObj);
            if ( collection.empty() ) {
                errmsg = "bad 'cloneCollection' value";
                return false;
            BSONObj query = cmdObj.getObjectField("query");
            if ( query.isEmpty() )
                query = BSONObj();

            BSONElement copyIndexesSpec = cmdObj.getField("copyindexes");
            bool copyIndexes = copyIndexesSpec.isBoolean() ? copyIndexesSpec.boolean() : true;

            log() << "cloneCollection.  db:" << dbname << " collection:" << collection << " from: " << fromhost
                  << " query: " << query << " " << ( copyIndexes ? "" : ", not copying indexes" ) << endl;

            Cloner cloner;
            auto_ptr<DBClientConnection> myconn;
            myconn.reset( new DBClientConnection() );
            if ( ! myconn->connect( fromhost , errmsg ) )
                return false;

            cloner.setConnection( myconn.release() );

            return cloner.copyCollection(txn, collection, query, errmsg, true, false, copyIndexes);
예제 #5
파일: cloner.cpp 프로젝트: erickt/mongo
 virtual bool run(const string& dbname , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
     string fromhost = cmdObj.getStringField("from");
     if ( fromhost.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing from spec";
         return false;
     string collection = cmdObj.getStringField("startCloneCollection");
     if ( collection.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing startCloneCollection spec";
         return false;
     BSONObj query = cmdObj.getObjectField("query");
     if ( query.isEmpty() )
         query = BSONObj();
     BSONElement copyIndexesSpec = cmdObj.getField("copyindexes");
     bool copyIndexes = copyIndexesSpec.isBoolean() ? copyIndexesSpec.boolean() : true;
     // Will not be used if doesn't exist.
     int logSizeMb = cmdObj.getIntField( "logSizeMb" );
     /* replication note: we must logOp() not the command, but the cloned data -- if the slave
      were to clone it would get a different point-in-time and not match.
     Client::Context ctx(collection);
     log() << "startCloneCollection.  db:" << dbname << " collection:" << collection << " from: " << fromhost << " query: " << query << endl;
     Cloner c;
     long long cursorId;
     bool res = c.startCloneCollection( fromhost.c_str(), collection.c_str(), query, errmsg, !fromRepl, copyIndexes, logSizeMb, cursorId );
     if ( res ) {
         BSONObjBuilder b;
         b << "fromhost" << fromhost;
         b << "collection" << collection;
         b << "query" << query;
         b.appendDate( "cursorId", cursorId );
         BSONObj token = b.done();
         result << "finishToken" << token;
     return res;
예제 #6
Status bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(const BSONObj& object,
                                          StringData fieldName,
                                          bool defaultValue,
                                          bool* out) {
    BSONElement value;
    Status status = bsonExtractField(object, fieldName, &value);
    if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        *out = defaultValue;
        return Status::OK();
    } else if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    } else if (!value.isNumber() && !value.isBoolean()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      mongoutils::str::stream() << "Expected boolean or number type for field \""
                                                << fieldName << "\", found "
                                                << typeName(value.type()));
    } else {
        *out = value.trueValue();
        return Status::OK();
예제 #7
Status bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(const BSONObj& object,
                                          StringData fieldName,
                                          bool defaultValue,
                                          bool* out) {
    BSONElement element;
    Status status = bsonExtractFieldImpl(object, fieldName, &element, true);
    if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        *out = defaultValue;
        return Status::OK();

    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    if (!element.isNumber() && !element.isBoolean()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected boolean or number type for field \"" << fieldName
                                    << "\", found "
                                    << typeName(element.type()));
    *out = element.trueValue();
    return status;
예제 #8
// static
Status ParsedProjection::make(const BSONObj& spec,
                              const MatchExpression* const query,
                              ParsedProjection** out,
                              const MatchExpressionParser::WhereCallback& whereCallback) {
    // Are we including or excluding fields?  Values:
    // -1 when we haven't initialized it.
    // 1 when we're including
    // 0 when we're excluding.
    int include_exclude = -1;

    // If any of these are 'true' the projection isn't covered.
    bool include = true;
    bool hasNonSimple = false;
    bool hasDottedField = false;

    bool includeID = true;

    bool hasIndexKeyProjection = false;

    bool wantGeoNearPoint = false;
    bool wantGeoNearDistance = false;

    // Until we see a positional or elemMatch operator we're normal.
    ArrayOpType arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_NORMAL;

    BSONObjIterator it(spec);
    while (it.more()) {
        BSONElement e = it.next();

        if (!e.isNumber() && !e.isBoolean()) {
            hasNonSimple = true;

        if (Object == e.type()) {
            BSONObj obj = e.embeddedObject();
            if (1 != obj.nFields()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, ">1 field in obj: " + obj.toString());

            BSONElement e2 = obj.firstElement();
            if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$slice")) {
                if (e2.isNumber()) {
                    // This is A-OK.
                } else if (e2.type() == Array) {
                    BSONObj arr = e2.embeddedObject();
                    if (2 != arr.nFields()) {
                        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$slice array wrong size");

                    BSONObjIterator it(arr);
                    // Skip over 'skip'.
                    int limit = it.next().numberInt();
                    if (limit <= 0) {
                        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$slice limit must be positive");
                } else {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "$slice only supports numbers and [skip, limit] arrays");
            } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$elemMatch")) {
                // Validate $elemMatch arguments and dependencies.
                if (Object != e2.type()) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "elemMatch: Invalid argument, object required.");

                if (ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL == arrayOpType) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch.");

                if (mongoutils::str::contains(e.fieldName(), '.')) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "Cannot use $elemMatch projection on a nested field.");

                arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH;

                // Create a MatchExpression for the elemMatch.
                BSONObj elemMatchObj = e.wrap();

                // TODO: Is there a faster way of validating the elemMatchObj?
                StatusWithMatchExpression swme =
                    MatchExpressionParser::parse(elemMatchObj, whereCallback);
                if (!swme.isOK()) {
                    return swme.getStatus();
                delete swme.getValue();
            } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$meta")) {
                // Field for meta must be top level.  We can relax this at some point.
                if (mongoutils::str::contains(e.fieldName(), '.')) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "field for $meta cannot be nested");

                // Make sure the argument to $meta is something we recognize.
                // e.g. {x: {$meta: "textScore"}}
                if (String != e2.type()) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "unexpected argument to $meta in proj");

                if (e2.valuestr() != LiteParsedQuery::metaTextScore &&
                    e2.valuestr() != LiteParsedQuery::metaRecordId &&
                    e2.valuestr() != LiteParsedQuery::metaIndexKey &&
                    e2.valuestr() != LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearDistance &&
                    e2.valuestr() != LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearPoint) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "unsupported $meta operator: " + e2.str());

                // This clobbers everything else.
                if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaIndexKey) {
                    hasIndexKeyProjection = true;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearDistance) {
                    wantGeoNearDistance = true;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearPoint) {
                    wantGeoNearPoint = true;
            } else {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              string("Unsupported projection option: ") + e.toString());
        } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e.fieldName(), "_id") && !e.trueValue()) {
            includeID = false;
        } else {
            // Projections of dotted fields aren't covered.
            if (mongoutils::str::contains(e.fieldName(), '.')) {
                hasDottedField = true;

            // Validate input.
            if (include_exclude == -1) {
                // If we haven't specified an include/exclude, initialize include_exclude.
                // We expect further include/excludes to match it.
                include_exclude = e.trueValue();
                include = !e.trueValue();
            } else if (static_cast<bool>(include_exclude) != e.trueValue()) {
                // Make sure that the incl./excl. matches the previous.
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Projection cannot have a mix of inclusion and exclusion.");

        if (_isPositionalOperator(e.fieldName())) {
            // Validate the positional op.
            if (!e.trueValue()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Cannot exclude array elements with the positional operator.");

            if (ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL == arrayOpType) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Cannot specify more than one positional proj. per query.");

            if (ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH == arrayOpType) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch.");

            std::string after = mongoutils::str::after(e.fieldName(), ".$");
            if (mongoutils::str::contains(after, ".$")) {
                mongoutils::str::stream ss;
                ss << "Positional projection '" << e.fieldName() << "' contains "
                   << "the positional operator more than once.";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, ss);

            std::string matchfield = mongoutils::str::before(e.fieldName(), '.');
            if (!_hasPositionalOperatorMatch(query, matchfield)) {
                mongoutils::str::stream ss;
                ss << "Positional projection '" << e.fieldName() << "' does not "
                   << "match the query document.";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, ss);

            arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL;

    // Fill out the returned obj.
    unique_ptr<ParsedProjection> pp(new ParsedProjection());

    // The positional operator uses the MatchDetails from the query
    // expression to know which array element was matched.
    pp->_requiresMatchDetails = arrayOpType == ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL;

    // Save the raw spec.  It should be owned by the LiteParsedQuery.
    pp->_source = spec;
    pp->_returnKey = hasIndexKeyProjection;

    // Dotted fields aren't covered, non-simple require match details, and as for include, "if
    // we default to including then we can't use an index because we don't know what we're
    // missing."
    pp->_requiresDocument = include || hasNonSimple || hasDottedField;

    // Add geoNear projections.
    pp->_wantGeoNearPoint = wantGeoNearPoint;
    pp->_wantGeoNearDistance = wantGeoNearDistance;

    // If it's possible to compute the projection in a covered fashion, populate _requiredFields
    // so the planner can perform projection analysis.
    if (!pp->_requiresDocument) {
        if (includeID) {

        // The only way we could be here is if spec is only simple non-dotted-field projections.
        // Therefore we can iterate over spec to get the fields required.
        BSONObjIterator srcIt(spec);
        while (srcIt.more()) {
            BSONElement elt = srcIt.next();
            // We've already handled the _id field before entering this loop.
            if (includeID && mongoutils::str::equals(elt.fieldName(), "_id")) {
            if (elt.trueValue()) {

    // returnKey clobbers everything.
    if (hasIndexKeyProjection) {
        pp->_requiresDocument = false;

    *out = pp.release();
    return Status::OK();
Status parseRolesInfoCommand(const BSONObj& cmdObj, StringData dbname, RolesInfoArgs* parsedArgs) {
    unordered_set<std::string> validFieldNames;

    Status status = _checkNoExtraFields(cmdObj, "rolesInfo", validFieldNames);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;

    if (cmdObj["rolesInfo"].numberInt() == 1) {
        parsedArgs->allForDB = true;
    } else if (cmdObj["rolesInfo"].type() == Array) {
        status = parseRoleNamesFromBSONArray(
            BSONArray(cmdObj["rolesInfo"].Obj()), dbname, &parsedArgs->roleNames);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
    } else {
        RoleName name;
        status = _parseNameFromBSONElement(cmdObj["rolesInfo"],
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

    BSONElement showPrivileges = cmdObj["showPrivileges"];
    if (showPrivileges.eoo()) {
        parsedArgs->privilegeFormat = PrivilegeFormat::kOmit;
    } else if (showPrivileges.isNumber() || showPrivileges.isBoolean()) {
        parsedArgs->privilegeFormat =
            showPrivileges.trueValue() ? PrivilegeFormat::kShowSeparate : PrivilegeFormat::kOmit;
    } else if (showPrivileges.type() == BSONType::String &&
               showPrivileges.String() == "asUserFragment") {
        parsedArgs->privilegeFormat = PrivilegeFormat::kShowAsUserFragment;
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                      str::stream() << "Failed to parse 'showPrivileges'. 'showPrivileges' should "
                                       "either be a boolean or the string 'asUserFragment', given: "
                                    << showPrivileges.toString());

    const auto showAuthenticationRestrictions = cmdObj["showAuthenticationRestrictions"];
    if (showAuthenticationRestrictions.eoo()) {
        parsedArgs->authenticationRestrictionsFormat = AuthenticationRestrictionsFormat::kOmit;
    } else if (parsedArgs->privilegeFormat == PrivilegeFormat::kShowAsUserFragment) {
        return Status(
            "showAuthenticationRestrictions may not be used with showPrivileges='asUserFragment'");
    } else {
        bool show;
        status = bsonExtractBooleanField(cmdObj, "showAuthenticationRestrictions", &show);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        parsedArgs->authenticationRestrictionsFormat = show
            ? AuthenticationRestrictionsFormat::kShow
            : AuthenticationRestrictionsFormat::kOmit;

    status = bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(
        cmdObj, "showBuiltinRoles", false, &parsedArgs->showBuiltinRoles);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;

    return Status::OK();
예제 #10
ProjectionExec::ProjectionExec(const BSONObj& spec,
                               const MatchExpression* queryExpression,
                               const MatchExpressionParser::WhereCallback& whereCallback)
    : _include(true),
      _hasReturnKey(false) {
    // Are we including or excluding fields?
    // -1 when we haven't initialized it.
    // 1 when we're including
    // 0 when we're excluding.
    int include_exclude = -1;

    BSONObjIterator it(_source);
    while (it.more()) {
        BSONElement e = it.next();

        if (!e.isNumber() && !e.isBoolean()) {
            _hasNonSimple = true;

        if (Object == e.type()) {
            BSONObj obj = e.embeddedObject();
            verify(1 == obj.nFields());

            BSONElement e2 = obj.firstElement();
            if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$slice")) {
                if (e2.isNumber()) {
                    int i = e2.numberInt();
                    if (i < 0) {
                        add(e.fieldName(), i, -i);  // limit is now positive
                    } else {
                        add(e.fieldName(), 0, i);
                } else {
                    verify(e2.type() == Array);
                    BSONObj arr = e2.embeddedObject();
                    verify(2 == arr.nFields());

                    BSONObjIterator it(arr);
                    int skip = it.next().numberInt();
                    int limit = it.next().numberInt();

                    verify(limit > 0);

                    add(e.fieldName(), skip, limit);
            } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$elemMatch")) {
                _arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH;

                // Create a MatchExpression for the elemMatch.
                BSONObj elemMatchObj = e.wrap();
                StatusWithMatchExpression swme =
                    MatchExpressionParser::parse(elemMatchObj, whereCallback);
                // And store it in _matchers.
                _matchers[mongoutils::str::before(e.fieldName(), '.').c_str()] = swme.getValue();

                add(e.fieldName(), true);
            } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e2.fieldName(), "$meta")) {
                verify(String == e2.type());
                if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaTextScore) {
                    _meta[e.fieldName()] = META_TEXT_SCORE;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaRecordId) {
                    _meta[e.fieldName()] = META_RECORDID;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearPoint) {
                    _meta[e.fieldName()] = META_GEONEAR_POINT;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearDistance) {
                    _meta[e.fieldName()] = META_GEONEAR_DIST;
                } else if (e2.valuestr() == LiteParsedQuery::metaIndexKey) {
                    _hasReturnKey = true;
                    // The index key clobbers everything so just stop parsing here.
                } else {
                    // This shouldn't happen, should be caught by parsing.
            } else {
        } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e.fieldName(), "_id") && !e.trueValue()) {
            _includeID = false;
        } else {
            add(e.fieldName(), e.trueValue());

            // Projections of dotted fields aren't covered.
            if (mongoutils::str::contains(e.fieldName(), '.')) {
                _hasDottedField = true;

            // Validate input.
            if (include_exclude == -1) {
                // If we haven't specified an include/exclude, initialize include_exclude.
                // We expect further include/excludes to match it.
                include_exclude = e.trueValue();
                _include = !e.trueValue();

        if (mongoutils::str::contains(e.fieldName(), ".$")) {
            _arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL;