예제 #1
파일: overlapbar.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 156, 147, 87, 124, 178, 109, 140, 106, 192, 122};
    double data1[] = {122, 156, 179, 211, 198, 177, 160, 220, 190, 188, 220, 270};
    double data2[] = {167, 190, 213, 267, 250, 320, 212, 199, 245, 267, 240, 310};
    const char *labels[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
        "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 580 x 280 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(580, 280);

    // Add a title to the chart using 14 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("Product Revenue For Last 3 Years", "arialbi.ttf", 14);

    // Set the plot area at (50, 50) and of size 500 x 200. Use two alternative
    // background colors (f8f8f8 and ffffff)
    c->setPlotArea(50, 50, 500, 200, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 8pts Arial as font,
    // with transparent background.
    c->addLegend(50, 25, false, "arial.ttf", 8)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions)

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0xff8080,
        "Year 2003");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x80ff80,
        "Year 2004");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0x8080ff,
        "Year 2005");

    // Set 50% overlap between bars

    // Add a title to the y-axis
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Revenue (USD in millions)");

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: multibar.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 400 x 240 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(400, 240);

    // Add a title to the chart using 10 pt Arial font
    c->addTitle("         Average Weekday Network Load", "", 10);

    // Set the plot area at (50, 25) and of size 320 x 180. Use two alternative
    // background colors (0xffffc0 and 0xffffe0)
    c->setPlotArea(50, 25, 320, 180, 0xffffc0, 0xffffe0);

    // Add a legend box at (55, 18) using horizontal layout. Use 8 pt Arial font,
    // with transparent background
    c->addLegend(55, 18, false, "", 8)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Add a title to the y-axis
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (MBytes Per Hour)");

    // Reserve 20 pixels at the top of the y-axis for the legend box

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets and 3 pixels 3D depth
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side, 3);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0xff8080,
        "Server #1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x80ff80,
        "Server #2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0x8080ff,
        "Server #3");

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 115, 165, 107, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 106, 129, 161, 123};
    double data2[] = {67, 87, 86, 167, 157};

    // The labels for the bar chart
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 360 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(600, 360);

    // Set the plotarea at (70, 20) and of size 400 x 300 pixels, with transparent background and
    // border and light grey (0xcccccc) horizontal grid lines
    c->setPlotArea(70, 20, 400, 300, Chart::Transparent, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xcccccc);

    // Add a legend box at (480, 20) using vertical layout and 12pt Arial font. Set background and
    // border to transparent and key icon border to the same as the fill color.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(480, 20, true, "arial.ttf", 12);
    b->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x and y axis stems to transparent and the label font to 12pt Arial
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Add a stacked bar layer
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Stack);

    // Add the three data sets to the bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xaaccee,
        "Server # 1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0xbbdd88,
        "Server # 2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), 0xeeaa66,
        "Server # 3");

    // Set the bar border to transparent

    // Enable labelling for the entire bar and use 12pt Arial font
    layer->setAggregateLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Enable labelling for the bar segments and use 12pt Arial font with center alignment
    layer->setDataLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 10)->setAlignment(Chart::Center);

    // For a vertical stacked bar with positive data, the first data set is at the bottom. For the
    // legend box, by default, the first entry at the top. We can reverse the legend order to make
    // the legend box consistent with the stacked bar.

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // For the automatic y-axis labels, set the minimum spacing to 40 pixels.

    // Add a title to the y axis using dark grey (0x555555) 14pt Arial Bold font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbd.ttf", 14, 0x555555);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 375 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 375);

    // Add a title to the chart using 18pt Times Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("Average Weekly Network Load", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Set the plotarea at (50, 55) and of 440 x 280 pixels in size. Use a vertical gradient color
    // from light red (ffdddd) to dark red (880000) as background. Set border and grid lines to
    // white (ffffff).
    c->setPlotArea(50, 55, 440, 280, c->linearGradientColor(0, 55, 0, 335, 0xffdddd, 0x880000), -1,
        0xffffff, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 10pt Arial Bold as font, with
    // transparent background.
    c->addLegend(50, 25, false, "arialbd.ttf", 10)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions)

    // Set axis label style to 8pt Arial Bold
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set axis line width to 2 pixels

    // Add axis title
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (MBytes Per Hour)");

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets and 4 pixels 3D depth
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side, 4);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xffff00,
        "Server #1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0x00ff00,
        "Server #2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), 0x9999ff,
        "Server #3");

    // Set bar border to transparent. Use soft lighting effect with light direction from top.
    layer->setBorderColor(Chart::Transparent, Chart::softLighting(Chart::Top));

    // Configure the bars within a group to touch each others (no gap)
    layer->setBarGap(0.2, Chart::TouchBar);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon Jun 4", "Tue Jun 5", "Wed Jun 6", "Thu Jun 7", "Fri Jun 8"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 350 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 350);

    // Set the plot area to start at (120, 40) and of size 280 x 240 pixels
    c->setPlotArea(120, 40, 280, 240);

    // Add a title to the chart using 20pt Times Bold Italic (timesbi.ttf) font and using a deep
    // blue color (0x000080)
    c->addTitle("Weekly Server Load", "timesbi.ttf", 20, 0x000080);

    // Add a legend box at (420, 100) (right of plot area) using 12pt Times Bold font. Sets the
    // background of the legend box to light grey 0xd0d0d0 with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    c->addLegend(420, 100, true, "timesbd.ttf", 12)->setBackground(0xd0d0d0, 0xd0d0d0, 1);

    // Add a title to the y-axis using 12pt Arial Bold/deep blue (0x000080) font. Set the background
    // to yellow (0xffff00) with a 2 pixel 3D border.
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (per hour)", "arialbd.ttf", 12, 0x000080)->setBackground(
        0xffff00, 0xffff00, 2);

    // Use 10pt Arial Bold/orange (0xcc6600) font for the y axis labels
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10, 0xcc6600);

    // Set the axis label format to "nnn MBytes"
    c->yAxis()->setLabelFormat("{value} MBytes");

    // Use 10pt Arial Bold/green (0x008000) font for the x axis labels. Set the label angle to 45
    // degrees.
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10, 0x008000)->setFontAngle(45);

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Add a 3D stack bar layer with a 3D depth of 5 pixels
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Stack, 5);

    // Use Arial Italic as the default data label font in the bars

    // Use 10pt Times Bold Italic (timesbi.ttf) as the aggregate label font. Set the background to
    // flesh (0xffcc66) color with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    layer->setAggregateLabelStyle("timesbi.ttf", 10)->setBackground(0xffcc66, Chart::Transparent, 1)

    // Add the first data set to the stacked bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), -1, "Server #1");

    // Add the second data set to the stacked bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), -1, "Server #2");

    // Add the third data set to the stacked bar layer, and set its data label font to Arial Bold
    // Italic.
    TextBox *textbox = layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))
        ), -1, "Server #3")->setDataLabelStyle("arialbi.ttf");

    // Set the data label font color for the third data set to yellow (0xffff00)

    // Set the data label background color to the same color as the bar segment, with a 1 pixel 3D
    // border.
    textbox->setBackground(Chart::SameAsMainColor, Chart::Transparent, 1);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;