예제 #1
    void checkAttributes()
        std::stringstream scene ;
        scene << "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
                 "<Node 	name='Root' gravity='0 -9.81 0' time='0' animate='0' >               \n"
                 "  <OglLabel name='label1'/>                                                    \n"
                 "</Node>                                                                        \n" ;

        Node::SPtr root = SceneLoaderXML::loadFromMemory ("testscene",
                                                          scene.str().size()) ;

        ASSERT_NE(root.get(), nullptr) ;
        root->init(ExecParams::defaultInstance()) ;

        BaseObject* lm = root->getObject("label1") ;
        ASSERT_NE(lm, nullptr) ;

        /// List of the supported attributes the user expect to find
        /// This list needs to be updated if you add an attribute.
        vector<string> attrnames = {
            "prefix", "label", "suffix", "x", "y", "fontsize", "color",
            "selectContrastingColor", "updateLabelEveryNbSteps",

        for(auto& attrname : attrnames)
            EXPECT_NE( lm->findData(attrname), nullptr ) << "Missing attribute with name '" << attrname << "'." ;
예제 #2
BaseData* deriveTypeFromParentValue(Base* obj, const std::string& value)
    BaseObject* o = dynamic_cast<BaseObject*>(obj);
    if (!o)
        return nullptr;

    // if data is a link
    if (value.length() > 0 && value[0] == '@')
        std::string componentPath = value.substr(1, value.find('.') - 1);
        std::string parentDataName = value.substr(value.find('.') + 1);

        if (!o->getContext())
	    msg_warning("SofaPython") << "No context created. Cannot find data link to derive input type.";
            return nullptr;
        BaseObject* component;
        component = o->getContext()->get<BaseObject>(componentPath);
        if (!component)
	    msg_warning("SofaPython") << "No object with path " << componentPath << " in scene graph.";
        BaseData* parentData = component->findData(parentDataName);
        return parentData->getNewInstance();
    return nullptr;
예제 #3
void BaseObject::setSrc(const std::string &valueString, const BaseObject *loader, std::vector< std::string > *attributeList)
    BaseObject* obj = this;

    std::multimap < std::string, BaseData*> dataLoaderMap(loader->m_aliasData);
    std::multimap < std::string, BaseData*>::iterator it_map;

    //for (unsigned int j = 0; j<loader->m_fieldVec.size(); ++j)
    //	dataLoaderMap.insert (std::pair<std::string, BaseData*> (loader->m_fieldVec[j].first, loader->m_fieldVec[j].second));

    if (attributeList != 0)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j<attributeList->size(); ++j)
            it_map = dataLoaderMap.find ((*attributeList)[j]);
            if (it_map != dataLoaderMap.end())
                dataLoaderMap.erase (it_map);

    // -- Temporary patch, using exceptions. TODO: use a flag to set Data not to be automatically linked. --
    it_map = dataLoaderMap.find ("type");
    if (it_map != dataLoaderMap.end())
        dataLoaderMap.erase (it_map);

    it_map = dataLoaderMap.find ("filename");
    if (it_map != dataLoaderMap.end())
        dataLoaderMap.erase (it_map);

    for (it_map = dataLoaderMap.begin(); it_map != dataLoaderMap.end(); ++it_map)
        BaseData* data = obj->findData( (*it_map).first );
        if (data != NULL)
            if (!(*it_map).second->isAutoLink())
                sout << "Disabling autolink for Data " << data->getName() << sendl;
                //serr << "Autolinking Data " << data->getName() << sendl;
                std::string linkPath = valueString+"."+(*it_map).first;
                data->setParent( (*it_map).second, linkPath);