void AudioTrack::addPlugin(BasePlugin* plugin, int idx)/*{{{*/ { if(debugMsg) qDebug("AudioTrack::addPlugin(%p, %d) \n", plugin, idx); if (!plugin) { BasePlugin* oldPlugin = (*_efxPipe)[idx]; if (oldPlugin) { oldPlugin->setId(-1); oldPlugin->setTrack(0); uint32_t paramCount = oldPlugin->getParameterCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { ParameterPort* paramPort = oldPlugin->getParameterPort(i); if (! paramPort || paramPort->type != PARAMETER_INPUT || (paramPort->hints & PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE) == 0) continue; int id = genACnum(idx, i); removeController(id); } _efxPipe->remove(idx); } } if (plugin) { idx = efxPipe()->addPlugin(plugin, idx); plugin->setId(idx); plugin->setTrack(this); uint32_t paramCount = plugin->getParameterCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { ParameterPort* paramPort = plugin->getParameterPort(i); if (! paramPort || paramPort->type != PARAMETER_INPUT || (paramPort->hints & PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE) == 0) continue; int id = genACnum(idx, i); CtrlValueType t = plugin->valueType(); CtrlList* cl = new CtrlList(id); cl->setRange(paramPort->ranges.min, paramPort->ranges.max); cl->setName(plugin->getParameterName(i)); cl->setPluginName(plugin->name()); cl->setUnit(plugin->getParameterUnit(i)); cl->setValueType(t); if (paramPort->hints & PARAMETER_IS_TOGGLED) cl->setMode(CtrlList::DISCRETE); else cl->setMode(CtrlList::INTERPOLATE); cl->setCurVal(plugin->getParameterValue(i)); addController(cl); } } }/*}}}*/
bool AudioTrack::readProperties(Xml& xml, const QString& tag) { if (tag == "LadspaPlugin" || tag == "plugin") { BasePlugin* pi = new LadspaPlugin(); pi->setTrack(this); pi->setId((int)_efxPipe->size()); if (pi->readConfiguration(xml, false)) delete pi; else _efxPipe->addPlugin(pi, -1); } else if (tag == "Lv2Plugin") { Lv2Plugin* pi = new Lv2Plugin(); pi->setTrack(this); pi->setId((int)_efxPipe->size()); if (pi->readConfiguration(xml, false)) delete pi; else _efxPipe->addPlugin(pi, -1); } else if (tag == "VstPlugin") { VstPlugin* pi = new VstPlugin(); pi->setTrack(this); pi->setId((int)_efxPipe->size()); if (pi->readConfiguration(xml, false)) delete pi; else _efxPipe->addPlugin(pi, -1); } else if (tag == "auxSend") readAuxSend(xml); else if (tag == "prefader") _prefader = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "sendMetronome") _sendMetronome = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "automation") setAutomationType(AutomationType(xml.parseInt())); else if (tag == "controller") { CtrlList* l = new CtrlList(); l->read(xml); // Since (until now) oom wrote a 'zero' for plugin controller current value // in the XML file, we can't use that value, now that plugin automation is added. // We must take the value from the plugin control value. // Otherwise we break all existing .oom files with plugins, because the gui // controls would all be set to zero. // But we will allow for the (unintended, useless) possibility of a controller // with no matching plugin control. BasePlugin* p = 0; bool ctlfound = false; int m = l->id() & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK; int n = (l->id() >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW) - 1; int pdepth = _efxPipe->size(); if (n >= 0 && n < pdepth) { p = (*_efxPipe)[n]; if (p) { ParameterPort* cport = p->getParameterPort(m); if (cport && cport->type == PARAMETER_INPUT && (cport->hints & PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE) > 0) ctlfound = true; } } iCtrlList icl = _controller.find(l->id()); if (icl == _controller.end()) _controller.add(l); else { CtrlList* d = icl->second; for (iCtrl i = l->begin(); i != l->end(); ++i) d->add(i->second.getFrame(), i->second.val); if (!ctlfound) d->setCurVal(l->curVal()); d->setColor(l->color()); d->setVisible(l->isVisible()); d->setDefault(l->getDefault()); delete l; l = d; } if (ctlfound) { l->setCurVal(p->getParameterValue(m)); ParameterPort* cport = p->getParameterPort(m); if (cport && cport->hints & PARAMETER_IS_TOGGLED) l->setMode(CtrlList::DISCRETE); else l->setMode(CtrlList::INTERPOLATE); } }