IntensityImage * DefaultPreProcessing::stepEdgeDetection(const IntensityImage &src) const {
	// Maak een basetimer aan. De basetimer wordt gebruikt om de tijd bij te houden
	// die de implementatie gebruikt.
	BaseTimer basetimer;
	// Start de basetimer.
	cv::Mat OverHillOverDale;
	HereBeDragons::HerLoveForWhoseDearLoveIRiseAndFall(src, OverHillOverDale);
	//cv::medianBlur(*image, *image, 3);
	//cv::GaussianBlur(*image, *image, cv::Size(3, 3), 0, 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
	cv::Mat ThoroughBushThoroughBrier = (cv::Mat_<float>(9, 9) << 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -4, -4, -4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -4, -4, -4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -4, -4, -4, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
	cv::Mat OverParkOverPale;
	filter2D(OverHillOverDale, OverParkOverPale, CV_8U, ThoroughBushThoroughBrier, cv::Point(-1, -1), 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
	IntensityImage * ThoroughFloodThoroughFire = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage();
	HereBeDragons::NoWantOfConscienceHoldItThatICall(OverParkOverPale, *ThoroughFloodThoroughFire);
	// Stop de timer
	// Schrijf de tijd dat nodig is geweest naar een output file.
	std::ofstream myfile;"tijdedge.txt", std::ofstream::ate);
	myfile << "EdgeDetectionDefault convert tijd in s: " << basetimer.elapsedSeconds() << " tijd ms:"
		<< basetimer.elapsedMilliSeconds() << " tijd us" << basetimer.elapsedMicroSeconds();
	// return de gemaakte afbeelding.
	return ThoroughFloodThoroughFire;
예제 #2
void Test::RunCannyTest(const RGBImage* in) {
	Gaussian smoother;
	Sobel sobel;
	Canny canny;
	StudentPreProcessing converter;

	double sigma = 1.6;
	int kernelSize = 5;

	// Convert RGB to Intensity
	IntensityImage* grey = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(in->getWidth(), in->getHeight());
	grey = converter.stepToIntensityImage(*in);

	BaseTimer timer;
	int total = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

		/* Start of Canny */

		// 1. Smooth Intensity with Gaussian
		IntensityImage* gaussian = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(in->getWidth() - kernelSize, in->getHeight() - kernelSize);
		smoother.smoothImage(grey, gaussian, sigma, kernelSize);

		// 2. Find edges with Sobel (convolve X and Y separately for Canny)
		int sobelKernelSize = 3;
		IntensityImage* sobelX = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(gaussian->getWidth() - sobelKernelSize, gaussian->getHeight() - sobelKernelSize);
		IntensityImage* sobelY = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(gaussian->getWidth() - sobelKernelSize, gaussian->getHeight() - sobelKernelSize);
		sobel.filterXY(gaussian, sobelX, sobelY);

		// 3. Apply non-maximum suppresion
		IntensityImage* nonMaxSuppression = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(sobelX->getWidth(), sobelX->getHeight());
		canny.nonMaximumSurpression(sobelX, sobelY, nonMaxSuppression);

		// 4. Apply hysteresis threshold
		IntensityImage* hysteresisThreshold = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(sobelX->getWidth(), sobelX->getHeight());
		canny.threshold(nonMaxSuppression, hysteresisThreshold, 60, 70);

		std::cout << timer.elapsedMilliSeconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
		total += timer.elapsedMilliSeconds();

		if (i == 9)
			ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*hysteresisThreshold, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("Canny.png"));
	std::cout << "Average time per Canny edge detection: " << (total / 10) << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Press the X in the console window to exit program" << std::endl;
예제 #3
void Test::RunScaleTest(RGBImage* in) {
	StudentPreProcessing sPre;
	IntensityImage* grey = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage(in->getWidth(), in->getHeight());
	grey = sPre.stepToIntensityImage(*in);
	IntensityImage* scale;
	BaseTimer timer;
	int total = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
		scale = sPre.stepScaleImage(*grey);
		std::cout << timer.elapsedMicroSeconds() << " us" << std::endl;
		total += timer.elapsedMicroSeconds();
	std::cout << "Gemiddelde tijd: " << (total / 10) << " us" << std::endl;
IntensityImage * DefaultPreProcessing::stepThresholding(const IntensityImage &src) const {
	// Maak een basetimer aan. De basetimer wordt gebruikt om de tijd bij te houden
	// die de implementatie gebruikt.
	BaseTimer basetimer;
	// Start de basetimer.
	cv::Mat OverHillOverDale;
	HereBeDragons::HerLoveForWhoseDearLoveIRiseAndFall(src, OverHillOverDale);
	cv::threshold(OverHillOverDale, OverHillOverDale, 220, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV);
	IntensityImage * ThoroughBushThoroughBrier = ImageFactory::newIntensityImage();
	HereBeDragons::NoWantOfConscienceHoldItThatICall(OverHillOverDale, *ThoroughBushThoroughBrier);
	// Stop de timer
	// Schrijf de tijd dat nodig is geweest naar een output file.
	std::ofstream myfile;"tijdtresholding.txt", std::ofstream::ate);
	myfile << "ThresholdingDefault convert tijd in s: " << basetimer.elapsedSeconds() << " tijd ms:"
		<< basetimer.elapsedMilliSeconds() << " tijd us" << basetimer.elapsedMicroSeconds();
	return ThoroughBushThoroughBrier;
bool executeSteps(DLLExecution * executor) {

	//Execute the four Pre-processing steps
	if (!executor->executePreProcessingStep1(false)) {
		std::cout << "Pre-processing step 1 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executePreProcessingStep2(false)) {
		std::cout << "Pre-processing step 2 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*executor->resultPreProcessingStep2, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("Pre-processing-2.png"));
	if (!executor->executePreProcessingStep3(false)) {
		std::cout << "Pre-processing step 3 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*executor->resultPreProcessingStep3, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("Pre-processing-3.png"));

	if (!executor->executePreProcessingStep4(false)) {
		std::cout << "Pre-processing step 4 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*executor->resultPreProcessingStep4, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("Pre-processing-4.png"));

	//Execute the localization steps
	if (!executor->prepareLocalization()) {
		std::cout << "Localization preparation failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	std::vector<long long> time;

	for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i){
		if (!executor->executeLocalizationStep1(true)) {
			std::cout << "Localization step 1 failed!" << std::endl;
			return false;
		time.push_back(bt.elapsedMicroSeconds()); \
	long long total = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < time.size(); ++i){
		total = total + time[i];
	long long average = total / time.size();
	std::cout << average;

	if (!executor->executeLocalizationStep2(false)) {
		std::cout << "Localization step 2 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeLocalizationStep3(false)) {
		std::cout << "Localization step 3 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeLocalizationStep4(false)) {
		std::cout << "Localization step 4 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeLocalizationStep5(false)) {
		std::cout << "Localization step 5 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	//Execute the extraction steps
	if (!executor->prepareExtraction()) {
		std::cout << "Extraction preparation failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeExtractionStep1(false)) {
		std::cout << "Extraction step 1 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeExtractionStep2(false)) {
		std::cout << "Extraction step 2 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!executor->executeExtractionStep3(false)) {
		std::cout << "Extraction step 3 failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	//Post processing and representation
	if (!executor->executePostProcessing()) {
		std::cout << "Post-processing failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	drawFeatureDebugImage(*executor->resultPreProcessingStep1, executor->featuresScaled);

	if (!executor->executeRepresentation()) {
		std::cout << "Representation failed!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #6
bool StudentLocalization::stepFindChinContours(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const {
	// Maak een basetimer object om de tijd bij te houden dat de implementatie nodig heeft.
	BaseTimer basetimer;
	// Start de basetimer.
	// test getal 
	int startStep = 15; 
	bool first = true;
	// Sla het middenpunt van de mond op.
	Point2D<double> MouthCenterPoint = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_MOUTH_CENTER).getPoints()[0];
	// Sla het kin punt op.
	Point2D<double> ChinPoint = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN).getPoints()[0];
	int range = MouthCenterPoint.getY() - ChinPoint.getY();
	// Object om kincountoer punten in op te slaan.
	Feature output = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN_CONTOUR);
	int degrees;
	int steps = 15;
	int lastdif;
	double correction = -1;
	int lastSteps = 0;
	int vorigeX = 0;
	// Bereken 20 punten van de kin.
	for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
		bool ireg = false;
		if (i>9)
			correction = 1; 
		else if (i < 9)
			correction =0;
		// Sla middelpunt mond x op.
		int checkX = MouthCenterPoint.getX();
		// Sla middelpunt mond y op.
		int checkY = MouthCenterPoint.getY();
		double gradenInRad = (-90+(i * 10)) *(PI/180);
		steps = startStep;
		Point2D<double> gevondenPunt;
		// Middelste punt van de kin is als het goed is bekend. Dit is punt nummer 9 dus zal worden overgeslagen.
		if (i != 9) 
			while (true)
				if (!first&&steps > startStep + 10)
					lastdif / i;
					ireg = true;
					gevondenPunt.set(MouthCenterPoint.getX() + ((lastSteps + correction)* std::sin(gradenInRad)), MouthCenterPoint.getY() + ((lastSteps + correction) * std::cos(gradenInRad)));
					steps = lastSteps + correction;
				checkX = MouthCenterPoint.getX()+ (steps * std::sin(gradenInRad));
				checkY = MouthCenterPoint.getY()+(steps * std::cos(gradenInRad));
				Intensity pixel = image.getPixel(std::round(checkX), std::round(checkY));
				if (int(pixel) == 0)
					if (checkX - vorigeX <2)
						lastdif / i;
						ireg = true;
						gevondenPunt.set(MouthCenterPoint.getX() + ((lastSteps + correction)* std::sin(gradenInRad)), MouthCenterPoint.getY() + ((lastSteps + correction) * std::cos(gradenInRad)));
						steps = lastSteps + correction;
					gevondenPunt.set(checkX, checkY); break; 
			vorigeX = checkX;
			std::cout << gevondenPunt <<"\n";
			startStep = steps - 5;
			if (ireg)
				startStep = steps-5;
				lastSteps = steps;
				lastdif = lastSteps - steps;
				lastSteps = steps;
	std::ofstream myfile;"tijd.txt", std::ofstream::ate);
	myfile << "Chincontours convert tijd in s: " << basetimer.elapsedSeconds() << " tijd ms:" << basetimer.elapsedMilliSeconds() << " tijd us" << basetimer.elapsedMicroSeconds();
	return true;