예제 #1
GFont::GFont(const String& filename, BinaryInput& b) {    

    int ver = b.readInt32();
    debugAssertM(ver == 1 || ver == 2, "Can't read font files other than version 1");

    if (ver == 1) {
        charsetSize = 128;
    } else {
        charsetSize = b.readInt32();

    // Read the widths
    for (int c = 0; c < charsetSize; ++c) {
        subWidth[c] = b.readUInt16();

    baseline = b.readUInt16();
    int texWidth = b.readUInt16();
    charWidth  = texWidth / 16;
    charHeight = texWidth / 16;

    // The input may not be a power of 2
    int width  = ceilPow2(charWidth * 16);
    int height = ceilPow2(charHeight * (charsetSize / 16));
    // Create a texture
    const uint8* ptr = ((uint8*)b.getCArray()) + b.getPosition();
    debugAssertM((b.getLength() - b.getPosition()) >= width * height, 
        "File does not contain enough data for this size texture");

    Texture::Preprocess preprocess;
    preprocess.computeMinMaxMean = false;
    const bool generateMipMaps = true;

    m_texture = 
        (   filename, 
    m_textureMatrix[0] = 1.0f / m_texture->width();
    m_textureMatrix[1] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[2] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[3] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[4] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[5] = 1.0f / m_texture->height();
    m_textureMatrix[6] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[7] = 0;    
    m_textureMatrix[8] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[9] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[10] = 1;
    m_textureMatrix[11] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[12] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[13] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[14] = 0;
    m_textureMatrix[15] = 1;

    m_name = filename;
예제 #2
void GImage::decodeBMP(
    BinaryInput&            input) {

    // The BMP decoding uses these flags.
    static const uint16 PICTURE_NONE               = 0x0000;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_BITMAP             = 0x1000;

    // Compression Flags
    static const uint16 PICTURE_UNCOMPRESSED       = 0x0100;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_MONOCHROME         = 0x0001;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_4BIT               = 0x0002;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_8BIT               = 0x0004;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_16BIT              = 0x0008;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_24BIT              = 0x0010;
    static const uint16 PICTURE_32BIT              = 0x0020;


    // This is a simple BMP loader that can handle uncompressed BMP files.
    // Verify this is a BMP file by looking for the BM tag.
    std::string tag = input.readString(2);
    if (tag != "BM") {
        throw Error("Not a BMP file", input.getFilename());

    m_channels = 3;
	// Skip to the BITMAPINFOHEADER's width and height

    m_width  = input.readUInt32();
    m_height = input.readUInt32();

	// Skip to the bit count and compression type

    uint16 bitCount        = input.readUInt16();
    uint32 compressionType = input.readUInt32();

    uint8 red;
    uint8 green;
    uint8 blue;
    uint8 blank;

	// Only uncompressed bitmaps are supported by this code
    if ((int32)compressionType != BI_RGB) {
        throw Error("BMP images must be uncompressed", input.getFilename());

    uint8* palette = NULL;

	// Create the palette if needed
    if (bitCount <= 8) {

        // Skip to the palette color count in the header

        int numColors = input.readUInt32();

        palette = (uint8*)System::malloc(numColors * 3);

        // Skip past the end of the header to the palette info

        int c;
        for (c = 0; c < numColors * 3; c += 3) {
            // Palette information in bitmaps is stored in BGR_ format.
            // That means it's blue-green-red-blank, for each entry.
            blue  = input.readUInt8();
            green = input.readUInt8();
            red   = input.readUInt8();
            blank = input.readUInt8();

            palette[c]     = red;
            palette[c + 1] = green;
            palette[c + 2] = blue;

    int hStart = 0;
    int hEnd   = 0;
    int hDir   = 0;

    if (m_height < 0) {
        m_height = -m_height;
        hStart = 0;
        hEnd   = m_height;
        hDir   = 1;
    } else {
        //height = height;
        hStart = m_height - 1;
        hEnd   = -1;
        hDir   = -1;

    m_byte = (uint8*)m_memMan->alloc(m_width * m_height * 3);

    int BMScanWidth;
    int BMPadding;
    uint8 BMGroup;
    uint8 BMPixel8;
    int currPixel;
    int dest;
    int flags = PICTURE_NONE;

    if (bitCount == 1) {
        // Note that this file is not necessarily grayscale, since it's possible
        // the palette is blue-and-white, or whatever. But of course most image
        // programs only write 1-bit images if they're black-and-white.

        // For bitmaps, each scanline is dword-aligned.
        BMScanWidth = (m_width + 7) >> 3;
        if (BMScanWidth & 3) {
            BMScanWidth += 4 - (BMScanWidth & 3);

        // Powers of 2
        int pow2[8] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};

        for (int h = hStart; h != hEnd; h += hDir) {

            currPixel = 0;
            dest = 3 * h * m_width;

            for (int w = 0; w < BMScanWidth; ++w) {

                BMGroup = input.readUInt8();

                // Now we read the pixels. Usually there are eight pixels per byte,
                // since each pixel is represented by one bit, but if the width
                // is not a multiple of eight, the last byte will have some bits
                // set, with the others just being extra. Plus there's the
                // dword-alignment padding. So we keep checking to see if we've
                // already read "width" number of pixels.
                for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (currPixel < m_width) {
                        int src  = 3 * ((BMGroup & pow2[i]) >> i);
                        m_byte[dest]     = palette[src];
                        m_byte[dest + 1] = palette[src + 1];
                        m_byte[dest + 2] = palette[src + 2];
                        dest += 3;