int main() { BinarySearchTree t; t.insert("D"); t.insert("B"); t.insert("A"); t.insert("C"); t.insert("F"); t.insert("E"); t.insert("I"); t.insert("G"); t.insert("H"); t.insert("J"); t.erase("A"); // Removing leaf t.erase("B"); // Removing element with one child t.erase("F"); // Removing element with two children t.erase("D"); // Removing root t.print(); cout << t.count("E") << "\n"; cout << t.count("F") << "\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { BinarySearchTree<int> BST; assert(BST.insert(4) == true); assert(BST.insert(5) == true); assert(BST.insert(2) == true); assert(BST.insert(3) == true); assert(BST.insert(1) == true); assert(BST.erase(0) == false); assert(BST.erase(2) == true); assert(BST.erase(2) == false); assert(BST.insert(4) == false); // should output 4 assert(BST.getRootVal() == 4); cout << BST.getRootVal() << endl; assert(BST.erase(4) == true); // should output 5 assert(BST.getRootVal() == 5); cout << BST.getRootVal() << endl; assert(BST.erase(5) == true); // should output 3 assert(BST.getRootVal() == 3); cout << BST.getRootVal() << endl; return 0; }
void basic_test() { BinarySearchTree<int> tree; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i += 3) tree.insert(i); assert(tree.size() == 5); assert(; assert(; assert(!; assert(!tree.erase(8)); assert(; assert(tree.erase(9)); assert(!tree.erase(9)); assert(tree.size() == 4); assert(!tree.insert(3)); assert(tree.insert(13)); assert(tree.size() == 5); assert(tree.erase(13)); assert(tree.erase(12)); assert(tree.erase(6)); assert(tree.erase(3)); assert(tree.erase(0)); assert(tree.empty()); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... cout << (z) << "\n"; set<int> a; a.insert(1); a.insert(2); a.insert(3); a.insert(5); set<int> b; b.insert(3); b.insert(4); b.insert(5); set<int> c; // c = set_Union(a, b); // c = intersection(a, b); //set<int> d = sieveofEratosthenes(10); //exercise1(); // exercise2(); BinarySearchTree t; t.insert("D"); t.insert("B"); t.insert("A"); t.insert("C"); t.insert("F"); t.insert("E"); t.insert("I"); t.insert("G"); t.insert("H"); t.insert("J"); t.erase("A"); // Removing leaf t.erase("B"); // Removing element with one child t.erase("F"); // Removing element with two children t.erase("D"); // Removing root t.print(); cout << t.count("E") << "\n"; cout << t.count("F") << "\n"; cout << "\nHeap Tasks\n"; Heap tasks; tasks.push(2); tasks.push(3); tasks.push(2); tasks.push(1); tasks.push(4); tasks.push(9); tasks.push(1); tasks.push(5); while (tasks.size() > 0) { int task =; tasks.pop(); cout << task << "\n"; } std::cout << "Hello, World!\n"; return 0; }
int main() { //need this to get a memory leak dump at end of code execution _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // Create binary search tree, give it values {2,3,5,11,13,17} BinarySearchTree bst; bst.insert(3); bst.insert(2); bst.insert(11); bst.insert(13); bst.insert(5); bst.insert(17); // Prints to the console: 2,3,5,11,13,17, for (auto x : bst) std::cout << x << ","; std::cout << std::endl; bst.erase(6); // {2,3,5,11,13,17}, no effect bst.erase(11); // {2,3,5,13,17} auto start = std::begin(bst); auto stop = std::end(bst); int value = 17; bool keep_looking = true; // find a 17 in the list while (start != stop && keep_looking){ if (*start++ == value){ keep_looking = false; } } --start; //// Prints "17 is in the list." if (start != stop) std::cout << *start << " is in the list." << std::endl; //Construct a deep copy of bst. //std::cout << "0.\n"; //bst.print(); //std::cout << "1.\n"; BinarySearchTree deep_copy(bst); //std::cout << "2.\n"; deep_copy.insert(11); deep_copy.insert(7); // Prints to the console: 2,3,5,7,11, 13, 17, for (auto x : deep_copy) std::cout << x << ","; std::cout << std::endl; //std::cout << "\n\n\n\n\n"; //bst.print(); //deep_copy.print(); return 0; }
int main() { int input; BinarySearchTree bin; string binarycode; int size = 0; cout << "Please input a set of distinct nonnegative numbers for a Tree (Enter -1 when you are finished):" << endl; while (cin >> input) if (input == -1) break; else bin.insert(input); int largest = bin.largest(); cout << "\nThe maximum of the entries is: " << largest; int smallest = bin.smallest(); cout << "\nThe minimum of the entries is: " << smallest; size = bin.size(); cout << "\nThe size of the List is: " << size; cout << endl; input = 1; while (input != -1) { cout << "Select a value for insertion (Enter -1 when finished): "; cin >> input; if (input != -1) bin.insert(input); else break; } largest = bin.largest(); cout << "\nThe maximum of the entries is: " << largest; smallest = bin.smallest(); cout << "\nThe minimum of the entries is: " << smallest; size = bin.size(); cout << "\nThe size of the List is: " << size << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(1); cout << "The binary code for 1 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(2); cout << "The binary code for 2 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(3); cout << "The binary code for 3 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(4); cout << "The binary code for 4 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(5); cout << "The binary code for 5 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(6); cout << "The binary code for 6 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(7); cout << "The binary code for 7 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(8); cout << "The binary code for 8 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(9); cout << "The binary code for 9 is: " << binarycode << endl; cout << endl; input = 1; while (input != -1) { cout << "Select a value to erase (enter -1 when finished): "; cin >> input; if (input != -1) bin.erase(input); else break; } cout << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(1); cout << "The binary code for 1 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(2); cout << "The binary code for 2 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(3); cout << "The binary code for 3 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(4); cout << "The binary code for 4 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(5); cout << "The binary code for 5 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(6); cout << "The binary code for 6 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(7); cout << "The binary code for 7 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(8); cout << "The binary code for 8 is: " << binarycode << endl; binarycode = bin.BinaryCode(9); cout << "The binary code for 9 is: " << binarycode << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }