int main() { trace.beginBlock ( "Example dgtalBoard2D-1-points" ); Point p1( -3, -2 ); Point p2( 7, 3 ); Point p3( 0, 0 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); Board2D board; board << domain << p1 << p2 << p3; board.saveSVG("dgtalBoard2D-1-points.svg"); board.saveEPS("dgtalBoard2D-1-points.eps"); board.saveTikZ("dgtalBoard2D-1-points.tikz"); #ifdef WITH_CAIRO board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-1-points-cairo.pdf", Board2D::CairoPDF); board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-1-points-cairo.png", Board2D::CairoPNG); board.saveCairo("", Board2D::CairoPS); board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-1-points-cairo.svg", Board2D::CairoSVG); #endif trace.endBlock(); return 0; }
bool testDomain() { typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace; typedef TSpace::Point Point; Point a ( 1, 1); Point b ( 15, 15); trace.beginBlock ( "HyperRectDomain Iterator" ); HyperRectDomain<TSpace> myDomain ( a,b ); Board2D board; board << SetMode( myDomain.className(), "Grid" ) << myDomain; board.scale(10); board.saveSVG( "domain-grid.svg" ); board.saveTikZ( "domain-grid.tikz" ); Board2D b2; b2 << SetMode( myDomain.className(), "Paving" ) << myDomain; b2.scale(10); b2.saveSVG( "domain-paving.svg" ); b2.saveTikZ( "domain-paving.tikz" ); trace.endBlock(); PointVector<3,int> pl; //An assert should be raised //Display2DFactory::draw(b2, pl); return true; }
/** * Example of a test. To be completed. * */ bool testSimpleBoard() { unsigned int nbok = 0; unsigned int nb = 2; trace.beginBlock ( "Testing class SimpleBoard" ); Board2D board; board.setPenColorRGBi( 0, 0, 0); board.drawRectangle( -1, 1, 2.0, 2.0 ); board.setPenColorRGBi( 0, 0, 255 ); board.fillCircle( 2, 2, 1 ); board.saveSVG( "simpleboard.svg" ); board.saveFIG( "simpleboard.fig" ); board.saveEPS( "simpleboard.eps" ); board.saveTikZ( "simpleboard.tikz" ); nbok++; typedef PointVector<2,int> Point2D; Point2D apoint, p2; apoint[0] = 5; p2[0] = 1; apoint[1] = 8; p2[1] = 1; board.setPenColorRGBi( 255, 0, 255 ); board << apoint; board.setPenColorRGBi( 255, 0, 0 ); Display2DFactory::draw(board, apoint, p2); board.scale(10); board.saveSVG( "pointsimpleboard.svg" ); board.saveFIG( "pointsimpleboard.fig" ); board.saveEPS( "pointsimpleboard.eps" ); board.saveTikZ( "pointsimpleboard.tikz" ); nbok++; trace.endBlock(); return nbok == nb; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { trace.beginBlock ( "Example exampleBezierCurve" ); << "Args:"; for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) << " " << argv[ i ]; << endl; //control points typedef PointVector<2,int> Point; Point P(0,0), Q(4,4), R(8,0); //display Board2D board; //with fill board << SetMode(P.className(), "Grid") << P << Q << R; board.drawQuadraticBezierCurve(P[0], P[1], Q[0], Q[1], R[0], R[1]); board.saveSVG("BezierCurve.svg", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveEPS("BezierCurve.eps", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveTikZ("BezierCurve.tikz", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveFIG("BezierCurve.fig", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); #ifdef WITH_CAIRO board.saveCairo("BezierCurve.pdf", Board2D::CairoPDF); #endif board.clear(); //without fill board << SetMode(P.className(), "Grid") << P << Q << R; board.setFillColor(Color::None); board.drawQuadraticBezierCurve(P[0], P[1], Q[0], Q[1], R[0], R[1]); board.saveSVG("BezierCurve2.svg", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveEPS("BezierCurve2.eps", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveTikZ("BezierCurve2.tikz", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); board.saveFIG("BezierCurve2.fig", Board2D::BoundingBox, 5000 ); #ifdef WITH_CAIRO board.saveCairo("BezierCurve2.pdf", Board2D::CairoPDF); #endif trace.endBlock(); return 0; }
int main() { trace.beginBlock ( "Example dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps" ); Point p1( -10, -7 ); Point p2( 10, 7 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); Point c1( -5, -1 ); Point c2( 5, 1 ); DigitalSet shape_set( domain ); Shapes<Domain>::addNorm1Ball( shape_set, c1, 5 ); Shapes<Domain>::addNorm1Ball( shape_set, c2, 5 ); shape_set.erase( c1 ); shape_set.erase( c2 ); // Creating colormap. GradientColorMap<int> cmap_grad( 0, 15 ); cmap_grad.addColor( Color( 50, 50, 255 ) ); cmap_grad.addColor( Color( 255, 0, 0 ) ); cmap_grad.addColor( Color( 255, 255, 10 ) ); // Creating board. Board2D board; board << SetMode( domain.className(), "Paving" ) << domain << SetMode( p1.className(), "Paving" ); // This is the name of the style for a Point in mode "Paving". string specificStyle = p1.className() + "/Paving"; for ( DigitalSet::ConstIterator it = shape_set.begin(); it != shape_set.end(); ++it ) { unsigned int d = (unsigned int) ceil( ( *it - c1 ).norm() ); // specific color depending on the distance to point c1. board << CustomStyle( specificStyle, new CustomColors( Color::Black, cmap_grad( d ) ) ) << *it; } board.saveSVG( "dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps.svg"); board.saveEPS( "dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps.eps"); board.saveTikZ( "dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps.tikz"); #ifdef WITH_CAIRO board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps-cairo.pdf", Board2D::CairoPDF); board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps-cairo.png", Board2D::CairoPNG); board.saveCairo("", Board2D::CairoPS); board.saveCairo("dgtalBoard2D-4-colormaps-cairo.svg", Board2D::CairoSVG); #endif trace.endBlock(); return 0; }
int main() { trace.beginBlock ( "Board example" ); Point p1( -3, -2 ); Point p2( 7, 3 ); Point p3( 0, 0 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); Board2D board; //We display the underlying domain board << domain ; //We display points board << p1 << p2 << p3; //Output board.saveSVG("test.svg"); board.saveEPS("test.eps"); board.saveTikZ("test.tikz"); //Clear board.clear(); //Upade position + color p2[0] = 5; //x-coordinate board << domain << p1 << p3; Color red( 255, 0, 0 ); //All points will be in red board << CustomStyle( p2.className(), new CustomColors( red, red ) ) << p2; //Export again board.saveEPS("test2.eps"); trace.endBlock(); return 0; }
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { //////////////////////////////////////// Board2D board; board.setUnit(Board2D::UCentimeter); board.drawArc(0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0, M_PI/2.0, false); board.drawArc(0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 0, M_PI/2.0, true); board.drawArc(0.0, 1.0, 3.0, -0.5, M_PI/2.0-0.5, false); board.drawArc(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, M_PI/2.0+0.5, false); board.saveEPS( "essai.eps" ); board.saveSVG( "essai.svg" ); board.saveTikZ( "essai.tikz" ); #ifdef WITH_CAIRO board.saveCairo("essai.pdf", Board2D::CairoPDF); #endif //////////////////////////////////////// return 0; }
int main( int /* argc */, char** /* argv */ ) { //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-X] using namespace DGtal::Z2i; typedef CubicalComplex< KSpace > CC; KSpace K; K.init( Point( 0,0 ), Point( 5,3 ), true ); trace.beginBlock( "Creating Cubical Complex" ); CC X( K ); Domain domain( Point( 0,0 ), Point( 5,3 ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(1,1) ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(2,1) ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(3,1) ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(2,2) ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(3,2) ) ); X.insertCell( K.uSpel( Point(4,2) ) ); X.close(); trace.endBlock(); trace.beginBlock( "Displays Cubical Complex" ); Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-X.tikz" ); trace.endBlock(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-X] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-S] CC S( K ); S.insertCell( K.uCell( Point( 5, 4 ) ) ); // a linel S.insertCell( K.uCell( Point( 4, 4 ) ) ); // a pointel S.insertCell( K.uCell( Point( 7, 5 ) ) ); // a pixel board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Black, Color(60,60,60) ) ) << S; board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-S.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-S] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-closure] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Red, Color(255,120,120) ) ) << X.closure( S ); board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-closure.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-closure] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-star] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Blue, Color(120,120,255) ) ) << S ); board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-star.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-star] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-link] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Green, Color(120,255,120) ) ) << S ); board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-link.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-link] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-bd] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Magenta, Color(255,120,255) ) ) << X.boundary(); board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-bd.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-bd] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-int] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Cyan, Color(120,255,255) ) ) << X.interior(); board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-int.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-int] //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-collapse] board << domain; board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(80,80,100), Color(180,180,200) ) ) << X; Cell p1 = K.uCell( Point(2,2) ); Cell p2 = K.uCell( Point(10,6) ); X[ p1 ] = CC::FIXED; X[ p2 ] = CC::FIXED; CC::DefaultCellMapIteratorPriority P; functions::collapse( X, X.begin(), X.end(), P, true, true, true ); board << CustomStyle( X.className(), new CustomColors( Color(255,120,20), Color(255,150,50) ) ) << X << CustomStyle( p1.className(), new CustomColors( Color::Blue, Color(120,120,255) ) ) << p1 << p2; board.saveTikZ( "cubical-complex-illustrations-collapse.tikz" ); board.clear(); //! [cubical-complex-illustrations-collapse] return 0; }