예제 #1
파일: Line.cpp 프로젝트: npapier/vgsdk
bool Line::intersect( float angle, const Box3f& box ) const
	if (box.isEmpty())		return false;

	const Vec3f	&max = box.getMax(), &min = box.getMin();
	float		fuzz = 0.0;
	int			i;

	if (angle < 0.0)
		fuzz = - angle;
		// Find the farthest point on the bounding box (where the pick
		// cone will be largest).  The amount of fuzz at this point will
		// be the minimum we can use.  Expand the box by that amount and
		// do an intersection.
		double tanA = tan(angle);
		for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
			Vec3f point(i & 01 ? min[0] : max[0],
				  i & 02 ? min[1] : max[1],
				  i & 04 ? min[2] : max[2]);
			// how far is point from line origin??
			Vec3f	diff(point - getPosition());
			double	thisFuzz = sqrt(diff.dot(diff)) * tanA;

			if (thisFuzz > fuzz)
				fuzz = float(thisFuzz);

	Box3f fuzzBox = box;

	fuzzBox.extendBy(Vec3f(min[0] - fuzz, min[1] - fuzz, min[2] - fuzz));
	fuzzBox.extendBy(Vec3f(max[0] + fuzz, max[1] + fuzz, max[2] + fuzz));

	Vec3f scratch1, scratch2;
	return intersect(fuzzBox, scratch1, scratch2);
예제 #2
파일: Sphere.cpp 프로젝트: npapier/vgsdk
void Sphere::circumscribe( const Box3f& box )
	m_center = 0.5f * (box.getMin() + box.getMax());
	m_radius = (box.getMax() - m_center).getLength();
예제 #3
파일: Line.cpp 프로젝트: npapier/vgsdk
bool Line::intersect( const Box3f& box, Vec3f& enter, Vec3f& exit ) const
	if (box.isEmpty())
		return false;

	const Vec3f	&pos = getPosition(), &dir = getDirection();
	const Vec3f	&max = box.getMax(), &min = box.getMin();
	Vec3f		points[8], inter, bary;
	Plane		plane;
	int		i, v0, v1, v2;
	bool		front = false, valid, validIntersection = false;

	// First, check the distance from the ray to the center
	// of the box.  If that distance is greater than 1/2
	// the diagonal distance, there is no intersection
	// diff is the vector from the closest point on the ray to the center
	// dist2 is the square of the distance from the ray to the center
	// radi2 is the square of 1/2 the diagonal length of the bounding box
	float	t = (box.getCenter() - pos).dot(dir);
	Vec3f	diff(pos + dir * t - box.getCenter());
	float	dist2 = diff.dot(diff);
	float	radi2 = (max - min).dot(max - min) * 0.25f;

	if (dist2 > radi2)
		return false;

	// set up the eight coords of the corners of the box
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		points[i].setValue(i & 01 ? min[0] : max[0],
				   i & 02 ? min[1] : max[1],
				   i & 04 ? min[2] : max[2]);

	// intersect the 12 triangles.
	for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) 
		case  0: v0 = 2; v1 = 1; v2 = 0; break;		// +z
		case  1: v0 = 2; v1 = 3; v2 = 1; break;

		case  2: v0 = 4; v1 = 5; v2 = 6; break;		// -z
		case  3: v0 = 6; v1 = 5; v2 = 7; break;

		case  4: v0 = 0; v1 = 6; v2 = 2; break;		// -x
		case  5: v0 = 0; v1 = 4; v2 = 6; break;

		case  6: v0 = 1; v1 = 3; v2 = 7; break;		// +x
		case  7: v0 = 1; v1 = 7; v2 = 5; break;

		case  8: v0 = 1; v1 = 4; v2 = 0; break;		// -y
		case  9: v0 = 1; v1 = 5; v2 = 4; break;

		case 10: v0 = 2; v1 = 7; v2 = 3; break;		// +y
		case 11: v0 = 2; v1 = 6; v2 = 7; break;

			assert(false && "Must never happened");
			v0 = v1 = v2 = 0; // to remove a warning.

		valid = intersect(	points[v0], points[v1], points[v2],
									inter, bary, front);

		if ( valid )
			if	(front) 
				enter = inter;
				validIntersection = valid;
				exit = inter;
				validIntersection = valid;

	return validIntersection;
예제 #4
파일: Box.cpp 프로젝트: npapier/vgsdk
bool Box3f::operator ==( const Box3f& b2 ) const
	return ( (getMin() == b2.getMin()) && (getMax() == b2.getMax()) );