void BrowserWindow::HandleMessage( Message * pcMsg ) { BrowserWebView *pcWebView = GetCurrentWebView(); switch( pcMsg->GetCode() ) { case ID_URL_CHANGED: { bool bFinal = false; pcMsg->FindBool( "final", &bFinal ); if( bFinal ) { String cURL = ""; int nSelection = -1; if( pcMsg->FindInt32( "selection", &nSelection ) == EOK ) cURL = m_pcUrlEdit->GetItem( nSelection ); else { cURL = m_pcUrlEdit->GetCurrentString(); m_pcUrlEdit->AppendItem( cURL ); } OpenURL( cURL ); } break; } case ID_SET_STATUS_BAR_TEXT: { String cText; if( pcMsg->FindString( "text", &cText ) == EOK ) m_pcStatusBar->SetText( "text", cText ); break; } case ID_CLEAR_STATUS_BAR_TEXT: { m_pcStatusBar->SetText( "text", "" ); break; } case ID_CREATE_WINDOW: { BrowserWindow *pcWindow; String cURL; Rect cFrame; /* Use the supplied dimensions if they've been provided, otherwise clone the current Window */ if( pcMsg->FindRect( "frame", &cFrame ) != EOK ) cFrame = GetFrame(); pcWindow = new BrowserWindow( cFrame ); if( pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ) == EOK ) pcWindow->OpenURL( cURL ); pcWindow->Show(); pcWindow->MakeFocus(); /* Tell BrowserApp about the new window */ Application::GetInstance()->PostMessage( ID_WINDOW_OPENED ); if( pcMsg->IsSourceWaiting() ) { WebCore::Page *pcPage; View *pcTab; /* The new window will only have one tab at this stage so it's safe to always get tab #0 */ pcTab = pcWindow->m_pcTabView->GetTabView( 0 ); pcPage = static_cast<BrowserWebView*>( pcTab )->GetWebCoreFrame()->page(); Message cReply( ID_CREATE_WINDOW_REPLY ); cReply.AddPointer( "page", pcPage ); pcMsg->SendReply( &cReply ); } break; } case ID_CREATE_TAB: { String cURL; if( pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ) == EOK ) { uint nTabIndex; nTabIndex = CreateTab( cURL ); if( pcMsg->IsSourceWaiting() ) { WebCore::Page *pcPage; View *pcTab; pcTab = m_pcTabView->GetTabView( nTabIndex ); pcPage = static_cast<BrowserWebView*>( pcTab )->GetWebCoreFrame()->page(); Message cReply( ID_CREATE_WINDOW_REPLY ); cReply.AddPointer( "page", pcPage ); pcMsg->SendReply( &cReply ); } } break; } case ID_BUTTON_BACK: { pcWebView->GoBack(); UpdateButtonState( false ); break; } case ID_BUTTON_FORWARD: { pcWebView->GoForward(); UpdateButtonState( false ); break; } case ID_BUTTON_RELOAD: { pcWebView->Reload(); break; } case ID_BUTTON_STOP: { pcWebView->Stop(); UpdateButtonState( false ); break; } case ID_BUTTON_HOME: { OpenURL( m_pcSettings->GetString( "homepage", "about:blank" ) ); break; } case ID_MENU_APP_ABOUT: { Alert* pcAbout = new Alert( "About Webster", "Webster " WEBSTER_VERSION " (Alpha)\nA WebCore based web browser\n\n© Copyright Kristian Van Der Vliet, 2008\nArno Klenke, 2004-2007\nKurt Skauen, 2001\n" "\nWebster is released under the Gnu Public License (GPL)\n", Alert::ALERT_INFO, 0x00, "Ok", NULL ); pcAbout->Go( NULL ); break; } case ID_MENU_WIN_NEW_TAB: { CreateTab( "" ); break; } case ID_MENU_WIN_CLOSE_TAB: { DestroyTab( m_pcTabView->GetSelection() ); break; } case ID_MENU_EDIT_CUT: { pcWebView->Cut(); break; } case ID_MENU_EDIT_COPY: { pcWebView->Copy(); break; } case ID_MENU_EDIT_PASTE: { pcWebView->Paste(); break; } case ID_MENU_EDIT_DELETE: { pcWebView->Delete(); break; } case ID_MENU_SETTINGS_CONFIGURE: { Rect cSettingsFrame = m_pcGuiSettings->GetRect( "settings", m_cSettingsFrame ); SettingsWindow *pcSettingsWindow = new SettingsWindow( cSettingsFrame, "Webster settings", this, m_pcWebSettings, m_pcSettings, m_pcGuiSettings ); pcSettingsWindow->Show(); pcSettingsWindow->MakeFocus(); break; } case ID_SETTINGS_SAVE: { Settings *pcSettings; if( pcMsg->FindPointer( "settings", (void**)&pcSettings ) == EOK ) { delete m_pcSettings; m_pcSettings = pcSettings; m_pcSettings->Save(); } WebSettings *pcWebSettings; if( pcMsg->FindPointer( "web_settings", (void**)&pcWebSettings ) == EOK ) { delete m_pcWebSettings; m_pcWebSettings = pcWebSettings; } break; } case ID_SETTINGS_APPLY: { Settings *pcSettings; if( pcMsg->FindPointer( "settings", (void**)&pcSettings ) == EOK ) { delete m_pcSettings; m_pcSettings = pcSettings; } WebSettings *pcWebSettings; if( pcMsg->FindPointer( "web_settings", (void**)&pcWebSettings ) == EOK ) { delete m_pcWebSettings; m_pcWebSettings = pcWebSettings; } break; } case ID_MENU_BOOKMARKS_ADD: { String cShortTitle, cLongTitle, cURL; pcWebView->GetTitle( cShortTitle, cLongTitle ); cURL = pcWebView->GetCurrentURL(); m_pcBookmarksManager->AddBookmark( cLongTitle, cURL ); break; } case ID_MENU_BOOKMARKS_MANAGE: { String cPath; if( pcMsg->FindString( "path", &cPath ) != EOK ) break; /* XXXKV: This is a really rubbish way to manage bookmarks: we should have a proper in-application dialog to do it */ /* Open a filebrowser window */ if( fork() == 0 ) { set_thread_priority( -1, 0 ); execlp( "/system/bin/FileBrowser", "/system/bin/FileBrowser", cPath.c_str(), NULL ); } break; } case ID_BOOKMARK_GO: { String cURL; if( pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ) == EOK ) OpenURL( cURL ); break; } case ID_TAB_CHANGED: { ChangeTab( m_pcTabView->GetSelection() ); break; } case ID_WEBVIEW_SET_TITLE: { String cShortTitle, cLongTitle; uint nTabIndex; if( pcMsg->FindString( "short", &cShortTitle ) == EOK && pcMsg->FindString( "long", &cLongTitle ) == EOK && pcMsg->FindInt32( "index", (int32*)&nTabIndex ) == EOK ) { m_pcTabView->SetTabTitle( nTabIndex, cShortTitle ); /* If this is the currently selected tab, set the Window title to the full page title */ if( nTabIndex == m_pcTabView->GetSelection() ) SetTitle( cLongTitle ); } break; } case ID_WEBVIEW_LOAD_STARTED: { String cURL; uint nTabIndex; if( pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ) == EOK && pcMsg->FindInt32( "index", (int32*)&nTabIndex ) == EOK ) { if( nTabIndex == m_pcTabView->GetSelection() ) { m_pcUrlEdit->SetCurrentString( cURL.c_str() ); UpdateButtonState( true ); } } break; } case ID_WEBVIEW_LOAD_FINISHED: { uint nTabIndex; if( pcMsg->FindInt32( "index", (int32*)&nTabIndex ) == EOK ) if( nTabIndex == m_pcTabView->GetSelection() ) UpdateButtonState( false ); break; } default: { fprintf( stderr, "Unknown message with code #%d\n", pcMsg->GetCode() ); Window::HandleMessage( pcMsg ); break; } } }
void BrowserWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage* pcMsg ) { switch( pcMsg->what ) { case ID_URL_CHANGED: { std::string cURL = m_pcURLView->Text(); for ( uint i = 0 ; i <= cURL.size() ; ++i ) { if ( i == cURL.size() || isalnum( cURL[i] ) == false ) { if ( i == cURL.size() || cURL[i] != ':' ) { std::string cTmp = cURL; cURL = "http://"; for ( uint j = 0 ; j < cTmp.size() ; ++j ) { if ( cTmp[j] != '/' ) { cURL.insert( cURL.end(), cTmp.begin() + j, cTmp.end() ); break; } } } break; } } m_pcHTMLPart->view()->MakeFocus(); OpenURL( cURL, KParts::URLArgs() ); //---------------------------------------------- #if 0 uint32 nEvents = 0; pcMsg->FindInt( "events", &nEvents ); if ( nEvents & os::TextView::EI_ESC_PRESSED ) { m_pcURLView->Set( m_pcHTMLPart->url().prettyURL().utf8().data() ); m_pcHTMLPart->view()->MakeFocus(); break; } if ( nEvents & os::TextView::EI_ENTER_PRESSED ) { std::string cURL = m_pcURLView->GetBuffer()[0]; for ( uint i = 0 ; i <= cURL.size() ; ++i ) { if ( i == cURL.size() || isalnum( cURL[i] ) == false ) { if ( i == cURL.size() || cURL[i] != ':' ) { std::string cTmp = cURL; cURL = "http://"; for ( uint j = 0 ; j < cTmp.size() ; ++j ) { if ( cTmp[j] != '/' ) { cURL.insert( cURL.end(), cTmp.begin() + j, cTmp.end() ); break; } } } break; } } UpdateHistory(); AddHistoryEntry(); m_pcHTMLPart->view()->MakeFocus(); OpenURL( cURL, KParts::URLArgs() ); UpdateHistory(); } #endif break; } case ID_ACTIVATE_URLEDIT: m_pcURLView->MakeFocus( true ); #if 0 m_pcURLView->SetCursor( -1, 0 ); #endif m_pcURLView->TextView()->SelectAll(); break; case ID_RELOAD: { KParts::URLArgs cArgs; cArgs.reload = true; cArgs.xOffset = m_pcHTMLPart->browserExtension()->xOffset(); cArgs.yOffset = m_pcHTMLPart->browserExtension()->yOffset(); #if 0 OpenURL( m_pcURLView->GetBuffer()[0], cArgs ); #endif OpenURL( m_pcURLView->Text(), cArgs ); break; } case ID_NEW_WINDOW: { BrowserWindow* pcNewWindow = new BrowserWindow( Frame().OffsetByCopy( 30.0f, 30.0f ), false ); pcNewWindow->Show(); #if 0 UpdateHistory(); std::vector<HistoryEntry*> cHistory = m_cHistory; cHistory.resize( m_nCurHistoryPos + 1 ); BrowserWindow* pcNewWindow = new BrowserWindow( GetFrame() + os::Point( 30.0f, 30.0f ), &cHistory, false ); pcNewWindow->GoHistory(0); pcNewWindow->Show( true ); pcNewWindow->MakeFocus( true ); #endif break; } case ID_OPEN_LINK: { BString cURL; pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ); BrowserWindow* pcNewWindow = new BrowserWindow( Frame().OffsetByCopy( 30.0f, 30.0f ), false ); pcNewWindow->OpenURL( cURL.String(), KParts::URLArgs() ); pcNewWindow->Show(); #if 0 std::string cURL; pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ); std::vector<HistoryEntry*> cHistory = m_cHistory; cHistory.resize( m_nCurHistoryPos + 1 ); BrowserWindow* pcNewWindow = new BrowserWindow( GetFrame() + os::Point( 30.0f, 30.0f ), &cHistory, false ); pcNewWindow->OpenURL( cURL, KParts::URLArgs() ); pcNewWindow->AddHistoryEntry(); pcNewWindow->Show( true ); pcNewWindow->MakeFocus( true ); #endif break; } case ID_SAVE_LINK: { BString cURL; pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ); m_pcHTMLPart->browserExtension()->SaveURL( cURL.String(), "Save link as..." ); break; } case ID_COPY_LINK_LOCATION: { #if 0 std::string cURL; pcMsg->FindString( "url", &cURL ); os::Clipboard cClipboard; cClipboard.Lock(); cClipboard.Clear(); os::Message* pcData = cClipboard.GetData(); pcData->AddString( "text/plain", cURL ); cClipboard.Commit(); cClipboard.Unlock(); #endif break; } case ID_COPY: { #if 0 if ( m_cSelectedText.empty() ) { break; } os::Clipboard cClipboard; cClipboard.Lock(); cClipboard.Clear(); os::Message* pcData = cClipboard.GetData(); pcData->AddString( "text/plain", m_cSelectedText ); cClipboard.Commit(); cClipboard.Unlock(); #endif break; } case ID_FIND: #if 0 if ( m_pcSearchDialog == NULL ) { m_pcHTMLPart->findTextBegin(); m_pcSearchDialog = new FindDialog( os::Messenger(this), os::Message(ID_DO_SEARCH), os::Message(ID_SEARCH_CLOSED) ); m_pcSearchDialog->Show(); m_pcSearchDialog->MakeFocus(); } #endif break; case ID_DO_SEARCH: { #if 0 bool bFromTop = false; pcMsg->FindBool( "from_top", &bFromTop ); pcMsg->FindBool( "case_sensitive", &m_bSearchCaseSensitive ); pcMsg->FindString( "string", &m_cLastSearchStr ); KHTMLView* pcActiveView = dynamic_cast<KHTMLView*>(GetFocusChild()); KHTMLPart* pcPart = m_pcHTMLPart; if ( pcActiveView != NULL ) { pcPart = pcActiveView->part(); } if ( bFromTop ) { pcPart->findTextBegin(); } pcPart->findTextNext( m_cLastSearchStr.c_str(), true, m_bSearchCaseSensitive ); break; #endif } case ID_REPEAT_FIND: #if 0 if ( m_cLastSearchStr.empty() == false ) { KHTMLView* pcActiveView = dynamic_cast<KHTMLView*>(GetFocusChild()); KHTMLPart* pcPart = m_pcHTMLPart; if ( pcActiveView != NULL ) { pcPart = pcActiveView->part(); } pcPart->findTextNext( m_cLastSearchStr.c_str(), true, m_bSearchCaseSensitive ); } else if ( m_pcSearchDialog == NULL ) { m_pcHTMLPart->findTextBegin(); m_pcSearchDialog = new FindDialog( os::Messenger(this), os::Message(ID_DO_SEARCH), os::Message(ID_SEARCH_CLOSED) ); m_pcSearchDialog->Show(); m_pcSearchDialog->MakeFocus(); } break; case ID_SEARCH_CLOSED: m_pcSearchDialog = NULL; break; #endif case ID_GOHOME: OpenURL( "http://www.openbeos.org/", KParts::URLArgs() ); #if 0 UpdateHistory(); AddHistoryEntry(); OpenURL( "http://www.atheos.cx/", KParts::URLArgs() ); UpdateHistory(); #endif break; #if 0 case ID_PREV_URL: GoHistory( -1 ); break; case ID_NEXT_URL: GoHistory( 1 ); break; #endif case ID_START_DOWNLOAD: { #if 0 DownloadNode* psNode = NULL; std::string cPath; pcMsg->FindPointer( "node", (void**) &psNode ); pcMsg->FindString( "path", &cPath ); if ( psNode == NULL ) { break; // Should never happen } psNode->m_cPath = cPath; const std::string cDstDir = os::Path( cPath.c_str() ).GetDir(); try { os::FSNode cDirNode( cDstDir ); if ( cDirNode.GetDev() == psNode->m_pcTmpFile->GetDev() ) { rename( psNode->m_pcTmpFile->GetPath().c_str(), cPath.c_str() ); psNode->m_pcTmpFile->Detatch(); // Make sure the destructor don't do anything silly. } else { psNode->m_pcFile = new os::File( cPath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT ); psNode->m_pcTmpFile->Seek( 0, SEEK_SET ); char anBuffer[32*1024]; for (;;) { int nLen = psNode->m_pcTmpFile->Read( anBuffer, sizeof(anBuffer) ); if ( nLen < 0 ) { throw os::errno_exception( "Failed to copy temporary file" ); } if ( psNode->m_pcFile->Write( anBuffer, nLen ) != nLen ) { throw os::errno_exception( "Failed to copy temporary file" ); } if ( nLen < int(sizeof(anBuffer)) ) { break; } } delete psNode->m_pcTmpFile; psNode->m_pcTmpFile = NULL; } } catch(...) { (new os::Alert( "Error: Failed to create file!", os::String().Format( "Failed to create '%s'", cPath.c_str() ), 0, "Sorry!", NULL ))->Go(NULL); } psNode->m_pcRequester = NULL; if ( psNode->m_bDone == false ) { Message cCancelMsg( ID_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD ); cCancelMsg.AddPointer( "node", psNode ); psNode->m_pcProgressDlg = new DownloadProgress( os::Rect( 100, 100, 449, 349 ), os::String().Format( "Download: %s", cPath.c_str() ), psNode->m_cURL, cPath, psNode->m_nContentSize, psNode->m_nStartTime, os::Messenger( this ), cCancelMsg ); psNode->m_pcProgressDlg->Show(); } else { delete psNode->m_pcTmpFile; delete psNode->m_pcFile; delete psNode; } #endif break; } case ID_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD: { #if 0 DownloadNode* psNode = NULL; pcMsg->FindPointer( "node", (void**) &psNode ); if ( psNode == NULL ) { break; // Should never happen } if ( psNode->m_pcProgressDlg != NULL ) { psNode->m_pcProgressDlg->Terminate(); psNode->m_pcProgressDlg = NULL; } if ( psNode->m_cPath.empty() == false ) { unlink( psNode->m_cPath.c_str() ); } if ( psNode->m_bDone == false ) { psNode->m_pcRequester = NULL; psNode->m_bCanceled = true; delete psNode->m_pcTmpFile; psNode->m_pcTmpFile = NULL; delete psNode->m_pcFile; psNode->m_pcFile = NULL; } else { delete psNode->m_pcTmpFile; delete psNode->m_pcFile; delete psNode; } #endif break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived( pcMsg ); break; } }