예제 #1
void SystemStationEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
    BallHeader head;
	head.entityID = data.itemID;
	head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
	head.radius = data.radius;
	head.x = data.position.x;
	head.y = data.position.y;
	head.z = data.position.z;
	head.sub_type = HasMiniBalls | IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
	main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint16 miniballsCount = 1;
    into.Append( miniballsCount );

    MiniBall miniball;
    miniball.x = -7701.181;
    miniball.y = 8060.06;
    miniball.z = 27878.900;
    miniball.radius = 1639.241;
    into.Append( miniball );

    const uint8 nameLen = utf8::distance( data.itemName.begin(), data.itemName.end() );
    into.Append( nameLen );

    const Buffer::iterator<uint16> name = into.end<uint16>();
    into.ResizeAt( name, nameLen );
    utf8::utf8to16( data.itemName.begin(), data.itemName.end(), name );
예제 #2
void SystemStationEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
    BallHeader head;
    head.entityID = data.itemID;
    head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
    head.radius = static_cast<float>(data.radius);
    head.x = data.position.x;
    head.y = data.position.y;
    head.z = data.position.z;
    head.sub_type = HasMiniBalls | IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
    main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint16 miniballsCount = 1;
    into.Append( miniballsCount );

    MiniBall miniball;
    miniball.x = -7701.181;
    miniball.y = 8060.06;
    miniball.z = 27878.900;
    miniball.radius = 1639.241;
    into.Append( miniball );
예제 #3
char* NormalizeFile(const char *file)
  Assert(g_working_directory && g_base_directory);

  static Buffer normal_buf;

  if (file[0] == '/') {
    // the supplied filename is already an absolute path, use that.
    normal_buf.Append(file, strlen(file) + 1);
  else if (file[0] == '<') {
    // special compiler name, use it (we won't have the original source).
    normal_buf.Append(file, strlen(file) + 1);
  else {
    // relative path from the working directory.
    normal_buf.Append(g_working_directory, strlen(g_working_directory));
    normal_buf.Append("/", 1);
    normal_buf.Append(file, strlen(file) + 1);

  CleanupPathDot((char*) normal_buf.base);
  CleanupPathDotDot((char*) normal_buf.base);

  // remove the base directory prefix, if possible.
  size_t base_len = strlen(g_base_directory);
  if (strncmp((char*)normal_buf.base, g_base_directory, base_len) == 0) {
    Assert(normal_buf.base[base_len] == '/');
    return (char*) normal_buf.base + base_len + 1;

  return (char*) normal_buf.base;
bool FFInterface::SendMessage (const String& _rMessage)
	size_t iLength = _rMessage.length () + sizeof (size_t) + 1;

	Buffer bufMsg;
	bufMsg.Append (&iLength, sizeof (size_t));
	bufMsg.Append ((const char*)_rMessage, _rMessage.length () + 1);

	assert (iLength == bufMsg.Length ());
	return ClientSocket::SendBlocking (bufMsg.GetData (), bufMsg.Length ());
bool FFInterface::SendMessage (const Buffer& _rMessage)
	size_t iLength = _rMessage.Length () + sizeof (size_t);

	Buffer bufMsg;
	bufMsg.Append (&iLength, sizeof (size_t));
	bufMsg.Append (_rMessage);

	assert (iLength == bufMsg.Length ());
	return ClientSocket::SendNonBlocking (bufMsg.GetData (), bufMsg.Length ());
예제 #6
//TODO: ask the destiny manager to do this for us!
void CelestialDynamicSystemEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
	const GPoint& position = GetPosition();
    const std::string itemName( GetName() );

    // From SimpleSystemEntity::EncodeDestiny() in SystemEntities.cpp:
	BallHeader head;
	head.entityID = data.itemID;
	head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
	head.radius = data.radius;
	head.x = data.position.x;
	head.y = data.position.y;
	head.z = data.position.z;
	head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
	main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );


    BallHeader head;
	head.entityID = GetID();
	head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
	head.radius = GetRadius();
	head.x = position.x;
	head.y = position.y;
	head.z = position.z;
	head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );
    MassSector mass;
	mass.mass = GetMass();
	mass.cloak = 0;
	mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
	mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
	mass.allianceID = GetAllianceID();
    into.Append( mass );
    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
	main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint8 nameLen = utf8::distance( itemName.begin(), itemName.end() );
    into.Append( nameLen );

    const Buffer::iterator<uint16> name = into.end<uint16>();
    into.ResizeAt( name, nameLen );
    utf8::utf8to16( itemName.begin(), itemName.end(), name );
예제 #7
void SystemBubble::_BubblecastAddBall( SystemEntity* about_who )
    if( m_dynamicEntities.empty() )
        _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Add Ball: Nobody to receive." );

    Buffer* destinyBuffer = new Buffer;

    //create AddBalls header
    Destiny::AddBall_header head;
    head.more = 0;
    head.sequence = DestinyManager::GetStamp();
    destinyBuffer->Append( head );

    DoDestiny_AddBalls addballs;
    addballs.slims = new PyList;

    //encode destiny binary
    about_who->EncodeDestiny( *destinyBuffer );
    addballs.destiny_binary = new PyBuffer( &destinyBuffer );
    SafeDelete( destinyBuffer );

    //encode damage state
    addballs.damages[ about_who->GetID() ] = about_who->MakeDamageState();
    //encode SlimItem
    addballs.slims->AddItem( new PyObject( new PyString( "foo.SlimItem" ), about_who->MakeSlimItem() ) );

    //bubblecast the update
    PyTuple* t = addballs.Encode();
    BubblecastDestinyUpdate( &t, "AddBall" );
    PySafeDecRef( t );
예제 #8
void SystemAsteroidBeltEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
    BallHeader head;
    head.entityID = data.itemID;
    head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
    head.radius = static_cast<float>(data.radius);
    head.x = data.position.x;
    head.y = data.position.y;
    head.z = data.position.z;
    head.sub_type = IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
    main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );
예제 #9
bool Endpoint::Set(const char* ip_port, bool resolv)
    const char*     p;
    int             port;
    bool            ret;
    Buffer          ipbuf;

    p = ip_port;

    if (!IsValidEndpoint(ReadBuffer(ip_port)))
        return false;
    p = strrchr(ip_port, ':');
    if (p == NULL)
        Log_Trace("No ':' in host specification");
        return false;

    ipbuf.Append(ip_port, p - ip_port);
    port = -1;
    port = atoi(p);
    if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
        Log_Trace("atoi() failed to produce a sensible value");
        return false;

    ret = Set(ipbuf.GetBuffer(), port, resolv);
    return ret;
예제 #10
파일: Buffer.cpp 프로젝트: crnt/scaliendb
void Buffer::ToHexadecimal()
    unsigned        i;
    unsigned char   x;
    Buffer          printable;
    const char      digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    printable.Allocate(length * 3);
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        x = (unsigned char) buffer[i];
        printable.Append(digits[x / 16]);
        printable.Append(digits[x % 16]);
        if (i != length - 1)
            printable.Append(' ');
long FFInterface::RegisterDomain (String& _rDomain)
	if (true == b_UseLocalHeuristicEvaluator)
		return 0;

	SetStandalone (true);

	// send request ...	
	String sRequest;
	sRequest << "+" << _rDomain;
	if (false == SendMessage (sRequest))
		cerr << "[ERROR] Request failed on RegisterDomain." << endl;
		SetStandalone (false);
		return -1;

	// get response ...	
	Buffer bufTemp;
	size_t iMessageSize = 0;
	while (true)
		char zData [RECEIVE_BUFFER + 1];
		long lBytes = ReceiveBlocking (zData, RECEIVE_BUFFER, 100);
		if (lBytes > 0)
			bufTemp.Append (zData, lBytes);

		if (false == bufTemp.ReadFromIndex (0, &iMessageSize, sizeof (size_t)))
		if (iMessageSize > bufTemp.Length ())
	SetStandalone (false);

	Buffer bufResponse = bufTemp.PopFirstMessageAsBuffer (iMessageSize);
	char cType = bufResponse [sizeof (size_t)];
	if ('d' != cType)
		cerr << "[ERROR] Bad line format in response to domain registration."
			 << " expected 'd', got '" << cType << "'." << endl;
		return -1;
	long lDomainId;
	if (false == bufResponse.ReadFromIndex (1 + sizeof (size_t),
											sizeof (size_t)))
		cerr << "[ERROR] Failed to read domain id from domain registration reponse."
			 << endl;
		return -1;

	return lDomainId;
예제 #12
bool Endpoint::Set(ReadBuffer ip_port, bool resolv)
    const char*     p;
    const char*     start;
    int             port;
    bool            ret;
    Buffer          ipbuf;
    Buffer          portbuf;

    if (!IsValidEndpoint(ReadBuffer(ip_port)))
        return false;
    start = p = ip_port.GetBuffer();
    p = RevFindInBuffer(ip_port.GetBuffer(), ip_port.GetLength(), ':');
    if (p == NULL)
        Log_Trace("No ':' in host specification");
        return false;

    ipbuf.Append(start, p - start);
    portbuf.Append(p, ip_port.GetLength() - (p - start));
    port = -1;
    port = atoi(portbuf.GetBuffer());
    if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
        Log_Trace("atoi() failed to produce a sensible value");
        return false;

    ret = Set(ipbuf.GetBuffer(), port, resolv);
    return ret;
예제 #13
void SystemBubble::_SendAddBalls( SystemEntity* to_who )
	if( m_entities.empty() )
		_log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Add Balls: Nothing to send." );

    Buffer* destinyBuffer = new Buffer;

    Destiny::AddBall_header head;
	head.packet_type = 0;
	head.sequence = DestinyManager::GetStamp();

    destinyBuffer->Append( head );

    DoDestiny_AddBalls addballs;
    addballs.slims = new PyList;

    std::map<uint32, SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end;
	cur = m_entities.begin();
	end = m_entities.end();
	for(; cur != end; ++cur)
		if( cur->second->IsVisibleSystemWide() )
			continue;	//it is already in their destiny state

		addballs.damages[ cur->second->GetID() ] = cur->second->MakeDamageState();
		//slim item
		addballs.slims->AddItem( new PyObject( "foo.SlimItem", cur->second->MakeSlimItem() ) );
		//append the destiny binary data...
		cur->second->EncodeDestiny( *destinyBuffer );

    addballs.destiny_binary = new PyBuffer( &destinyBuffer );
    SafeDelete( destinyBuffer );

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Add Balls:" );
    addballs.Dump( DESTINY__TRACE, "    " );
    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Ball Binary:" );
    _hex( DESTINY__TRACE, &( addballs.destiny_binary->content() )[0],
                          addballs.destiny_binary->content().size() );

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Ball Decoded:" );
    Destiny::DumpUpdate( DESTINY__TRACE, &( addballs.destiny_binary->content() )[0],
                                         addballs.destiny_binary->content().size() );

    PyTuple* t = addballs.Encode();
	to_who->QueueDestinyUpdate( &t );	//may consume, but may not.
    PySafeDecRef( t );
bool XdbAllKeys(Transaction *t, const Vector<TOperand*> &arguments,
                TOperand **result)
  BACKEND_ARG_STRING(0, db_name, db_length);

  XdbInfo &info = GetDatabaseInfo(db_name, false);

  // return an empty list if the database doesn't exist
  if (!info.xdb->Exists()) {
    *result = new TOperandList(t);
    return true;

  TOperandList *list = new TOperandList(t);

  // scratch buffer for the key
  Buffer key;

  // bulk buffer for storing lots of keys. instead of continually
  // reallocating this, when we run out of space just make a new buffer.
  // the buffer will be pretty big to reduce the number of allocations
  // we end up going (we'll still have to do one allocation per key
  // for the TOperandString).
  Buffer *buf = NULL;

  for (uint32_t stream = info.xdb->MinDataStream();
       stream <= info.xdb->MaxDataStream();
       stream++) {
    // reset the scratch buffer and get the next key
    info.xdb->LookupKey(stream, &key);
    size_t key_length = key.pos - key.base;

    if (!ValidString(key.base, key_length)) {
      logout << "ERROR: Database contains a key that is not NULL-terminated."
             << endl;
      return false;

    if (buf == NULL || !buf->HasRemaining(key_length)) {
      buf = new Buffer(4096 * 16 + key_length);

    list->PushOperand(new TOperandString(t, buf->pos, key_length));
    buf->Append(key.base, key_length);

  *result = list;
  return true;
예제 #15
void StorageBloomPage::Write(Buffer& buffer)
    uint32_t    checksum;


    checksum = bloomFilter.GetBuffer().GetChecksum();

예제 #16
void SystemPlanetEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
	BallHeader head;
	head.entityID = data.itemID;
	head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
	head.radius = data.radius;
	head.x = data.position.x;
	head.y = data.position.y;
	head.z = data.position.z;
	head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
	main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint8 nameLen = utf8::distance( data.itemName.begin(), data.itemName.end() );
    into.Append( nameLen );

    const Buffer::iterator<uint16> name = into.end<uint16>();
    into.ResizeAt( name, nameLen );
    utf8::utf8to16( data.itemName.begin(), data.itemName.end(), name );
예제 #17
void SystemDungeonEntranceEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
    const Vector3D& position = m_self->position();
    const std::string itemName( GetName() );

    BallHeader head;
    head.entityID = m_self->itemID();
    head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP;
    head.radius = GetRadius();
    head.x = position.x;
    head.y = position.y;
    head.z = position.z;
    head.sub_type = HasMiniBalls; // I dono if this is correct... we'll see
    into.Append( head );

    MassSector mass;
    mass.mass = 10000000000.00;
    mass.cloak = 0;
    mass.Harmonic = -1.0f;
    mass.corpID = m_self->ownerID();    //a little hacky...
    mass.allianceID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    into.Append( mass );

    DSTBALL_STOP_Struct main;
    main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint16 miniballCount = 1;
    into.Append( miniballCount );

    MiniBall miniball;
    miniball.x = -7701.181;
    miniball.y = 8060.06;
    miniball.z = 27878.900;
    miniball.radius = 1639.241;
    into.Append( miniball );
예제 #18
파일: socket.cpp 프로젝트: rylynn/services
int Socket::Read(Buffer& buffer) {
  int rbytes = 0;
  int r_ret = 0;
  char t_rbuf[READFRAME] = {0};
  do {
    r_ret = read(fd_, t_rbuf,READFRAME);
    if (r_ret < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
      r_ret = kReturnok;
    } else if (r_ret < 0) {
      return kReturnSysErr;
    } else if (r_ret == 0) {
      return kReturnCloseFd;
    rbytes += r_ret;
  } while(1);
  buffer.Append(t_rbuf, rbytes);
  return r_ret;
bool FFInterface::SendTask (size_t _iId,
							size_t _iDomain,
							String& _rProblem,
							size_t _iTimelimit)
	if (NULL == p_Callback)
		cerr << "   [EE] Callback not set for FFInterface. Will not be able to relay FF responses back. Not sending task to FF." << endl;
		return false;

	pthread_mutex_lock (&mtx_TaskList);
	pair <TaskIdToFFResponse_hmp_t::iterator, bool> pairInsert;
	FFResponse* pResponse = new FFResponse;
	pairInsert = hmp_TaskIdToFFResponse.insert (make_pair (_iId, pResponse));

	_rProblem.Strip ();
	pResponse->i_Domain = _iDomain;
	pResponse->s_Problem = _rProblem;
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&mtx_TaskList);

	if (true == b_UseLocalHeuristicEvaluator)
		return true;

	// send request to cache...			
	CompressedBuffer bufProblem (_rProblem);
	size_t iCompressedSize = bufProblem.CompressedSize ();
	size_t iUncompressedSize = bufProblem.UncompressedSize ();

	Buffer bufRequest;
	bufRequest.Append ("?", 1);
	bufRequest.Append (&_iId, sizeof (size_t));
	bufRequest.Append (&_iTimelimit, sizeof (size_t));
	bufRequest.Append (&_iDomain, sizeof (size_t));
	bufRequest.Append (&iCompressedSize, sizeof (size_t));
	bufRequest.Append (&iUncompressedSize, sizeof (size_t));
	bufRequest.Append (bufProblem);

	if (false == SendMessage (bufRequest))
		return false;

	return true;
void StorageArchiveLogSegmentJob::EvalScriptVariables()
    Buffer      var;
    const char* p;
    bool        inVar;
    p = script;
    inVar = false;
    while (*p)
        // Replace $(variableName) in the script to the value of a config variable
        if (p[0] == '$' && p[1] == '(')
            inVar = true;
            p += 2;         // skip "$("
        if (inVar && p[0] == ')')
            inVar = false;
            p += 1;         // skip ")"

        if (*p == 0)
        if (inVar)
예제 #21
bool HTTPSession::RedirectLocalhost(HTTPConnection *conn, HTTPRequest &request)
    ReadBuffer  host;

    // fix Windows 7 IPv6 localhost name resolution issue
    host = request.header.GetField(HTTP_HEADER_HOST);
    if (host.BeginsWith("localhost"))
        ReadBuffer  userAgent;
        Buffer      newHost;
        Buffer      ha;
        unsigned    i;
        int         pos;
        userAgent = request.header.GetField(HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT);
        pos = userAgent.Find(WINDOWS_NT_USER_AGENT);
        if (pos < 0)
            return false;

        for (i = 0; i < host.GetLength(); i++)
            if (host.GetCharAt(i) == ':')
        ha.Writef(HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION ": http://%B%R" HTTP_CS_CRLF, &newHost, &request.line.uri);
		conn->ResponseHeader(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, true, ha.GetBuffer());
		return true;

    return false;
예제 #22
void SystemDungeonEntranceEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
	const GPoint& position = m_self->position();
	const std::string itemName( GetName() );

    BallHeader head;
	head.entityID = m_self->itemID();
	head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP;
	head.radius = GetRadius();
	head.x = position.x;
	head.y = position.y;
	head.z = position.z;
	head.sub_type = HasMiniBalls; // I dono if this is correct... we'll see
    into.Append( head );

    MassSector mass;
	mass.mass = 10000000000.00;
	mass.cloak = 0;
	mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
	mass.corpID = m_self->ownerID();	//a little hacky...
	mass.allianceID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    into.Append( mass );

    DSTBALL_STOP_Struct main;
	main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint16 miniballCount = 1;
    into.Append( miniballCount );

    MiniBall miniball;
    miniball.x = -7701.181;
    miniball.y = 8060.06;
    miniball.z = 27878.900;
    miniball.radius = 1639.241;
    into.Append( miniball );

    const uint8 nameLen = utf8::distance( itemName.begin(), itemName.end() );
    into.Append( nameLen );

    const Buffer::iterator<uint16> name = into.end<uint16>();
    into.ResizeAt( name, nameLen );
    utf8::utf8to16( itemName.begin(), itemName.end(), name );
예제 #23
void ShipEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
	const GPoint& position = GetPosition();
    const std::string itemName( GetName() );

	/*if(m_orbitingID != 0) {
		#pragma pack(1)
		struct AddBall_Orbit {
			BallHeader head;
			MassSector mass;
			ShipSector ship;
			DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct main;
			NameStruct name;
		#pragma pack()
			+ sizeof(AddBall_Orbit) 
			+ slen*sizeof(uint16) );
		uint8 *ptr = &into[start];
		AddBall_Orbit *item = (AddBall_Orbit *) ptr;
		ptr += sizeof(AddBall_Orbit);
		item->head.entityID = GetID();
		item->head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT;
		item->head.radius = m_self->radius();
		item->head.x = x();
		item->head.y = y();
		item->head.z = z();
		item->head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsFree;
		item->mass.mass = m_self->mass();
		item->mass.unknown51 = 0;
		item->mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
		item->mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
		item->mass.unknown64 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		item->ship.max_speed = m_self->maxVelocity();
		item->ship.velocity_x = m_self->maxVelocity();	//hacky hacky
		item->ship.velocity_y = 0.0;
		item->ship.velocity_z = 0.0;
		item->ship.agility = 1.0;	//hacky
		item->ship.speed_fraction = 0.133f;	//just strolling around. TODO: put in speed fraction!
		item->main.unknown116 = 0xFF;
		item->main.followID = m_orbitingID;
		item->main.followRange = 6000.0f;
		item->name.name_len = slen;	// in number of unicode chars
		//strcpy_fake_unicode(item->name.name, GetName());
	} else */{
        BallHeader head;
		head.entityID = GetID();
		head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP;
		head.radius = GetRadius();
		head.x = position.x;
		head.y = position.y;
		head.z = position.z;
		head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsFree;
        into.Append( head );

        MassSector mass;
		mass.mass = GetMass();
		mass.cloak = 0;
		mass.Harmonic = -1.0f;
		mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
		mass.allianceID = GetAllianceID();
        into.Append( mass );

        ShipSector ship;
		ship.max_speed = static_cast<float>(GetMaxVelocity());
		ship.velocity_x = 0.0;
		ship.velocity_y = 0.0;
		ship.velocity_z = 0.0;
		ship.agility = static_cast<float>(GetAgility());
		ship.speed_fraction = 0.0;
        into.Append( ship );

        DSTBALL_STOP_Struct main;
		main.formationID = 0xFF;
        into.Append( main );
예제 #24
void SystemManager::MakeSetState(const SystemBubble *bubble, DoDestiny_SetState &ss) const
    Buffer* stateBuffer = new Buffer;

    AddBall_header head;
	head.more = 0;
	head.sequence = ss.stamp;
    stateBuffer->Append( head );
	//I am not thrilled with this mechanism, but I cant think of a better
	//way to deal with it right now. The issue is that we need to send out
	// info for all system-wide entities (celestials, etc), as well as all
	// entities in our current bubble. Well, it is likely that some things
	// in our bubble are system-wide, and we would be sending out duplciates.
	// so, we use a set to enforce uniqueness.
	std::set<SystemEntity*> visibleEntities;
		std::map<uint32, SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end;
		cur = m_entities.begin();
		end = m_entities.end();
		for(; cur != end; ++cur)
			if( !cur->second->IsVisibleSystemWide() )
                //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "%u is not visible!", cur->first);

            //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "%u is system wide visible!", cur->first);
			visibleEntities.insert( cur->second );

    //bubble is null??? why???
	bubble->GetEntities( visibleEntities );

    PySafeDecRef( ss.slims );
    ss.slims = new PyList;

	//go through all entities and gather the info we need...
	std::set<SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end;
	cur = visibleEntities.begin();
	end = visibleEntities.end();
	for(; cur != end; ++cur)
		SystemEntity* ent = *cur;
        //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "Encoding entity %u", ent->GetID());

		ss.damageState[ ent->GetID() ] = ent->MakeDamageState();

		ss.slims->AddItem( new PyObject( new PyString( "foo.SlimItem" ), ent->MakeSlimItem() ) );

		//append the destiny binary data...
		ent->EncodeDestiny( *stateBuffer );

	ss.destiny_state = new PyBuffer( &stateBuffer );
    SafeDelete( stateBuffer );


	ss.droneState = m_db.GetSolDroneState( m_systemID );
	if( NULL == ss.droneState )
		_log( SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to query dronestate entity for destiny update in system %u!", m_systemID );
		ss.droneState = new PyNone;

	ss.solItem = m_db.GetSolRow( m_systemID );
	if( NULL == ss.solItem )
		_log( CLIENT__ERROR, "Unable to query solarsystem entity for destiny update in system %u!", m_systemID );
		ss.solItem = new PyNone;

    ss.effectStates = new PyList;

    ss.allianceBridges = new PyList;

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Set State:" );
    ss.Dump( DESTINY__TRACE, "    " );
    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Buffer:" );
    _hex( DESTINY__TRACE, &( ss.destiny_state->content() )[0],
                          ss.destiny_state->content().size() );

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Decoded:" );
    Destiny::DumpUpdate( DESTINY__TRACE, &( ss.destiny_state->content() )[0],
                                         ss.destiny_state->content().size() );
예제 #25
void AsteroidEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
    const Vector3D& position = GetPosition();
    const std::string itemName( GetName() );
    /*if(m_orbitingID != 0) {
        #pragma pack(1)
        struct AddBall_Orbit {
            BallHeader head;
            MassSector mass;
            ShipSector ship;
            DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct main;
            NameStruct name;
        #pragma pack()

            + sizeof(AddBall_Orbit)
            + slen*sizeof(uint16) );
        uint8 *ptr = &into[start];
        AddBall_Orbit *item = (AddBall_Orbit *) ptr;
        ptr += sizeof(AddBall_Orbit);

        item->head.entityID = GetID();
        item->head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT;
        item->head.radius = m_self->radius();
        item->head.x = x();
        item->head.y = y();
        item->head.z = z();
        item->head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsFree;

        item->mass.mass = m_self->mass();
        item->mass.unknown51 = 0;
        item->mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
        item->mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
        item->mass.unknown64 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

        item->ship.max_speed = m_self->maxVelocity();
        item->ship.velocity_x = m_self->maxVelocity();    //hacky hacky
        item->ship.velocity_y = 0.0;
        item->ship.velocity_z = 0.0;
        item->ship.agility = 1.0;    //hacky
        item->ship.speed_fraction = 0.133f;    //just strolling around. TODO: put in speed fraction!

        item->main.unknown116 = 0xFF;
        item->main.followID = m_orbitingID;
        item->main.followRange = 6000.0f;

        item->name.name_len = slen;    // in number of unicode chars
        //strcpy_fake_unicode(item->name.name, GetName());
    } else {
        BallHeader head;
        head.entityID = GetID();
        head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP;
        head.radius = GetRadius();
        head.x = position.x;
        head.y = position.y;
        head.z = position.z;
        head.sub_type = IsMassive | IsFree;
        into.Append( head );

        MassSector mass;
        mass.mass = GetMass();
        mass.cloak = 0;
        mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
        mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
        mass.allianceID = GetAllianceID();
        into.Append( mass );

        ShipSector ship;
        ship.max_speed = GetMaxVelocity();
        ship.velocity_x = 0.0;
        ship.velocity_y = 0.0;
        ship.velocity_z = 0.0;
        ship.unknown_x = 0.0;
        ship.unknown_y = 0.0;
        ship.unknown_z = 0.0;
        ship.agility = GetAgility();
        ship.speed_fraction = 0.0;
        into.Append( ship );

        DSTBALL_STOP_Struct main;
        main.formationID = 0xFF;
        into.Append( main );
    BallHeader head;
    head.entityID = GetID();
    head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID;
    head.radius = GetRadius();
    head.x = position.x;
    head.y = position.y;
    head.z = position.z;
    head.sub_type = /*HasMiniBalls | */IsGlobal;
    into.Append( head );

    DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct main;
    main.formationID = 0xFF;
    into.Append( main );

    const uint16 miniballsCount = 1;
    into.Append( miniballsCount );

    MiniBall miniball;
    miniball.x = -7701.181;
    miniball.y = 8060.06;
    miniball.z = 27878.900;
    miniball.radius = 1639.241;
    into.Append( miniball );
예제 #26
//TODO: ask the destiny manager to do this for us!
void DynamicSystemEntity::EncodeDestiny( Buffer& into ) const
	const GPoint& position = GetPosition();
    const std::string itemName( GetName() );

/*	if(m_warpActive) {
		#pragma pack(1)
		struct AddBall_Warp {
			BallHeader head;
			MassSector mass;
			ShipSector ship;
			DSTBALL_WARP_Struct main;
			NameStruct name;
		#pragma pack()
			+ sizeof(AddBall_Warp) 
			+ slen*sizeof(uint16) );
		uint8 *ptr = &into[start];
		AddBall_Warp *item = (AddBall_Warp *) ptr;
		ptr += sizeof(AddBall_Warp);
		item->head.entityID = GetID();
		item->head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP;
		item->head.radius = Ship()->radius();
		item->head.x = position.x;
		item->head.y = position.y;
		item->head.z = position.z;
		item->head.sub_type = IsFree | IsMassive | IsInteractive;
		item->mass.mass = Ship()->mass();
		item->mass.unknown51 = 0;
		item->mass.unknown52 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
		item->mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
		item->mass.unknown64 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

		GVector vec(GetPosition(), m_movePoint);
		vec *= 45.0;	//no idea what to use...
		item->ship.max_speed = Ship()->maxVelocity();
		item->ship.velocity_x = vec.x;
		item->ship.velocity_y = vec.y;
		item->ship.velocity_z = vec.z;
		item->ship.agility = Ship()->agility();
		item->ship.speed_fraction = 1.0;	//TODO: put in speed fraction!
		item->main.unknown116 = 0xFF;
		item->main.unknown_x = m_movePoint.x;
		item->main.unknown_y = m_movePoint.y;
		item->main.unknown_z = m_movePoint.z;
		item->main.effectStamp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		item->main.followRange = 1000.0;
		item->main.followID = 0;
		item->main.ownerID = 0x1e;	//no idea.
		item->name.name_len = slen;	// in number of unicode chars
		py_mbstowcs(item->name.name, GetName());
	} else*/ {
        BallHeader head;
		head.entityID = GetID();
		head.mode = Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP;
		head.radius = GetRadius();
		head.x = position.x;
		head.y = position.y;
		head.z = position.z;
		head.sub_type = IsFree | IsMassive | IsInteractive;
        into.Append( head );

        MassSector mass;
		mass.mass = GetMass();
		mass.cloak = 0;
        mass.Harmonic = -1.0f;
		mass.corpID = GetCorporationID();
		mass.allianceID = GetAllianceID();
        into.Append( mass );

        ShipSector ship;
        if( Destiny() == NULL )     // We dont have a destiny object or dont have one YET
		    ship.max_speed = static_cast<float>(GetMaxVelocity());
            ship.velocity_x = 0.0;
		    ship.velocity_y = 0.0;
		    ship.velocity_z = 0.0;
		    ship.agility = static_cast<float>(GetAgility());
            ship.speed_fraction = 0.0;
		    ship.max_speed = static_cast<float>(GetMaxVelocity());
            ship.velocity_x = Destiny()->GetVelocity().x;
		    ship.velocity_y = Destiny()->GetVelocity().y;
		    ship.velocity_z = Destiny()->GetVelocity().z;
		    ship.agility = static_cast<float>(GetAgility());
            ship.speed_fraction = static_cast<float>(Destiny()->GetSpeedFraction());
        into.Append( ship );

        DSTBALL_STOP_Struct main;
		main.formationID = 0xFF;
        into.Append( main );
예제 #27
int Test_HTTPClient::OnDataIn(unsigned char* pData, size_t nLen)
  sbData_.Append(pData, nLen);
  return 1;
예제 #28
int Test_CompareTCPHTTPData_TCPConnection::OnDataIn(unsigned char* pData, size_t nLen)
  g_sbTest_CompareTCPHTTPData_TCPConnection.Append(pData, nLen);
  return 1;
예제 #29
int Test_CompareTCPHTTPData_HTTPClient::OnDataIn(unsigned char* pData, size_t nLen)
  g_sbTest_CompareTCPHTTPData_HTTPClient.Append(pData, nLen);
  return 1;
bool FFInterface::Connect (void)
	b_UseLocalHeuristicEvaluator = (1 == (int)(config)"use_local_heuristic_evaluator");
	if (true == b_UseLocalHeuristicEvaluator)
		if (false == InitHeuristicEvaluator ())
			return false;

		b_Active = true;
		p_FFInterface = this;
		pthread_create (&thr_SocketLoop, NULL, RunThread, this);
		pthread_detach (thr_SocketLoop);
		return true;

	String sServer = (config)"cache_host";
	String sPort = (config)"cache_service";

	if (false == ClientSocket::ConnectBlocking (sServer, sPort))
		cout << "   [EE] Failed to connect to cache server at "
			 << sServer << ':' << sPort << endl;
		return false;

	b_KnownWorldOnly = (1 == (int)(config)"known_world_only");
	if (true == b_KnownWorldOnly)
		cout << "Activating known-world-only mode." << endl;
		SendMessage (String (":[known world only]"));

		SetStandalone (true);

		Buffer bufTemp;
		size_t iMessageSize = 0;
		while (true)
			char zData [RECEIVE_BUFFER + 1];
			long lBytes = ReceiveBlocking (zData, RECEIVE_BUFFER, 100);
			if (lBytes > 0)
				bufTemp.Append (zData, lBytes);

			if (false == bufTemp.ReadFromIndex (0, &iMessageSize, sizeof (size_t)))
			if (iMessageSize > bufTemp.Length ())

		Buffer bufResponse = bufTemp.PopFirstMessageAsBuffer (iMessageSize);
		bufResponse.DropFront (sizeof (size_t));
		String sMessage = bufResponse;
		if (":Known-world-only mode active" == sMessage)
			cout << "   Known world only mode active." << endl;
			cout << "   [WARNING] Failed to activate known-world-only mode.\n"
					"   Got following response from cache: ["
				 << sMessage << ']' << endl;
		SetStandalone (false);

	ClearConnection ();

	b_Active = true;
	pthread_create (&thr_SocketLoop, NULL, RunThread, this);
	pthread_detach (thr_SocketLoop);

	return true;