예제 #1
void PEM_StripEncapsulatedBoundary(BufferedTransformation& bt, const SecByteBlock& pre, const SecByteBlock& post)
    ByteQueue temp;
    SecByteBlock::const_iterator it;
    int n = 1, prePos = -1, postPos = -1;
    while(bt.AnyRetrievable() && n++)
        SecByteBlock line, unused;
        PEM_ReadLine(bt, line, unused);
        // The write associated with an empty line must to occur. Otherwise, we loose the CR or LF
        //    in an ecrypted private key between the control fields and the encapsulated text.
        //    continue;
        it = Search(line, pre);
        if(it != line.end())
            prePos = n;
        it = Search(line, post);
        if(it != line.end())
            postPos = n;
        PEM_WriteLine(temp, line);
    if(prePos == -1)
        string msg = "PEM_StripEncapsulatedBoundary: '";
        msg += string((char*)pre.data(), pre.size()) + "' not found";
        throw InvalidDataFormat(msg);
    if(postPos == -1)
        string msg = "PEM_StripEncapsulatedBoundary: '";
        msg += string((char*)post.data(), post.size()) + "' not found";
        throw InvalidDataFormat(msg);
    if(prePos > postPos)
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_StripEncapsulatedBoundary: header boundary follows footer boundary");
예제 #2
void PEM_NextObject(BufferedTransformation& src, BufferedTransformation& dest, bool trimTrailing)
    // We have four things to find:
    //   1. -----BEGIN (the leading begin)
    //   2. ----- (the trailing dashes)
    //   3. -----END (the leading end)
    //   4. ----- (the trailing dashes)
    // Once we parse something that purports to be PEM encoded, another routine
    //  will have to look for something particular, like a RSA key. We *will*
    //  inadvertently parse garbage, like -----BEGIN FOO BAR-----. It will
    //  be caught later when a PEM_Load routine is called.
    static const size_t BAD_IDX = PEM_INVALID;
    // We use iterators for the search. However, an interator is invalidated
    //  after each insert that grows the container. So we save indexes
    //  from begin() to speed up searching. On each iteration, we simply
    //  reinitialize them.
    SecByteBlock::const_iterator it;
    size_t idx1 = BAD_IDX, idx2 = BAD_IDX, idx3 = BAD_IDX, idx4 = BAD_IDX;
    // The idea is to read chunks in case there are multiple keys or
    //  paramters in a BufferedTransformation. So we use CopyTo to
    //  extract what we are interested in. We don't take anything
    //  out of the BufferedTransformation (yet).
    // We also use indexes because the iterator will be invalidated
    //   when we append to the ByteQueue. Even though the iterator
    //   is invalid, `accum.begin() + index` will be valid.
    // Reading 8 or 10 lines at a time is an optimization from testing
    //   against cacerts.pem. The file has 153 certs, so its a good test.
    // +2 to allow for CR + LF line endings. There's no guarantee a line
    //   will be present, or it will be RFC1421_LINE_BREAK in size.
    static const size_t READ_SIZE = (RFC1421_LINE_BREAK + 1) * 10;
    static const size_t REWIND = max(SBB_PEM_BEGIN.size(), SBB_PEM_END.size()) + 2;
    SecByteBlock accum;
    size_t idx = 0, next = 0;
    size_t available = src.MaxRetrievable();
        // How much can we read?
        const size_t size = std::min(available, READ_SIZE);
        // Ideally, we would only scan the line we are reading. However,
        //   we need to rewind a bit in case a token spans the previous
        //   block and the block we are reading. But we can't rewind
        //   into a previous index. Once we find an index, the variable
        //   next is set to it. Hence the reason for the max()
        if(idx > REWIND)
            const size_t x = idx - REWIND;
            next = max(next, x);
#if 0
        // Next should be less than index by 10 or so
        std::cout << "  Index: " << idx << std::endl;
        std::cout << "   Next: " << next << std::endl;
        // We need a temp queue to use CopyRangeTo. We have to use it
        //   because there's no Peek that allows us to peek a range.
        ByteQueue tq;
        src.CopyRangeTo(tq, static_cast<lword>(idx), static_cast<lword>(size));
        const size_t offset = accum.size();
        accum.Grow(offset + size);
        tq.Get(accum.data() + offset, size);
        // Adjust sizes
        idx += size;
        available -= size;
        // Locate '-----BEGIN'
        if(idx1 == BAD_IDX)
            it = search(accum.begin() + next, accum.end(), SBB_PEM_BEGIN.begin(), SBB_PEM_BEGIN.end());
            if(it == accum.end())
            idx1 = it - accum.begin();
            next = idx1 + SBB_PEM_BEGIN.size();
        // Locate '-----'
        if(idx2 == BAD_IDX && idx1 != BAD_IDX)
            it = search(accum.begin() + next, accum.end(), SBB_PEM_TAIL.begin(), SBB_PEM_TAIL.end());
            if(it == accum.end())
            idx2 = it - accum.begin();
            next = idx2 + SBB_PEM_TAIL.size();
        // Locate '-----END'
        if(idx3 == BAD_IDX && idx2 != BAD_IDX)
            it = search(accum.begin() + next, accum.end(), SBB_PEM_END.begin(), SBB_PEM_END.end());
            if(it == accum.end())
            idx3 = it - accum.begin();
            next = idx3 + SBB_PEM_END.size();
        // Locate '-----'
        if(idx4 == BAD_IDX && idx3 != BAD_IDX)
            it = search(accum.begin() + next, accum.end(), SBB_PEM_TAIL.begin(), SBB_PEM_TAIL.end());
            if(it == accum.end())
            idx4 = it - accum.begin();
            next = idx4 + SBB_PEM_TAIL.size();
    // Did we find `-----BEGIN XXX-----` (RFC 1421 calls this pre-encapsulated boundary)?
    if(idx1 == BAD_IDX || idx2 == BAD_IDX)
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_NextObject: could not locate boundary header");
    // Did we find `-----END XXX-----` (RFC 1421 calls this post-encapsulated boundary)?
    if(idx3 == BAD_IDX || idx4 == BAD_IDX)
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_NextObject: could not locate boundary footer");
    // *IF* the trailing '-----' occurred in the last 5 bytes in accum, then we might miss the
    // End of Line. We need to peek 2 more bytes if available and append them to accum.
    if(available >= 2)
        ByteQueue tq;
        src.CopyRangeTo(tq, static_cast<lword>(idx), static_cast<lword>(2));
        const size_t offset = accum.size();
        accum.Grow(offset + 2);
        tq.Get(accum.data() + offset, 2);
    else if(available == 1)
        ByteQueue tq;
        src.CopyRangeTo(tq, static_cast<lword>(idx), static_cast<lword>(1));
        const size_t offset = accum.size();
        accum.Grow(offset + 1);
        tq.Get(accum.data() + offset, 1);
    // Final book keeping
    const byte* ptr = accum.begin() + idx1;
    const size_t used = idx4 + SBB_PEM_TAIL.size();
    const size_t len = used - idx1;
    // Include one CR/LF if its available in the accumulator
    next = idx1 + len;
    size_t adjust = 0;
    if(next < accum.size())
        byte c1 = accum[next];
        byte c2 = 0;
        if(next + 1 < accum.size())
            c2 = accum[next + 1];
        // Longest match first
        if(c1 == '\r' && c2 == '\n')
            adjust = 2;
        else if(c1 == '\r' || c1 == '\n')
            adjust = 1;
    dest.Put(ptr, len + adjust);
    src.Skip(used + adjust);
        while (src.AnyRetrievable())
            byte b;
            if(!isspace(b)) break;
예제 #3
void PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader(BufferedTransformation& src, BufferedTransformation& dest, EncapsulatedHeader& header)
    SecByteBlock line, ending;
    size_t size = 0;
    // The first line *must* be Proc-Type. Ensure we read it before dropping into the loop.
    size = PEM_ReadLine(src, line, ending);
    if(size == 0 || line.empty())
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: failed to locate Proc-Type");
    SecByteBlock field = GetControlField(line);
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: failed to locate Proc-Type");
    if(0 != CompareNoCase(field, SBB_PROC_TYPE))
        throw InvalidDataFormat("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: failed to locate Proc-Type");
    line = GetControlFieldData(line);
    string tline(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(line.data()),line.size());
    PEM_ParseVersion(tline, header.m_version);
    if(header.m_version != "4")
        throw NotImplemented("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: encryption version " + header.m_version + " not supported");
    PEM_ParseOperation(tline, header.m_operation);
    if(header.m_operation != "ENCRYPTED")
        throw NotImplemented("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: operation " + header.m_operation + " not supported");
    // Next, we have to read until the first empty line
        if(!src.AnyRetrievable()) break; // End Of Buffer
        size = PEM_ReadLine(src, line, ending);
        if(size == 0) break;        // End Of Buffer
        if(line.size() == 0) break; // size is non-zero; empty line
        field = GetControlField(line);
        if(0 == CompareNoCase(field, SBB_DEK_INFO))
            line = GetControlFieldData(line);
            tline = string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(line.data()),line.size());
            PEM_ParseAlgorithm(tline, header.m_algorithm);
            PEM_ParseIV(tline, header.m_iv);
        if(0 == CompareNoCase(field, SBB_CONTENT_DOMAIN))
            // Silently ignore
            // Content-Domain: RFC822
            const char* ptr = (char*)field.begin();
            size_t len = field.size();
            string m(ptr, len);
            throw NotImplemented("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: " + m + " not supported");
        throw InvalidArgument("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: no encryption algorithm");
        throw InvalidArgument("PEM_StripEncapsulatedHeader: no IV present");
    // After the empty line is the encapsulated text. Transfer it to the destination.
예제 #4
size_t PEM_ReadLine(BufferedTransformation& source, SecByteBlock& line, SecByteBlock& ending)
        return 0;
    ByteQueue temp;
        byte b;
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "PEM_ReadLine: failed to read byte");
        // LF ?
        if(b == '\n')
            ending = LF;
        // CR ?
        if(b == '\r')
            // CRLF ?
            if(source.AnyRetrievable() && source.Peek(b))
                if(b == '\n')
                    ending = CRLF;
            ending = CR;
        // Not End-of-Line, accumulate it.
        temp.Get(line.data(), line.size());
    // We return a line stripped of CRs and LFs. However, we return the actual number of
    //   of bytes processed, including the CR and LF. A return of 0 means nothing was read.
    //   A return of 1 means an empty line was read (CR or LF). A return of 2 could
    //   mean an empty line was read (CRLF), or could mean 1 character was read. In
    //   any case, line will hold whatever was parsed.
    return line.size() + ending.size();