예제 #1
// Purpose: Returns true if given entity is in the squad
bool CAI_Squad::SquadIsMember( CBaseEntity *pMember )
	CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = pMember->MyNPCPointer();
	if ( pNPC && pNPC->GetSquad() == this )
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #2
// Purpose: Attempt to govern how many squad members can target any given entity
// Input  : *pCaller - Entity assessing the target
//			*pEnemy - Entity being assessed
// Output : Returns true if potential enemy passes this filter stage
bool CFilterEnemy::PassesMobbedFilter( CBaseEntity *pCaller, CBaseEntity *pEnemy )
	// Must be a valid candidate
	CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = pCaller->MyNPCPointer();
	if ( pNPC == NULL || pNPC->GetSquad() == NULL )
		return true;

	// Make sure we're checking for this
	if ( m_nMaxSquadmatesPerEnemy <= 0 )
		return true;

	AISquadIter_t iter;
	int nNumMatchingSquadmates = 0;
	// Look through our squad members to see how many of them are already mobbing this entity
	for ( CAI_BaseNPC *pSquadMember = pNPC->GetSquad()->GetFirstMember( &iter ); pSquadMember != NULL; pSquadMember = pNPC->GetSquad()->GetNextMember( &iter ) )
		// Disregard ourself
		if ( pSquadMember == pNPC )

		// If the enemies match, count it
		if ( pSquadMember->GetEnemy() == pEnemy )

			// If we're at or passed the max we stop
			if ( nNumMatchingSquadmates >= m_nMaxSquadmatesPerEnemy )
				// We wanted to find more than allowed and we did
				if ( m_bNegated )
					return true;
				// We wanted to be less but we're not
				return false;

	// We wanted to find more than the allowed amount but we didn't
	if ( m_bNegated )
		return false;

	return true;