예제 #1
void testCallingSequence1(uima::util::ConsoleUI& rclConsole, const TCHAR* cpszConfigFilename)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ErrorInfo errInfo;
    uima::TextAnalysisEngine* pEngine = TextAnalysisEngine::createTextAnalysisEngine(cpszConfigFilename, errInfo);

    failIfNotTrue(errInfo.getErrorId() == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine != NULL);
    CAS* cas = pEngine->newCAS();
    failIfNotTrue(cas != NULL);

    uima::UnicodeStringRef us(UnicodeString("a"));
//   UnicodeStringRef uRef(us);
    rclConsole.formatHeader(_TEXT("testing Engine CallingSequence1"));

    cas->setDocumentText(us.getBuffer(), us.length());
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->process(*cas) == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    failIfNotTrue(cas->reset() == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->destroy() == UIMA_ERR_NONE);

    cas->setDocumentText(us.getBuffer(), us.length());
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->process(*cas) == UIMA_ERR_ENGINE_INVALID_CALLING_SEQUENCE);

    TyErrorId deInitRC = pEngine->destroy();
    rclConsole.format("RC of deInit()", deInitRC);
    rclConsole.formatBool(_TEXT("testing Engine CallingSequence1 OK"),
                          true);  //lint !e944: argument for operator '!' always evaluates to False
    delete cas;
    delete pEngine;
}  //lint !e715: cpszConfigFilename (line 99) not referenced
예제 #2
void testCallingSequence3(uima::util::ConsoleUI& rclConsole, const TCHAR* cpszConfigFilename)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    uima::TextAnalysisEngine* pEngine = NULL;
    uima::Language clLanguage(MAIN_DEFAULT_LANG);
    const char* clCCSID = MAIN_DEFAULT_CCSID_STR;
    TyErrorId utErrorId;

    UnicodeString us("a");
    UnicodeStringRef uref(us);

    rclConsole.formatHeader(_TEXT("testing Engine CallingSequence3"));

    ErrorInfo errInfo;
    pEngine = TextAnalysisEngine::createTextAnalysisEngine(cpszConfigFilename, errInfo);
    failIfNotTrue(errInfo.getErrorId() == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine != NULL);
    CAS* cas = pEngine->newCAS();
    failIfNotTrue(cas != NULL);

    /* test for NULL ptrs */

    UnicodeStringRef uref2(NULL);
    cas->setDocumentText(uref2.getBuffer(), uref2.length());
    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->process(*cas) == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    failIfNotTrue(cas->reset() == UIMA_ERR_NONE);

    /* test for subsequent processes */
    cas->setDocumentText(uref2.getBuffer(), uref2.length());

    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->process(*cas) == UIMA_ERR_NONE);

    failIfNotTrue(pEngine->process(*cas) == UIMA_ERR_NONE);

    utErrorId = pEngine->destroy();
    failIfNotTrue(utErrorId == UIMA_ERR_NONE);
    delete cas;
    delete pEngine;
    rclConsole.formatBool(_TEXT("testing Engine CallingSequence3 OK"),
                          true);  //lint !e944: argument for operator '!' always evaluates to False
예제 #3
void testProcessTerm(uima::util::ConsoleUI& rclConsole,
                     uima::TextAnalysisEngine& rclEngine,
        ///const uima::CCSID & crclCCSID,
                     const char* crclCCSID,
                     const uima::Language& crclLanguage,
                     const TCHAR* cpszInpTerm)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    TyErrorId utErrorId;

    rclConsole.format(_TEXT("Input term"), cpszInpTerm);

    DocBuffer docBuffer;
    docBuffer.addDocPart(cpszInpTerm, strlen(cpszInpTerm), crclCCSID);

    //? assert(false);
    CAS* cas = rclEngine.newCAS();
    failIfNotTrue(cas != NULL);

    // For terms we always add a term annotation for the whole "document"
    /* since we already added a complete doc, we may not add anything else */
    cas->setDocumentText(docBuffer.getDocBuffer(), docBuffer.getLength());

    utErrorId = rclEngine.process(*cas);
    uimaToolHandleErrorId(rclConsole, utErrorId, rclEngine.getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().getLastErrorAsCStr(),
                          _TEXT("uima::Engine::processDocument"), gs_lExpectedProcessDocumentRc);

    if (utErrorId == UIMA_ERR_NONE && gs_bDoIterTest) {
        //      iteratorTest(rclConsole, rclEngine);

    utErrorId = cas->reset();
    uimaToolHandleErrorId(rclConsole, utErrorId, rclEngine.getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().getLastErrorAsCStr(),
    delete cas;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    try {
        int loglevel = -1;

        /* check  the number of command line args */
        if (argc != 3 && argc != 5) {
            return 1;

        if (argc == 5) {
            if (!strcmp(argv[3], "-l")) {
                loglevel = atoi(argv[4]);
                if (loglevel < LogStream::EnMessage) {
                    cerr << "LogLevel less than minimum value (Message) = " << LogStream::EnMessage << endl;
                    return 1;
                if (loglevel > LogStream::EnError) {
                    cerr << "LogLevel greater than maximum value (Error) = " << LogStream::EnError << endl;
                    return 1;
            } else {
                cerr << "Inexpected option: " << argv[3] << endl;
                return 1;

        /* Create/link up to a resource manager instance (singleton) */
        (void) ResourceManager::createInstance("UIMACPP_EXAMPLE_APPLICATION");

        if (loglevel >= 0) {
            ResourceManager::getInstance().setLoggingLevel((LogStream::EnEntryType) loglevel);

        std::string a = "abc";
        UnicodeString b = "wxyz";
        UChar c = 'c';

        TyErrorId utErrorId;          // Variable to store return codes
        ErrorInfo errorInfo;          // Variable to stored detailed error info
        /* Initialize engine with filename of config-file */
        AnalysisEngine* pEngine = Framework::createAnalysisEngine(argv[1], errorInfo);

        /* Get a new CAS */
        CAS* tcas = pEngine->newCAS();

        /* process input xcas */
        util::DirectoryWalk dirwalker(argv[2]);
        if (dirwalker.isValid()) {

            util::Filename infile(argv[2], "FilenamePlaceHolder");
            while (dirwalker.isValid()) {
                // Process all files or just the ones with matching suffix
                if (dirwalker.isFile() &&
                    dirwalker.matchesWildcardPattern("*.txt")) {
                    std::string afile(infile.getAsCString());

                    //process the file
                    processFile(afile, pEngine, tcas);

                    //reset the cas
                //get the next xcas file in the directory
        } else {
            /* If has no directory entries then probably a file */
            cout << "ExampleApplication: processing file " << argv[2] << endl;
            std::string afile(argv[2]);
            //process the cas
            processFile(afile, pEngine, tcas);

        /* call collectionProcessComplete */
        utErrorId = pEngine->collectionProcessComplete();

        /* Free ressorces */
        utErrorId = pEngine->destroy();
        CheckError(utErrorId, *pEngine);

        delete tcas;
        delete pEngine;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        cout << "ExampleApplication " << e << endl;
    /* If we got this far everything went OK */
    cout << "ExampleApplication: processing finished sucessfully! " << endl;

    return (0);
예제 #5
void testProcessDocu(uima::util::ConsoleUI& rclConsole,
                     uima::TextAnalysisEngine& rclEngine,
                     const char* crclCCSID,
                     const uima::Language& crclLanguage)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    TyErrorId utErrorId;
    string clstrInputFileContent;
    size_t uiNumOfInputDocs = 0;

    uima::DocBuffer docBuffer;
    CAS* cas = rclEngine.newCAS();
    failIfNotTrue(cas != NULL);

    /* iterate through all doc specs on command line */
    for (rclConsole.setToFirst(); rclConsole.isValid(); rclConsole.setToNext()) {
        ////uima::util::Filename     clInputFilename(rclConsole.getAsCString());
        //replaced with a hard wired data file
        UnicodeString filename("tdoc_001_enus_850.asc");
        UnicodeString fn = ResourceManager::resolveFilename(filename, filename);
        uima::util::Filename clInputFilename(UnicodeStringRef(fn).asUTF8().c_str());

        size_t uiSize;

        if (!clInputFilename.isExistent()) {
            rclConsole.fatal(1, _TEXT("Input file not found"), clInputFilename.getAsCString());
        if (crclCCSID == NULL) /**** (!crclCCSID.isValid()) ***/
            rclConsole.fatal(1, _TEXT("Invalid CCSID specified - cannot load document"),
                             crclCCSID /**crclCCSID.getName() **/);
        rclConsole.format(_TEXT("Adding Document"), clInputFilename.getAsCString());
        uiSize = ftool_ReadFileToString(clInputFilename, clstrInputFileContent);

        docBuffer.addDocPart(clstrInputFileContent.data(), uiSize, crclCCSID);
        // For real file based documents we only add a term annotation for the
        // whole "document" if the appropriate switch is set
        if (gs_bDocIsTerm) {

        UnicodeString ustrInputFileContent(clstrInputFileContent.data(), uiSize, crclCCSID);
        /* since we already added a complete doc, we may not add anything else */
///      failIfNotTrue(rclEngine.addDocPart(ustrInputFileContent) == UIMA_ERR_ENGINE_INVALID_CALLING_SEQUENCE);
///      failIfNotTrue(rclEngine.addDoc(ustrInputFileContent) == UIMA_ERR_ENGINE_INVALID_CALLING_SEQUENCE);

        cas->setDocumentText(docBuffer.getDocBuffer(), docBuffer.getLength());

        utErrorId = rclEngine.process(*cas);
        uimaToolHandleErrorId(rclConsole, utErrorId, rclEngine.getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().getLastErrorAsCStr(),
                              _TEXT("uima::Engine::processDocument"), gs_lExpectedProcessDocumentRc);

        if (utErrorId == UIMA_ERR_NONE && gs_bDoIterTest) {
            //         iteratorTest(rclConsole, rclEngine);

        utErrorId = cas->reset();
        uimaToolHandleErrorId(rclConsole, utErrorId, rclEngine.getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().getLastErrorAsCStr(),
    if (uiNumOfInputDocs == 0) {
        rclConsole.warning(_TEXT("No input file(s) specified"));
    delete cas;