void CBCGPPlannerViewMonth::AdjustAppointments () { XBCGPAppointmentArray& arQueryApps = GetQueryedAppointments (); XBCGPAppointmentArray& arDragApps = GetDragedAppointments (); const int nDays = GetViewDuration (); if ((arQueryApps.GetSize () == 0 && arDragApps.GetSize () == 0) || m_ViewRects.GetSize () != nDays) { ClearVisibleUpDownIcons (); return; } BOOL bDragDrop = IsDragDrop (); DROPEFFECT dragEffect = GetDragEffect (); BOOL bDragMatch = IsCaptureMatched (); bDragDrop = !bDragDrop || (bDragDrop && ((dragEffect & DROPEFFECT_COPY) == DROPEFFECT_COPY && bDragMatch) || !bDragMatch); bDragDrop = bDragDrop && arDragApps.GetSize (); int nApp = 0; for (nApp = 0; nApp < 2; nApp++) { if (!bDragDrop && nApp == 0) { continue; } XBCGPAppointmentArray& arApps = nApp == 0 ? arDragApps : arQueryApps; for (int i = 0; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); pApp->ResetDraw (); } } COleDateTime date (m_DateStart); COleDateTimeSpan spanDay (1, 0, 0, 0); const int delta = m_nRowHeight + 2; XBCGPAppointmentArray arAllOrMulti; for (nApp = 0; nApp < 2; nApp++) { if (!bDragDrop && nApp == 1) { continue; } XBCGPAppointmentArray& arApps = nApp == 1 ? arDragApps : arQueryApps; for (int i = 0; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); if (pApp->IsAllDay () || pApp->IsMultiDay ()) { arAllOrMulti.Add (pApp); } } } if (arAllOrMulti.GetSize () > 0) { SortAppointments (arAllOrMulti, (int) arAllOrMulti.GetSize ()); } for (int nDay = 0; nDay < nDays; nDay ++) { CRect rect (m_ViewRects [nDay]); rect.top += m_nRowHeight + 1; rect.DeflateRect (1, 0); BOOL bTopEq = TRUE; BOOL bBottomEq = TRUE; if (nDay > 0) { bTopEq = m_ViewRects [nDay].top == m_ViewRects [nDay - 1].top; bBottomEq = m_ViewRects [nDay].bottom == m_ViewRects [nDay - 1].bottom; } CList<int, int> lsItems; // first draw all days or multi days for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { for (nApp = 0; nApp < 2; nApp++) { if (n == 0 && nApp == 1) { continue; } if (!bDragDrop) { if(n == 1 && nApp == 0) { continue; } } XBCGPAppointmentArray& arApps = n == 0 ? arAllOrMulti : (nApp == 0 ? arDragApps : arQueryApps); for (int i = 0; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); BOOL bAllOrMulti = pApp->IsAllDay () || pApp->IsMultiDay (); if (CBCGPPlannerView::IsAppointmentInDate (*pApp, date) && ((n == 0 && bAllOrMulti) || (n == 1 && !bAllOrMulti))) { CRect rtApp (rect); int nItem = 0; while(TRUE) { POSITION pos = lsItems.Find (nItem); if (pos != NULL) { nItem++; } else { break; } } rtApp.top += nItem * delta; rtApp.bottom = rtApp.top + m_nRowHeight; // check for add new rect if (nDay > 0) { if (bTopEq && bAllOrMulti) { if (!pApp->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { CRect rt; rt = pApp->GetRectDraw (date - spanDay); if (!rt.IsRectEmpty () && rtApp.top != rt.top) { rtApp.top = rt.top; rtApp.bottom = rt.bottom; } } } } if (((bTopEq && !bBottomEq) || (!bAllOrMulti && !IsOneDay (pApp->GetStart (), pApp->GetFinish ()))) && !pApp->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { CRect rtInter; rtInter.IntersectRect (rtApp, m_ViewRects [nDay]); if (rtInter.Height () < rtApp.Height () || rtInter.bottom >= rect.bottom || !bAllOrMulti) { // add impossible rect rtApp.OffsetRect (0, 1); pApp->SetRectDraw (rtApp, date); // return rect rtApp.OffsetRect (0, -1); } } pApp->SetRectDraw (rtApp, date); lsItems.AddTail ((rtApp.top - rect.top) / delta); } } } } CheckVisibleAppointments(date, rect, TRUE); date += spanDay; } CheckVisibleUpDownIcons (TRUE); m_bUpdateToolTipInfo = TRUE; }
void CBCGPPlannerPrintMonth::AdjustAppointments () { XBCGPAppointmentArray& arQueryApps = GetQueryedAppointments (); const int nDays = GetViewDuration (); if (arQueryApps.GetSize () == 0 || m_ViewRects.GetSize () != nDays) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < arQueryApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arQueryApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); pApp->ResetPrint (); } COleDateTime date (m_DateStart); COleDateTimeSpan spanDay (1, 0, 0, 0); const int delta = m_nRowHeight + 2 * m_OnePoint.cy; for (int nDay = 0; nDay < nDays; nDay ++) { CRect rect (m_ViewRects [nDay]); rect.top += m_nRowHeight + 2 * m_OnePoint.cy; rect.DeflateRect (m_OnePoint.cx, 0); BOOL bTopEq = TRUE; BOOL bBottomEq = TRUE; if (nDay > 0) { bTopEq = m_ViewRects [nDay].top == m_ViewRects [nDay - 1].top; bBottomEq = m_ViewRects [nDay].bottom == m_ViewRects [nDay - 1].bottom; } CList<int, int> lsItems; for (int i = 0; i < arQueryApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arQueryApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); if (CBCGPPlannerView::IsAppointmentInDate (*pApp, date)) { CRect rtApp (rect); int nItem = 0; while(TRUE) { POSITION pos = lsItems.Find (nItem); if (pos != NULL) { nItem++; } else { break; } } rtApp.top += nItem * delta; rtApp.bottom = rtApp.top + m_nRowHeight; BOOL bAllOrMulti = pApp->IsAllDay () || pApp->IsMultiDay (); // check for add new rect if (nDay > 0) { if (bTopEq && bAllOrMulti) { if (!pApp->GetDSPrint ().IsEmpty ()) { CRect rt; rt = pApp->GetRectPrint (date - spanDay); if (!rt.IsRectEmpty () && rtApp.top != rt.top) { rtApp.top = rt.top; rtApp.bottom = rt.bottom; } } } } if (((bTopEq && !bBottomEq) || (!bAllOrMulti && !CBCGPPlannerView::IsOneDay (pApp->GetStart (), pApp->GetFinish ()))) && !pApp->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { CRect rtInter; rtInter.IntersectRect (rtApp, m_ViewRects [nDay]); if (rtInter.Height () < rtApp.Height () || rtInter.bottom >= rect.bottom || !bAllOrMulti) { // add impossible rect rtApp.OffsetRect (0, m_OnePoint.cy); pApp->SetRectPrint (rtApp, date); // return rect rtApp.OffsetRect (0, -m_OnePoint.cy); } } pApp->SetRectPrint (rtApp, date); lsItems.AddTail ((rtApp.top - rect.top) / delta); } } CheckVisibleAppointments(date, rect, TRUE); date += spanDay; } }
void CBCGPPlannerViewMulti::AdjustAppointments () { XBCGPAppointmentArray& arQueryApps = GetQueryedAppointments (); XBCGPAppointmentArray& arDragApps = GetDragedAppointments (); const int nDays = GetViewDuration (); if ((arQueryApps.GetSize () == 0 && arDragApps.GetSize () == 0) || m_ViewRects.GetSize () != nDays) { ClearVisibleUpDownIcons (); return; } BOOL bDrawShadow = IsDrawAppsShadow (); BOOL bDragDrop = IsDragDrop (); DROPEFFECT dragEffect = GetDragEffect (); BOOL bDragMatch = IsCaptureMatched (); bDragDrop = !bDragDrop || (bDragDrop && ((dragEffect & DROPEFFECT_COPY) == DROPEFFECT_COPY && bDragMatch) || !bDragMatch); bDragDrop = bDragDrop && arDragApps.GetSize (); const int nTimeDelta = CBCGPPlannerView::GetTimeDeltaInMinuts (GetTimeDelta ()); const int yOffset = GetViewHourOffset () * m_nRowHeight; const int yHeaderOffset = m_nHeaderScrollOffset * (m_nRowHeight + s_HeaderAllDayPadding); COleDateTime date (m_DateStart); for (int nApp = 0; nApp < 2; nApp++) { if (!bDragDrop && nApp == 0) { continue; } XBCGPAppointmentArray& arApps = nApp == 0 ? arDragApps : arQueryApps; for (int i = 0; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); pApp->ResetDraw (); pApp->GetDSDraw ().SetConcatenate (FALSE); } } COleDateTimeSpan spanDay (1, 0, 0, 0); int nDay = 0; const BOOL bNoDuration = (GetPlanner ()->GetDrawFlags () & BCGP_PLANNER_DRAW_VIEW_NO_DURATION) == BCGP_PLANNER_DRAW_VIEW_NO_DURATION; for (int nRes = 0; nRes < m_Resources.GetSize (); nRes++) { XResource& resource = m_Resources[nRes]; date = m_DateStart; for (nDay = 0; nDay < nDays; nDay ++) { XBCGPAppointmentArray arAllDays; for (int nApp = 0; nApp < 2; nApp++) { if (!bDragDrop && nApp == 1) { continue; } XBCGPAppointmentArray& arApps = nApp == 1 ? arDragApps : arQueryApps; XBCGPAppointmentArray arByDate; int i; CRect rectFill (resource.m_Rects[nDay]); rectFill.top -= yOffset; if (bNoDuration && nDay > 0) { rectFill.left++; } int nStartIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { const CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; if (pApp != NULL && pApp->GetResourceID () == resource.m_ResourceID) { nStartIndex = i; break; } } for (i = nStartIndex; i < arApps.GetSize (); i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arApps[i]; ASSERT_VALID (pApp); if (pApp->GetResourceID () != resource.m_ResourceID) { break; } if (CBCGPPlannerView::IsAppointmentInDate (*pApp, date)) { CRect rtApp (rectFill); // trimming top and bottom edge, starting from TimeDelta and Appointment interval rtApp.top = rectFill.top + m_nRowHeight * long((pApp->GetStart ().GetHour () * 60 + pApp->GetStart ().GetMinute ()) / nTimeDelta) - 1; if (pApp->IsAllDay () || pApp->IsMultiDay ()) { BOOL bAdd = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < arAllDays.GetSize (); i++) { if (arAllDays[i] == pApp) { bAdd = FALSE; break; } } if (bAdd) { arAllDays.Add (pApp); } } else { rtApp.right -= 2 * BCGP_PLANNER_APPOINTMENT_SPACE; if (pApp->GetStart () != pApp->GetFinish ()) { COleDateTime dtAF (pApp->GetFinish ()); int minutes = dtAF.GetHour () * 60 + dtAF.GetMinute (); if (!IsOneDay (pApp->GetStart (), dtAF)) { BOOL bStartDay = IsOneDay (date, pApp->GetStart ()); BOOL bFinishNULL = dtAF.GetHour () == 0 && dtAF.GetMinute () == 0; if (bStartDay) { minutes = 24 * 60; } if (bFinishNULL) { if (!bStartDay) { if (pApp->GetDSDraw ().GetCount () == 1) { pApp->GetDSDraw ()[0].m_date2 = date; continue; } } } else { if (!bStartDay) { rtApp.top = rectFill.top - 1; } } } rtApp.bottom = rectFill.top + m_nRowHeight * (long)ceil(minutes / (double)nTimeDelta) - 1; } else { rtApp.bottom = rtApp.top + m_nRowHeight; } pApp->SetRectDraw (rtApp, date); arByDate.Add (pApp); } } } // resort appointments in the view, if count of collection is great than 1 if (arByDate.GetSize () > 1) { XBCGPAppointmentArray* ar = new XBCGPAppointmentArray; // array, that contains columns CArray<XBCGPAppointmentArray*, XBCGPAppointmentArray*> arColumns; arColumns.Add (ar); // initialize first column ar->Copy (arByDate); while (ar != NULL) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp1 = ar->GetAt (0); XBCGPAppointmentArray* arNew = NULL; i = 1; // remove appointments, that have collisions in rects, from previous column // to the next column while (i < ar->GetSize ()) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp2 = ar->GetAt (i); CRect rtInter; if (rtInter.IntersectRect (pApp1->GetRectDraw (date), pApp2->GetRectDraw (date))) { if (arNew == NULL) { // add a new column arNew = new XBCGPAppointmentArray; arColumns.Add (arNew); } arNew->Add (pApp2); ar->RemoveAt (i); } else { pApp1 = pApp2; i++; } } ar = arNew; } int nCount = (int) arColumns.GetSize (); // reinitialize drawing rects, if found great than 1 columns if (nCount > 1) { int nWidth = rectFill.Width () / nCount; int nL = rectFill.left; // left border of appointments, based on column order for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ar = arColumns[i]; for (int j = 0; j < ar->GetSize (); j++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = ar->GetAt (j); ASSERT_VALID (pApp); CRect rtApp (pApp->GetRectDraw (date)); rtApp.left = nL; pApp->SetRectDraw (rtApp, date); } nL += nWidth; } // correcting right border of appointments for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ar = arColumns[i]; for (int j = 0; j < ar->GetSize (); j++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = ar->GetAt (j); CRect rtApp (pApp->GetRectDraw (date)); for (int k = i + 1; k < nCount; k++) { XBCGPAppointmentArray* arNext = arColumns[k]; for (int m = 0; m < arNext->GetSize (); m++) { CBCGPAppointment* pAppNext = arNext->GetAt (m); CRect rtInter; if (rtInter.IntersectRect (rtApp, pAppNext->GetRectDraw (date))) { rtApp.right = rectFill.left + nWidth * k - (bDrawShadow ? BCGP_PLANNER_APPOINTMENT_SPACE : 0); pApp->SetRectDraw (rtApp, date); break; } } } } } } // clean up columns array for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { delete arColumns[i]; } arColumns.RemoveAll (); } } // adjust "all day" or "multi day" appointments if (arAllDays.GetSize () > 0) { const int c_Count = (int) arAllDays.GetSize (); CRect rectFill (0, 0, 0, 0); rectFill.top = m_nHeaderHeight + 1 - yHeaderOffset; rectFill.bottom = rectFill.top + m_nRowHeight; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < c_Count; i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp = arAllDays[i]; rectFill.left = resource.m_Rects [nDay].left; rectFill.right = resource.m_Rects [nDay].right; if (CBCGPPlannerView::IsAppointmentInDate (*pApp, date)) { pApp->SetRectDraw (rectFill, date); } } for (i = 1; i < c_Count; i++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp1 = arAllDays[i]; CRect rtApp1; if (pApp1->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { rtApp1 = pApp1->GetRectDraw (); } else { rtApp1 = pApp1->GetDSDraw ().Get (date)->GetRect (); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { CBCGPAppointment* pApp2 = arAllDays[j]; CRect rtApp2; if (pApp2->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { rtApp2 = pApp2->GetRectDraw (); } else { rtApp2 = pApp2->GetDSDraw ().Get (date)->GetRect (); } CRect rtInter; if (rtInter.IntersectRect (rtApp1, rtApp2)) { rtApp1.top = rtApp2.top; rtApp1.bottom = rtApp2.bottom; rtApp1.OffsetRect (0, m_nRowHeight + 2); if (pApp1->GetDSDraw ().IsEmpty ()) { pApp1->SetRectDraw (rtApp1); } else { pApp1->GetDSDraw ().Get (date)->SetRect (rtApp1); } j = 0; } } } } date += spanDay; } } date = m_DateStart; for (nDay = 0; nDay < nDays; nDay ++) { CheckVisibleAppointments (date, m_rectApps, FALSE); date += spanDay; } CheckVisibleUpDownIcons(FALSE); m_bUpdateToolTipInfo = TRUE; }