예제 #1
int GetWeaponData( struct edict_s *player, struct weapon_data_s *info )
#if defined( CLIENT_WEAPONS )
	int i;
	weapon_data_t *item;
	entvars_t *pev = &player->v;
	CBasePlayer *pl = ( CBasePlayer *) CBasePlayer::Instance( pev );
	CBasePlayerWeapon *gun;
	ItemInfo II;

	memset( info, 0, 32 * sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );

	if ( !pl )
		return 1;

	// go through all of the weapons and make a list of the ones to pack
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		if ( pl->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] )
			// there's a weapon here. Should I pack it?
			CBasePlayerItem *pPlayerItem = pl->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];

			while ( pPlayerItem )
				gun = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pPlayerItem->GetWeaponPtr();
				if ( gun && gun->UseDecrement() )
					// Get The ID.
					memset( &II, 0, sizeof( II ) );
					gun->GetItemInfo( &II );

					if ( II.iId >= 0 && II.iId < 32 )
						item = &info[ II.iId ];
						item->m_iId						= II.iId;
						item->m_iClip					= gun->m_iClip;

						item->m_flTimeWeaponIdle		= max( gun->m_flTimeWeaponIdle, -0.001 );
						item->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= max( gun->m_flNextPrimaryAttack, -0.001 );
						item->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= max( gun->m_flNextSecondaryAttack, -0.001 );
						item->m_fInReload				= gun->m_fInReload;
				pPlayerItem = pPlayerItem->m_pNext;
	memset( info, 0, 32 * sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );
	return 1;
예제 #2
BOOL CHalfLifeRules :: GetNextBestWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pCurrentWeapon )

	CBasePlayerItem *pCheck;
	CBasePlayerItem *pBest;// this will be used in the event that we don't find a weapon in the same category.
	int iBestWeight;
	int i;

	iBestWeight = -1;// no weapon lower than -1 can be autoswitched to
	pBest = NULL;

	if ( !pCurrentWeapon->CanHolster() )
		// can't put this gun away right now, so can't switch.
		return FALSE;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		pCheck = pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];

		while ( pCheck )
			if ( pCheck->iWeight() > -1 && pCheck->iWeight() == pCurrentWeapon->iWeight() && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon )
				// this weapon is from the same category. 
				if ( pCheck->CanDeploy() )
					if ( pPlayer->SwitchWeapon( pCheck ) )
						return TRUE;
			else if ( pCheck->iWeight() > iBestWeight && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon )// don't reselect the weapon we're trying to get rid of
				if ( pCheck->CanDeploy() )
					// if this weapon is useable, flag it as the best
					iBestWeight = pCheck->iWeight();
					pBest = pCheck;

			pCheck = pCheck->m_pNext;
	if ( !pBest )
		return FALSE;

	pPlayer->SwitchWeapon( pBest );

	return TRUE;
예제 #3
// CWeaponBox - Kill - the think function that removes the
// box from the world.
void CWeaponBox::Kill( void )
	CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon;
	int i;

	// destroy the weapons
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		pWeapon = m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];

		while ( pWeapon )
			pWeapon->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
			pWeapon = pWeapon->m_pNext;

	// remove the box
	UTIL_Remove( this );
예제 #4
// CWeaponBox - Kill - the think function that removes the
// box from the world.
void CWeaponBox::Kill( void )
	CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon;
	int i;

	// destroy the weapons
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		pWeapon = m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];

		while ( pWeapon )
			pWeapon->SetNextThink( 0.1 );
			pWeapon = pWeapon->m_pNext;

	// remove the box
	UTIL_Remove( this );
예제 #5
// CWeaponBox - Touch: try to add my contents to the toucher
// if the toucher is a player.
void CWeaponBox::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( !(pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND ) )

	if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() )
		// only players may touch a weaponbox.

	if ( !pOther->IsAlive() )
		// no dead guys.

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pOther;
	int i;

// dole out ammo
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ )
		if ( !FStringNull( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ) )
			// there's some ammo of this type. 
			pPlayer->GiveAmmo( m_rgAmmo[ i ], (char *)STRING( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ), MaxAmmoCarry( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ) );

			//ALERT ( at_console, "Gave %d rounds of %s\n", m_rgAmmo[i], STRING(m_rgiszAmmo[i]) );

			// now empty the ammo from the weaponbox since we just gave it to the player
			m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] = iStringNull;
			m_rgAmmo[ i ] = 0;

// go through my weapons and try to give the usable ones to the player. 
// it's important the the player be given ammo first, so the weapons code doesn't refuse 
// to deploy a better weapon that the player may pick up because he has no ammo for it.
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		if ( m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] )
			CBasePlayerItem *pItem;

			// have at least one weapon in this slot
			while ( m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] )
				//ALERT ( at_console, "trying to give %s\n", STRING( m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ]->pev->classname ) );

				pItem = m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];
				m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] = m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ]->m_pNext;// unlink this weapon from the box

				if ( pPlayer->AddPlayerItem( pItem ) )
					pItem->AttachToPlayer( pPlayer );

	EMIT_SOUND( pOther->edict(), CHAN_ITEM, "items/gunpickup2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
예제 #6
BOOL CHalfLifeMultiplay :: GetNextBestWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pCurrentWeapon )

	CBasePlayerItem *pCheck;
	CBasePlayerItem *pBest;// this will be used in the event that we don't find a weapon in the same category.
	int iBestWeight;
	int i;

	iBestWeight = -1;// no weapon lower than -1 can be autoswitched to
	pBest = NULL;

	if ( !pCurrentWeapon->CanHolster() )
		// can't put this gun away right now, so can't switch.
		return FALSE;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		pCheck = pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ];

		while ( pCheck )
			if ( pCheck->iWeight() > -1 && pCheck->iWeight() == pCurrentWeapon->iWeight() && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon )
				// this weapon is from the same category. 
				if ( pCheck->CanDeploy() )
					if ( pPlayer->SwitchWeapon( pCheck ) )
						return TRUE;
			else if ( pCheck->iWeight() > iBestWeight && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon )// don't reselect the weapon we're trying to get rid of
				//ALERT ( at_console, "Considering %s\n", STRING( pCheck->pev->classname ) );
				// we keep updating the 'best' weapon just in case we can't find a weapon of the same weight
				// that the player was using. This will end up leaving the player with his heaviest-weighted 
				// weapon. 
				if ( pCheck->CanDeploy() )
					// if this weapon is useable, flag it as the best
					iBestWeight = pCheck->iWeight();
					pBest = pCheck;

			pCheck = pCheck->m_pNext;

	// if we make it here, we've checked all the weapons and found no useable 
	// weapon in the same catagory as the current weapon. 
	// if pBest is null, we didn't find ANYTHING. Shouldn't be possible- should always 
	// at least get the crowbar, but ya never know.
	if ( !pBest )
		return FALSE;

	pPlayer->SwitchWeapon( pBest );

	return TRUE;
예제 #7
void UpdateStats( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
	int i;

	int ammoCount[ MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ];
	memcpy( ammoCount, pPlayer->m_rgAmmo, MAX_AMMO_SLOTS * sizeof(int) );

	// Keep a running time, so the graph doesn't overlap
	if ( gpGlobals->time < gStats.lastGameTime )	// Changed level or died, don't b0rk
		gStats.lastGameTime = gpGlobals->time;
		gStats.dataTime = gStats.gameTime;

	gStats.gameTime += gpGlobals->time - gStats.lastGameTime;
	gStats.lastGameTime = gpGlobals->time;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; i++)
		CBasePlayerItem *p = pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[i];
		while (p)
			ItemInfo II;
			memset(&II, 0, sizeof(II));

			int index = pPlayer->GetAmmoIndex(II.pszAmmo1);
			if ( index >= 0 )
				ammoCount[ index ] += ((CBasePlayerWeapon *)p)->m_iClip;
			p = p->m_pNext;

	float ammo = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS; i++)
		ammo += ammoCount[i] * AmmoDamage( CBasePlayerItem::AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName );

	float health = pPlayer->pev->health + pPlayer->pev->armorvalue * 2;	// Armor is 2X health
	float ammoDelta = fabs( ammo - gStats.lastAmmo );
	float healthDelta = fabs( health - gStats.lastHealth );
	int forceWrite = 0;
	if ( health <= 0 && gStats.lastHealth > 0 )
		forceWrite = 1;

	if ( (ammoDelta > AMMO_THRESHOLD || healthDelta > HEALTH_THRESHOLD) && !forceWrite )
		if ( gStats.nextOutputTime == 0 )
			gStats.dataTime = gStats.gameTime;

		gStats.lastAmmo = ammo;
		gStats.lastHealth = health;

		gStats.nextOutputTime = gStats.gameTime + OUTPUT_LATENCY;
	else if ( (gStats.nextOutputTime != 0 && gStats.nextOutputTime < gStats.gameTime) || forceWrite )
		UpdateStatsFile( gStats.dataTime, (char *)STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), health, ammo, (int)CVAR_GET_FLOAT("skill") );

		gStats.lastAmmo = ammo;
		gStats.lastHealth = health;
		gStats.lastOutputTime = gStats.gameTime;
		gStats.nextOutputTime = 0;